Sunday, 31 October 2021

Why Don't the Clairvoyant Healers See the Initiatic Path? - (4270)

I don' really know because I am not one...

But I have often wondered that, why these people with great seeing faculties don't see the initiatic path.

Just because the blind man can't see the Sun, doesn't mean that the Sun does not exist...

I also wondered that if they did see the initiatic path why wouldn't they follow it. Why don't they talk to you about the trials, the tests, the initiations, the purifications, the negotiations with the Law etc.

One thing that is true is that they have the right to chose to follow it or not follow it if they see it...

Is their vision limited or conditioned to not see it? It is because it is not their path and so they don't see it? It is of no interest to them so they don't see it? If they were to pursue the path would they have to renounce their faculties and so that would mean their mission in life would change and that is not what is meant to happen for them and so they don't see it? I don't know really - but it is a curious thing that always made me think...

They often don't talk about the path - does that mean that they have not seen it yet as Master Samael and others who self-realised saw it and walked it?

End (4270).

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Why Tolerate Egoic Pain? - (4269)

What about if in a moment we wake up and ask ourselves why are we tolerating feeling like this, why do we tolerate these most unpleasant and painful feelings inside of ourselves? We would change. We would no longer want to feel these painful feelings anymore and we would make immediate efforts to stop suffering and stop hurting ourselves and therefore stop hurting others.

Why do we tolerate egoic pain? Because something has not sparked or energized our consciousness enough to wake up to that and supply the force to decide to radically end the pain or end the circumstances.

End (4269).

About Hurting Others - (4267)

We may have nice feelings towards people. Tender feelings even. We get angry and we go to hurt them. Of course they can get hurt and do get hurt, but what is going on inside of ourselves? This is well worth investigating... 

We are hurting the tender feelings we have towards people and we enjoy harming those tender feelings, which are our own feelings. Those feelings are in us not in the other person or people. Other people  happen not to see these feelings.

We are hurting something I would say that is noble within ourselves. We are hurting and destroying our own noble feelings and a part of ourselves enjoys that - it is like a kind of emotional masochism. Which comes from us enjoying emotional pain or finding that emotional pain is kind of fascinating.

We like pain due to punishing ourselves. We like to punish ourselves after having failed at something and failure hurts.

We like to hurt others but we don't want that things fail or get seriously hurt. Maybe we hurt our feelings by hurting others so that they do fail and we learn a lesson that gives us the force to stop hurting ourselves and others.   

Basically we hurt others because we like to hurt our own tender and noble feelings. 

Those who are sadistic are really those who like first hurting themselves. 

We hurt others sadistically especially when we perceive there to be a weakness, that is where the other person's happiness seems dependent on the relationship going well.

End (4267).

Michael on the Bus - (4266)

After many months of observing while catching the bus I can say the following:

True that he has physical disabilities.

True that he talks to people on the bus and tries to get them to buy him a coffee or lunch.

True he talks to women more than men.

True he walks around the city most of the day.

True people try to avoid and ignore him.

Not true that he is a problem.

Not true that he is a pain.

Not true that he is unlikeable.

Not true that he is unworthy of love.

No person is a problem. The problem is that we can't deal with the thoughts or emotions that the impressions from him to us provoke inside of ourselves.

Truly working on ourselves we resolve much of the difficulties we have with people. The answer and solution to many issues with people resides in working on ourselves.

End (4266).

Inner Hidden Treatment of Others is what Counts Most - (4268)

Master Samael said that what counts most is how we treat others internally. 


Because that is the exact measure of how we really are.

We can treat others well physically but internally treat them very harshly. A contradiction. But still what we really are is what is going on inside of ourselves. Because from our thoughts we feel adn then we act. Thoughts and feelings are all outside of us.

We can treat another harshly but still treat them well inside of ourselves. That is what the masters do when they need for our consciousness to learn something. It is a conscious operation done for the benefit of the essence that has to learn through that side of things, for some reason...

Of course we can also treat someone badly inside of ourselves and treat them badly in words and actions.

