Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Remembering the Future Helps the Present - (5611)

Sounds paradoxical but it is real.

If we remember what we are going to do in the future, near or far we can help ourselves to be more impeccable.

Because we know in the present is where and how we can make or break that future.

Being impeccable or close to it or heading towards it at least will make the future that we yearn for come true.

End (5611).

Integrity is the Essence-Being Relationship - (5610)

We like to keep certain relationships with others strong by not weakening the values hta hold them together.

Though we can very easily forget about doing this with ourselves (Inner Being). 

Not allowing the values that draw us close and closer to the higher parts of our self (Inner Being) to weaken or be compromised is called integrity. 

As a matter of our integrity, keeping and holding certain values to ourselves no matter what happens outside strengthens the essence to Being relationship, and this integrates the Inner Being amongst itself. 

Integrity helps to separate us from the different egos in our interior and gives us separation at the same time from the different events of life.   

End (5610).

The Hidden Value Causing Us to Hide or Cover Up Something Lands Back Onto Us - (5607)

When we hide something or lie about something, the hidden value that is causing us to lie or hide something lands back on us.

For example, we lie to cover up something that we agreed to do but we didn't do for some reason. Later when that lie comes out into the open, the value that made us lie, which in this case could have been laziness, neglect and pride will come back onto us, going against us. We will have to not ignore it, we will have to fix it after all and we will lose trust and face in front of others.    

This is always the way, when we don't relate to the light and the truth. These are the kind of payments as a rule that we face as backlash when playing with the truth. 

End (5607).

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Cultivate An Acceptance of the Light - (5606)

To transform darkness into light, above all we need a love for and deep acceptance of the light.

There is no other power within us than a love for the light that will help us get through the embarrassment and disappointment of seeing our obscurity.

If we love and accept the light we have a good chance of being able to see the vested interests of the ego to keep the obscurity strong.

What really helps to build a conscious trust and love for the light, is to really see all the drawbacks of the darkness. Then contrasting them with the immense benefits of the light.

End (5606).

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Ego is Based on the Principle of Fornication (Samsara) - (5604)

There is such a strange thing in life where it goes that we can spend years working hard to develop something and in a few minutes or even seconds it can be all gone. This applies to material things and esoteric intangible things. 

This is one of the qualities of Samsara.

We can spend our life building and paying for our dream home yet it can be all gone overnight, we can spend years building our customer base and reputation and it too can all go with just one one bad customer experience, we can spend our life developing our path and with a fall it can be lost in seconds, we can be friends for years and just one bad conversation ends it, years in the gym and in a few months it's all gone...

All the pleasures of the egos are also like that they are only very short term and we are left with costly consequences that tak emuch much longer to repair and reinstate.

This applies not only to the "I's" of lust but to all the egos. With anger we take pleasure in getting angry and getting back at the person, yet our image and trust of others in us suffers greatly for months or is even irreparable. With pride we get the feeling of being right but that separates us from others. With gluttony we get the temporary sensations of eating fancy food but we have to work so much to get the weight off and it goes on and on.

This is a part of Samsara, that the creation of the ego through fornication (losing the energy) has brought us. We can only escape that with the awakening of consciousness.

End (5604).

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Christmas Revolution - (5604)

Revolution = To Transmute

To produce a revolution is to transmute. So a Christmas revolution would be to transmute the 'normal' way of doing Christmas into something more conscious and beneficial to the soul (ours and others).

Typical Christmas Experience

A typical Christmas experience goes like this:

■ People have everything what do I get them? I don't know, have to think. We think and ideas start to appear.

■ Some ideas appear then we rush to buy them.

■ While buying gifts we get the feeling that we are not sure if they will be needed or used, but we have to buy something to make sure we have a gift to give.

■ We get impatient because our time is limited and that makes us aggressive while driving, while parking and while in store shopping, and especially in queues at the checkout.

