Wednesday 7 October 2020

Who are You? A List? No/Yes? I don't Know? - (5289)

A list right?

A list of qualities: virtues and defects, a list of titles, a list of roles, a list of points of view, a list of styles, a list of experiences, a list of sufferings, a list of dislikes and likes, a list of strengths and weaknesses, a list of skills, a list of abilities, a list of victories and defeats, and the list goes on... (pardon the pun).

That's life - things accumulating, lists forming and filling out, experience and debts accruing...

Death is list deconstructing...list erasing... 

If we want to know ourselves in real values of Being we will know ourselves in the struggle to die psychologically and we will know others when they are in their fight to die psychologically.

Maybe it is only in difficult circumstances that we get to know ourselves and others. The rest is just more or less you know West Australian strawberries which look nice but taste insipid because the soil is too sandy, lacking the nutrients which give strawberries their wild and exotic flavour.

In Gnosis we know we are not a list. A list is memory. Lose our memory and our lists will go but we still are, we still exist, we are still present. However, it is so difficult to know who someone is in essence and who we are in essence.

We have to perceive... Let the essence, our intuition, our centres feel who we are or who the other person is.

When we try to know ourselves or someone we get to know lists. But what about if we don't, if we get to know ourselves or them outside of lists. 

Maybe they are the vibration of them, which is a reflection of their inner quality. Difficult to feel our own vibration isn't it? Maybe they are their particular psychological nature, we can perceive our own psychological flavour, which changes often during the day.

However all these things are still not all that there is. There is the esoteric, the ontological, but that is really hard to find out, say if we do, it adds a dimension of respect in dealing with the human being, which can be good or can be inconvenient especially when we cross that line of respect into disrespect. 

Or is the mystery of not knowing, a better experience than knowing? Maybe yes, maybe no or maybe a bit of mystery and a bit of knowing is best?  

End (5289).

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