Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Remedy 101 Series: "Other Person has Lots of Money" - (5352)

Here is a post, with some remedy tips about when we talk to someone who has lots of money and we feel somewhat strange afterwards.


It's all relative there are others with much more money! See the infographic below - how what being 'rich' in each country is different.

If we observer the lives of others, we see that a person could have lots of money but yet there is always  a side to their life where things are not going so well, and no matter how much they have, it will not get better.

All people on Earth have karma and if it is not to do with money it will be to do with something else.

We always have what we need. What we have right now is exactly what we need in many respects.

Health, a peaceful mind and a bright consciousness is a far greater treasure than money.

It is good to have money but to have the wisdom and the right state of consciousness to enjoy and use it wisely (constructively) to help others is another thing all together.

Having money does not equal happiness. It does not get close to equaling profound happiness that comes from the essence fulfilling the will of the Inner Being. 

Consciousness is not a matter of money. 

People can not take their money with them. But we can take our consciousness with us.

Keep and Eye Out for...

Envy. The main cause of being left with such strange feelings after the conversation is envy and pride.

Accept totally that the other person has that money. They have it because they deserve it. It is totally fair that they have it. The Divine Law does not make mistakes. If you want money make friends with them and learn to do what they did - which no doubt was work hard, make sacrifices and save (spend little).

No Don't and Yes Do

No, don't start to look into stock market investing and any other make money quickly schemes. 

No, don't go gambling, play lotto and start day trading.

No, don't try and put them down in other areas just so that our pride feels better. Remember pride hates justice and it is just that they have the money they have. If it is not just then they will lose it some how...

Yes, work even harder on yourself. Work on that envy, greed and pride.

Yes, be grateful for your job and work better at your own job.

Yes, keep to your spiritual goals and work towards achieving them. No, don't drop them for materialistic money related goals. 

Such an encounter just tested your definition. It was a run-in with materialism and the common life way of thinking that money is happiness, success and joy. We know well that the work says that real joy and happiness has nothing to do with money.

In the end at the moment of our death what will count is how rich we are in consciousness not in dollars.

End (5352).

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