Friday 31 May 2024

The Costly but Uncostly Laconic - (5161)

Master Samael spoke about the laconic action of the Being.

Where the Being initiates an action for no result.

There is no physical result but psychologically there is the result of any given value being exercised. 

The action taken is for the love of the value itself for the sake of keeping alive and strengthening the value.

At some point in the life of keeping a value alive there will be laconic action.

For example, to pay a lot of money and take time off work to travel far away somewhere and spend the time in prayer and contemplation on the Inner Being while not asking for anything or focusing on anything, is laconic action that gives nothing physically except a big financial expense, yet it strengthens the Being Itself. It expresses Itself.

In the laconic action is where we find the Being Itself and it is where we also find being.

End (5161).

Thursday 30 May 2024

New Era of Aquarius Notes - (5132)


An era is different to an age, such as the four ages: golden age, silver age, bronze age and iron age.

An era is when the Earth for a certain period of time, comes to receive the cosmic vibrations of a particular constellation, which in turn has a determined influence over the Earth and its population. 

During an era the cosmic vibrations received predominates over the vibrations received from other constellations.


There are varied start dates. However the Gnostic teachings say that February 4th, 1962 between 2 and 3pm (Mexico time) is when the new Era of Aquarius began.

Mexico is the magnetic centre of the Era of Aquarius. Specifically the pyramids of the sun and the moon at Teotihuacan. The energy of the new era is being channeled by that magnetic centre of the Earth located in Mexico where the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon are.

There was a planetary conflagration in which the planets of our solar system aligned more or less in one line before constellation of Aquarius the water bearer.  

The start of the era of Aquarius meant the end of the era of Pisces. 

The era of Pisces was marked by Mammon which was known among the ancient Greeks as having to do with the accumulation of riches, intellectualism and sexual degeneration.

To some degree the influence of the era of Pisces is still present. However, as time moves onwards the influence of Pisces will be less and less.

However, as long as human beings have the ego alive, greed, intellectualism and sexual degeneration will always be present. Though it won't be amplified by the influence of the 'stars'.


The new era of Aquarius is an era of intuition, where imagination and inspiration give rise to intuition. Which is something very far away from intellectualism of the previous era of Pisces.

With the end of the era of Pisces, the force of Mammon began to decline and the force of Dionysus began to rise.

The wave or force of Dionysus exerts an influence to lift the reasoning level of humanity to one which will make it easier to connect to intuition. Which in turn will lead to a conscious alignment with esoteric truths and principles previously ignored by humanity.

There have been great changes in the reasoning of humanity since the sixties. Everything that is esoteric and spiritual has come to public light. There is no occult anymore. This has been a part of the influence of the constellation of the water bearer (Aquarius).

The constellation of Aquarius is governed by two planets which are Uranus and Saturn. Uranus governs the sexual organs in human beings and Saturn is the planet of chaos, to which its influence is to bring about endings to give rise to a new beginnings, in other words transformations of a transcendental type.  

We know that the influence of Mammon from the era of Pisces is present because Jesus came in the era of Pisces, in fact he was the avatar of the era of Pisces and the Christian religion is still very prevalent even though it is declining. This is why the symbol of the fish was so present in those times. The fish was a symbol of Christianity at one point and many of the vestments of the Church clergy were adorned with the symbol of the fish. Jesus was also considered to also be a fisher of men.

If we examine these symbols we can gather some interesting significance. The water bearer sign is one who is working intelligently with the waters transferring water from one vessel to another. Which is really the essence of transmutation. The symbol of the fish is about a creature who lives submerged in the water and who does not see the water. Which signifies to experience the waters and interact with what lives in the water but not study the water or be fully conscious of it. This difference can be clearly seen in the nature of the two eras. In the era of Pisces sexuality was experienced without study yet in the era of Aquarius sexuality is studied.  

Have a look at this table taken from an article on the Astrological Age from the Wikipedia site.

