Thursday 23 February 2017

Practical Trick to Finish Off that Annoyance – (1541)

If Something Annoys You…

If something annoys you, go and do exactly what it is that annoys you.

Do the Same…

If someone is annoying you by doing something, go and put yourself in that same situation and do exactly the same thing that they are doing and which happens to annoy you.

Interesting Discovery

Then you will see how logical and normal it is for them to being the way they are and for them to be doing what it is that they are doing (which happens to annoy us).

As soon as we do this we will then see that it is not a personal action against us but rather something that makes sense for them to be doing, it is logical even, given their personality, their background, their body, the situation, their psychology etc.

We Are Wrong

Then we can really see that we are in the wrong when we get annoyed. The problem is really ours.

We Can Work it

As soon as we see and understand that we are in the wrong we can work on annoyance and deal it a mortal blow.

This is because annoyance has the concept that the other person is putting us out, ill-affecting us or inconveniencing us.


The experience of doing the same as what annoys us clearly shows us that this concept is ill-founded and is FALSE!

End (1541).

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