Sunday 12 February 2017

Prayer to the Inner God – (5362)

A Difference

There is a definite difference between praying to a God that we located outside of ourselves to praying to a God located within ourselves.

To the Outside God

People generally pray to a God that is outside of them. Meaning that when they pray they feel a separation between who they are praying to and themselves.

Even having studied Gnosis one can feel this way when praying to one’s own Divinity or Real Being.
A person who has studied Gnosis can be praying and directing his/her prayers to a God that his or her own but is felt to be outside of oneself, somewhere high up in the sky or the heavens.

Doing this though does not mean that these prayers are ineffective or wrong.

To the God Inside

We consider God to be the head of the universe and so He is indeed. We are actually a universe in miniature and so our God, our Real Being is the king of our universe. Our Real Being is the supreme power within us.

The supreme power in the cells of our body, the supreme power in our emotion, mind and will and the supreme power of our consciousness and spirit.

We May Not like to Pray to a God Inside Because…

We sometimes even knowing this want to still pray to a Divinity that we locate outside of ourselves. The reality is that God or our Real Being is where He is, not where we put Him.

We feel that praying to something outside of ourselves is more powerful because an outside power can have power over us totally as a person or as a n essence in our body. But what about having total power over us from inside of our body, mind, emotion, will and essence? Isn’t that more powerful after all?

We may not trust that our Being is powerful and so we pray to an outside God. But He is always inside of us. We may also feel that we are isolating ourselves praying this way, but we are not because pour Real Being is inside of us and also inside of the Absolute. So in prayer to our Real Being we are connecting to the Great Unity of All Beings.

Through the connection to the ‘All” our Real Being is powerful and can influence our external circumstances.

You will see that prayer to our Being makes us closer to others precisely because of that. If prayer to our God inside of ourselves isolated us we would end up disliking others, but this does not happen.

End (5362).

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