Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Last Post Until December the 8th – (1313)

On Retreat

This is just to let you know that I will be attending a retreat starting this Saturday going for a little over a week. So as of tomorrow the 25th of November 2016 there won’t be any posts until I resume my routine back on the 8th of December.

With Fury!

When I’m back I’ll be posting with fury. If you wanted to come to the retreat but couldn’t, you’ll be getting a bit of taste of it. But nothing beats being there for yourself.

I’ll be taking my special livescribe pen that does a marvellous job of converting hand written notes into editable text.

Work Hard!

I’m going to try and work hard to bring you some interesting and useful posts. Retreats are after all chances for us to work hard!

Until then, take good care! Travel Safe!

Map: the teachings, compass: your consciousness, globe: your goal of self-dominion, scroll: new but old stages to charter.
End (1313).

Emotional Centre is the Lever – (1312)

Magic Lever

The emotional centre is the ‘middle man’ between mind and action. It holds the balance of power. If it favours one side, action generally flows to that one side.

We need to work the emotion for the change, as this is such a formidable force that it can help us and on the other hand it can bury us as well. This is really what the ego uses to stay alive. It is very difficult, almost impossible to change when the emotion for the desire of the ego is much greater than the emotion for the change!

When Emotion Favours Dissolution – the Magic Lever Takes Effect!

As soon as the emotion for the opposite of the ego is an atom greater than the emotion for the ego, the end of the ego is close! The battle is about to be won.

As soon as the emotion in us favours change, the green light is given to many other forces within us to come and help. This we feel as a kind of renewed hope and enthusiasm to push forward in the work of continuing to dissolve that bothersome ego. Then it us up to us to go and conquer that change!

End (1312).

Don’t be a Weakling! – (1311)


If you commit to dissolving an ego, carry it through! Be tough on yourself! Don’t be a weakling!

A Plan

If you have a plan of dissolving the ego, then just check that your plan has in detail what to do in order to dissolve it. Then follow through with your plan, not being a weakling!

The ego is huge, but we must be like this kid, show up and don't be weak!

If it Fails

If you fail, ok, get up. Weaklings don’t get up. They give up! Don’t be a weakling!

Weaklings Don’t Persist

The most important quality ever, is persistence. It actually outdoes, talent, genius, education, intellect and many more things that we think that is needed to succeed.

Weaklings don’t persist. So we have to persist to get what we want in the work and on the path!

End (1311).

Why Does Anger Leave Us Shaking? – (1310)


It is quite common isn’t it when we get angry or full of angry pride we start to shake. It starts first of all with our head, our mouth, jaw then our hands and sometimes our legs or knees. This can even happen with lust as well. ‘ll explain why, read on…

All these angry women around, really need to work on their anger! Just as much as men do!

What’s Going on?

The force of anger is really powerful, and it comes to us from far away actually. It comes from our Being, sometimes from quite deep in our Being. The problem is that is misdirected by our mind or our psychology.

That force of anger is so powerful, it has to be, because it is the force in our Being. When it arrives in us it actually makes us to feel powerful and we can think that we are more than what we actually are when we are angry. We feel that so many things are possible, we have courage all of a sudden, our mind stops, fear is gone, we are decided, clear, definite and ready!

But the problems is when anger goes we are left being the person we are, weak, tired and shaking. We shake because the force is so strong that our body can barely handle it. The same thing with the sexual energy and currents, they are so powerful that they make the body shake as well.

We are not that force, as a human being we are the channel for those forces and we need to have the ability to be able to correctly and wisely channel these forces. And when we learn how to do that we gain benefits from those forces, they actually can enhance us. The force that is used by anger, not anger, makes us stronger and the force of sexuality makes us stronger and more creative.


It is our job to learn within ourselves how to master and wisely channel those forces. This learning is part of our adepthood or the science of ourselves.

End (1310).

The Law Takes Us as an Absolute Value – (1309)


I learnt this from my marvellous missionary. It is something that makes a lot of sense and thank God it is this way. Thinking deeply about it, it has to be this way.

