Sunday, 1 December 2024

Values Inside Fear - (5385)

This diagram shows how behind each facet of an ego there is a certain value that is lacking. That same value is the precious antidote.

This diagram also says that the lack of a value manifests in a way to compensate externally for the lacking value.

This diagram also says that there is a solution to that lacking of a value. I don't really agree with the resolutions listed, because the real resolution is the filling of the value lacking by giving that value (to oneself and others) and dissolving the "I" that conditions this value in the wrong direction.

End (5385).

Work or Growth Principles - Interesting - (5384)

Many times in our Gnostic studies we stop making positive changes in ourselves. The main point of the teachings is for us to change.

Here are some ideas - even though superficial but still good that can help us to get our focus back onto changing ourselves and our nature.

End (5384).

About Creating Boundaries - (4638)

Here are some ideas or concepts that may be useful to people who are working on themselves to be able to say 'no' to certain circumstances that are not benefiting them.

A 'no' to certain circumstances is a 'yes' at the same time to better circumstances.

End (4638).