Thursday, 31 January 2019

7 of 7 - Being and the Nervous System - (2854)

It makes to say that when a living value or quality of our real Being or essence is expressing itself within our psychology, we feel the effects of this in our physiology. For us to feel physiological effects our nervous system must be involved. No doubt about it.

The big question here is how does it get involved and which parts of our nervous system are involved.

For example, when we are scared and we remember the quality of trust and we evoke it within ourselves a definite physiological shift occurs. The anxiety with all its physical symptoms goes, and a calm accompanied by a very comfortable, almost soft and fuzzy emotion sets in, along with a positive and hopeful outlook. For trust to have worked this magic it must have tapped into our nervous system, there is no doubt about it. How did it do it and which part of the nervous system did it use?

From Master Samael we can say that essence and the inner Being use the Autonomic Nervous System to manifest itself and its values through to our physiology.

It uses the Autonomic Nervous System through the brain. The essence is connected to the body through the brain. That is why Master Samael, a kind if immortality was achieved through brain transplants. Because the essence remain connected to the brain.

The human soul when it is incarnated takes up its seat in the hypothalamus gland from which there it connects to our nervous system.

End (2854).

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

5 of 7 - Psychological Work and the Nervous System - (2852)


Our psychological work in many respects is an encounter with our nervous system.

The ego in our psyche accesses our nervous system through our brain.

Through the nervous system the ego has access to the centres of our human machine. Then through the centres of our human machine the ego has access to our feelings, actions and some of our instinctive bodily functions: such as digestion, heart beat, sweating, saliva production etc.

Displace Ego from the Nervous System

The main goal of the psychological work is to be able to displace the ego from using any one of our nervous systems. Which is the same thing as displacing the ego from our human machine.

As soon as we have displaced the ego from any one of our nervous systems we feel fine again and we are in peace.

The pangs of pain that we feel from the many egos that we have are felt in us through our nervous system.

If we are observant enough we can come to feel our nervous system and we can know through this kind of observation when the ego is starting to use our nervous system.

Buzzing Agitation

When we are irritated or awkward or uncomfortable, our nervous system has been activated by an ego and one can feel a certain buzzing or energy flowing into our nervous system agitating us.

Anxiety and Fear

The many symptoms of anxiety and fear are the sympathetic nervous system in action.

If we know how to engage our parasympathetic nervous system we can greatly diminish the very unpleasant sensations of the sympathetic nervous system acting on our body.

To do this we must breathe out long and slow, and breathe in reasonably deeply and quickly. This activates more the parasympathetic nervous system which is the one that relaxes. This also lowers our heart rate.

Sexual Energy

When a person can not control their sexual energy well during the alchemy it is due to the sympathetic nervous system being too active. This nervous system is the one which typically causes the loss of the sexual energy.

Therefore it would make sense that a person who has trouble losing the sexual energy to activate more the parasympathetic nervous system. Using long exhalations and reducing the importance being placed on the sexual organs by his or her focused attention. It also makes sense to then defuse the attention being placed on the sexual organ as energy flows to where attention is placed.

Pathways of the Ego in the Nervous System

After a long extended period of the ego using the human machine certain path ways of energy are established in the body between the brain through the nervous system to the centres. These pathways become more and more solid and so eventually what happens is that the ego does not need to think in us anymore to get access to the nervous system. Instead that groove connects the senses directly to the brain through the peripheral nervous system and from the brain to the autonomic nervous system then to the centres of the human machine. 

These grooves in our nervous system form a mechanical way in which we perceive certain events and also the way we respond to these events. Therefore we become very mechanical and conditioned through the nervous system.

The key in becoming conscious is that our psychological and esoteric work remove these grooves in our nervous system and make the nervous system flexible and pliable receptive to the consciousness.


The worst that can happen with our nervous system is that it becomes damaged and a hyper-sensitivity ensues.

Loud noises, rough impressions all harm our nervous system. We can then become easily frazzled, overwhelmed, irritated and nervous about everything.

Meditation and being in or near water actually is very good to relax, heal and strengthen our nervous system.

End (2852).

4 of 7 - Transmutation and the Nervous System - (2851)

Transmutation - When Both Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Function

As mentioned earlier a person transmutes when both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems function together.

When only the parasympathetic nervous system is working there is just arousal and no transmutation. If the sympathetic nervous system tries to function without the parasympathetic nervous system there will not be transmutation either.

Prana Yama

When we do for example prana yama we start with one nostril working only. When our left nostril is working we feel a bit too relaxed. When the right nostril is working we feel quite agitated and perhaps restless.

Ida and pingala are two channels which link our nostrils to our sexual organs. Ida and pingala are intimately linked to the two nervous systems - sympathetic and parasympathetic.

This left nostril is linked to the parasympathetic nervous system becasue it relaxes and the right nostril is linked to the sympathetic nervous system becasue it agitates.

When through prana yama we manage to balance both nostrils and they start to function harmoniously together, we then begin to transmute our sexual energy and we feel really good. Clear in our mind with an increase in our vitality.