AgeStart DateEnd DateTypical astrological associations
Age of Libra15150 BCE13000 BCLascaux cave paintingsSettlement of the Americas
Age of Virgo13000 BCE10750 BCEEnd of the Last Glacial Maximum, beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic
Age of Leo10750 BCE8600 BCEPre-Pottery Neolithic A and beginning of B
Age of Cancer8600 BCE6450 BCEPre-Pottery Neolithic B, beginning of urbanization
Age of Gemini6450 BCE4300 BCEPre-Pottery Neolithic CLate Neolithic, beginning of the Chalcolithic
Age of Taurus4300 BCE2150 BCEInvention of writing, the Bronze Age and the rise of its associated civilizations, such as SumerAncient Egypt, and the Indus Valley civilization, near-Eastern bull cults
Age of Aries2150 BCE1 CEThe Akkadian Empire, the Vedic period in India, onset of the Iron AgeAncient GreecePhoenician EmpireAncient Israelclassical antiquity and the Axial Age, rise of Buddhism
Age of Pisces1 CE2150 CERise of the Roman Empire, Christianity (symbolised early on as the ichthys), and Islam
Age of Aquarius2150 CE4300Predicted to feature humanitarianism and innovations in communication and travel

Uranus and Saturn

In the era of Aquarius it is said that the Earth comes under the influence of two planets. Saturn and Uranus. 

Uranus is the planet that influences the sexual organs and related glands in the human body. Saturn is the planet that influences endings to bring about new beginnings. 

Uranus is a planet in which every 42 years one pole is closer to the Earth than the other. This occurrence oscillates every 42 years. Each pole of the planet Uranus exerts a different influence on humanity. 

In 1962 the negative pole was closer to the Earth indicating a stronger influence to raise up the feminine force, and when the positive pole points towards the Earth men will receive a more ascending influence. Currently it is the positive pole of Uranus that points to the Earth. 

For the most part the influence of the planet Uranus is revolutionary in regards to sexuality.

We are currently under the influence of the constellation of Aquarius and the planets of Uranus and Saturn which constitute a revolution brought about by transcendental sexuality and transcendental states of consciousness brought about the death of the pluralised "I".

Conflagration of the Solar System

It is said that on the 4th of February 1962, all the planets of our solar system Ors, lined up more or less  in a line in front of the constellation of Aquarius. Indicating the beginning of a new order.

The Aquarian age is one to initiate a series of changes of a revolutionary character. Which brings us back to the Dionysiac wave. Dionysus, Pan and Bacchus are really the same and even though they are commonly represented as being associated with human passions such as drinking and lust, they really represent the correct use of the sexual energies and the consciousness. 

What is common for humanity is the swing of the pendulum. Which rules the way humanity sees Divinity. Due to an abuse of one kind, humanity swings to the opposite side to see Divinity in its negative side. That is seeing Dionysus being related to debauchery.

Each race is said to last the the solar systems journey through the 12 zodiacal constellations.

A race starts in Aquarius and ends in Aquarius. This is why the current times have the atmosphere that they have. An atmosphere of constant change, uncertainty, threats to peace and a great openness to information. Degeneration is rampart yet there is an abundance of spiritual help in the way of light to help human beings rise up out of their suffering to experience different states of consciousness.

Hippie Movement

The hippie movement was an excellent example of the dionysiac wave being taken by humanity. At the heart of the hippie movement was the rebellion against the 9 to 5, five days a week routine for the sake of materialism. That is, working to own a large house, a good car, nice clothes so to be seen as successful while swimming in debt. Which was seen by those in the Hippie movement as a kind slavery that reduced the average human to a drone, with no higher knowledge and a very tired and unhappy marital home life.

So the Hippie sought this higher knowledge of something outside of the materialistic drone in mind altering substances and sexual liberalism or free love. However, unfortunately within a relatively short time it lead to a degeneration which could not be sustained. Due to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and the burden of maintaining droves of people no longer wanting to, or capable of positively  contributing to society due to drug habits and addictions.

There we see an inversion of the Dionysiac wave, where the orginal impetus was correct however the means to fulfill it was wrong.   


Each era always has an avatar. An avatar is a messenger of the Divine teachings sent forth to humanity in each era so as to always help humanity to return to the paradisiacal state.

For the era of Pisces it was Jesus. For the Era of Aquarius it is Master Samael Aun Weor. He though is not the only messenger of the Age of Aquarius. Many more who incarnate and teach the wisdom of this age are also messengers, however Master Samael stands as the leader of that message and messengers.

Force always plays a part in every revolution and who better than the Lord of the Ray of Force to be the avatar of the Age of Aquarius.  

End (5123).

Real Self-Love - (5162)

If we love ourselves as a soul we love others.

Because to not love others is diminish the love that is in our essence, which is to not love our essence...

To love ourselves as a person is to end up not loving you... 

The real self-love is the love for our essence and ourselves as essence.

From that love, comes the love for the work on ourselves and from that comes all the other noble virtues and qualities.

End (5162).

Powers of Life and Death in Alchemy - (5156)

The powers of life and death function in the alchemical process, just as they function in the many fields of life.

It is true that anyone who practices Alchemy learns about the forces of the cosmos in all the centres.