In conclusion, the truth holds: treating others badly is to treat ourselves badly. We treat others how we treat ourselves.   

End (4268).

Link Sexual Energy to the Heart - (4265)

The conclusion is that it is best to link and fuse our sexual energy with the heart.

The heart contains noble values. When we link the sexual energy to the heart the sexual energy is then used nobly.

Linking the sexual energy to the heart also allows the heart to look over and influence the sexual energy. That is to order it and better direct it within ourselves with higher quality.

End (4265).

Being and You: No Need to Divide - (4264)

When we pray or remember our Being, see and feel that you are praying to yourself and our Being together. When we remember our Being see and feel we are remembering ourself and our Being together.

No more that we are here and the Being is there up there somewhere. No more of that duality or division but more of that unity.

Of course degrees and degrees of unity in our vision according to our capacity.

End (424).

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Greet Each Thought More Positively than Not - (4263)

To not strain the mind and not introduce tension or tightness into our brain, greet each thought positively. Almost as if to welcome it. 

I would say with a kind of smile...

Each thought contains a parcel of knowledge about ourselves waiting to be discovered.

Each thought is an expression of ourselves.

It takes a bit of practice to greet and see each thought without judgment. It is not too hard once we get the hang of it. It is worth making the effort. This is entirely within the traditional practice of meditation. 

We are interested in seeing into each thought not judging each thought.

Seeing leads to comprehension of a thought, and the thinker of the thought. Judgment on the other hand does not lead to comprehension or insight of a thought. It often leads to negative thought.

Comprehension leads to transformation and that is what we are interested in.

End (4263).

Link to Master Samael - (4262)

Today is a great day to link internally to Master Samael. To the spiritual force from his Being, that expresses through his teachings and wishes to liberate us. 

We need Master Samael for our liberation. I link with joy and hope and to align my centres, heart, mind, will and consciousness for what his mission on this Earth was for.

End (4262).

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Where are you Investing your Attention? - (4261)

If we invest our attention on something we give it life. If we are trying to stop smoking and we think about smoking we'll end up smoking again. What we put our attention on we amplify or strengthen.

The past, problems, negative thoughts and ideas, negative words are things we often put our attention on and of course that drags us into our own abyss, using our own attention.

End (4261). 

Accept, Know and Higher Force - (4260)

Accept whatever it is that we are feeling. Accept as fully and as thoroughly as we can. Know it as deeply and as thoroughly as we can. Know it as a value outside of duality. Once knowing it in depth take it up to a higher, nobler force within our interior Divinity. Joining it to the heart. Then there is transformation.

Actually when we take a feeling or impulse up to our Being or interior Divinity we are sublimating.

End (4260).

Friday, 22 October 2021

Bare Attention is the Only Thing that does not Do - (4259)

Meditation is not to do anything but rather to be. 

Attention free from the motivation that comes from fear, ambition, desire etc. is what meditates.

Bare attention we can get too when we don't want to do anything in meditation and have no goal, not even the goal to be open and quiet.

End (4259).

Your Power is My Fear - (4258)

I heard m.m.m saying this in classes a few times this week.

Reflecting on it, it is true. No one has any power over another unless it is given. Fear, attachment, pride etc. gives others power over us.

Whenever we feel overpowered or controlled, remember this truth. Know that you are contributing directly to that situation and then understanding that you will know what to do.

End (4258).

After a Psychological Storm or Earthquake Recharge the Solar Plexus - (4257)

After intense psychological upheavals or storms or earthquakes head to the ocean or a stream of naturally flowing water or a river and meditate opening the solar plexus so that it can collect energy - that is the electric prana that flows off the running water. Or either hug a tree asking the elemental of the tree for some energy.

The solar plexus is where our energy is stored. After such psychological storms our energy levels are really low. It is so so good to recharge ourselves.

End (4257).

Did what you did, said what you said, thought what you thought and felt what you felt - (4256)

Accept it! That's a part of self-acceptance.

Accept it to not fight anymore, to quieten the mental storms and to move on and rectify, rebuild, restore and advance. 

That's also peace! And progress when we learn anf advance.

End (4256).

