Saturday 12 June 2021

Can't Serve Two Masters - (4162)

 We can serve two masters for a while. But there comes a time when it becomes difficult...

By two masters I mean two masters that are of different or even opposing qualities. Like matter and the spirit or the ego and the essence or the subconscious and the consciousness. 

After a while of serving two masters. We will find that we are not really going anywhere. We will find that we are neither devoted to one or the other and neither of the two are happy and nor are we.

We know well that concentration is what counts. Definition and devotion are really concentration.

If it is true in our heart that we want one for example the path, we will find that we need concentration in the path and serving the other master is not helping things inside of ourselves and maybe outside of ourselves too. 

We may find ourselves conflicted, weak, distracted, lacking depth, just keeping afloat...  

Then we will understand really the wisdom behind what Jesus said and was recorded in the bible.

There is also the situation as well where the love we have gets shared or goes from one master to the other and then inside of ourselves a conflict begins and later when we want to get anywhere in the path we can't because we have our love skattered. A skattered love is not what is useful.

Essentially the wisdom behind what Jesus said is that by serving two masters, we skatter our values, we spread our values too thin serving two masters and then comes miserable inner conflict. 

When we skatter our values we also actually lose our values. To serve two masters is really to lose our values, which are the values of the Being. 

The key is to unite different aspects all under the one master.

End (4162).

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