When the couple transmute the powers of life are present, charging both with the energies of life. To wield the power to create and to bring some new and internal to life.   

When both concentrate on the Divine Mother for the dissolution of the "I" then both wield the power of death. That is the power to dissolve or undo so as to give new life.

Both life and death are powers, and both give to one another and empower the essence with certain capacities. The powers of life brings us the energy and strength of life and the powers of death bring us the freedom and light we have within. 

Both powers empower us in a complete way. We musn't forget that death is a power too and that it also empowers us with the sublime, just as life does. In other words, we should not feel scared of the power of death because it frees and transforms us.

End (5156).

Wednesday 29 May 2024

How to Find the Light - (5159)

Two Ways

This post gives two ways to find the light inside of ourselves.

First Way

Dedicate ourselves to periods of intense observation of what arises inside of ourselves. 

See what arises adn look deeply seeing what is behind it. Seeing what is it really. Discover the new, know ourselves better.

From practice, it is better to dedicate five intense minutes then stop and carry on with our day's tasks. A little later on do another five minutes. Doing this is better than trying the whole day but not really doing it intensely. 

The end goal of course is to observe intensely the whole day intensely. But we have to start off doing it right and build up the right way of doing it. Not doing it wrongly and continue doing it wrongly getting frustrated in the process.

For intense observation we need a good amount of alert attention. Which we all have. Our attention must be fine tuned, sharp and alert to catch the wispy thoughts and feelings.

Second Way

The other avenue is to interact externally and observe how our psychology clashes. In the sparks of the clash is the opportunity for light. 

Imperative is to observe intensely!

We can do this by reading, talking, walking and in general it all comes about by observing our judging and our stating of beliefs and concepts. 

To whatever we observe question its truth and use our judgements to discover how we are actually what we judge.

End (5159).

A Good Day in Our Work - (5160)

To live a good day in our esoteric work is not about doing spectacular things in the external world. Nor is it really about getting our 'to do' list all done...

A day well spent is one where we looked as deep as we could. That is, in whatever came to us we looked as deep as we could into it, to extract as much light as we could from it.

Everything that unfolds inside of us either triggered from inside or outside offers us a chance to extract light.

If we keep our day simple, doing externally what is needed but push inwardly to look deeply into the thoughts and emotions that arise we live a good day.

We can live even better days when we try to be better today than we were yesterday.

See the post 5159 about some ways to extract light from our day.

End (5160).

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Freedom, Liberty and Liberalism - (5158)

This post takes a short look at freedom.

We first think that freedom is to do whatever we want whenever we want. 

It's good to try that and then realise that yes we can do whatever we do whenever we want but there are consequences to reckon with.

You then realise that we are subjected to laws and breaking those laws puts us into a situation where some of our freedom is taken away. 

So then doing whatever you want and whenever is not really freedom if its end in having our freedom taken away. 

We then come to learn that a realer freedom that does not result in our freedom being taken away is to do what we want and when we want within an order. A combination of the: two freedom and order is the real liberty.

Liberalism is a liberty gone wrong, a liberty that forgets about an order of things.

Plus we also know that freedom is realer when there is freedom inside of ourselves. To have the internal freedom to not do what we want and to do what we want is a higher degree of freedom. 

Freedom depends on our level of the Being and our state of consciousness.

The only who is truly free is the Absolute. That is those Gods dwelling in the non-existence within the Absolute.

For us to do the will of our Inner God (Being) becomes freedom. To do the will of our Inner Being we must have internal freedom.

As we do the will of our Inner Being we draw closer to It who is the one who is truly free.

To do the opposite of the will of the Being brings us consequences that limit more and more our freedom.

In unity with our Being there is freedom and in separation from our Being there is not freedom but the generation of many factors which condition and limit our freedom, which is not freedom.

End (5158).

As Essence we Feel the Urgency to Gather Our Stuck Parts - (5157)

When we identify as much as we can with our essence, our awareness, our light, our soul we feel that there are parts of ourselves that are stuck in a nature that is not ours. 

We need to rescue ourselves from that nature is what we urgently feel.

When we feel some identification with the body and mind, we don't feel the above feeling. Because our body is whole and there is no part of it stuck or given over to something that is not it's nature. The same with the mind, it's job is to think and that is what it does - it just thinks and nothing stops it from thinking.

Each ego that we have is us - the essence, but stuck in another nature. A nature that is unbecoming of our true essential nature, an inferior nature, in many ways an animal nature.

