Monday 29 October 2018

Please Cultivate Trust – (2682)

Trust is a quality that is so fundamental, that it miraculously turns out to be major remedy for many egos.

It is a major remedy for fear, skepticism, self-sufficiency and many aspects of pride. It is a good remedy for jealousy and envy and it can certainly be of some help when working on the egos of ambition, greed and gluttony.

I say please cultivate it because it will help you so much.

I don’t want to give any methods (maybe one day I will) but if you are sincere about doing it and you start to do it, you will certainly do it! Start from the very basics and build up. You will not regret the effort that you have made to cultivate trust. It will be paid back to you enormously.

End (2682).


  1. Trust is something I find so difficult to cultivate. I have been let down a many times.

  2. You can still trust. This time it won't be trust in human beings that you are going to cultivate but trust in your essence, the work and your work and most importantly of all, trust in your inner Being!!!