Absolute Value

If the Divine Law did not take us as an absolute value we would be in trouble. Because if they took for example Master Samael as a reference point to judge or evaluate us, we would be in serious trouble, because Master Samael worked so hard and did so much for humanity. Our efforts and works for humanity are much less in comparison, but looking only within us, a different picture develops.

The Divine Law takes us as we are and sees how much we do in relation to our capacities and abilities. If we are giving it ‘our all’ they are happy. If we are unbalancing our own cosmic scale, then they evaluate us based on that. If we are getting close to our maximum and we are not unbalancing our own cosmic scale the Law is happy with us.


It is very good to know this and remember this. To always try and give ‘our all’ and to keep our inner scale balanced is good business by the Divine Law. Knowing this also helps us to understand the many things that we have gotten karma for where we think we shouldn’t have and the many instances where we thought we should have gotten karma but it seemed that we didn’t.

End (1309).

How Does the Deconditioning of the Values of Our Being Work? – (1308)

There Shine Our Values

There shine the values of our Being and duality and relativity come along and condition these values, making them to function in a very different way which produces very different results in us and around us.

This conditioning is basically the conditioning of polarity. Meaning the value has become polarised. To polarise something duality is needed and relativity is also needed. Duality creates two polarities and relativity identifies them, that is which polarity is bad and which is good.

Remove the Conditioning

To remove the conditioning, we just need to reverse the polarity that the value has taken inside the ego.

It is like a matter of flipping it around or turning it around, or turning it inside out to restore the value back to its original condition.

To do this the recognition of the reference point being used is very important. We have to relocate the reference point usually within ourselves and when we do that we flip or repolarise the value.

It is quite elastic sometimes, it is just a change in reference point, sometimes it is just a total repolarisation.

End (1308).

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Whatever You Do Don’t Buy this Theory of Dissolving the Ego (Overfeeding Explosion) – (1307)


As strange and funny as this theory seems, we actually believe a little in it, and even live it out hoping that it will work. Mainly because there is a little bit of partial truth in it, but to bite this theory ‘hook line and sinker’ is a huge error. The ego is certainly not dissolved this way. Read on to see why…

The Theory

The erroneous theory is that we can dissolve the ego by feeding it and feeding it until it begins to get quite big, fat and strong, then keep feeding it until it explodes like a balloon.

In Practice – Doesn’t Work

In practice, in reality this doesn’t work. The ego with the food that it wants does get bigger and stronger, and when we do feed it more there comes a point when our system - our instinctive centre and the other centres get saturated and can’t stand the food of this ego anymore and so the body overrides the desire provoked by the ego.

To think then that the subsided desire means that the ego is dying is a huge mistake, because after the body recovers that ego returns with a huge force that squashes us.

The ego has to return according to the law. Which law? The law of return. Besides only the consciousness in us and the Divine Mother can dissolve the ego, and we don’t get conscious comprehension by feeding something, we get it by not feeding it and observing its protests.

Absurd Logic of the Abyss

The logic in this theory actually belongs to the abyss. Why? Because that is what they do down there. They just feed and feed the ego hoping for dissolution to arrive. Comprehension they hope will arrive, but it never does, maybe some bits and pieces do but never ever total comprehension. Meanwhile the constant feeding is going on, nature just dissolves the ego they are trying to feed and feed. Master Samael said that once when he was in involution in the very very remote ancient past, he fornicated and fornicated while involving through the animal, vegetable and mineral states and then when all his vitality was extinguished like a candle being blown out, he was free and began to evolve.

End (1307).

What is Absolute in Us? – (1306)


There are certainly absolute values within us. These values are the values of our Real Being. These values when freed and installed within us and given the freedom to express without any blocks or obstacles are like a mini sun. They just shine no matter what. They are not dependent on anything. Just take trust for example, when we have real trust we still trust even of the person likes or dislikes us, when we have love, we love even when others like or dislike us.