When identified as essence and we ourselves are the essence, we really then feel the urgency to get ourselves back. Because we know that there are parts of ourselves that are stuck and not accessible to the rest of our essence right now.

End (5157).

Sunday 26 May 2024

Speak too Much and Lose Power - (5155)

As soon as we speak too much we lose our power.

The power 'to do' and 'to be'.

It best to speak consciously. To speak with purpose and clear direction. Not for the sake of it.

To not speak for the sake of it we need to learn to find comfort in silence. Relax in the silence and not feel the 'awkward silence'.

To understand that to be silent has a purpose. Which is to assess, process and understand and to begin to create.

We all know consciously or subconsciously that silence is a power and we use it wrongly keep silent so to hurt or inconvenience others because we feel we have been hurt.

We forget to use silence correctly. To be silent is also a part of the word and it's use comes down to retaining inner power and to processing what has been said to formulate what next to say.

End (5155).

Saturday 25 May 2024

Educate Each Layer of Ourselves - (5154)

Each layer of ourselves has to be educated and that's why we find ourselves teaching ourselves or learning the same lesson over and over again. Because each layer has to be taught the same lesson. Albeit slightly more deeply each time.

The different layers are the different centres, the bodies and the level of our mind.

End (5154).

Friday 24 May 2024

Practical Implication Notes - Sexual Hydrogen Si-12 - (5152)


We all need energy. Psychological and esoteric takes energy. That is energy of a special kind not just any energy. The energy that most fuels psychological and esoteric work is the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12.

Spiritual realizations, experiences, insight and transformations takes energy. If we have no energy to do this we can not make any of this happen inside of ourselves.

This topic is about how to produce an energetic transformation inside of ourselves.

Our body is a factory that in its processes of transformation selects the best of what is available and works to transform that. The best final product of the best selection of the body is the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12.

Sexual Hydrogen is the seminal entity and it is the end result of the transformation of what we eat, breathe and think.

The body produces it mechanically and everyone has this sexual energy.  

Yes, what we think affects our sexual energy - that is or our seed.

Negative thoughts would logically affect our sexual energy negatively.

The seed of the human being contains great energy and intelligence. It carries the spark of life, the blueprint of the human being. Inside of it is the energy and the patterns, the design and the intelligence to create a new human being. 

We see that it creates all by itself, child grows all by itself in the womb of its mother.

We say that the seed of the human being is the final result of the transformation of the three kingdoms of nature: mineral, plant and animal.

What is more real than anything, especially than believing, reading, talking, accumulating information is an energetic and biological transformation.

If we are losing energy from the greatest fount of energy that we have, meditating, studying, praying, teaching is like taking two steps forward and steps backward.

People can come to intellectually value the sexual energy but still not look after it because they are not doing any spiritual kind of work. Only in the spiritual work does one know fully about the devastating effects of the loss of the sexual energy.

The loss of the sexual energy in time affects the human being negatively but because it does not hamper their everyday life, even intellectually knowing its great value, human beings still lose it.

The whole of nature is about transformation. Millions upon millions of processes of transformation are going in nature as we speak, in our bodies and all around us.

We too can transform ourselves right? Yes correct we can! That is the message of Gnosis. Lead of the heavy and dense human personality into the gold of the spirit. 

It is this sexual energy hydrogen Si-12 that is used consciously to awaken the kundalini and to create the superior existential bodies of the Inner Being.

This energy is the real basis of our energetic transformation. All the other energies combine with this energy and assist or play their important role in our transformation.

For example. the energies of the heart play the role of lifting this energy upwards and making it more spiritual in quality.

End (5152).

Transform the Negative Relief Valve into Consciousness - (5153)

There is this very old trick of the ego, that when the mind sees that the Gnostic teaching is all about facing oneself to transform one's psychology, and there are no special techniques or magical remedies other than knowing and facing yourself, the egos rebel. 

One trick that they use is to provoke all sorts of problems and fights within the group to draw out the ego in the students and teacher, so that they can end up saying: "Gnosis is no different, it is the same as all the rest, lots of ego and nobody does what they say.". Then the egos and the mind feel satisfied and justified in leaving...

That's more a big scale version of the negative relief valve, but we have this negative relief valve operating within us in so many smaller scales to do with individual people, events and activities.

As soon as our egos feel some kind of challenge, perhaps the challenge to feel positively, generous or kind or something we are not easily capable of, we judge negatively and based on that negative judgement, we feel justified to harbour a negative feeling towards the person, group, event or activity.

It is a simple trick of the egos within us, that with repeated observations are able to see through, separate from and therefore no longer have our consciousness fall victim to.