When we chant Ham-Sah we inhale long with HAM and we exhale short with SAH.

Inhalation is related to the sympathetic nervous system and exhale is related to the parasympathetic nervous system. This is becasue inhaling energizes and exhaling relaxes.

So when we empahsise one part of the breath over another we activate more that part of our nervous system. For example inhaling longer activates more the sympathetic nervous system. So with Ham-Sah we actually are emphasizing more the upward movement of the sexual energy. Which coincidentally makes Ham-Sah a more powerful practice of transmutation than the prana yama.

In the Ham-Sah practice both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are used. Only that one is used more than the other.

Other Points

Transmutation energizes our nervous systems and also strengthens them. A nervous system that has energy circulating through it is one that is more balanced.

A nervous system which is lacking energy is one that is either very sensitive and produces overly intense sensations in the body which our psychology easily reacts too in an intense manner.

The above paragraph allows us to appreciate that a healthy nervous system allows us to respond properly to the world, whereas a damaged, or energy deprived or tired nervous system causes us to respond incorrectly.

As our transmutation impacts our nervous system, our behaviour changes, and as our nervous system becomes more and more energised our essence integrates more energetically with the centres of the the human machine. Giving us more control over our centres and buffering the ego from being able to use the nervous system so easily.

We also make our nervous system more solar, that is by making it to function more with solar energies, as that is what circulates through it more when we transmute and work psychologically.

End (2851).

Monday, 28 January 2019

3 of 7 - Sexual Centre and the Nervous System - (2850)

Sexual Centre

The sexual centre is a very interesting case in relation to the other centres and the nervous system.

The sexual centre can work all by itself. When this happens the essence in a person is using the sexual centre. However, the sexual centre normally functions in combination with the other centres. Perhaps with just one or two centres such as the intellect and emotion or with three - bringing the motor centre into the equation and with all the other four centres bringing the instinctive centre into use.

The Alchemy involves the use of the intellect, emotion and motor centres, with the difference being that the motor centre is passive and the intellect and emotion are focused on the inner Being. 

The instinctive centre plays a role in the functioning of the sexual centre supplying some of the attraction and impulses.

There are other elements in the instinctive centre that should not be allowed to influence the sexual centre, in the practice of Alchemy so as to not degenerate the practice...

Sexual Centre and Nervous Systems

The following knowledge comes from a very good friend who is a Gnostic missionary. 

So he said that the sexual centre is the only centre in which both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems function. The parasympathetic nervous system arouses the sexual centre and the sympathetic nervous system causes the sexual energy to move.

For the functioning of the sexual centre both of these two operations are needed, arousal and the movement of the sexual energy.

For transmutation will and imagination must be employed to direct the movement of the sexual energy inwards and upwards. If not the energy level will rise and the shortest path to solve the issue of too much energy being moved into the sexual centre will be sort by the instinctive centre, which is to move the energy downwards and outwards. However, if one has trained their instinctive centre to transmute this will not happen. The instinctive centre will move the energy inwards and upwards.

It so turns out that breathing allows us an entry point to consciously operate these two nervous systems in relation to the sexual centre. More about that in the next post, thanks to the words of my friend.

End (2850).

Friday, 25 January 2019

2 of 7: Nervous System and the Three Brains - (2849)


The idea of this post is to marry what Science has to say about the nervous system with what Gnosis teaches.

Function of the Nervous System

Science says that the function of the nervous system in us, is to provide a means by which the various parts of the body are connected to the brain. Using the nerves which make up the nervous system the brain can send impulses (of a electrochemical nature) to the various parts of the body and receive signals from the body so to initiate new movements or processes.

In Gnosis, the nervous system is an energy circuit, it is the means by which energy flows through our body to its various parts (organs, ).

The prana that our body receives moves through (not exclusively though) the channels of the nervous system. Also, the sexual energy that we transmute impresses our nervous system and moves though it.

It is also the means by which the essence, then later the human soul and a little later after that, Atman - the Being within us controls the human machine.

The essence can use the nervous system, and as we all well know, the various "I's" within us use and impact our nervous system to use and affect the body.

Three Brains

The three brains of our human machine are very intimately related with our nervous system.

Intellectual Brain and the Central Nervous System

I think that it is logical to say that the Central Nervous System is more related to the intellectual brain than the other three brains. This is because the central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord.

It has also been said that the central nervous system is the Tree of Life within us.

Motor, Instinctive and Sexual Brain and the Autonomic Nervous System

I think that it is logical to say that the motor, instinctive and sexual centres are related to the Autonomic Nervous System more than any other nervous system. 

It is also important to say that these nervous systems are all related and connected. Obviously, the motor and sexual centres work in relation to the intellectual brain and so the central nervous system has to connect to the autonomic nervous system to initiate certain processes in those two centres (motor and sexual). 

It also has been said that the motor, instinctive and sexual centres are the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil within us. 

The Autonomic Nervous System has much to do also with our emotional centre. As it is plays a critical role in determining certain emotional states within us.