■ An overwhelming amount of washing, cleaning and cooking in preparation for the one or two Christmas gatherings.

■ People go to church for an hour or two and prepare decorations and food for ten times the duration.

■ We gather, and the stress of it makes us uneasy and awkward with our guests and the interactions and getting some things done, have a bit of friction in them.

■ We're finally at the Christmas table, and someone brings up politics or the painful past, and then it's all downhill from there.

■ Disappointment all round. "We only see each other once a year at Christmas and this is how we honour that?".

■ There's an excess of presents and one remembers all those who are suffering in the world in areas of war and conflict and one doesn't feel so good.

■ Have a few drinks to forget about that and bring on the Christmas cheer that ends with a really full stomach and a headache the next morning.

■ Underneath it all quietly in the back of our mind, we think, Jesus couldn't have been born and died for us to do this. Something is missing. Then there is a slight disappointment a slight giving up in religion and in the ability of human beings to deeply reflect: "Oh well, that is just how it is, we say.". 

That does not sound too sincerely warm, truly joyful and spiritual does it?

Well we certainly can't be recluses and not have anything to do with Christmas. That is not right either. That would be to go against the spirit of Christmas. Stories such as the Scrooge and the Grinch teach us about that.

Transmute for the Revolution

So what we have to do is to transmute or transform the experience into something more conscious to give it a superior octave. Which is one that approaches the sincere warmth and joy of the heart, and that is deeply spiritual. 


● Do what you have to do without rushing. Do everything but not in a panic or frantically. Don't allow that. Serenity and good-will help us immensely here.

● Be kind to everyone. If we don't rush we can be kind. As soon as we rush we become aggressive. That is the spirit of Christmas kindness to all. Be kind to those walking in front of us, kind to those driving, those in front of us in the queue, kind to those on the road. The elderly person going so slow, maybe that they are out there buying a gift for someone, when they normally wouldn't be on the road, taking a big risk and way out of their comfort zone for someone else. Fulfilling the Christmas spirit in their way.

● Give less in material things but more in sincere care, attention and warmth. Value the company at the Christmas gathering. Commit to spend more time with them during the coming year.

● Eat moderately, forget drinking, forget the past, forget politics and differences and concentrate on the values and things in common.

● Prepare and work peacefully in the lead up to the Christmas gathering, and forgive the little things that go wrong in the kitchen or on the way to the table.

● Take lots of time to pray and be in remembering of the Being. Remember the Intimate Christ and honour the day with the yearning in our heart that one day too - He, our Intimate Christ will be born.  

Merry Christmas everyone and may you have a Christmas of the Heart 💗.

End (5604).

Monday, 23 December 2024

How we Lie to Ourselves - (5603)

We lie to ourselves and others because of having subconsciousness.

Within everyone's subconscious there is a part that is light and a part that is dark.

We lie when we use our intellect to make the dark part of the subconscious acceptable. 

For example, we steal something and when we are caught we are asked why. So as to not get into more trouble we use our mind to quickly think of a reason that is not true but is acceptable, and hides the real reason why we did it, which is not acceptable.

We lie to ourselves when we notice that we act out of the dark part of the subconscious and we start to believe the excuses and reasons that we invent.

The interesting thing is that the "I" is naturally a lier to ourselves. It's existence is based on reasons, justifications and excuses made by the intellect.

These excuses and reasons are always present in our intellect, they come forth naturally. Difficult to stop, but our work here is to not believe them. Then we won't ever lie to ourselves. To lie to ourselves is the worst thing. It is what really expires our hope to change.

Any "I" is a lie and the work on it, is dismantling all these lies. We start by not believing its reasoning and excuses. We can use the same intellect that generated these excuses to dismantle them. 

End (5603).

Practice When You Don't Feel Like It - (5603)

That is where it's all at: practicing when we don't feel like it.

If we develop ourselves through doing our practices when we don't feel like it, we will gain so much.

