Tuesday, 28 February 2017

To End the Series on Mantras – (1556)


We have to make the magic of mantras work for us. The previous series of posts I hope will help with this. The power of sound is real and demonstrable and it can work for you. I would like to end this series of posts with an excerpt from Master Samael about mantras.

The Power of the Universe is Sound!


Phonetic combination made with wisdom produces the MANTRAMS. Therefore, a MANTRAM is a wise combination of letters whose sounds determine spiritual, psychic, and also physical effects.

Before all the languages of the Tower of Babel were revealed, only one language, a language of gold, a universal idiom existed. That language has its perfect Cosmic Grammar. The letters of that golden language are written in entire Nature. Whoever has studied the Nordic runes, and the Hebrew, Chinese, and Tibetan characters, will be able to perceive by intuition, that “Cosmic Language” with its enigmatic letters.”

V.M Samael Aun Weor (Logos, Mantram, Theurgy)

End (1556).

Mantras: Step 5 – Repose and Perceive Result – (1555)

Sounds is Real and Always Produces an Effect

Every mantra works and a result is created even if we believe in it or not. This is because sound always creates, it always has some effect, because it is a real thing, it is something that has a manifestation in all the dimensions without and within us.

The Logos made creation possible through the use of sound and the word. All that is alive sounds or vibrates.

Sound and therefore the word create and have the power to determine circumstances and alter the outcome of existing present circumstances.


There is a very intimate relationship between the sexual glands and the Creative Larynx. When the boy reaches the age of 14 years, his voice is transformed into the voice of a man. Said transformation is due to the sexual glands that enter into activity. Therefore, that intimate relationship between the sexual glands and the Creative Larynx is incontrovertible!”


We need silence though to be able to perceive the effect of our chanting. Observing in silence is the effect of the mantra is an important step because as soon as we notice the changes we awaken to the use of that mantra and its effect. We then make the use of the mantra something more conscious and we offer ourselves an opportunity to gradually deepen our awareness of the effects of this mantra.

End (1555).

Mantras: Step 4 – Repetition and Duration – (1554)

Takes Time

It really takes time for the mantra to set up its resonance effect in our physical and psychological and even esoteric system.

We must, we have to repeat the vocalisation of the mantra. It certainly does take some time for the mantra to make its effect perceptible in our system. The mantra needs to override any other sounds and tones of vibration in our system and harmonise them all into the magical effect of itself. This takes time especially when we have many vibrations going on inside of ourselves due to the activities for the centres and the egos jumping around here and there in our mind and emotion.


It is unrealistic to expect an instant result given our conditions. Realistically mantras must be chanted respectively. How many times we can not say, it varies for the individual. I would repeat the mantra until a change in my vibration is felt at the very least.

End (1554).

Mantras: Step 3 – Concentration – (1553)


This one is obvious right?

Principle Behind

The principle behind concentration in relation to the use of mantras is that for the mantra to take form effectively our intention and purpose must be constantly flowing through and the power of the mantra must be focussed on something.

Just imagine if you are chanting the mantra KRIM to dissolve a certain ego and you are not wanting to dissolve it really and you are not even focussing ton that ego where is all that force of the mantra KRIM going to go? Nowhere right?

So concentration is needed to focus our so that it can flow through the mantra and be directed to the right place.

The mantra and the word create a certain geometry and this geometry can not be created if there is no focus and no intention.

Sand Patterns (Geometry) produced by sound travelling through a board of sand.


The word produces objective geometric figures. Said figures are filled with cosmic matter and crystallize materially. In the beginning was the Verb and the Verb was with God, and the Verb was God; because of Him, all things were made! The geometric figures of words are concretely demonstrated on recording tape. It is enough to pass the needle over the tape for all the words pronounced by the speaker to resound with intensity.”


Without concentration the power of the mantram can not reach its target.

End (1553).

Monday, 27 February 2017

Mantras: Step 2 – Align the Three Brains – (1552)

Reasons Behind

The reason behind this step is two-fold.