The nervous system within us is intimately related to our three brains. so related that we can say that each each brain is essentially a nervous system.

As the brain in our head controls/regulates everything in the body, all the nervous systems are related to our physical brain. Therefore our three brains are related to each other through our physical brain. Therefore proving the fact that the intellectual centre influences all the centres. Thus the formidable law within us of: first - thinking, second - feeling and third - acting.

We have the two trees of the garden of Eden within us here and now, in the way of our central nervous system (Tree of Life) and our Autonomic Nervous System (Tree of the Science of Good and Evil).

End (2849).

Thursday, 24 January 2019

1 of 7: Gnosis on the Nervous System - (2848)


Master Samael mentions "Grand Sympathetic Nervous System" from time to time in his works.

The book in which he mentions it the most is his book titled: "Endocrinology and Criminology".

He wrote such things as:


"This machine has its rudder and lever from which it is governed and conducted. That rudder is the autonomic nervous system. The pilot that controls this machine is the Innermost (the Holy Spirit). Therefore, by means of the autonomic nervous system lever, the Innermost wrapped in the Astral body controls the whole organism and all the hormonal secretions."


"The vital energy collected by the spleenic chakra passes to the solar plexus and then spreads throughout all the nervous channels of the autonomic system, filling the whole human organism with life."


"Traumas and nervous impressions often disturb the functions of the central nervous system and the functions of the autonomic nervous system, as well as the glands of internal secretion."

The first statement especially stands out, as it tells us that the nervous system is of significance to studies.

This statement tells us that if we can become more aware of our nervous system we can help our inner Being better move and affect our physical body.

The second statement tells us that our nervous system is really the conductor of energy in our body. Therefore the quality of our nervous system directly affects the energies moving through our body. Without energy we can do nothing.

Modern Science

When we consult what modern Science has to say about the nervous system we find that there is a lot of information available.

A brief run down of what Science has discovered about the nervous system is needed for this study.

This is a very brief run down of the various divisions of the nervous system in the human body.

Modern science tells us that all invertebrates have a nervous system. In the nervous system that an invertebrate has there are two main parts. Our nervous system, science says has, also these two main parts.

These two main parts are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.

From the peripheral nervous system stems two other well known nervous systems which are the Autonomic and Somatic nervous systems.

From the Autonomic nervous system stem the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems.

Grand Sympathetic = Autonomic 

I asked a good friend who knows quite a lot about this topic from the Gnostic point of view, and he said that when Master Samael mentions the "Grand Sympathetic Nervous System" or even the "Sympathetic Nervous System" he is really referring to the Autonomic Nervous System which includes both the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems known to Science.

In some of the latest editions of "Endocrinology and Criminology", references to the "Grand Sympathetic Nervous System" have been replaced by the "Autonomic Nervous System".

End (2848).

0 of 7: Our Nervous System Posts Index - (2847)


Here is what I propose to post on the subject of "Our Nervous System".

Post Index 

Post 1 of 7: Gnosis on the Nervous System

Post 2 of 7: Nervous System and the Three Brains

Post 3 of 7: Sexual Centre and the Nervous System

Post 4 of 7: Transmutation and the Nervous System

Post 5 of 7: Psychological Work and the Nervous System

Post 6 of 7: Interior Divinity and the Nervous System

Post 7 of 7: Esoteric Work and the Nervous System

End (2847).

Seek Out an Honest Day - (2846)

The most worthy thing I feel is to live the day honestly.

As honesty Master Samael says is the greatest power, it is what brings the most fulfillment to a person. That feels logical to me.

An honest day feels to be one where we above all are honestly vigilant of our defects and honestly to our best to not fall into them.

Because knowingly lapsing into our defects causes the feelings of lament and knowing we can do better but we chose not to, and this is our point of honesty and dishonesty with ourselves.

If we have honesty with ourselves it is easy to be honest to with others.

End (2846).

Yearning has Trust, and Trust Becomes Will - (2845)

We need so much to have yearning in our background.

It is what makes the difference between doing something and doing nothing in our psychological and esoteric work.

When we yearn we are trusting. Because we have trust that what we yearn for can be realised.

When we trust we begin to work, that is: take action.

Rune Man!
This is because trust invokes good-will, and good-will brings action.

As soon as we act, all three: yearning, trust and will unite, and dynamically carry us forward, and as long as all three stay together they will muster the qualities necessary to surmount the inevitable obstacles.

End (2845).

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Esoteric Schools - (2844)

An esoteric school is one that through its teachings introduces its students into the knowledge of and experiences of that which is often hidden from the senses and the common knowledge of society.

By the definition of esoteric we find “that which is understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest”. Such a school would then take the yearnings - the sincere interest of its students, and initiate them into the practical realisation of its specialised knowledge - which happens to be the mysteries, which are available to all to unveil for themsleves, but only those of sincere interest seek to unveil them.

An esoteric school inculcates the necessary qualities in its pupils to gradually arrive at profound spiritual realisations, which as every true esoteric schools teaches, is the same as journeying deeper into oneself to encounter as revelation, the interior Divinity.