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Separate from Pain - (4254)

It is hard to do. But even doing it for a few seconds helps. Even if it is hard we can still do it for a short or long time. We just need to remember to do it. It is good to be reminded and to remind others who are willing to hear this. 

This teaching or key applies to both separation from physical and emotional pain. It works for both pains.

Why it is so hard is because we first of all believe the following things:

1.) We are the pain.

2.) It is too hard to separate from the pain.

3.) We need the pain. 

4.) We like the pain - in the case of emotional pain that is.

5.) We feel a bit special with the pain.

6.) The pain is getting us attention and concessions that we normally don't get.

7.) Separating the pain makes the pain worse.

I’ll leave it to anyone who reads this to find it out for themselves if any of these points are false or an avoidance of the truth. 

All I'm going to say is that separating from pain is defintely a conscious effort and does require energy, and that it hurts but when we do it we do feel a relief. The more we identify with pain the weaker we get physically, psychologically and esoterically but even though to separate from pain hurts and relieves at the same time, we overall save energy and are not so depleted at the end. 

This is really worth reflecting on because we at some point will feel pain again. And when we do, we will be better prepared to go through it more consciously and therefore transform it better and to a greater degree. Which is to get more from it. 

End (4254).

Because I'm Superior what I think and Feel is Appropiate? - (4255)

This is a strong belief that we may carry in our psyche.

A belief that we truly believe in and act upon. But when we see it written down like this outside of ourselves right in front of us we don't fully believe that it is right.

Of course to anyone with a normal, sane and semi-balanced mind that statement or belief really, is not quite right. 

We are not superior. We have to work that out for ourselves. But I’ll explain a bit. Globally we are not superior. There is always someone above us. Superior is only a judgement we make in our mind. That is all it is. At one moment in a particular occasion we may run 100m faster than another, you ran it in 12 seconds and they ran it in 12.5 seconds. That's the real reality: 12 and 12.5 seconds, two numbers side by side. Then the mind steps in and says 12 seconds is superior to 12.5 seconds. No mind, no thought, then no superior or inferior. Then no upset and sadness nor happiness for that matter. Just what is.

Please note, all judgements are always made relative to a reference point. Like fast is good. Maybe for someone slower is good.

To judge ourselves superior or inferior is not reality, it is our own mind working and our mind using a reference point. So when we judge ourselves superior, we have to ask what reference point are we using. An objective one? Or another inner belief of our mind such as because I am Australian or American or European or have read or suffered a lot. Such reference points are subjective. Anyway it is always mostly a subjective reference point that our mi d used to judge us superior or inferior, just another inner belief that has not been questioned.

So if we are superior based on a erroneous judgement how can what we feel or think always be appropiate? It just can't be. But because we believe in that so strongly we really get upset when it is pointed out that what we are thinking or feeling is not appropiate. 

In conclusion, if we drop this belief we can experience more inner peace and in so doing we become more conscious because we are more real.

End (4255).

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Personal Justice - (4253)

The person that made that comment about needing to transcend our personal justice to awaken is really right.

That is a tremendous bottle. That experience from my point of view is really right. We have to put our consciousness above fair and unfair, right and wrong. 

The way to deal with injustice is to leave it in the hands of the Law and the Being.

Be totally giving to any injustice falling upon ourselves being a debt owed or a test.

Always good to think esoterically about injustice. Of course if we can do something to clarify the issue which will remove the injustice we should do that. Especially if it is honest, within our rights and does not hurt anyone.

End (4253).

Internal State More Important that what we are Doing - (4252)

To be aware during our day applying this principle that our internal state is more importnat thatn what we are doing is helpful.

Because it helps us to be aware of our internal state and to make us work to put ourselves into the best possible internal state. 

We can trust absolutely that if our internal state is good what we do will be of quality.

End (4252).

Monday, 18 October 2021

Spontaneous Natural Attention - (4251)

That's something to know how to do: keep our attention the natural way that it is - spontaneous and novel.

The first step is to gather our spontaneous natural attention and be able to focus it onto something - where we can pay close attention to it.