We will actually gain consistency, and results come from consistency.

Frankly, we can't wait for when we feel good and feel like practicing to actually practice. Because we often don't feel good and when it is that we feel good, we don't feel like practicing, and so we will only ever practice a few times in a month or even a few times in a year.   

We're really going nowhere practicing like that...

End (5603).

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Serenity - Best Key to Develop Clairvoyance - (5602)

The best key to develop clairvoyance Master Samael says is serenity.

Why? Because serenity allows us to remain relaxed and to give our mind time before it reacts, and clouds our ability to see, imagine and reason.

Serenity allows us to not judge or classify anything with the mind so that we are open minded to see the solution or what comes next.

Anger and reacting blind us.

Serenity is non-reaction and it is in many ways the opposite of anger and fear.

End (5602).

Imagination Used Daily and we Don't Know It - (5601)

Say we are driving faster than usual in a legitimate hurry, and we need to look far ahead to be aware of any potential hazards, we actually use our imagination to do this and we may not be aware of it. 

It is actually our imagination that opens up this other dimension of potential hazard. Our imagination opens this new dimension up, that makes us open to 'see' a potential hazard coming.

If we do not use our imagination we won't see any hazards on the road until they are right in front us.

The same thing with a security guard or a body guard or a sentry. It is really their imagination that allows them to be effective. 

It is not to project anything, but to have that dimension of threat or hazard open to us that then allows us to hear, see or perceive the threat or hazard before it is too obviously right in front of ourselves and our physical senses.

Now, clairvoyance is the development of this openness to other dimensions. 

When we are in a state of alertness waiting to catch an "I" we are working on, we actually use this same imagination in an internal way, applied ot our inner worlds.

End (5601).

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Emotion for the Day has to be Profoundly Meaningful to be Effective - (5600)

To begin the day, in a driven and motivated way for our inner work, we need an emotion that is profound and meaningful to us.

Not an idea, or a motivating thought, but an emotion. A profound emotion at that.

Something like: "today I am going to work to free my soul!" or "Today I am going to work to really change for the benefit of all, mostly for myself that is my Inner Being.".

End (5600).

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Explained a Little: Subconscious, Unconscious and Infra-Conscious Notes - (5592)


I would say human beings in a state of sleeping consciousness live their lives out of a combination of the three below types of consciousness.


It is clear awareness, understanding and knowledge. It is objective and can be understood by all. There is control, logic, organization and order. All is above board, honest and transparent. Here the truth reigns and it is clearly seen.


It is a mixture of the known and unknown. There is a definite duality present. There exists a division, there is one part that is in the light and there is another part that is in the dark.

There is a mixture of two elements. There is a part that is aware and knows, and there is a part that is not aware and does not know. There is a honest part and a dishonest part. 

The part that is in the light is aware of the correct and honest thing to do, and there is some knowledge of the psychological processes involved, however that awareness and knowledge is limited. The rest of the awareness and knowledge resides in the dark part.

For example, the part in the light knows that we feel upset and knows what we want (compensation), yet the reason why we feel upset and want compensation is not known or understood and is in the dark.

Contradictions are an example of the subconscious. For instance, the classical subconscious is that we know something is not quite the correct or honest thing to do, yet we still do it.  

Other classical subconscious examples are: saying one thing and doing another, criticising others while being the same, not being able to do the thing that we know is right, doing the thing that we know is wrong, not being able to stop a desire and so on...  

I would say that currently human beings in the way in which they live, live mostly out of their subconscious, and relate in the subconscious way of relating. 

We often use the conscious part of ourselves to try and explain the subconscious part and that is where lies appear.

What happens when we are in the subsconscious all depends upon how much will is available to the consciousness and how much will is trapped in the dark aspect of the subconscious. 

As Master Samael said the 'sub' in subconscious is what is under or below. It is nearly always the case that the dark aspect of the subconscious is below the normal, that is something not entirely decent, appropriate or honest etc. 

