I would say human beings in a state of sleeping consciousness live their lives out of a combination of the three below types of consciousness.
It is clear awareness, understanding and knowledge. It is objective and can be understood by all. There is control, logic, organization and order. All is above board, honest and transparent. Here the truth reigns and it is clearly seen.
It is a mixture of the known and unknown. There is a definite duality present. There exists a division, there is one part that is in the light and there is another part that is in the dark.
There is a mixture of two elements. There is a part that is aware and knows, and there is a part that is not aware and does not know. There is a honest part and a dishonest part.
The part that is in the light is aware of the correct and honest thing to do, and there is some knowledge of the psychological processes involved, however that awareness and knowledge is limited. The rest of the awareness and knowledge resides in the dark part.
For example, the part in the light knows that we feel upset and knows what we want (compensation), yet the reason why we feel upset and want compensation is not known or understood and is in the dark.
Contradictions are an example of the subconscious. For instance, the classical subconscious is that we know something is not quite the correct or honest thing to do, yet we still do it.
Other classical subconscious examples are: saying one thing and doing another, criticising others while being the same, not being able to do the thing that we know is right, doing the thing that we know is wrong, not being able to stop a desire and so on...
I would say that currently human beings in the way in which they live, live mostly out of their subconscious, and relate in the subconscious way of relating.
We often use the conscious part of ourselves to try and explain the subconscious part and that is where lies appear.
What happens when we are in the subsconscious all depends upon how much will is available to the consciousness and how much will is trapped in the dark aspect of the subconscious.
As Master Samael said the 'sub' in subconscious is what is under or below. It is nearly always the case that the dark aspect of the subconscious is below the normal, that is something not entirely decent, appropriate or honest etc.
The subconscious is what leads us into the infra-conscious. The more attention we put into the subconscious the sooner it will lead us into the infra-conscious which is not constructive in any way we can look at it.
The interaction with others shows us much of our subconscious.
There are two ways to see the unconscious. One is when we are deeply physically asleep and we are not dreaming, we are far away and we are not aware of anything or are not registering anything. That is we are not at all aware - unconscious.
The other way to look at it, is that one is awake, we are walking and talking yet one is unaware of certain movements or ways of speaking. There is much about ourselves that enters into the zone of unconscious.
When we are just not aware of something, have no knowledge of it or no understanding of it, we can safely say that that something is well within our unconscious.
For example, to not have even thought of giving our neighbour a Christmas present is unconscious. The subconscious may have thought of it but reasoned it way with inferior thinking such as: "they have never given us anything etc. etc.".
Many parts of our day slip into unconscious, where we can't remember what we did.
In the unconscious, one has no idea about what is going on. We don't even remotely suspect what we have in the unconscious.
There is also something interesting worth mentioning here as well. That to focus on something, something has to go into the unconscious for something else to come into the light of the conscious.
The interactions with others also shows us much about our unconscious.
There are degrees of infra-consciousness. The Kliphos represent accurately those degrees as does Dante's "Inferno".
In the infra-conscious one's consciousness becomes polarised and active in the negative. One's will is polarised into the negative and consciously pushes towards deeper negative states.
It is negative will, negative intelligence and negative creativity for the purposes of inferior desires.
Many crimes, organised crime, hatred, resentment, ill-will, obsessions and desires that are planned and executed are examples of the infraconsciosu at work.
War releases the infra-conscious and when under severe pressure, cracks can appear in a person's psyche which releases the infra-conscious.
It seems always to be the case that when the infra-conscious is released and one acts on it, one has little memory of what one did....
End (5392).
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