Values of Our Being are Absolute

So, in short the values of our Real Being are absolute in us, because they are true and whatever is true is absolute. Absolute is permanent and perennial just as is truth. Truth does not change.

Mistake of Giving Something an Absolute Value

We make the mistake of making something absolute or going things an absolute value when they do not deserve it or are not absolute.

To give life and personality an absolute value is a mistake because it ends. To give the path, Gnosis an absolute value is right because that is their nature, they are absolute by nature.

The real reason why we can’t detach from things is because we have given something an absolute value, a ‘be all and end all’ value or importance.

Our Real Being Deserves an Absolute Value

The only thing that deserves this is our Being and that is exactly the right thing to do. When we give something an absolute value that should not have one we suffer, we feel pain etc. and when we do give something an absolute value and it is absolute we don’t suffer, we feel relaxed and at peace.

If We Suffer it is Because Something that Shouldn’t have an Absolute Value has been Given One

If we can’t find it, it is because deep within our mind we are giving something an absolute value.

Lust gives the way it conceives sex an absolute value, pride gives wining an absolute value, greed gives money an absolute value, vanity gives the opinions of others an absolute value etc.

Are you giving something an Absolute value that you shouldn’t?

End (1306).

Reason Why Not to Mix Gnosis with the Personality? – (1305)


There is such a great tendency for people to mix personality with Gnosis. It is quite common and if left unchecked it can certainly become detrimental. This post explains how that can be.


The Gnostic teachings themselves belong to a dimension that is distinct to the dimension or sphere of the personality and life. So when the mixture of personality and Gnosis occurs elements from a dimension not of the same nature of Gnosis are introduced into it.

These new elements from the sphere of the personality have the effect of gradually watering down and fading out the importance of the key points in the Gnostic teachings, which are psychological death, transmutation and sacrifice for humanity.

This is all due to the law of entropy. Which acts to equalise all things to common low denominator.

Missionaries and Students

Missionaries will guard this from happening amongst the groups that they lead and students will guard this from happening in their personal work and life.

They do this so to align with the full force and current of the Gnostic teachings so to benefit their own essence and the essence of others.


Mixing the personality with Gnosis makes the effect of the teachings within people weaker. This weakened effect does not help people as much as it could if Gnosis was to be received or processed alone without any mixture.

In life when we study law, medicine, engineering etc. at university, what we study is not mixed with elements from any other unrelated sphere. Why should it be done with Gnosis? People in life don’t do it, for example like at university, the lectures don’t mix things, yet people demand that Gnosis does it, that is mix the teaching and practice of Gnosis with personality elements.

End (1305).

Anger – (1304)


This is an excerpt of the text from the new experiment web site.


Remember that all remedies start with knowing, we have to know the issue well before we can remedy it.

The following sections provide knowledge and insights about anger that will help you more effectively apply the remedies presented further down this page.

Types of Anger

The following are the three ways in which we get angry:
1.              Anger related to the body.
2.              Anger related to words
3.              Anger related to the mind

Anger Related to the Body

This type of anger has two aspects to it. One aspect concerns the expression of anger using the body, which can be destructive and physically harmful. The other aspect is anger being provoked by the body. For example, when our body is under strain, due to hot ambient temperatures, tiredness, feeling unwell or some kind of bodily pain. People are often more to become angry when they are tired, hungry and hot.

Anger Related to Words

This type of anger is where anger is expressed mainly with words. Such words are most always spoken with a very harsh tone and a higher than normal volume. The content of angry speech is usually derogative and ill willed.

Anger can also be provoked as a reaction to the words of others This type of anger is very common. Due to some words we can erupt with anger outwardly or either seethe with anger internally.

Anger Related to The mind

This type of anger is where anger is expressed in the mind. This anger could definitely filter down into action and become verbal and physical.

Anger of the mind can not exist without the help of thoughts and words. No one can get angry in their mind without thoughts and words.

Additional Notes

There are some additional types of anger that are worth knowing about as well.

There is an outward explosive type of anger and there is an inward implosive type of anger.