The subconscious is what leads us into the infra-conscious. The more attention we put into the subconscious the sooner it will lead us into the infra-conscious which is not constructive in any way we can look at it.

The interaction with others shows us much of our subconscious.


There are two ways to see the unconscious. One is when we are deeply physically asleep and we are not dreaming, we are far away and we are not aware of anything or are not registering anything. That is we are not at all aware - unconscious.

The other way to look at it, is that one is awake, we are walking and talking yet one is unaware of certain movements or ways of speaking. There is much about ourselves that enters into the zone of unconscious.

When we are just not aware of something, have no knowledge of it or no understanding of it, we can safely say that that something is well within our unconscious.

For example, to not have even thought of giving our neighbour a Christmas present is unconscious. The subconscious may have thought of it but reasoned it way with inferior thinking such as: "they have never given us anything etc. etc.".

Many parts of our day slip into unconscious, where we can't remember what we did.

In the unconscious, one has no idea about what is going on. We don't even remotely suspect what we have in the unconscious.

There is also something interesting worth mentioning here as well. That to focus on something, something has to go into the unconscious for something else to come into the light of the conscious.

The interactions with others also shows us much about our unconscious.


There are degrees of infra-consciousness. The Kliphos represent accurately those degrees as does Dante's "Inferno".

In the infra-conscious one's consciousness becomes polarised and active in the negative. One's will is polarised into the negative and consciously pushes towards deeper negative states.

It is negative will, negative intelligence and negative creativity for the purposes of inferior desires.

Many crimes, organised crime, hatred, resentment, ill-will, obsessions and desires that are planned and executed are examples of the infraconsciosu at work.

War releases the infra-conscious and when under severe pressure, cracks can appear in a person's psyche which releases the infra-conscious.

It seems always to be the case that when the infra-conscious is released and one acts on it, one has little memory of what one did....

End (5392).

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Trusting Helps Open Up Progress in our Visualising Ability - (5599)

Just going with what you visualise, however the image of what you are trying to visualise in your mind's eye appears, helps us very much to further develop that ability to visualise. 

Whether that image be blurry, half an image, not quite the right colour or shape just continue with it. It will improve in quality, as you continue practicing, trust that.

Giving ourselves that trust, that it will improve, allows us to progress.

End (5599).

Friday, 13 December 2024

A Few Different Perspectives on Karma - (5598)

Here are a few different ways to look at our karmic debts and karma in general.

End (5598).

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Power of Joy - (5396)

It is powerful!

It is helpful to enter more into our own Being, as the fabric of our own Being is joy. 

The natural feeling of the essence is the joy to be alive.

It is the power and the key to concentrate. We can concentrate so much more naturally if we find joy in what we are focussing on.

It is the key to overcome tiredness. Because we all have natural access to the massive reserves of energy put aside for joy and what makes us feel joyful.

It is the key to transform the boring and tedious into a smile and something meaningful.

It has the power to lift people up out of negative internal states.

It has the power to heal others and ourselves from many maladies that are psychological, and others that are psychosomatic, as well as even some physical ones.

The power to see the real, the objective and other perspectives of events and people. Reality is never all negative. 

The power to dispel the negative inside and out.

There is joy in our Intimate Christ...

"Life Is Beautiful" with Roberto Benigni showed us something of the transformative power of joy.

Gnostics can be at times unjoyful and so a bit of this conscious power can go a long way.

The key to meditate also. Because meditation is dark and lonely and unpleasant, but if we bring joy to be there with ourselves and to face ourselves, it transforms totally, to be a very pleasant and meaningful practice.

End (5396).

Monday, 9 December 2024

A Life Secret: the Value of Joy - (5595)


A practical secret to life is to be able to find a way to make everything joyful and fun.

If we can do this, which we all can, we can make our life much happier.

Very true right?