The first reason is that it forms the basis for a solid concentration.


The second reason is that it harmonises our total system. When we are balanced or harmonised it is more likely that we are going to vibrate more singularly, that is producing just one tone and not a mixture of similar and distant tones.

This is important because what we want the mantra to do is to make our key note vibration to become the same as the vibration of the mantra. Or at least modify our key note vibration to produce a certain effect.

For this to happen it is so much easier if we are vibrating with one tone only. If we are many tones there is more work for the mantra to do and of course the longer it will take.

Just by experience, when we have our centres or brains in a state of disagreement chanting any mantra is nearly always fruitless.


Experiment, see the difference when your three brains are aligned and in agreement with the mantra you are going to chant.

Note, this maybe easy to achieve or it may actually cost us some work. If we like and have faith in the mantra it is always easy to do. But if we don’t believe in the mantra and we are not interested in what it does, it will be very difficult to align our three brains in chanting the mantra.

End (1552).

Vibratory Affinity and Resonance – (1551)


This is another important principle to know when wishing to make the chanting of mantras more effective. Because when we chant a mantra we want the vibration of the mantra to permeate our whole mind and body and vibrate in the same way as the mantra.

In short, chanting mantras is about working with the principle of vibratory affinity.

Down came the walls of Jericho by the power of sound!


If a musician playing an instrument, was to hit the Keynote of a man, and prolonged that note to the maximum, that man would die instantly. All the cells of the human organism are sustained by Sound, by the Verb. The atoms of the entire organism live in incessant motion. All that is in motion makes a sound, and the Logos makes sounds. The Synthetic Note of every atomic movement of the human organism, could by a Law of Vibratory Affinity, instantly kill the human being.

It is said that when Joshua blew the trumpet, the walls of Jericho fell. Joshua hit the keynote of those walls. In the army, it is known that when a battalion is going to cross a bridge, they should break the march so as to not destroy the bridge’s stability with their sonorous rhythm. If the note of a piano is played, and if there is another piano nearby, the latter will repeat the same note of the former. This is due to the law of Vibratory Affinity.

Apply this example to the case we mentioned. Really, if the musician was to produce the keynote of a man and prolonged it too long, by the Law of Vibratory Affinity, the phenomenon of the two pianos would repeat itself in the man’s organism, and then this would mean instant death in other words, a very intense commotion beyond the resistance of the normal equilibrium of the man’s structure.”

(Logos, Mantram, Theurgy, Samael Aun Weor)


There you have it. We need to make the principle of vibratory affinity work within us when we chant mantras. When it works we are very close to making the mantra work for us.

End (1551).

Key Note – (1550)


This is an important fact to take into account when chanting mantras and it is the reason behind why we to make the mantra effective align the three brains.

The excerpt below from Master Samael explains what the key note is. It turns out that everything has its key note. A river, a mountain, a valley, a plant, an animal, a human being etc. all have their particular key note.


And the “SEVEN VOWELS” of Nature: I-E-O-U-A-M-S, resound in the entire Creation! Each flower, each mountain, each river, has its own peculiar note, its synthetic note. The ensemble of all the sounds produced l the Planetary Globe produces a SYNTHETIC NOTE in the immense core of the infinite space. Each World has its KEYNOTE. The ensemble of all the Keynotes of the Infinite, form the ineffable orchestration of the starry spaces; this is the Music of the Spheres of which Pythagoras spoke to us about.”

Samael Aun Weor (Logos, Mantram, Theurgy)

In Us

We too have our key note, which is the sum of the sounds of all of our cells, our mind and our psyche. When we align our three brains with something we end up producing a key note that is purer or more like the sound of a single tone. When our three brains are not align and are at odds with one another our key note is a bit of a mixture, it is not of a single pure note. This is because the conflict amongst the three brains causes various cells in our body to vibrate differently to one another.


When we remember our inner Being we make our key note to vibrate intensely, more intensely than it has ever vibrated.

Remembering our Being also makes our key note to vibrate harmoniously or of a single tone.

