Tuesday 31 January 2017

Transmutation is Communication and Healing with and of the Sexual Centre – (1487)

Consciously Transmute

When we consciously and mindfully transmute our sexual energy we actually do something remarkable and it is to communicate and commune with our sexual centre.

When we transmute mindfully we actually connect our awareness then our mind and heart to our sexual centre. Then a channel of communication is established. There we can perceive our sexual centre and perceive the way it reacts and behaves in response to our thoughts and feelings. We can also perceive how the energy is being moved and transmuted.

We can perceive how our sexual centre changes when we send positive thoughts and feelings to it. We can perceive how it is benefited with our positive intentions and conscious waves of communication.

This for anyone is like a certain joy of integration. This can be experienced while a person is single or married and perhaps as a practice it is best done by oneself to start with. Because then one can concentrate fully on one’s sexual centre while transmuting using a mantra or prana yama etc. to establish this practice well within oneself.


With a channel of communication, we can then converse with our sexual centre and this is very beneficial. Our sexual centre has a marvellous intelligence and so when we converse with it silently with awareness to awareness with our benevolent exchange of emotion we bring our sexual centre into line and into co-operation with our yearnings and aspirations.

With communication to our sexual centre we make our sexual centre an ally and we can heal it. It has an atomic intelligence and we can connect to it with our consciousness.

Heal Your Sexual Centre This Way

This way is a marvellous way to heal our sexual centre. Because of wrong uses our sexual centre can need some healing. This communication heals the sexual centre. It opens many subtle channels for blockages to be channelled to the correct spots, it activates certain self-healing processes within the sexual centre and it incites the sexual centre to work correctly and correct functioning produces health and is health.

Read more below about how our sexual centre can be ill-affected.


There is no communication or communion when people engage in the opposite activity. People just demand from their sexual centre, they put pressure on it and they are not aware of it at all. They do not even know that they are damaging it.

They strain it, they extinguish it, they cause tremendous blockages to form there amongst the sexual organs, for example in the testicles and ovaries. These tensions and blockages can be healed through transmuting mindfully and communicating consciously with our sexual centre.


Transmute (single or married) always as consciously as possible. It is a transformative, healing, integrating and consciousness generating process and experience.

This benevolence of transmutation shows up the harm of lust so that we can much easier contrast the next time lust appears in our human machine.

End (1487).

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