Friday 3 May 2024

Manifesting the Being Notes - (5130)

These are notes taken during a class.

The manifestation of the Being has three aspects: will, attention and consciousness. This is the key to manifest the will of the Being.

Another point has to do with spiritual symbiosis. "

The will of the Monad is something special. 

The reality of the will is truly something infinite that we can't fully define.

Describing the teachings about the will damages the true perception of what will is.

It is best understood through feeling. 

Will is the mystery of the inner impelling force of a Divine Monad.

The mind is ill-will. The mind will never know what the will of the Divine Bieng really is.

Attention is the key. It is a power that may we all cultivate.

The intelligence of God is in our physical body. Everything begins with attention.

Will is the impelling force that moves the attention to do something.

If there is no attention there is no life. Attention is soemthing really ontological. Attention is the force of life and light that streams forward to create something.

Knowing how to wisely manage our attention is the difference between the abyss and the absolute. 

Attention is solar and it is really an ontoligical power. The sun is full of attention, it is attention in action with each second that it shines.

The consciousness without attention does not do anything at all.

Lack of attention is a weakness.

Attention causes the will of the Being to enter into existence.

We have to allow the Being to express its will through us.

Allowing the will of the Being to be expressed brings us balance and stability.

The great leaders have transformed the flow of attention into the flow of life. 

The flow of attention, flow of life and then Being.

We have to apply the teachings - this is the flow of life.  

We have to work in the implementation of the will of Being using the essence. The essence is the delegate of the Monad. This way we can bring God down. 

The Monad needs us. 

We then need attention to detect the will of the Being - that is an impulse coming downwards. We then need attention to integrate with the Being.

Once we know why the people who are in our life, we can then better direct the flow of life ot help them and ourselves.

End (5130).

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