End (1550).

Back to Mantras – (1549)

For tomorrow a series of posts back to the subject of the esoteric science behind making the chanting of mantras effective.

End (1549).

Transit Umbra, Lux Permanet – (1548)

Shadow Passes, Light Remains

This is the reason why waiting as a technique to combat the ego (certain egoic storms) is valid.

(translation of Latin phrase: “Transit Umbra, Lux Permanet” is “Shadow Passes, Light Remains).

End (1548).

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Waiting Intelligently is an Effective and Valid Technique Against the Ego – (1547)

When the Question is the Ego

When it is the ego waiting does marvels!

The ego can make us think that something is so important and irresistible. But if we just wait for that storm to pass we see that everything changes. What seemed so impossible now seems possible and what seemed so important and irresistible now seems unimportant and matter of fact.

Know When to Wait Intelligently

We have to know when to intelligently wait and when we shouldn’t wait.

When we wait intelligently we know that we will feel very differently soon and so this bit of knowledge helps us to remain calm and to not get so identified with the storm. You can put the thoughts and feelings aside and then because you know that their importance and irresistibility is just an illusion, in a few days’ time it will be different.

Golden Rule

The golden rule is when it is the ego that is involved wait! When it is the work involved don’t wait – work.

If it is a mixture of both, that is, it is beneficial for the work but an ego many fatten itself in the process, maybe take the risk or maybe not. You have to weigh it up and make your decision. Maybe try and withdraw, but make sure you can withdraw though.

“Ponder carefully and think wisely” is what my marvellous missionary would say.

End (1547).

Demand More Work from Yourself Rather than Live to an Ideal – (1546)

From practical experience it is better to operate this way I have found. That is demand more work from yourself and of better quality rather than constantly telling yourself I should be doing this or that, or working that many times and be achieving this and that etc.

One is realer than the other and the one that is realer does not create frustration, disappointment and us suffering. The one that is realer is open while the one that is not realer is always about putting a limit on ourselves, by that I mean an ideal is a restriction, a limit., a roof that you bump your head on and then stop.

End (1546).

Friday, 24 February 2017

When it Comes to People Good Will is Better - (1544)

To have ill will or a negative attitude towards people is not that good. It is much better to have good will towards people, than ill will. Nothing good comes out of ill will.

When you notice that you have a negative attitude towards someone or even ill-will ask yourself: "What good is really going to come out of this?".

To have good will towards another person may not improve the situation straight away but at least it balances you inside, and that is some peace.

End (1541).

Mantras: Step 1 - Purpose and Intention – (1543)


“The Logos sounds” Master Samael says.

In Greek the word ‘logos’ means ‘word’ or ‘plan’. Logos also come to mean the “word of God” and it is also known in other contexts as the principle of divine reason and creative order.

All of the above meanings are significant and relate to one another. They are all aspects of the one and same thing: universal sound.

The Logos was the one that created Master Samael said. This is because the word creates and as the Logos is the word, it was the Logos that created.

For there to be any kind of creation there must first of all be the reason to create. So the Logos had a reason, a purpose and an intention to create.

Mantras are there to Create

When we chant a mantra we wish to create something. So, in that moment we are acting like a mini Logos.

Just as the Logos infused Its intention to create through sound and its intelligence through the word we have to do the same.

If there was no intention or cause or reason to create then the sound and the word of the Logos would not have reached its effect, that is causing creation to erupt from within the bosom of the Absolute.

No Purpose = Mechanical and No Creation

If we don’t have a purpose or an intention to vocalise a mantra the practice of chanting the mantra will become mechanical, and most certainly results will seldom arrive that way.

Creation is ordered and intelligent and if we don’t put a purpose and intention into the mantra or the sound that we make we can not for a second expect to create something ordered.

This is why sound creates geometry, because there is an intelligence moving through it.

End (1543).

A Little Bit of Practical Esoteric Science Regarding the Use of Mantra – (1542)

Introduction – Five Steps

Here are five steps that one can follow to make the use of chanting any mantra to be effective.