End (5153).

Thursday 23 May 2024

Best Images to Practice Holding in Mind - (5151)

The general practice to develop our capacity to hold images in our mind is this:

Look at an object for some minutes. Concentrate on it and study it, don't allow thoughts to distract you. Then close your eyes and simply see the object you have been focussing on. See it almost without effort. When it disappears bring it back. When you no longer can bring it back open your eyes and study it again.

Repeat this over and over again until the time in which you can see the object and hold it in a relaxed yet stable way in your mind's eye increases. 

Time yourself and take note of how your time increases day by day or week by week.

I'll write a post soon about how to see something in your mind's eye.

The images we chose can help us in our spiritual work and lead us deeper into ourselves and connect to some esoteric and mystical type of experiences and visions.

If we concentrate on: a symbol seen in a dream, or a scene from a dream that was enigmatic or esoteric in quality, a real crystal, an image of a Divinity, a glow of light, the sun or a star we can derive much benefit for ourselves.

The images we form in our mind become qualities that we interiorise. 

End (5151).

Can't Stress How Important It Is to Hold an Internal Image for 5 Minutes! - (5150)

It is such an important skill to be teach ourselves to hold an imagined image in our mind stable unsteady for 5 minutes.

This will improve your memory, advance your concentration and sharpen your attention. It will also help you immensely in your esoteric practices.

Especially, when it comes to meditation on a scene from your day, holding awareness when going to sleep to unfold into the astral, chanting mantras and gaining insight when concentrating on a feeling that an "I" produces in our emotional centre.  

I really recommend acquiring that ability as soon as possible. It may take a few weeks, with it being difficult at the beginning but you will advance quickly. 

End (5150).

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Imagination Used In Gnosis More than Visualising - (5149)

There is the lecture topic: "Imagination and Fantasy". Always during that lecture someone asks: is visualising the same as imagination.

The answer is not really. Visualising is seeing in our mind's eye things that are physically real and or events that have happened. Where as imagination is seeing things in our mind's eye that we create or receive anew and are unknown.

That is why visualisation is used all the time for the things of life (sport, manifesting money, therapy etc.) but when it comes to the esoteric and to the new, imagination is what is used. 

Which is why in Gnosis there is the talk "Imagination and Fantasy" and not Visualisation and Fantasy.

The new, creative comprehension, revelation comes to us through imagination not visualisation. However, we may start with visualisation to open imagination.

End (5149).

Monday 20 May 2024

Relaxation Notes - (5148)

We should not underestimate relaxation.

If one is truly relaxed it is very difficult to become negative or to manifest any psychological "I" such as anger, lust or resentment.

Relaxation serves as the base for concentration.

The psychological "I", personality and mind bring tension to the body.

If we relax the body we will relax the mind. This happens via the body-mind feedback loop.

If we can't focus or we are not having much success in our day at being conscious or observant of ourselves, then we need to start by relaxing well first of all.

When we consciously relax we are strengthening our essence and also nourishing it.

This is because when we are relaxed prana can flow and being relaxed the ego has been displaced and the prana can then flow to our essence and nourish it.

To relax the three brains is also to align them and bring into circulation the prana for us to be conscious.

End (5148).

Working the Body Psychology Feedback Loop - (5147)

A great feedback loop exists between body and mind. 

The body follows the mind and the mind takes from how the body is going.

If the body is going well the mind takes confidence. If the body is not going well the mind takes worry.

So if we relax the body on purpose the mind will follow. 

If we regulate and harmonise our breath to a calm rhythm we will regulate our mind to a calmness and a kind of organisation from which we can focus.

End (5147).

Sunday 19 May 2024

The Selves Remedies - (5146)

"I" of Self-Love: To love ourselves through others.

Remedy: Send waves of conscious love to the Inner Being that is also ourselves as essence.

"I" of Self-Importance: To depend on importance given to us through others.

Remedy: Make the Inner Being the most important of all, to ourselves. 

Perseus Slaying Medusa

"I" of Self-Compassion: Desire for commiseration (not compassion) from others and ourselves. 

Remedy: Give our essence the real conscious compassion which is acceptance, patience and the strength to get up and correct our faults moving towards transformation.

"I" of Self-Consideration: Desire for consideration and concession from others and ourselves.

Remedy: To consider others and our Inner Being more than ourselves. Take joy in doing that.

End (5146).

Essence Needs Food - (5145)

Our essence needs food as well. Especially the right kind of food. 