Anger can erupt suddenly or it build up slowly. Most of the time some sort of irritation or annoyance proceeds anger.

There are in fact many lesser forms of anger. Annoyance, irritation, agitation also vexation are lesser forms of anger.

Furthermore, we only ever get angry with ourselves, at others and at objects.

Understanding Anger

What Really is Anger About?

Anger believe it or not has a reason for being in us, and that reason is to remove obstacles. Anger is pure force that is applied in such a way to remove obstacles and shorten delays.

What makes anger, anger, as we know it, is that it is the destructive application of force. When we are angry our force or energy is directed against something or someone. If we can’t discharge the force evoked by anger against someone we discharge it against ourselves. Sometimes too, we get angry with ourselves and we discharge that force of anger against ourselves. I have seen many a person hit their own head against a wall in anger.

In essence, anger is about using force to solve a problem, and in most cases the amount of force used is excessive and the way it is used yields destructive results.

How Does Anger Work?

Thoughts and Words

Have you ever tried getting angry without words and thoughts? If you have tried you would have soon realized that it was near impossible.

The appearance of anger is dependent on our mind thinking and we think using words. There are always reasons why we get angry. The problem is that those reasons are processed at times so quickly. In many cases reacting with anger has become a habit and our psychology mechanically or automatically reacts with anger leaving us not knowing why. But really the reasons are there, they are just buried in our past or deep in our memory, in a place of our mind called the subconscious.

Never Alone

There is one very important property of anger that should not be ignored, and that is that, anger never comes alone. It always works in a pair or in a group. There is always some other interest or desire behind it, which anger defends, protects or removes any obstacles that stop or delay that desire from being fulfilled.

Perception of Being Harmed

Anger swells into action as soon as we perceive that something or someone is harming us or ill-affecting us. This is the magic trigger point for anger."

End (1304).

New Project Preview – (1303)

New Website

Just to give you a preview. I have been working on a website (not finished yet) written in layman terms that will present all that I have learnt about the different egos and the way to remedy or work on them.

It is an experiment to see if it will be of some help. It is aimed more at the general public, so we'll see if it actually does. I'm going to keep an eye on it with Google Analytics and I'll let you know the results.

The idea has been to use the wisdom in nature as a reference.

End (1303).

We Take Things as Absolute but they are Really Relative – (1302)


This is something that we do all the time and it is actually quite a costly mistake of our own mind.
That is why the question: “Is it absolutely true?” is so useful. When we feel affected we must straight off the bat ask ourselves this question.

As Absolute

When we take something as absolute there is no escape or no other option. When we take something as absolute truth much suffering results and even drastic action can be taken.

Many have committed suicide because they took a relationship break up or defeat or criticism as something absolute. When we take rejection as absolute we suffer tremendously.

When something is taken as absolute we actually become that in the deep levels of our mind. That then pervades our won system and then when we see we are that thing we have no other recourse. It is the end of the world.

When we take something as absolute we make a big mistake because only the Being in us can occupy that place of Absolute. The Being is all of us, to the very last atoms in our last cell. No identity imposed upon us by our own mind from the impressions of others can replace the Being or substitute the real living Being in us can it?

As Relative

We get absolute and relative all mixed up inside of us. When are seeing ourselves relative to others we tend to take their reactions towards us as something absolute and because of that, the ego’s reactions are very intense.

When we receive criticism we must see that there are others who disagree with that criticism and there are others who agree. It is all relative. What they say is all relative to their likes and dislikes. So all criticism is only relative right.

When we understand that something is relative there is freedom to move and freedom to overcome the difficulty.


That is the big reason why we feel that we need something, because we take it as an absolute value. That is also why we resist undoing the conditioning of duality and relativity because we see as absolute what is relative. We believe in our subconscious that we that what is relative is actually absolute. For example, the opinions of others can make us do crazy things but after all they are relative. Relative because not everyone will have the same opinion and relative because we generate our feelings of well or ill-being relative to their opinions which is a huge mistake because the right place from where we should generate our feelings of well-being from are from within ourselves. Otherwise we will always be slaves. To generate from within is always freedom and autonomy.