An esoteric school is one that teaches the tradition – which is the lineage of teachings passed down unadulterated by previous spiritual masters, and provides the practical methods for realisation and revelation.

By means of a deep understanding of the inherited knowledge an esoteric school maintains itself and by the dedicated application of this knowledge an esoteric school renews itself and adapts itself to better help humanity in the state in which it finds itself.

The heart of an esoteric school is the love for the light and the love humanity. Because through the light we better serve and help our fellow man.

The end goals of true esoteric schools is to clearly lay down the way back to the Divine origin of man.

End (2844).

Great Master but Soul Fell So Low - (2843)

Master Samael says that in the internal worlds and even in the physical world as well, there are many stone statues of great angels and masters who are now fallen...

Those statues remain as a memorial for what was, and perhaps is a sign of what can be once again...

The wisdom and power of a once great master remains in the Being of the master, as Master Samael says: in the Buddha of Contemplation of the Master is the wisdom of the Master. The soul is a different thing.

The soul can fall so low that all of that wisdom and power is but gone, and here in the physical world we are so stupid, so lacking in will and so morally bereft, there is almost no sign of that former greatness. Yet the inner Being is great.

Thank God there is still the essence, through which that Great Being can begin to pull, stir and impulse causing the essence to look for the way in and up once again.

In time with the esoteric work done correctly, that Great Being will bring back its wisdom and power into the world.

End (2843).

Can't Say No & Compelled - Check Karmic Programming - (2842)

Sometimes we feel we can't say no to something inconvenient or we can't say yes to something good. 

It is so clear that it is inconvenient yet it is so hard to say no. Obviously there is an ego involved, a certain feeling that does not allow us to say no. There are so many reasons to say no, yet we hang onto one reason of lesser gravity to say yes...

An absurd situation...

Indicating that the subconscious (the absurd) has been given some extraordinary power which comes from our karmic programming.

This power overrides common sense, spiritual yearnings, our prior experience in life, our intelligence, our nerves, our love etc.  

Even in the person that just can't say no, because of some reason: having a weak personality, weak egos, sentimental egos etc. the point of karmic programming can be examined. Usually the person who can't say no is the one which gets him or herself into difficult circumstances that are inconvenient, disagreeable and waste a lot of time and energy. 

A big part of breaking through karmic circumstances is when we finally get the courage to say NO!

With No Karmic Programming Ends

Then everything changes, the karmic circumstances or karmic relationship or the karmic quality of the relationship ends. This even applies to the ego, when are able to say no to it, the relationship we have to it, changes we come to be the one who is on top.

End (2842).

Your Discipline is Sacred - (2841)

The space you make everyday in your life to work spiritually is sacred. 

This is because you tread sacred steps towards your interior where you meet the sacred within you.

Day after day of doing this you eventually come to taste that sacred flavour and that flavour sets up an inner state that makes your day very different - one that furthers our work and transforms your life.

Religious people go to their weekly or daily ceremonies and prayers but if they do not meet their essence while doing so they do not feel these ceremonies and prayers sacred. And so their day is not different to the others and they do not transform their lives.

A discipline is really something space that we create in our lives.

I think that it is so important that we create a sacred space in our life for spiritual work.

End (2841).

Soul at Stake - (2840)

Really understanding things well when it comes to identification with the ego, what is at stake is our essence.

Every time we give way to the ego we deny life to our Being, we actually stop His life. There is a special flavour when actually when we get identified with the ego that we feel in relation to our Being.

It is the feeling of stagnation, of stopping, of having to restart, of suspension, of inner shame etc.

We deny our essence the chance to expand through us, through our inner space, through our nervous system, through our centres and then through our life. 

End (2840).

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Even the Little that We Do Counts - (2839)

i-stop Lesson

My car has this feature that when it stops it shuts off the engine - saving petrol. I don't like this feature very much and so I do my best so that it does not engage, but it still does engage at times.

I have had this car now for three and a half years and as the photos show the engine has been stopped for a total of 41 hours and 37 minutes.

That 41 hours is the result of a minute or even less, here and there at traffic lights all adding up to make a grand total of 41 hours and 37 minutes of engine on standby. So just imagine that if we are to practice even a little everyday over a few years that would add up to be quite a lot.

We mistakenly think that doing only a little is of no worth and so we do nothing or even go backwards.

So no do even a little. Just don't do nothing! Do something everyday, even if a little.

Hare and the Tortoise

Of course though doing a little means we move but slowly. Doing more means we move a lot quicker. 

To quickly like the hare is something to be wary of, becasue we get tired and then we find ourselves unable to do much, and we watch then the turtle pass us by, that is - the method of doing a little everyday turns out to better. 

So much then for the methods of our mystical ambition and pride (I am better so I do more - but get tired).

End (2839).

Monday, 21 January 2019

Mystery Schools to Unveil the Mysteries - (2838)

The role of the mystery schools is to teach and unveil the mysteries by leading the candidate into the revelation and understanding of the mysteries.

