Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Christmas Revolution - (5604)

Revolution = To Transmute

To produce a revolution is to transmute. So a Christmas revolution would be to transmute the 'normal' way of doing Christmas into something more conscious and beneficial to the soul (ours and others).

Typical Christmas Experience

A typical Christmas experience goes like this:

■ People have everything what do I get them? I don't know, have to think. We think and ideas start to appear.

■ Some ideas appear then we rush to buy them.

■ While buying gifts we get the feeling that we are not sure if they will be needed or used, but we have to buy something to make sure we have a gift to give.

■ We get impatient because our time is limited and that makes us aggressive while driving, while parking and while in store shopping, and especially in queues at the checkout.

■ An overwhelming amount of washing, cleaning and cooking in preparation for the one or two Christmas gatherings.

■ People go to church for an hour or two and prepare decorations and food for ten times the duration.

■ We gather, and the stress of it makes us uneasy and awkward with our guests and the interactions and getting some things done, have a bit of friction in them.

■ We're finally at the Christmas table, and someone brings up politics or the painful past, and then it's all downhill from there.

■ Disappointment all round. "We only see each other once a year at Christmas and this is how we honour that?".

■ There's an excess of presents and one remembers all those who are suffering in the world in areas of war and conflict and one doesn't feel so good.

■ Have a few drinks to forget about that and bring on the Christmas cheer that ends with a really full stomach and a headache the next morning.

■ Underneath it all quietly in the back of our mind, we think, Jesus couldn't have been born and died for us to do this. Something is missing. Then there is a slight disappointment a slight giving up in religion and in the ability of human beings to deeply reflect: "Oh well, that is just how it is, we say.". 

That does not sound too sincerely warm, truly joyful and spiritual does it?

Well we certainly can't be recluses and not have anything to do with Christmas. That is not right either. That would be to go against the spirit of Christmas. Stories such as the Scrooge and the Grinch teach us about that.

Transmute for the Revolution

So what we have to do is to transmute or transform the experience into something more conscious to give it a superior octave. Which is one that approaches the sincere warmth and joy of the heart, and that is deeply spiritual. 


● Do what you have to do without rushing. Do everything but not in a panic or frantically. Don't allow that. Serenity and good-will help us immensely here.

● Be kind to everyone. If we don't rush we can be kind. As soon as we rush we become aggressive. That is the spirit of Christmas kindness to all. Be kind to those walking in front of us, kind to those driving, those in front of us in the queue, kind to those on the road. The elderly person going so slow, maybe that they are out there buying a gift for someone, when they normally wouldn't be on the road, taking a big risk and way out of their comfort zone for someone else. Fulfilling the Christmas spirit in their way.

● Give less in material things but more in sincere care, attention and warmth. Value the company at the Christmas gathering. Commit to spend more time with them during the coming year.

● Eat moderately, forget drinking, forget the past, forget politics and differences and concentrate on the values and things in common.

● Prepare and work peacefully in the lead up to the Christmas gathering, and forgive the little things that go wrong in the kitchen or on the way to the table.

● Take lots of time to pray and be in remembering of the Being. Remember the Intimate Christ and honour the day with the yearning in our heart that one day too - He, our Intimate Christ will be born.  

Merry Christmas everyone and may you have a Christmas of the Heart 💗.

End (5604).


  1. These words are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing such inspiration 💗