End (1302).

Monday, 21 November 2016

Reference Point of Vanity – (1301)

Vanity About Self-Image

Vanity is all about self-image. We all have a certain image or picture of ourselves and that is in other words our self-image.

Vanity is the ego that looks to care for, protect, improve and feed/validate that self-image. However, that self-image that vanity cares for etc. is our external self-image. That is how we appear to others, how others see our body, the way we move, the way we speak, our intellectual capacity, our personality etc.

We look to feed that self-image through relativity, by impressing others, checking that others are impressed with us or that others are thinking highly of us.

Value is Self-Image, a Real Self-Image Exists

The value at the centre of the issue of vanity is self-image. Master Samael says that we really do have a real self-image and he says that it is the identity of the Being.

With vanity we are very worried what others think and vanity is pleased as long as others are thinking highly of us.

This is because we derive our self-image through the reactions of others. Or actually better said we validate our self-image through the reactions of others.

Vanity Deconditioned

The real self-image by duality is the internal one, we arrive at this because it is the opposite of the external one and undoing relativity we would say that the reference point instead of being others becomes ourselves or our Real Being.

So with the unconditioned reference point we behave totally differently, we act being concerned or worried about how well we stand before our inner Being. How well are doing before our Father-Mother.

End (1301).

Science of Habit Making – (1300)


I find that the information presented in the diagram below is quite useful. Because it makes us aware of some of the steps involved in creating habits.

Reward Aspect

It also shows us how our bad or inferior habits were created. It seems that the most important part of the process is the reward.

Is there a reward in any of your bad habits?

The reward part is the handle that we can grab onto when we re forging new superior kinds of habits.

Practicing routinely, remembering our Being, transmuting, are all superior kind of habits that are very rewarding spiritually speaking and also humanly speaking.

When it Gets Tough!

When it gets tough grab onto the rewards and forge, forge, forge the new habit.

End (1300).

Don’t Make Failing to the Ego a Habit – (1299)

Short Break

Taking a short break now from the theme of duality and relativity.

A Habit

We can make failing to the ego a habit, and as you can imagine that is something that is not too good. It can be corrected though.

Manifestation, Habit and a way of Life

The ego begins to manifest then it becomes a habit and then that habit grows to become a way of life. When the ego is a way of life it is very difficult to change. But it can certainly be done.

When the ego is a habit, it can be undone and new superior habits created.

Imagine the habit of sacrificing the ego. Such a habit can be created, at least in relation to one ego.

Change the Habit

Anyway besides that if failing to one ego has become a habit, we have to focus on that, by creating a detailed plan of how you are going to undo it and grit teeth, decide and do it! Commit to it, don’t be weak and do it!

To change a habit, is when we really need force. That is the right application of our force. Not the use that anger makes of our force. Sometimes we get angry because a bad habit is harming us and that is good is we then channel that force evoked by anger inwardly to motivate us into action to change that habit.

End (1299).

Discipline of Not Touching Impressions with the Internal tongue – (1298)

Hermetic Seal

Master Samael said in his book titled “The Great Rebellion”, that there exists a discipline of not touching impressions which come from people and events with our internal tongue.

This is because as soon as we do that, problems arise. In more detail the problems arise because the movement of the mind perceives relativity and then the mind interprets relativity against us and then the ego enters into action.

No mind moving no judging and perceiving of relativity and no conclusions.

The action of the silent mind is so very helpful in counteracting relativity.


We are spoken to with a very harsh tone, if we just hear it and do what is being said and let this moment move on we that is the practice of the not touching events and impressions with eh mind. If we did for example allow our mind to touch this impression with our mind, we would think, that is different, I am usually treated with respect or I should be treated with respect and I feel lowered now, how dare they and then of course to seek balance we hit back.

End (1298).

Would Relativity Exist if there was no Mind? – (1297)




In practice when our mind is quite upon seeing something there is no problem. We just seeing what is. When the mind begins to move a comparison occurs and the then relativity is produced and then there is unfair.