Among those mysteries are the mysteries: of life and death, of sexuality, of the initiatic path, of nature, of fate, of karma, of the mind, of the soul (psychology), of the spirit...

A mystery school certainly is not one that makes things more of a mystery to the entrant. But rather one that unveils and makes clear the way, and one that answers the what, the how and the why of that which normally remains hidden to the human being.

The many schools that loose the understanding of the mysteries that they once upon a time understood and knew, now resort to dogma as a substitute to understanding and knowing.

End (2838).

Knock Knock Who's There? Test of Justice - (2837)

That Test

There the test of justice that is placed before us before starting the major mysteries or at some point soon after having started.

One of the purposes of this test is to take from under us any kind of base that we may still have within us.


Depending on the karma we have this test can be rather painful and used in some way to cancel karmic debts.

Typical Scenario

Master Samael says that typically the scenario for this test is that the very same Gnostic people accuse us unfairly of having done something wrong that we haven't quite done. In short the Gnostic people do some seemingly unfair things to us.

However, it does not have to happen that way. It has to happen in a way that it will produce the result of motivating us to remove our bases from everything external. It could be done in a very quite, private way over a number of months even...

Last Frontier of Bases and Dependencies

This particular feature of the Gnostic people wrongly accusing us is necessary to remove the last kind of dependency that we could still have.

As part of the nine minor initiations we learn to remove many external bases residing in our personality and transfer our point of reference to our essence, the work and our inner Being. However we may still have certain dependencies in the Gnostic people, in the Gnostic group and in Gnostic missionaries or instructors. So we have to be bitterly disappointed in the latter things to help us remove our bases in them.

A very good way to be struck hard enough to be motivated to remove our bases from the Gnostic people, and Gnostic instructors is to be betrayed or accused unfairly. Nothing hurts more than something that is grossly unfair.

Once our bases have been taken out of all external things we remain as a relatively individual kind of unit that is free enough to do the path of their own inner Being.

Be ready for this test. A very tough one, but it gives you a very delightful reward.

End (2837).

I Never Want to Go Through that Again - (2836)

We have the right to not want to feel that or go through 'that' again.

At the same time it is a great conditioning and limiting factor.

When it was not a dangerous physical accident that caused us tremendous pain or something really stupid that caused us physical pain or psychological suffering, but something psychological that may not have been entirely our fault, perhaps we can create an openness in ourselves to go through it again if it so happens to happen. 

Otherwise we end up creating conditioning and fear.

The best way to work on fear is to be open to what we fear. Say yes! When we say 'no' we begin to create a new fear, which is the fear of fear. When we are not open we increase our fear, and this now rather large fear becomes like a magnet where it brings to us what we fear.

End (2836).

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Sometimes a Longer Term Contrast is Needed - (2835)

We are a Cross

The human being is so many things.

Of the many things that we are, we are a cross. Extend your arms and put your feet together and we are a cross.

The cross universally symbolizes the balancing and contrast of two opposite qualities which naturally leads us to the supreme value of the cross which is sacrifice.

Where the classical opposite qualities are spirit and matter, light and darkness, male and female, solar and lunar...

When we voluntarily contrast the two opposite experiences we produce a contrast which strikes our consciousness. This then produces creative understanding, and understanding produces changes.

Sometimes though just a practice of contrast may not yield the changes we wish for. But a long term contrast is needed.

A Long Term Contrast

A long term contrast is needed to reach our consciousness at times.

This is because we we need the effects of the spirit or of the light to accumulate in us until we can tangibly see the results or effects of the light.

We should not lose heart becasue things to work within us take time.

After we learn the lesson of contrasting we are able to sacrifice the now understood inferior value.

End (2835).

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Pressure Relief Valve - (2834)

Lots of Pressures

If we take our study of Gnosis in the wrong way we can cause a lot of pressure to build up within ourselves. When the pressure builds up we need a pressure relief valve of sorts. Please note, I am not referring to sexual pressure.

There is the pressure of time, our mortality, the amount of work to do, our daily life duties, our relationships, our job, finances, the pressure to prepare decent classes on time, the pressures from the complexity and desire of each ego etc. etc.

Relief Valve

Basically the right understanding is the pressure relief valve. The right understanding is the deeper kind of understanding that sees behind things and frees us from the box that we may feel like we are in.

For example, as a student you may not see why your instructor insists that you be regular in your attendance. We may think that this a bit of pressure. With the right understanding we see that regularity is needed to accumulate the results of our study and practice and that Gnosis is a long term study and practice.

There are other things that we can do as well. In the way of certain practices that break us free from any mould.

One of those practices is to concentrate on that which is much greater than ourselves. Using a concentration that integrates and unifies us with what we are concentrating on, and where our human personality melts away or is at least forgotten. That of course is our Being, the masters, the Cosmic Christ, nature, anything that is very much greater than ourselves.

To concentrate and relax so profoundly that we melt a little into one of these vast sources relieves us of all of these pressures.

