Monday, 15 June 2020

No Answer from Interior Divinity, Ask the Guru - (3641)

If time after time we have begged our interior Divinity for an answer and we have not received anything. Then we have to turn to the Guru and ask.

The Guru is one that can contact our interior Divinity and knows already our destiny and can answer us. The guru has the quality of answering directly, clearly and quickly, sometimes immediately.

Well sometimes the Divinity gives a person intuition to find out the answer for themselves.

End (3641).


  1. Dear sir:
    Congratulations for your blog.
    Can i ask you a question?
    When you refers to the GurĂº? Do you refers to Masters Samael?
    Thank you for your work, and for your words.

  2. Thank you very much. Yes you are right Master Samael. But mind you someone else may have another Being as their guru. Yes principally Master Samael.