In this post I have listed the step and in subsequent posts I have explained the science (principles) or reasoning behind each step.

The Five Steps

1. Purpose and Intention

Have a clear reason for chanting the mantra.

2. Align the Three Brains

Align your three brains in chanting the mantra.

3. Concentration

Concentrate profoundly on the mantra.

4. Repetition and Duration

Chant the mantra repeatedly giving it time to work. Very few mantras work immediately.

5. Repose and Perceive Result

After chanting the mantra remain quiet for a while perceiving the effect.

End (1542).

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Practical Trick to Finish Off that Annoyance – (1541)

If Something Annoys You…

If something annoys you, go and do exactly what it is that annoys you.

Do the Same…

If someone is annoying you by doing something, go and put yourself in that same situation and do exactly the same thing that they are doing and which happens to annoy you.

Interesting Discovery

Then you will see how logical and normal it is for them to being the way they are and for them to be doing what it is that they are doing (which happens to annoy us).

As soon as we do this we will then see that it is not a personal action against us but rather something that makes sense for them to be doing, it is logical even, given their personality, their background, their body, the situation, their psychology etc.

We Are Wrong

Then we can really see that we are in the wrong when we get annoyed. The problem is really ours.

We Can Work it

As soon as we see and understand that we are in the wrong we can work on annoyance and deal it a mortal blow.

This is because annoyance has the concept that the other person is putting us out, ill-affecting us or inconveniencing us.


The experience of doing the same as what annoys us clearly shows us that this concept is ill-founded and is FALSE!

End (1541).

Give the "Search This Blog" a Go! - (1540)

If there is something that you are wondering about and would like a bit more information, give the "Search This Blog" tool a shot. You may just find something interesting.

Located on the top right of the Home page.

End (1540).

As Above So Below The Universe Has a Special Number Too! – (1539)

Special Number

Just as our individual Real Being has a number, where that number from the previous post, is that each Being has a certain number of autonomous and self-conscious parts that need perfecting and once that work has been done the inner universe of that Being has been realised.

As Above so Below

As the Real Being of each human being has a special number, the Absolute must also have its number.

This means that a special number of Beings or Monads must achieve their self-realisation before the Absolute can close creation or manifestation. As soon as that number is fulfilled the doors to creation can be closed.

A Secret and Magical List

There somewhere says the experiences and legends of Gnostic people, exists a special secret list in which the names of all the Monads or Beings who are going to achieve their self-realisation is written. We just hope that the name of our Monad is on that list. If not let’s put it there.

End (1539).

When Our Time in Creation is Up! – (1538)

Read from Pistis Sophia Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor

Below is an excerpt taken straight out of the “Pistis Sophia Unveiled” a book where Master Samael unveils some very important parts of the Pistis Sophia.

It has been said that the Pistis Sophia holds some of the teachings that Jesus imparted to his disciples during the time after his ascension, where it is also said that he was able to be present with his disciples for a period of 11 years before he definitely had to leave them.

In many ways the Pistis Sophia represents the esoteric side of Christianity which is very profound.

I was told once that the hole in the middle of the Roman Pantheon represents the entry of the Gods into the Absolute.


Jesus commendeth Matthew and promiseth his disciples that they shall sit on thrones with him.

And when Jesus had heard these words, he said: “Finely [said], Matthew.  Now, therefore, amen, I say unto you: When the perfect number is completed and the universe is raised hence, I will take my seat in the Treasury of the Light, and ye yourselves will sit on twelve light-powers, until we have restored all the orders of the twelve saviours to the region of the inheritances of every one of them.”
And when he had said this, he said: “Understand ye what I say?”

Samael Aun Weor
The perfect number is completed within ourselves when the reintegration of the Being has been achieved.

The interior Universe of each one of us is ready when the total reintegration of all of the autonomous .and self-conscious parts of the Being has been achieved.

The Throne of the INTIMATE CHRIST is, precisely, in the Treasury of the Light.