We feed our essence by activating it and as soon as it is activated it begins to attract cosmic nourishment, and absorb the nourishment we are constantly receiving through the air we breathe, the food we eat, the impressions we receive and other energies that enter into us from outside and inside. 

We are always receiving nourishment but it is too often taken by the mind, ego and personality, however as soon as the essence is active it can nourish itself with those energies instead.

When we pray, meditate, vocalise, study the teachings, talk about the teachings, reflect deeply, remember our inner Being, practice mindfulness etc. we are nourishing our essence. 

End (5145).

Friday 17 May 2024

Male and Feminine Psychologies Intro - (5298)

We have heard in Gnosis about lunar psychology, solar psychology, karmic psychology, human psychology, esoteric psychology, ontological psychology, psychology of the virtues, psychology of the defects...  and I'm sure more will also appear.

It seems whenever there is a principle there is a psychology. It seems the way that these perennial principles express inside of us here in the physical world, is through our psychology.

Therefore as masculine and feminine are the two primordial cosmic principles of the cosmos, there must be a feminine and masculine psychology.

I am studying these two psychologies and as more is learnt more posts will follow.

For the purpose of this post, which is to set the scene for what is to come, it good to say that there exists a masculine and feminine psychology that follows the Cosmic archetype and there also exists a masculine and feminine psychology that follows a broken or unbalanced polarised version of this Divine or Cosmic archetype.

Further to this, there are several other smaller archetypes or principles at work in each of these two psychologies that really need to be studied and understood, as they make up the overall Cosmic archetype (or principle).

Magican, Lover, King and Warrior

End (5298).

Thursday 16 May 2024

During the Day Spend Time Shedding our False Identity - (5144)

Awakening is all about being our true self which is all about embracing our true identity - which is the essence.

To the essence and truly take up the identity of our essence we need to shed the false identities we have put on.

Many times during the day we put on several false identities.

We need to shed those false identities very often to awaken. In the strictest sense we would be aware every moment of our identity and shed the false every moment we need to.

We are an essence and an essence is not our job, not our mind, not our thoughts, not our role, not our religion, not our country, not our age, not our marital status, not our body...

The above are all labels. We are not a label! 

All of those above things change in time and depend upon other elements which we are not. Our job and role depends on others and a company, if we are married and we are a husband or a wife, it is because of the another person.

We were none of these things when we were born and we will be none of those things when we die. 

End (5144).

Wednesday 15 May 2024

See the Tree of Life Instead of Other Trees - (5143)

When we look at ourselves let's see the tree of life where we are the essence that is linked to Tipereth and Tiphereth is linked to Geburah and Chesed (consciousness and Spirit), who in turn are linked to the Logos - the Three Primary Forces of Creation.

Let's see that we are a soul linked to Divinity.

Let's forgot about seeing our family tree and the org chart at work and all the other trees in society.

Changing these images will change the way we see ourselves.

End (5143).

As Often as We Can See Ourselves as a Soul - (5142)

In each moment that we remember see ourselves as a soul.

"I am the soul of a Divinity!". We say.

When we see ourselves see ourselves as consciousness which is light, and which contains knowledge and will.

Seeing ourselves as soul, see how a soul thinks, we see how a soul feels and do as a soul does.

End (5142).

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Changing to Seeing Ourselves as Essence - (5141)

A huge part of our awakening is seeing ourselves as the essence, as a soul as consciousness.

Here is a little something that will help.

When we think of ourselves, there are usually images that subtly appear in the background of our mind.

These images tie us to our human personality identity which is what we want to change from. These images are our house, our clothes, our body, our job, our family etc.

This time when you think of yourself see in your mind's eye: light. Consciousness is light, that illuminates, knows, expands, understands, radiates and gives...

End (5141).

Monday 13 May 2024

Impression Memory vs Fact Memory - (5138)

We have really two memories, impression memory and fact memory. 

When we live out of impression memory we really get stuck in the ego.

The ego lives in impression memory.

Fact memory is the memory of the facts, what happened, what time it was, what day it was, what was said, what was completed etc. etc.

Impression memory is the memory of our own self-generation impressions about the event or what was said. Impression memory is very subjective and is often erroneous because the element of perception in us is not most of the time is not the objective, that is not the consciousness which is objective or impartial.

When we ive out of fact memory we can know ourselves as we are and we can get things correct in relation to reality.

When we need to be serious about things and get results in our job for example, we switch into fact memory and we leave behind impression memory. Because we know impression memory is not really helpful, nor is it efficient.

In relationships we usually use impression memory and that is usually the cause of so many problems.

All miscommunications all come from using impression memory.