As with all the virtues or values, they come to full bloom amidst their opposite. Their power always resides in being able to transform something mechanical and negative into something conscious and positive.

When we are tired, bored, fed up, miserable, sad and lazy, that is precisely when we need the value of joy.

When we bring joy, we give ourselves the power make what we are doing right now, fun and joyful.

Just imagine our boss doing that. It would be great, it would be so infectious making everyone happy. But that, alas is too childish for him or her to do.

It is pride that stops us from making something boring or tiring or humiliating fun or joyful...

Many people are miserable and unhappy only because they have never consciously engaged their power of joy.

Why do we love dogs so much? Because they are an animal that have a lot of innate joy, and that joy makes us feel the same - joyful.

End (5595).

Tension is not Trust - Trust to Relax - (5394)

Tension is tightens our body and emotions. When we are apprehensive or having to face something we believe will be unpleasant we tighten up.

We tighten up to brace ourselves for the pain to come.

When we trust in the moment and in our Being that brings us each moment of our life, we have a reason to trust and relax.

We can trust whatever the moment brings, because our Inner Being is behind it. If it be pleasant, if it be unpleasant, if it be 'not as bad as we thought', if it 'be better than we expected', our Inner Being is behind it. 

If we analyse each moment, we can come to the conclusion that every moment that we live in life, could have been worse... 

If we think that about a unpleasant moment that is coming to us, we can trust and relax in what the moment will bring...

End (5394).

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Negative Critical Fascination with a Person for a Secret Reason - to Help them! - (5391)

Here is some knowledge from a mini revelation of the consciousness.

We all have contracts or debts with others that are present not at a human level but at an internal level. Such as an essence to essence level or a Mondad to Monad level. 

Where these contracts or debts come from we may not know. From the past I'd say, when a certain pact or agreement was made between souls or Monads.

Anyhow, we come to life with those contracts, and in time we meet those whom we have these contracts with physically. As we are asleep we don't become fully of aware of the contract we have internally to help that person.

We know something deep down that we must help them, yet we don't. We may totally avoid or ignore them, or help just a bit here and there, nothing special or substantial.

As mentioned before, we are asleep and what happens, is that in time, we develop a strange kind of obsession or a fascination with person that is critical and negative. Where we want to know what they are doing, why they do this and that and we may often criticise and analyse them.

We investigate within ourselves why we have that fascination and we find, yes that we have the same egos and we do our work on that and we get some inner light. Yet that fascination comes back, not as heavy or critical but it is back. 

One day a revelation comes, which says that because we are asleep or not fully awake, the Being within us uses those critical egos as a way to bring the person to our mind constantly, daily, so that we get the message that we need to help them. 

When we realise this we can then fulfil that internal contract or debt and truly help them and then the fascination or obsession will definitely disappear and turn into perhaps a friendship.

Even a person may keep giving us trouble wanting that we help them because deep down in their consciousness they know that we have a debt with them and they want that we pay it, so to set both of us free.

End (5391).

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Patience as Endurance - (5390)

There is a part of patience which can be called conscious endurance. 

Which means to endure some difficult reactions within ourselves for a greater good. A good greater than the ourselves, especially those vested or egoic interests. 

The type of conscious endurance that is needed that falls under patience, is the type where we observe the difficult reaction unfold within ourselves. and endure the difficult feelings and wait that they pass. We do this knowingly so to die and for the greater good. 

Here patience, is to endure the difficulty that arises within. The more we consciously endure the more we comprehend and the weaker the difficulty becomes.

In order to die within ourselves we all need this power at some point for some stage. But never for always...

End (5390).

What Counts in Sacrifice for the Work is Higher Frequency, Duration and Intensity All Combined - (5389)

It seems the sacrifice that moves mountains in our spiritual work is really sacrifices sustained over the long term. As that is what is more difficult. 

Many can sacrifice something for a night, but to sustain that, higher energy, will and values such as love are needed.

End (5389).