We may start with nature, with the ocean, a lake, a river, a mountain, a jungle, a forest etc. Meditating on the image of ourselves right amongst the very character of the ocean, lake, forest etc. Then seeing our body melt away where we become awareness encompassing some of the greatness of the place.

Of course, when it is over we still have our egos...

We must continue working but this time with renewed energy and a greater perspective...

End (2834).

Friday, 18 January 2019

Envy has to do with the Sexual Force - (2833)


The ego of envy deep down is unsettled by how our sexual force has not been cultivated to fruition, so as to possess what we see others possessing.

A Walk - Great to Observe Subtle Envy

Say we go for a walk along a beach side boulevard, we may be able see envy in its many guises. Ever so subtly, we detect the slightest hint of envy stirring in our subconscious. We don't like to admit it, but admitting it is the way to more deeply comprehend it and dissolve it.

Subtle Envy

We envy the cars that others have been able own, the magnificent houses that others own, the partners that others have and their apparent happiness together, the fitness of others, the sculptured bodies of others, the discipline of others who wake up so early and are swimming, running, surfing and starting their day with purpose and direction, those that are meditating on the soft green grass under the shade of a tall, peaceful pine tree that makes a very mysterious WWWWHHHHHHUUUUU sound when the wind blows.

We remain a little fascinated wondering how they were able to own such a car, such a house, how do that maintain their routine, their body, their exercises, how do they live, etc. etc. it remains like a little mystery. Envy has us solve this mystery by imitation...

Sexual Energy and Envy

All of these things that we envy are the things that the sexual force and the will of others has allowed them to materialise and bring into creation and fruition.

Typically, envy in human beings is about the sadness of how we have not engaged our sexual force and will, to bring to reality the things that we wish for in the material world, such as money, possessions, lifestyle, body, mind etc. etc.

However, there certainly exists the same envy transferred into the domain of the spirit.


In the depths of envy is a lack of trust in our will and in our sexual force to bring to reality the things in our life that we wish for. Such as the elements we need for our realisation, a spiritual discipline, consciousness, comprehension of certain defects, mystical experiences, etc.

If we allow envy to reach our deepest yearnings it can become very painful...

Therefore it is best to work on envy and not allow it to take deep roots within us. 

The remedy of envy is to begin to trust in our will and sexual force and to then engage our will and sexual energies to work on ourselves.

The remedy has two parts and both parts should really be applied in succession, otherwise the remedy in its healing effect is incomplete.

End (2833). 

Thursday, 17 January 2019

2, 5, 7, 10 & 10 + 12 - (2832)


This post is to show the reader how esoteric our physical constitution is. That it has been made based on esoteric or cosmic principles.


The body of the human being can be divided into two. The left and right sides. Where it is said that the left side is the defensive or feminine side and the right side is the active and masculine side.

The two sides it has also been said represent the material and spiritual make up of the human being as well as the light and dark aspects of the human being.

Within the human being, as in Eden, are the two trees. Which are, one the Tree of Life and two, the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil.

The Tree of Life with its roots in the heart and its branches in the arterial system, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with its roots in the brain and its branches in the nervous system.  

The human being also has two blood circulations. One for the day and one for the night. This is due to the fractioning of our our psyche, that is into one part conscious and the other part subconscious.

5 Points, 5 Centres, 5 Senses & 5th Body

Number 5 is the first number of the human being. Because the human being is also number 7 and number 10.

A human being has five points just like a five pointed star. With one rational central point ruling over the four corners which are irrational powers. These four corners are our four limbs, and they are also the other four centres.

The human being also can form a cross, indicating the balance between the material and the spiritual, and that the five can be reduced to four.

The above statement connects us directly to the Tree of Life. Where we see that the middle level, the fifth level: Tiphereth, is where the human soul the Master is found. From the world of will (causal) the inner Being through the human soul governs the four bodies below. This is the true state of the human being.

The five also represents the five elements, where the fifth element is Ether, where the other four elements come from. The fifth rules over the four.

7 Orifices, 7 Chakras & 7 Bodies

In our head, we have seven orifices and it is the location of the five senses. Two eyes (sight), two ears (hearing), one mouth (taste) and two nostrils (smell). Making seven orifices. The law of seven.

The two superior senses are the hearing and sight. As they can perceive from afar and take us less into the ego than the other senses. It is easy to see a glass of wine and hear it being poured, but to smell it and taste it, most often means that the wine glass will soon be empty.

There is also a triangle in our head, which represents three creative aspects of Divinity (akin to the three forces).

The eyes, nostrils and ears form a triangle, which as a triangle represent these three aspects.

The eyes are the eternal and creative principle (imagination), the spiritual truth, omniscience and wisdom - light.

The nostrils the creative breath which is the preservative and maintaining principle. The two nostrils are representative of the ebb and flow of the preservative principle.

The ears are the material or demiurgic principle that is - the word - sound. That which shapes in matter. Note, the ears and the throat form a intimate triangle.

10 Fingers

There are ten fingers which represent the 10 Sepiroth of the Tree of Life. Master Samael says that the human being is a living decade.