Duality brings relativity and then relativity goes back to become stuck in duality.

Relativity needs something to perceive it or for something to make the comparison. Relativity is expressed with a declaration, and the word is what declares. But what elaborates the word in us is the mind.


No mind then no relativity.

End (1297).

Eliminating the Reference Point with One then Three – (1296)


By experience the worst place to have our reference point is in others. When we do that we are firmly within the clasp of duality and relativity.

Law of One

With the one, we unite with the other, unite on all planes, unite our conviction, our ideas, our concepts, our view points, our efforts etc. Then being one the reference point has been eliminated.
This can work well when the cause is good, but when the cause is bad this works well bad but is not good for our work, we then become an accomplice.

Law of One then Three

We can transcend duality and relativity by using the law of one then the law of three. With the law of one we use our consciousness to unite with the other on a conscious level, that is by bringing them into our consciousness and seeing what they see, feeling what they feel etc. and then there are two reference points. The presence of the two reference points creates a third factor which is the solution or the balance.


The Alchemy works this way, the two unite to become one, and the one produces the three, a third force which is what creates the necessary and dissolves the unnecessary.

We can also use as a reference point the Being or the work. This reference point is one that is outside of us and the other.

End (1296).

There is Even Duality and Relativity in our Thinking – (1295)


With this post I want to bring to light that our thinking is conditioned by duality and relativity. The best way to do this is to use examples.

Example: “When Visiting and the Host doesn’t Say Hello”.

So imagine we are visiting a friend at their house and we get there and they don’t even say hello and walk off into another room. Then begins a flurry of thoughts, and we think such things as: “Do they want me here?”, “Maybe I should go?”, “I find that rude!”, “Is that person aware of what they just did?”, “I come here with good will, giving up my time, I mean no harm.”, “This is not going to be a good visit.” etc.

Where is the Relativity in These Thoughts?

The relativity is to interpret the action of the other in relation to, or in accordance with our concepts or in other words using our concepts as the reference point. Because we have the concept that it is polite to say hello, by duality we conclude that the person is rude and we then have thoughts that they are rude. Every other thought that arises in us comes because we interpret with reference to concepts, or memory, or the past or mental representations.

Where Should the Reference Point Be?

If we had no reference point by not having any of these concepts, or memories, or past or mental representations we would just think nothing, we would just move on and leave the behaviour in the person as belonging to them and not take their behaviour as something against us.

The reference point should be within ourselves. As soon as we begin to think about why they didn’t say hello we leave ourselves and we go into pure conjecture. Our reference point is to stay with reality and that is what we know to be true and that is only what is going on inside of ourselves.

When we put our reference point in ourselves we have to put it into our essence. If we are unsure how to do that, we can actually do quite well by just connecting to reality. By just sticking to what you really know.

If we feel that we lack something, it means that we are wanting something through another. We must give it to ourselves.

Where is the Duality in these Thoughts?

The duality is in the subconscious. It is where we project onto others what we ourselves have and we don’t realise it. We seem to be only seeing the fault in the other but we don’t see that the fault is in us. That in relativity it is truer that it is us that is more at fault.

Going back to the host who does not greet us example, when we have all these negative thoughts we don’t realise that we are projecting our content onto them, and we are actually being exactly what we are accusing them of being. We are the ones that are mean and rude, because in our mind we are being very mean and rude to them. We called them this and that in our mind and all they did, is to not say anything.


Our concepts and mental concept form the reference points for much of our thinking, and to remedy that we have to dissolve the concepts or either make our own consciousness the reference point. When we try to connect with what we know is real we are making our own consciousness the reference point.

The key of the hermetic seal, that is not touching anything with the internal tongue is a huge help there. That is what this practice is really about.

End (1295).

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Let's See By Example How the Essence is Conditioned - (1294)


Back again to the matter of how our essence gets conditioned by duality and relativity. Oh no you say - boring! I know, but I'm going to give examples this time, no more philosophy. 👀

You know, one thing about this is, that by knowing how the essence is conditioned we actually educate our free essence and the trapped essence about how that value or function of the essence is actually exercised correctly. By 'correctly' we mean consciously and in a way that is not karmic. 