We have previously stated that we must search for the Treasury of the Light within the profundities of the Being.

The Treasury of the Light is of Gold, diamonds, and all precious stones.

The Treasury of the Light is the Celestial Jerusalem.”


The excerpt above is saying that when a specific predetermined number of parts of our Being are self-realised, perfected and integrated into the whole and one Being then the work of that Being is complete and the cycle of needing to be in creation to complete the work is done. Our interior universe has been made and our self-realisation is complete.

So we all have to wait to one day know this number. Maybe we will before it is complete or maybe we will know it once it is done. Despite this, it seems that every human being has a different number.

End (1538).

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

The Instinctive Centre is Marvellous! – (1537)

You think you die! When the instinctive centre is released it can do amazing things!

We don’t really know what our instinctive centre can allow us to do, until the moment comes. We don’t know for example, how fast it can make us move.

I think this guy does this on purpose but to survive maybe our own instinctive centre could do this.

Bear that in mind that if there is a difficult or emergency situation, if your instinctive centre kicks in you may well do better than you think. As long as you don’t think.

The instinctive centre will make us more courageous than we what think that we are right now or we think possible for us!

End (1537).

How Does Temptation Work? – Not Always the Way we Think it does! – (1536)

We are Tempted to Pursue

It works basically from within ourselves. Meaning that it is mostly us that is tempted to pursue what we are tempted with. Meaning we are tempted to go for what tempts us.

Not a bad representation of our inner psychological country with all those egos there running amok.

Wrong Idea

We think that it is something that bears down upon us and forces us to take up the tempting offer. This is most often not the case. There is a very good reason for this.

Why the Wrong Idea?

The reason for this is that when we are forced other egos in us answer such as fear, pride and anger and the temptation is over, because the ego that was feeling tempted is displaced. The best temptation is when the there is no help from any other factor in us (i.e. no other ego, circumstances, physical obstacles etc.) to interfere with the ego feeling tempted or actually being tempted. The only other factor is our essence or our consciousness that can help us, and that is the factor that should be there, because that factor, our essence, is what is really being strengthen or tempered.

For example, when we are alone, is when we really face temptation at its most potent.

End (1536).

Impact of the Four Noble Truths – (1535)

Main Point

My point with this post is to draw upon the four noble truths that the Buddha taught, and reiterate that our suffering always has a cause and that just as it is true that it has a cause there is a way out.

This is such good news that there is a cause and there is a way out and both of these two things are a truth!

Thank God!

To know this, is so useful because at times we feel our pain or suffering so vague, obtuse and mysterious that we think that it does not have a cause and much less a remedy.

But it does! It Does!

The following excerpt expands a little more on this.

Supporting Excerpt from a Book

“Regardless of the many different schools and traditions, the primary aim of Buddhism is the realisation of the Four Noble Truths. ‘Noble’ is used to signify that the realisations and consequent actions based on these truths are refined and profound. The truths are, in essence, two cause and effect relationships: dukkha and its causes, freedom from dukkha, and the causes of this freedom. 

They are:

1. There is dukkha (unsatisfactoriness or suffering).
2. Dukkha has causes.
3. There is freedom from dukkha.
4. There are ways or paths to freedom.

The cause–effect relationships evident in the Four Noble Truths can be applied to the basic patterns evident with all dukkha, including psychological disorders, and provides a way out of all types of dukkha, or at the least can reduce the severity of these experiences.”

End (1535).

Everything Costs – (1534)

Monetary and Non-Monetary – Everything has a Cost

Everyone I think knows this that everything costs. The question for us is to know and to determine if this cost is worth it.

This is not a financial cost, that is so many dollars or euros, but an intellectual, emotional, motor – physical and spiritual cost. Something that is paid with the capital residing in our essence and three brains.

Knowing the Cost

Knowing the cost of certain egos manifesting and knowing the cost of feeding certain egos is part of our comprehension of the ego and when we feel and come to the well understood conclusion that this cost is not worth it, we can virtually remove the base from underneath the ego.

