Sunday 15 September 2024

Lust and Anger - Main Components of Modern Sexuality - (2575)


The following is an edited and adapted section of a document that a fellow missionary wrote on the defect of anger.

Modern Sexuality

The common modern form of sexuality today is one that is founded on the two columns of lust and anger.

It seems that what people these days exhibit in many areas of daily life, especially related to sexuality, is this combination of lust and anger.

This makes sense as the three largest "I's" that we all have are lust, anger and pride.

I think that the most common and also the strongest combinations are: pride and anger, pride and lust and anger and lust.

It is also these combinations that hold a person's level of Being low.

Four Levels

There are four levels of manifestation of the anger-lust combination which follow the three ways anger manifests, which are with the: mind, word and body. 

There are two aspects to all three ways in which anger manifests. These anger directed either against ourselves or against others.

First Level - Word

The first level of manifestation of the anger and lust combination, is in the word. Here the word is used derogatively when speaking about sex. 

Swear words are all related to sex and many jokes that belittle people, and are spoken with ill-intent (anger) have to do with sex or the sexual organs.

There is also an aggressive way of about the sexual act and during the sexual act which comes from anger.

This level follows the anger in the word manifestation. 

Second Level - Mind and Body Related to Ourselves

The second level of manifestation concerns the fulfillment of sexual pleasure through one's own mind and body.

Often aggressive thoughts of various intensity and actions towards oneself are used to arouse the sexual center. 

Third - Mind Ourselves and Body Others 

This third level is expressed in the sexual act through different intensity levels of aggression. Here anger and lust first manifests within the person through mental forms and is then directed outwardly to affect the body of another person.

Fourth - Mind Others and Body Others

The most manifest of the four levels includes activities that submit the physical body of others to torture and cruelty in order to experience sexual pleasure. 

End (2575).

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