The numbering system which find most intuitive and easiest to use is the decimal numbering system. 

The four fingers on the hands represent the four elements and the three phalanges on each finger represent the three aspects of each element. These four fingers with three phalanges each make 12. Therefore on our hands are the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

When our two hands are put together we arrive at the 24 Elders.

It is said that the thumbs, with their base and two phalanges represent the three forces of Divinity. The creative, preservative and destructive, which is very similar to the three Gunas.

10 Toes

The ten toes represent the ten commandments. These ten Sephirah are the ten branches of the Tree of Life.

It has been said that the ten fingers represent the ten spiritual commandments and the ten toes represent the ten human commandments.

12 Senses and 12 Signs of the Zodiac

The five physical senses plus the seven occult senses makes twelve senses all together. Which is also the number of the signs that makes up the zodiac and the twelve salts in our physical constitution.

These twelve senses are the twelve fruits of the Tree of Life. 


It is our Divine Mother that makes our body. For her to have made our body she must know all these principles in depth. Knowing this we can more deeply appreciate the wisdom and power of our very own Divine Mother.

End (2832).

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Something to Think About for the Shy and Humble - (2831)

Sufficient Impetus

Have a read of this excerpt. Impetus enough I think to at least investigate the factors behind our shyness and humility, and if necessary work down those factors until separation.

Excerpt - Very Interesting

"We don't always possess the right criteria to identify those who are proud and those who are humble. People who are obedient and submissive are seen as humble and are appreciated: they don't disturb others or stand up to them. But is this really a virtue? No, because often, this humility is not inspired by wisdom and real understanding, but rather by fear, weakness and ignorance. 

People without money, social rank, the virtues or the abilities enabling them to assert themselves cannot achieve much. But if they were given such capacities, would they still be humble? Nothing is less certain. We cannot judge people before we come to know them and observe them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

End (2831).

Spontaneous Happiness & Love Flowing from the Inner Being - (2830)

Sometimes we feel a spontaneous happiness come over us.

An expansive, encompassing and loving feeling

No problems, no mind, no issues, all resolved...nothing to do but expand...

Where does that happiness come from? Could it be that the Inner Being is returning the love we have sent It?

The moral of the story is to then send lots of love: inwards and upwards towards our Inner Being!

End (2830).

Left Foot Forward of the Pharaohs - (2829)

The pharaohs and and many of the Egyptian Gods are all depicted with their left forward.

It is said that when a pharaoh was to rule he would take the stands putting the left foot forward.

This is an esoteric gesture or posture. Indicating the following among other points. One, is that to rule darkness must be know first, and one must have conquered darkness first of all before one can rule.

Humiliation (darkness) always proceeds any exaltation (light). Therefore before ruling one has gone through several humiliations and based on the learnings of those humiliations one is better suited and balanced to rule.

End (2829).

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

When an Ego is Dying - No More Interest, No More Needs - (2828)

The death of the ego solves our biggest problems.

When we have so much interest and fascination in something, the death of the ego related to that thing makes that interest to go away.

When we feel we can't do without something, and when the ego related to that something is dying we then we live happily without it.

End (2828).

Dawn: Best Time of Day for Past Life Practices - (2827)

To wake up very early and take a seat somewhere and then do a past life exercise as Master Samael described or from other sources is a very good time slot. Especially when a bit of sleep comes along.

This is because being the morning it is easier to control the invading drowsiness.

At night it may be more difficult to control the drowsiness.

Master Samael gave a practice to convert the subconscious into consciousness and he recommended to do it very early in the morning.

When we get drowsy the subconscious opens and we can see its contents.

Our past life memories are in our subconscious, so with a particular concentration we can influence what we see coming out of our subconscious.

End (2827).

Transmutation Increases the Volume of the Nirioonosiano Sound in Our Brain - (2826)

There are special moments when we can hear the nirioonosiano sound. If we do prana yama or do the HAM -SAH transmutation practice we can actually increase its volume or intensity of vibration.

Then by focusing on it and going deeper into it we can make out what sound it really is: ocean waves, crickets, mountain winds, etc.

When we concentrate on it and we are a little sleepy - my goodness me - a spontaneous split happens right then and there sitting on your chair.

End (2826).

Scary Big Fat Ugly Pride - (2825)

Before we start working on our Pride, it is really big in all of us.

It can be so big that we believe that we are our pride. That is we are very identified with our pride. Our pride forms our identity.

It is even worse when we constantly find ourselves in a leadership position - always giving orders and directions.

When we are given an order or instruction while having such a big pride, we feel such resistance and indigence, and if we can't avoid not having to follow that order, we feel depressed or humiliated or demoted.

When we don't find a good reason to do something and to be forced to do it, is really awful for pride. So awful that we can't bring ourselves to do it.

To remedy this we must first of all see that we are not our pride, and that we are an essence.

We are not above nor below. We are not more nor are we less. To be told to do something while we see that we are an essence does not mean that we are all of a sudden less. We are the same essence with the same qualities.

