Monday, 9 September 2024

The Tenants of Good Comprehension - (5003)


This post presents some points to do with the comprehension of the "I". Some general characteristics of comprehension are also covered.

The Midday Sun, the pinnacle which is what comprehension is in the process of dissolution.



Comprehension of the "I" is the most difficult part of the work of dissolving an "I". 

Comprehension is the middle stage (Observation, Comprehension and Dissolution), it represents the peak of the dissolution process.

Comprehension is our work to complete. While dissolution is the work of the Divine Mother. So we mostly have to do it alone, with whatever degree of consciousness we have.

When comprehension is complete the "I" is ready to be dissolved. Comprehension is the process of extracting the essence from the bottle of conditioning that traps a fragment of essence.

When comprehension is complete there is detachment from the "I". The process of comprehension is really the act of the free consciousness penetrating through the conditioning that has trapped a fragment of essence.

Comprehension is creative. That is, it always brings something new. True comprehension contains the elements of discovery. 

Creative comprehension brings new energy and new or renewed hope. It also brings new depth, new insight and adds momentum.

Comprehension is something very elastic and multi-faceted. What we understood yesterday we may not understand tomorrow, and what we understand today we understand differently from yesterday.

When we comprehend something we can approach and explain the same topic from multiple angles.

Comprehension is something alive and dynamic, many have said, if we are working in the same way as we were five years ago, we are not really working. Our way of working will always change as our comprehension changes.


Observation and separation are the preparation for comprehension.

It is difficult to comprehend something when we do not have any knowledge of how it works, what it does and what it actually is.

To know, we need observation and observation implies a degree of separation. To comprehend we need a degree of separation to not want to ‘be’ that ego. In not being that ego can advance our comprehension of it. 

For comprehension we need the understanding that we are not the "I". We are the not behaviours and conditioning of the "I". we are the free essence. Without this knowledge and understanding we can not 

For the work comprehension harbouring a spirit of wanting to see, understand so to be liberated for our Inner Being and others is the most helpful.


Comprehension represents the acquisition of a significant amount of knowledge regarding the conditioning of the "I".

Knowledge of of the origin of the "I". How it was created and even when and where.

Knowledge of why the ego is the way it is and the why it has the nature that it does.

Clear knowledge of the opposite of the "I".

Clear knowledge of what to do instead. 

Clear knowledge of the exact antidote of the "I" that when applied definitely displaces the "I".

Clear faith and conviction that we don't need the ego.

We see the "I" as a poison that we don't wish to eat.

We know why we are using that ego for and what the payback is.

We keep the ego for a reason. Because it is useful. 

A Powerful State

Comprehension is direct knowledge and power. 

This knowledge is deep knowledge to the esoteric and even ontological level of the conditioning that has trapped a fragment of essence. This power is will-power over that conditioning.

Comprehension is actually a new state of consciousness in relation to the "I" being worked on.

It is actually a state of action. That is definite consistent forward action taken to dissolve an "I".

Comprehension is shown in facts.

Comprehension is increased by taking action against the manifestation of the "I". That is by stopping the "I".

State of weakened hypnotic grip.

State of quickly letting go of the ego. 

A state of non-identification of the "I".

State of disbelief and questioning.

State of being pitted against the "I".

State of active counteracting the "I".

A definite work towards dissolution. Dissolution is held firmly in mind and heart, and is always looked towards.

It is not a state of condemning or judging or moralistic viewpoints.

Indicators of Comprehension

We are able to not do what the ego wants and has done in the past.

We do not slip backwards into identification with that ego. There may be instances of slight identification or intense identification but they are short lived and happen less and less going forward. 


Feelings of freedom from that "I". 

We easily see the same "I" in others and we understand them. We do not criticise them or condemn them. We don't feel annoyed or bothered by others having the same "I".

Much less or no fear of that "I".

We are ready to face the Typhon.

We know exactly what the opposite of that "I" is and we are able to do it.

We also know exactly the way to respond to a given situation without that "I". 

We have obtained a balance between the virtue and the defect. For example, with anger the opposite is sweetness, kindness and serenity as well as force and conviction. Comprehension gives us access to all of these qualities without the conditioning of the "I".

You Will Find

You will disbelieve in the ego as the solution to life's circumstances.

You will see significant amounts of shifting,to the point that you will be actively onto dissolving that "I". You will no longer be a friend of that ego.

You will no longer 'need' that ego.

You will know what to do instead.

You will be able to displace that ego on command.

You can approach the ego from several different angles and each angle will carry a significant relevance and meaning. 


This is the most important part of the work of the dissolution of the "I". It is mandatory and constitutes elimination of the "I". It makes the ego dead to us.

Dissolution is the esoteric formality of actually removing the structure of molecules within us that trap a fragment of essence. Dissolution removes the bottle so that the essence is unable to get trapped in it again.  

Post (5003).

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