We have to know the two memories so that we can recognise the impression memory and use the fact memory.

End (5138).

Weakening an Inner Value is Never the Right Thing Even if Apparently Just - (5139)

To weaken a value of one's own essence even if it seems fair, serves in the greater picture an inferior justice.

When we chose a justice superior to another we receive a reward that matures internally in time.

When we chose an inferior justice over a superior one, in time we receive an accumulation of negative backlash to deal with.

For example, if a person has a value and sacrifices it to be more compatible to another, that person will in time incur a debt to one's own Inner Being which will manifest in certain difficulties in life.

If a person has a value and they keep it and even though the act of keeping it causes much misunderstanding, the Inner Being of the person will reciprocate and reward the person both internally and externally through the different circumstances of life.

To lose a value is to drop a level of Being and to fall under different qualities and circumstances of life with less options for spiritual development.  

End (5139).

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Efforts are Always Needed - (5137)

We say enough when we are not doing what we have 'signed up' to do.

When our daily routine does not support or allow what we signed up to do, we have to make an effort and this means to sacrifice something of ourselves. 

There is no other way and we usually know that there is no other way because we have spent a long time in the same routine not doing what we 'signed up' to do.

End (5137).

Certainty of Conflict versus the Uncertainty of Peace - (5140)

We may not like conflict but there is one thing about it that keeps us turning back to it over and over again. It is the certainty of it.

We know how the conflict will develop, play out and end. It's something that we have seen many times before. The mind and some egos get very accustomed to it and even comfortable with it.

However, that of peace is scary as it really implies mystical death and changes. Everything has a price, the price of peace may well be having to deal with uncertainty. Yet it is peace!

End (5140).

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Right Chokmah and Left Binah - (5136)

If Chokmah and Binah are also in our brain knowing the qualities of both right and left brain will help us to know a bit more about Chokmah and Binah. 

It's not too hard to see. We can see how Binah is rigour (left brain white and black characteristics) and how because of that rigour the attempts against the Holy Spirit or sexual energy are not pardoned. We can see how flexible Chokmah is, how forgiving by the way the right brain works. 

End (5136).

Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Notes - (5122)

The book of Genesis introduced the teaching of the Garden of Eden and the two trees living within it.

One tree has the name: The Tree of Life and the other has the name The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil.

Sometimes the second tree has been referred to as: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The two trees are said to share the same roots.

The two trees were said to both bear fruit. However, it was only from one tree that Adam and Eve could freely eat from. This was the Tree of Life. It was prohibited to consume the fruit of the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil.

However, to savour the aroma of the fruit of the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil was permitted.

In esoteric terms Gnosis teaches that the: The tree of life is the Kabbalah and the The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil is Alchemy.

In simple terms, 'The Tree of Life' is the Divine Being within us and 'The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' is the work with sexuality. That is using sexuality as a transformative power. 

It is said that through 'The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' human beings came to know both good and evil.

It is a truth that when human beings work with sexuality, they come to understand better the two primordial natures and forces of creation. Which are the masculine and feminine. Through the effort made to make the two opposite natures interact positively, lessons are learnt about the nature of each, which is really the wisdom of duality.

To work with sexaulity is to understand the primordial duality from which emanates good and evil.

Human beings don't normally work with sexuality. They enjoy and plunder the sexual energy. Which symbolically is to consume the fruits of the 'tree of the science of good and evil'.

To work with sexuality means to cause the aroused energy to flow inwards and upwards. Which symbolically means to inhale the aroma of the fruits of the tree of the science of good and evil.

Ill-will comes from centrifugal use of the sexual energy and good-will streams from the centripetal flow of the sexual energy.

The knowledge and understanding of these primordial forces relating to one another always brings wisdom and knowledge.

It is easy to see that the world is still consuming the fruit of the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil'. What do we find in our world? Good and evil and we will always find good and evil in our world as long as humanity eats off the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil'. 

Since Adam and Eve ate of the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' the Edenic paradisiacal state, which is a state of unity with the Inner Being, a state of  Immortality, a state of no time and the absence of suffering, was lost and then appeared good and evil. 

Gnosis teaches that Adam and Eve were the humanity after the division of the sexes from their original hermaphrotic condition. 

The expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden was symbolic for the fall of humanity after man and woman in that remote times of humanity's history spilt the sexual energy through the orgasm.

It is said to come to know and eat of the tree of Life one has to stop eating off the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil'.

One of the offshoots of the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' is technology and science, which are used to solve everything for us outside of the Inner Being, that is outside of the 'Tree of Life' which we no longer have access to. 

