Monday 13 May 2024

Impression Memory vs Fact Memory - (5138)

We have really two memories, impression memory and fact memory. 

When we live out of impression memory we really get stuck in the ego.

The ego lives in impression memory.

Fact memory is the memory of the facts, what happened, what time it was, what day it was, what was said, what was completed etc. etc.

Impression memory is the memory of our own self-generation impressions about the event or what was said. Impression memory is very subjective and is often erroneous because the element of perception in us is not most of the time is not the objective, that is not the consciousness which is objective or impartial.

When we ive out of fact memory we can know ourselves as we are and we can get things correct in relation to reality.

When we need to be serious about things and get results in our job for example, we switch into fact memory and we leave behind impression memory. Because we know impression memory is not really helpful, nor is it efficient.

In relationships we usually use impression memory and that is usually the cause of so many problems.

All miscommunications all come from using impression memory.

We have to know the two memories so that we can recognise the impression memory and use the fact memory.

End (5138).

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