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Why Does Everything have Consciousness? - (5388)

The answer is because everything has knowledge.

Consciousness is knowledge and being.

For anything to be what it is, it needs knowledge. That is knowledge of how to be what it is.

Even rocks have consciousness, because they know how to atomically be a rock.

This knowledge is precisely consciousness.

If there is no knowledge there is no thing.

If there is knowledge there also has to be a 'knower'. This 'knower' comes from being which comes from the consciousness.

The conclusion here is, that the more we expand our consciousness the more we can 'be'.

End (5388).

Complicated and Intricate Equation of Recurrences - (5387)

To make recurrences happen a very complicated and intricate equation must be solved.

One day I experienced a one minute long recurrence with a gentlemen that I sold a watch to. He did not recognise me, but I recognised the watch as well as the gentlemen.

He was waiting to cross a busy city terrace and for some reason his watch caught my eye. I slowly  recognised the watch as the one I use to have and then I recognised the gentlemen. I thought my goodness to make this one minute happen (how long it took the lights to change) how many things had to happen in my day, how many small decisions and events were made to unknowingly to make this happen.

Maybe it would have happened in another way but it still was destined to happen. That equation of recurrence had to be solved somehow. 

I imagine such equations exist in life, our karma creates the variable in the equation as well as the structure of the equation and our decisions in time and space are the inputs into the variables and the constants. 

Who is the mathematician in charge of creating those equations? Partly ourselves and the intelligent law of Karma and Recurrence.

End (5387).

Karma for Men and Women from the Within the Mysteries - (5386)

One may suspect that individuals can have a kind of karma that has to do with one sex in particular.

For example, can there be a woman that in whatever interaction she has with any male in or not in her life not turn out well, become complicated and difficult, and turn conflictive?

Is something like that possible?

Obviously it would not be all that common. 

We can certainly have karma related to a person or a family or a group of individuals, even a country but to a sex?

Anyhow, I think that it can happen, especially if a person develops a deep inward negative attitude to a particular sex.

I even believe we can have karmic debts related to a certain animal species. 

It makes sense to me that if a person during their life went on a mission hunting down a certain species for reasons way outside of any real need (if there ever be such a thing), such as for revenge, pleasure, entertainment, that they would incur a karmic debt against that animal. Perhaps even die by, or because of one of the animals of that species.

Now, back to the issue of the karma against a sex. Imagine a person out of egoic reasons developed such a force of dislike and rejection that they ended up becoming against the Divine Feminine or Masculine within themselves, it makes sense right that they could incur some karmic debt related to that principle?

For example, the monks and nuns and even those who knew the secret of the Arcana but kept it in secret and only taught it to one sex alone.

For every karma there is a value to be used as a way to pay. Normally the order is to align correctly  with that special value inwardly first, then align outwardly. 

Meaning to come into good terms with the principle within us first then go outwards and come good with the physical presence of the same principle. 

End (5386).

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Values Inside Fear - (5385)

This diagram shows how behind each facet of an ego there is a certain value that is lacking. That same value is the precious antidote.

This diagram also says that the lack of a value manifests in a way to compensate externally for the lacking value.

This diagram also says that there is a solution to that lacking of a value. I don't really agree with the resolutions listed, because the real resolution is the filling of the value lacking by giving that value (to oneself and others) and dissolving the "I" that conditions this value in the wrong direction.

End (5385).

Work or Growth Principles - Interesting - (5384)

Many times in our Gnostic studies we stop making positive changes in ourselves. The main point of the teachings is for us to change.

Here are some ideas - even though superficial but still good that can help us to get our focus back onto changing ourselves and our nature.

End (5384).

About Creating Boundaries - (4638)

Here are some ideas or concepts that may be useful to people who are working on themselves to be able to say 'no' to certain circumstances that are not benefiting them.

A 'no' to certain circumstances is a 'yes' at the same time to better circumstances.

End (4638).