Tuesday 9 April 2024

Hidden Side of the Psychological Moon Notes - (5043)


This post presents some of the points that we can utilise to discover and know more about the hidden side of our psychology.


The moon in esoteric psychological terms is our egoic psychology. So the hidden side are the egos and their facets of egos which we do not see.

So much of our psychological work is here within the principles of this talk. The main objective of our psychological is to transform darkness into light. The hidden side of our psychological moon is our darkness.

To work with the principles of this talk we really need to be humble. 

Humility in relation to this talk is to truly accept that there is so much about ourselves that we don't know and so much that there is to correct. 

We conquer the level of humility needed to work on the hidden side when the attitude of being happy to know what needs correcting within us, appears in us.

The following points are useful in discovering aspects of the hidden side of our psychological moon.

Discovery and Exploration Points

We project our defects onto others. What we assume that others are thinking, feeling and doing when they do not say anything and when we don't see them acting is usually a projection of our hidden side.

We basically project onto them what we do that we don't know or accept that we do it. As soon as we realise that we do it then we know that it only refers to us and not to anyone else.

We have created so many self-images which are based on what we lack or in other words what we have in the hidden side of ourselves.

When we don't like others getting angry but we are often angry and we react angrily to someone else's anger.

When don't allow others to feel sad, yet we feel sad often and give ourselves the right to feel sad but not extend it to others.

When we can't understand a certain egoical behaviour and we become like fascinated with it or scandalised y it and judge it too harshly. That is because we have the same egos in our hidden side and we have not come to observe them and understand them yet.

When we judge others. When we judge we are judging based on what we are. We are the same psychologically as those that we judge psychologically.

If we see a defect in others it is certain we have it also. It takes one to know one. We know that we have it when the others say that we have it also and we angrily refute it.

Mechanical antipathy and empathy. When we feel mechanical antipathy for someone, it is because we have the same defects. For example a controlling person will not like at first glance another controlling type of person.

When we protect the egos of others. Especially their weaknesses and we get angry when others say that we shouldn't do that.

Anger protects the hidden side of psychological moon.

We are under intense pressure the hidden side of our psychological moon starts to become observable.

End (5043).

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