Anger 😡

Let's take our mate anger as our first customer. We know that anger contains the parts of our essence that manage force or carry out the function of managing the force inherent in our essence. The egos of anger that we have make bad use of our force, and subdue the parts of our Being that have to do with sweetness, tranquility etc.


Remember duality and relativity condition the value, and in the case of anger the value is force. Duality acts on force and produces the two, that is 'no use' or 'use'. However, we always know that anger never comes alone, it always always is invoked by another factor. It is invoked as a solution provider, a problem solver or a break through maker to help fulfil or protect a certain desire brought up by another ego. 

The duality to do with force actually has many versions. One version is that it is used, and a person raises their force, acts  aggressively or it is not used and the person says and does nothing. Another version is that force is used, either outwardly or inwardly. Another version still is that force is used positively or negatively. Out of all of these versions the one that anger obeys is the positive or negative use of force. In each ego the value is always used, and the conditioning of duality is really about how it is used. So with anger, force is used on the destructive side both outwardly and inwardly.  


With relativity we have a reference point. And with every ego the reference point is not us nor is it inside of ourselves nor is it in our Being, it is actually outside of ourselves. Relativity causes us to perceive and process events and impressions and even think from a certain view point. The effect of relativity is produce a reference point.

Back to anger, the value of force is conditioned by duality and relativity to become force used on one side of duality and according to a reference point. We know the one side of duality that anger is polarised with is destructive use of force and the reference point that is used against the other person. A situation may be harming us yes and we have our reference point in others we go against others. If we did not have the reference point of others in anger we would not go against anyone, we would have force but no where for it to go, and if it has no where for it to go it subsides by itself. 


The result of this conditioning of duality and relativity on our force is that our force is used destructively to solve problems by going against others. This is because the reference point is other people harming us.

That is magical trigger point or reference point of the ego of anger is where we perceive that another is harming us, whether it be physically, where it be taking our time, whether it be making us to pay more money, whether it be delaying us, whether it be constant disagreement etc.

The result of relativity conditioning our force means that we don;t relate to well to our own force we tend to see it as a physical problem solver, rather than an internal force that we can channel or use to solve the problem within ourselves or outside ourselves in a constructive manner. For example, a good way of channelling force is to direct our force into our intelligence.

Pride 😏

Let's take another huge customer and that is pride. The values at the core of pride are principally dignity and balance. Pride is the result of these values being conditioned by duality and relativity. 

When someone does not say hello to us we can feel that an attempt has been made against our dignity. That somehow our dignity has been lowered. 


With dignity the two sides of dignity are again to do with the way it is honoured. It is either honoured or not honoured or respected, so we have honouring or dishonouring.

The same thing applies with balance or justice, there is mercy and rigour as the two sides of the value of balance or justice. 


Once again with relativity we have the issue of the reference point. The reference point is in others, that is whether others respect or disrespect our dignity. When others honour our dignity we feel our dignity respected and when other do not honour it we feel it lowered. Because our reference point to feel dignity about ourselves is in others it becomes an absolute when others do not honour our dignity and we have no other option but to suffer. However, the real question is, has our dignity really suffered? If our reference point inside of ourselves we know that it has not been lowered or affected.

When the sense of balance has been conditioned by relativity what happens is that the reference point for coming to balance is outside of ourselves and in others. Having the reference point in others makes us to see that we are below or above others and so we exercise any attempt made on our dignity by bringing the other down, by making the other pay or by making the other suffer etc. Thus making ourselves who have a lowered position to been compensated for that. Even that action of compensation (revenge) carried out is conditioned by duality where we give out mathematically exactly the same value, just like a mirror reflection.


In this post I have only covered anger and pride. In the coming posts I will tackle the other egos and some other manifestations of the egos that are conditioned by duality and relativity but they are conditioned in different ways. 

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