No Longer Affordable

I say this because we still go with the ego when we still think its cost is worth it or that we can still somehow manage or live or cope with its cost. When we no longer can pay or cope with the cost we are ready to definitely say NO!

In the beginning with the work on the ego we can afford the cost of it, but as we work we can no longer afford the cost of it manifesting and even being alive in us!

What do you feel in your entrails? Can you still afford the ego?

End (1534).

You Think that You Have Time to Get Out of the Abyss! – (1533)

Rubbish – Start Now!

We are not as an entity in the abyss of nature or the Earth – of course we are not. But in some areas due to the ego being very heavy we live at certain times, especially when we are in that particular area of life, we are in our own abyss and so we connect to the mediocrity of the abyss of the Earth where all other human beings are the same.

The Law of Entropy equals all humans beings in the abyss to have the same level of mediocrity and that is what we have to escape from.

Get Out Now!

There is no time to get out! It has to be now! Don’t think that when a certain situation in your is over or when a new one starts, that that is when you will get out! Rubbish! You won’t! If you don’t get out now you won’t get out later!

End (1533).

Scared of Denying – (1532)

Holy Negating

This is what we are scared of – denying the ego.

The Christ in us is the Holy denying. He is the force that says no to the ego!

This says many things. The first thing that it says is that if the Christ in us is the Holy Negating, and the Christ is a an autonomous and self-consciousnesses part of our Being it means that He negates or denies the ego consciously.

As the Christ is Love in us his negation of the ego must be aligned with his nature of love. This tells us that it must be done with love and not duty. But of course conscious love, not sensual or emotional love. The basis of anything conscious is comprehension. Therefore comprehension and love must be at the base of your efforts to deny the ego.


We may feel scared because we think that it is going to be painful or difficult. True sometimes it is.

We may also feel scared, because we believe that at some later point we will end up undoing our commitment of denying the ego and therefore fail.

If we feel we will fail, it is because we know that our commitment to deny or renounce has holes in it. That is, it lacks comprehension. We feel that when the situation with that ego gets difficult we know that our weapons of comprehension are just not strong enough to push that ego back and so we will fail.

Well you are right! There is no other alternative but to strengthen comprehension and work until your weapons of comprehension are so strong that you feel that they will hold you steadfast in the storm that the ego will provoke in you.

The basis of  denying the ego is exactly this, a strong enough comprehension and the faith in that comprehension. Then you will succeed and you know that you will as well.

End (1532).

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

The Laws and God – (1531)


The many laws and orders that we have set in place in life and creation come from where? In Gnosis we would say from the Absolute itself. Why? Because the absolute has reflected itself in creation and so the various laws and orders present are of the Absolute’s own innate principles.

See the reflection of God in creation!

Do the Laws Change from One Cosmic Day to the Next?

Do Laws change from one cosmic day to another. The Laws here now are the Laws of the Absolute. Doesn’t the Absolute reflect itself in creation? As the absolute is the absolute and that is what is eternal, true and perennial, the Absolute won’t change and the as the laws are a reflection of it, the laws do not change from one cosmic day to the next.

Palace of the Law

The ray of the Law are present to apply and administer the various laws of the Absolute. This may even include setting the creation of new smaller laws to ensure the greater laws are not broken. 

Master Samael said that as humanity degenerates more and more unprecedented things will occur and so new laws will be needed.

The ray of Science is there to discover the laws and understand how they operate and the Ray of wisdom is there to record them and know why they exist and relate them to their source – the Absolute.

End (1531).

We Need Values to Stand up and Fight! – (1530)

Values Work

The values that we have in our body and in our essence allow us to get up and fight.

The values in our essence work on the body and command the body and in time if our body lacks vital values, the values of the essence with constant exertion, bring vital values into the body, making it strong and able to work.

The values of the essence can crystallise into many other values i.e. dharma. One such crystallisation of dharma are vital values.

Values Rebel

The values in our essence are the ones that rebel against the degeneration of the values inside of us.
The values work over time and wish to conquer their opposites.

