When trying to understand what the Absolute is, we often
think of it as being related to space, however this is not completely true. We
tend to think that the Absolute is the sum of all the deep black space that all
the planets, stars, suns and moons are suspended in. However, the Absolute
Master Samael says is not that deep dark space that we see up in the sky at
night but rather an abstract form of space. The following excerpt from Master
Samael expounds upon this.
“The Abstract Absolute
Space is the causa causorum of everything that is, has been, and shall be. The
profound and joyful space is certainly the incomprehensible “Seity,” which is
the ineffable, mystical root of the seven cosmos. It is the mysterious origin
of all that we know as Spirit, matter, universes, suns, worlds, etc.
“That,” which is
divine, the space of happiness, is the tremendous reality beyond the universe
and Gods. “That” has no dimension, yet indeed, it is what its, what always has
been, and what always will be. It is the life that intensely palpitates within
each atom and within each sun.
Let us now refer to
the great ocean of the Spirit: how can we define it?
Certainly, He is
Brahma, who is the first differentiation or modification of “That.” The Gods
and humans tremble when before “That.”
Is “That” Spirit?
Indeed I tell you that it is not. Is “That” matter? Truly, I tell you that it
is not.
“That” is the root of
the Spirit and of matter, yet it is neither Spirit nor matter.
“That” transcends the
laws of number, measurement, and weight, it transcends surface area, quantity,
quality, front, behind, above, below, etc.
“That” has reality
beyond thought, word, and action. “That” is not of time and it is beyond
silence and sound, even beyond the ears to perceive it. “That” is the immutable
within a profound, divine abstraction. It is light that has never been created
by any God, nor by any human. “That” is what has no name.
Brahma is Spirit; yet
“That” is not Spirit. The Absolute, the Unmanifested One, is uncreated light.
Where was the raw
matter of the Great Work? It is evident that it was reposing before the down of
creation within the profound bosom of the Abstract Absolute Space. Indeed, the
primordial mater becomes like the soul of the Unique One, the living noumenon
of any substance. It is an undifferentiated Cosmic Matter. Ancient wisdom
states that when the Great Night (which is what the Hindus call Pralaya or
dissolution of the universe) arrives, then Brahma, the Father, the Ocean of the Universal Sprit of Life, submerges Himself
within the Absolute Abstract Space for seven eternities.
Excerpt from the book: “Tarot
and Kabbalah”, Chapter 50 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.
So then the Absolute is not space as we know, certainly not
three dimensional space or that vast blackness that we see when we look into
the night sky. Nor is it four, five, six or seven dimensional space. It is
abstract space. A kind of space that does not exist in creation yet exists in
some other way. And that other way is not known to us, it is not in our, mind nor
in the mind of the Gods or angels but in another way. Sorry to have to leave
you with an open ended conclusion, though we can conclude here that the
Absolute is not space as we know it or understand it to be, and the reason why
that is, is because the space that we know and conceive belongs to creation.
End (470).
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