Thursday, 28 November 2024

Rescue Parts of Ourselves from Our Abyss Notes - (5381)


Here are some notes to do with ourselves, our abyss and the work related to it.


We have the abyss or infra-dimensions both outside and inside of us. 

We only ever go to the external abyss of nature (of the earth), at night while we sleep (nightmares) and in conscious out of the body experiences. However, we face all day, every day our own abyss.

When we think negatively we descend into our own abyss.

Our Abyss

Our own abyss is: our subconscious, our unconscious and our infra-conscious.

Our own abyss is our darkness and negative polarisations. Our darkness is what we are not aware of, and our negative polarisations are our free values polarised negatively. For example, trust polarised into distrust.

These negative values then descend into the inferior regions of ourselves, which are within us just as it is shown in the Kabbalistic version of the Tree of Life diagram, shown as the Kliphoths. There are actual dimension within our interior.

Our own abyss is related to the 49 levels of the mind. In the sense that because of a lack of light and awareness those greater levels of the mind are in darkness.

When we descend into our own abyss we connect to the abyss of the Earth.


There are parts of ourselves that are truly stuck in our own abyss. 

We have to rescue those parts. Those parts of ourselves that are trapped, are our values or in other words, fractions of our essence. 

Our hope, our faith, our trust, our love etc. may be trapped in our abyss needing rescuing?

What does trapped in our abyss really mean? It means that parts of ourselves, that is parts of our values (part of our hope for example) are polarised into the opposite, to have become negative. For example, our hope has been polarised into 'no hope' and hopelessness.

Only the negative version of a value can descend and be located in our abyss. Never the free value. 

The free values cause our consciousness us to ascend and the polarised values cause our consciousness to descend.

A relationship for example may be stuck in our abyss. Many people have their relationships stuck in the abyss, and their way of relating is through the abyss. Sometimes yes and sometimes in varying degrees of depth.

When hope, faith, love and trust are inverted in a person, the relationship itself sinks into the abyss of that person. This in turn in some time brings the whole relationship down into abyss.

To Rescue

The way to rescue ourselves from our own abyss is using trust, love, faith and hope. 

When those values are inverted we must focus all of our energy into inverting them to the free state. Find what has inverted them and make great efforts of will and comprehension to bring them back to their normal state.

Two or more abysses don't make a height. They make a deeper abyss than any individual intervening abyss.

The above means never answer or respond to anyone's abyss with our abyss. Always give the free value instead. This pays us back so handsomely. 

When something is trapped in our abyss there will always be difficulties, suffering, complications, pain, obstacle after obstacle and misunderstanding and miscommunication after miscommunication.

End (5381).

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