The values are like an army, just like our body’s immune system that organise themselves in order to fight infections and viruses.

With the work on ourselves the values advance more extensively and rapidly through our system.

The values do not ‘divide and conquer’, they conquer and unite.

Co-Operate with the Wish of the Values

Our work is to co-operate with the wish of the values of the essence to express themselves and gain their victory of presence in the physical world. They descend in order to stay.

Do not block, hinder or be afraid of them.

Values Ignited!

The people that do not stand up and fight lack values or either their values have not been ignited into rebellion against the structures of darkness within themselves yet. The Monad in one is the fire that ignites and orders the values to wage war to conquer the psychological space for His descent.

The values in many good people who fight for a value to win over the opposite have their values in activity. Those that fight for a cause are fighting for the victory of certain values.

This is the reason why you persists in the psychological work, even after you fail and it is the reason why you return to work and work wishing, hoping and suffering in the waiting for the day that you establish that value within you.


It comes down to the fight for values and the prevalence of one or another value.

When we chose to block them or override them, then that is when the flame of their fight for victory to conquer our psychological and physical land is snuffed out and the dark forces of degeneration begin to settle in.

Always there is hope, a man can be regenerated from the bottom of the mud, if there is co-operation with this task. A value can be resurrected from near oblivion and become stronger than ever the main strength in a person.

End (1530).

It is Written in Nature that Sex is Rightfully Controlled by the Mind and the Heart – (1529)

Design of the Body

If we look at the human body we see that the sexual centre resides in the middle of the body and the intellect and heart in the superior parts. This tells us everything that we need to know.

Upright Order

When a human being stands upright it is seen that the head of the human being presides over the rest of his or her nature. The head, the brain receives the forces from above and rules over the forces of below within the nature of the human being. One of the forces of below is the sexual force.

The sexual force must be controlled, regulated and directed by the mind and the heart using one’s consciously chosen set of reference points. The reference points of the Gnostic are the path and the Being.

We hope so, often we find that they are not in some Gnostic people. This is because we would say that they have not grasped the role of sexuality in the goal of the self-realisation of their Being or they have not worked on themselves in that area or their lust is just too big at the moment.

By Law

It is within the laws of life that have descended down from below that the sexual centre is one which is to be generate and be presented in all but it is to be ruled, directed and used intelligently. That is its principle, that is how it has been designed, made or created.

It is very much like the engine in a car. The engine provides the power for everything the but the engine does not work by itself it requires a driver who gives it a direction in which to apply its force. As the working of the engine must be controlled so too must the sexual force be controlled. Otherwise just as in the case of an out of control car, the only thing waiting is disaster.


Realising this natural order within the universe and our own universe or body we can help ourselves to restore order within us and therefore take another step further in the dissolution of lust. Once again lust and the egos of sexuality are blind to many things and this is one of time. They don’t know about the right order of things in relation to the sexual centre and so they disrupt the natural order which brings imbalances and imbalance brings pain, and that is the end result more so that the fleeting pleasure that it seeks.

End (1529).

Monday, 20 February 2017

Remember You Generate the Pain You Feel! – (1528)

No I Don’t! Yes you do! Thank God you do, because if you generate it, you can Remove it!

See thank God that we generate the pain that we feel. Because if we generate it we can turn it off, change it for better or worse or turn it on again.

Hearing this may come as the worst news ever when we are in pain. But let me tell you something, realising this is the beginning of the way out of pain. No other way works but to keep you stuck in pain!

Just as a famous Buddhist teacher and monk says: “The way out is in!”.

Please Don’t Forget it!

See the thought that you are thinking that is making you feel pain. See that it is a thought that is responsible. No thought no pain. Then see that you are believing deeply in that thought. So begin to question that thought. That pain is good it is bringing you back home to your Being and it is making you awaken. Questioning what you are believing is to know yourself more and it is to introduce light into darkness and to show you that what you are believing is not necessarily true and that there is an option that you can take, which is a pathway to the light where that pain dissolves.

End (1528).