We are the same still and we can still enjoy ourselves and our own company while having to do that thing that pride does not want to do. 

If we see ourselves as pride, then to be told what to do something, we will see ourselves as less and as being humiliated.

A very good way to work down such an ugly and huge pride is to put oneself in the position of having to follow orders and to do something that one does not really see as worthwhile and submit to that.

End (2825).

Monday, 14 January 2019

Self-Remembering and Atoms - (2824)

With regard to the study of atoms, one learning that we can take from it, is that when we remember the Being we can include the remembering of those atoms that are within our physicality.

Feeling those atoms, loving those aspiring atoms and the Nous Atom in our body and encompassing them in our attention, we can then direct our attention enveloping those atoms inwardly towards our Inner Being.

That way we also enliven consciously those atoms and cells in our physical body and pas onto them the positive effect of the remembering of our Inner Being.

End (2824).

When Desperate and in Need of Help People Resort to Anger - (2821)

When we are desperate and needing help even when it is related to some one we love and not ourselves, we can automatically, unconscionably resort to anger.

Just knowing this automatic response in us is a huge relief. It can actually free us from resorting to anger.

We resort to anger becasue we believe unconsciously that it will precipitate a solution or a remedy or it will get help or even solve. This is becasue anger releases our energy and force and we deep down know that our energy and force moves things and can even heal.

It feels awful to resort to anger because we love the person, yet we are angry (even irrationally at them) and it is a very painful contradiction.

But of course we don't have to resort to anger...

We can use communication, intelligence and prayer instead, and not create this awful contradiction within ourselves that does not help us, the other and the situation.

Just knowing this is soooooo helpful!!!!

End (2821).

Each Ego is an Entry Point: Psychological Surfing - (2822)

Psychological Surfing

Each ego that we have is an inspiring entry point into our psychology and essence/Being.

When an ego manifests it touches our emotion. This is very good because the emotion is the impetus for us to turn inwards and investigate.

If we follow this line of investigation beyond the superficial we ride the wave of inspiration to penetrate deeper into our psychology where we will find a certain value of our essence.

Each egoic manifestation is a wave that you should not miss the opportunity to surf, as it can, if we are intelligent take us deeper into ourselves, and at the same time free ourselves.

Be a psychological surfer - the ocean is our psyche, the wave is the egoic manifestation, the surfboard is the emotion to investigate and we are the consciousness.

End (2822).

Ethics and High Level of Being Control Sexuality - (2823)

A decent Level of Being and a decent level of human ethics is powerful enough to control the force of sexuality.

Just the one aspect called respect within human ethics is enough. Respect for the other and for oneself is a powerful force.

Lust thrives in a low Level of Being and breaks many values of human ethics.

End (2823).

Atom Nous - Post 4: The Practice - (2820)

The Practice for the Atom Nous Given by V.M S.A.W

1. - Prana Yama

Six full cycles of prana yama (alternate nostril breathing) with the purpose of liberating aspiring atoms from our sexual energy (i.e. transmute).

2. - Imagine Aspiring or Liberated Atoms Flowing to the Heart

Concentrate use your imagination and will to cause the aspiring atoms liberated from your pwn sexual energy to flow tom the heart.

3. - OM

Then chant the mantra OM. While still using will and imagination to cause the aspiring atoms to flow tot heart.

4. - Petition

Then make your petition to the Atom Nous. Asking for what it is that you need. Health, memory, intelligence, a chakra opened, comprehension of a defect etc. etc.

End (2820).

People Always do the Right Thing - No More Expectations and Suffering - (2817)


This is something that m.m.m. has been saying for a while. But I never really deeply understood it. That is I heard it and it had a confusing effect on me. But recently it has had like a "something snapping" in my mind effect on me which has been clarifying and liberating at the same time. So this post is about that.

Reality Is...

People act according to their karmic programming and their egoic structure and sometimes they act with the work and with their essence. That is why and how they think, feel and act. This includes us.

That is what the reality is.

This is the right thing for them to do. They should not do otherwise. How can they? Their karmic programming has them do this and that in this and that way. The egos they have have been conditioned for many hundreds of years to think, feel and act in the same way...

For goodness sake they should not be different. But the sleeping part of ourselves feels that they should be different, that they should be warm, loving and considerate...


The problem is that we have so many expectations. Which when we look at them are unrealistic. As unrealistic as expecting a cat to bark when all the time it is going to look at you and go "meow"!

We think people should behave Gnostically, lovingly, considerately etc. towards us and others. All these expectations are only concepts, they are not reality.

People are going to act with their karmic programming and their egos and sometimes with the work. And that may not or it may coincide with what we think is Gnostic. But besides that, that is what is right for them. They are fulfilling the nature and law within themselves.

But if they decide to change they jump to fulfill a higher law in them and working on themselves is right for them.

Always always - not seeing reality makes us to suffer and feel deeply disappointed.

When we see people are always right, so many expectations die and see come to accept and love the reality (or at least be much more at peace) and we deal with things form others rather easily and smoothly without too much difficulty and inner protests.

End (2817).