When we have access to the Tree of Life we really stop needing the external offshoots of the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil'

The most important is to relate these two trees to ourselves and our life.

Our physical body is a tree in so many ways. Especially when we look at the design of the nervous system, specifically the central nervous system that branches out to all of our internal organs.  

The roots of both trees is the sexual organs. The 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' is in our sexual centre and the 'Tree of Life' reaches upwards into our internal superior dimensions starting from the sexual centre. 

The Tree of Life has many representations in the physical body. For example, the Logic Triangle is in our brain. Kether at our crown, Binah on our left hemisphere and Chokmah to the right hemisphere.

It is said that the Tree of Life has twelve fruits which are the seven chakras plus the five senses.

It is also said 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' is intimately and directly related to the hidden Sephiroth on the 'Tree of Life' known as Daath.

It is also good to know that we - the whole of ous are really the garden of Eden. That is all that makes us up - our physicality, our psychology and our spirit/Being.

End (5122).

Monday 6 May 2024

Different Inner Laws of the Being - (5135)

Our interior Anubis is the one within us that issues forth into our interior our particular balance setting.

Our interior Anubis is also the part of the Being that emphasises one universal principle over another for a given time our life.

Putting the different egos that we have in our interior aside for a moment, our particular balance setting is the where ont he scale we find balance - that is fulfillment and happiness.

It may at this point of our life, that balance for us is to give to a degree beyond the 50-50 measure activating the law of sacrifice.. 

At another point of our life the 50-50 measure may be the balance setting... 

Of course when two or more people are brought together there will be different balance settings.

One balance setting is not generally understood by another. With the virtue of respect and esoteric understanding this gap in misunderstanding can be overcome. 

It is important to note that we have different balance settings for the different areas of our life.

To know our true balance settings we have to do some purifying of concepts and egos. Then we can see our reality better and know our true and appropriate balance setting.

End (5135).

Saturday 4 May 2024

Shifting Stubborn Ill-Will - (5133)

Once ill-will sets in, it stays.

We can not analyse it away.

We need to bring an equal or higher power. Such as good-will, consciousness or spirit.

We can do this by reciting with intense good-will:

May All Beings be Happy.

May All Beings be Joyful.

May All Beings be at Peace.

Over and over again until the stubborn ill-will shifts.

End (5133).

Friday 3 May 2024

Manifesting the Being Notes - (5130)

These are notes taken during a class.

The manifestation of the Being has three aspects: will, attention and consciousness. This is the key to manifest the will of the Being.

Another point has to do with spiritual symbiosis. "

The will of the Monad is something special. 

The reality of the will is truly something infinite that we can't fully define.

Describing the teachings about the will damages the true perception of what will is.

It is best understood through feeling. 

Will is the mystery of the inner impelling force of a Divine Monad.

The mind is ill-will. The mind will never know what the will of the Divine Bieng really is.

Attention is the key. It is a power that may we all cultivate.

The intelligence of God is in our physical body. Everything begins with attention.

Will is the impelling force that moves the attention to do something.

If there is no attention there is no life. Attention is soemthing really ontological. Attention is the force of life and light that streams forward to create something.

Knowing how to wisely manage our attention is the difference between the abyss and the absolute. 

Attention is solar and it is really an ontoligical power. The sun is full of attention, it is attention in action with each second that it shines.

The consciousness without attention does not do anything at all.

Lack of attention is a weakness.

Attention causes the will of the Being to enter into existence.

We have to allow the Being to express its will through us.

Allowing the will of the Being to be expressed brings us balance and stability.

The great leaders have transformed the flow of attention into the flow of life. 

The flow of attention, flow of life and then Being.

We have to apply the teachings - this is the flow of life.  

We have to work in the implementation of the will of Being using the essence. The essence is the delegate of the Monad. This way we can bring God down. 

The Monad needs us. 

We then need attention to detect the will of the Being - that is an impulse coming downwards. We then need attention to integrate with the Being.

Once we know why the people who are in our life, we can then better direct the flow of life ot help them and ourselves.

End (5130).

A Very Critical Person will Never Speak in Public - (5131)

The more critical we are of others the more we limit ourselves. The more in fact we unknowingly criticise ourselves. 

A very critical of others person, will have great difficulty to speak in front of others, because their own critical nature will project an overwhelming amount of criticism from others onto themselves that they will feel too ashamed and embarrased to speak or perform in front of others.  

The less we criticise others the more we abilities and space we open up for ourselves. The more forgiving we are, the open we can be and the less self-limiting we will be with ourselves.

End (5131).