We can do it with training. First we have to gather our scattered attention and then focus it.

Then we have to make our mind an empty space. Ideally that is what we have to do but realistically we have not to allow that our attention go into our mind where all sorts of distracting processes begin and continue.

That for me the key is to not allow our attention to go into our mind. 

If our does go inot our mind, our attention is not natural anymore nor spananeous. The mind tries to control it with thoughts and it also tries then to plan things for it. The mind thinks about us using our attention and comments on us doing it. Then we end up so distracted with our attention divided on our many thoughts thinking and even thinking we are doing well if we fall asleep psycholohgically that is.

Attention is like energy if we focus it on our mind we energise our mind, if we focus on our consciounsess we bring our consciousness closer to us and activate it for it to send us its light.

As m.m.m says the consciousness has light and cognition.

End (4251).

Thursday, 14 October 2021

A Worthy Meditation - Explore the Perspective of Seeing Others as a Monad - (4250)

Absolutely a very worthy meditation or exploration to do.

To see in all aspects of life what that means to see others as a Monad... That is the exploration to be done in meditation.

This is I feel so very important for relationships in general and especially in the esoteric studies and work,

I believe it to be so powerful that it can quash protests, complaints and problems in us and in others on the spot.

How do I see others, especially those very close to me? As a human personality or as a Monad. Remembering to ignore the spiritual reality of a perosn is to be ignorant of the full reality of the person, and therefore because we ignore reality, we are alseep.

Being asleep brings accidents, miscommunications, dramas, difficulties, problems, clashes, pendulum swings, tragedies even...

End (4250).

See the Monad - You are not Mine - (4249)

To see people as being a Monad, a divine being translates into so so many perspectives in all the areas of life.

All of these translations are found in each moment of life, when one truly sees others as a Monad first with a physical vehicle.

Just one of the thousands of implications is that no one person can ever be ours. The person or people we have in front of us belong to their Monad. They are certainly never ours to do with what we please or wish or think is best.

You who are reading this belong to your immortal and Divine Being!!!

When we understand that we can only feel grateful that they are in front of us becasue they are there by virtue of the will of their Monad and we can only ever respect that and them and we know too that they are always free (we can not chain the Spirit) and they can go at any time - so we better behave to the ethical standards of that Monad we have in front of us if we want them to be around for longer.

End (4249).

Physical: Money Low and Frequent Police Sightings - (4248)

So its said that the external is a reflection of the internal. I have always been very flexible in this point. I found that to take this too seriously is to get unbalanced and unbalanced quickly. 

People who see symbols everywhere become weird and people think that they are a bit silly. Also they themselves create so many bottles for their mind and consciousness. 

It is a truth yes, and for issues or points of gravity it does hold true. Of the several points of gravity where this does hold true in our life are from my expereince our bank account and the physical law.

I have noticed that when my bank account is low I am lacking merit and there is an urgency to do something, and fast, to earn more merit. Give more, practice more, sacrifice more...

When we see police cars, police patrols, police stations, police badges etc. much more frequently than normal it is usually a notification to our consciousness that we are not relating so well with the Cosmic law and we need to modify things to come back inline.

The Being, nature, the masters who in the superior worlds all try to send us messages, sometimes through such physical means.

End (4248).

When Things are Unfair - Dealing with Injustice - (4247)

Lets face it we have to know or find our own conscious way of dealing with unfariness and injustice.

If we are unfairly blocked, I say unfair because for example we know others had it so easy - all doors open but for us the doors are closed. The best thing to do is to think esoterically. I reaally mean this from a lot of experience the BEST is to THINK ESOTERICALLY!!!

When there is something unfair and we can't do much about it - we must think esoterically and look to the invisible.

If things are unfair for us we obviously have debts to pay or lessons to learn.

So just pay and learn! The quicker the better. DON'T FIGHT - PAY and LEARN by WORKING!!!

Just this one key has got me where I am. I would be a mess if I didn't apply over teh twenty or more years I have been studying Gnosis. This key that I was taught and applied has never failed to help and save me!

Pay with patience, with sacrifice. We have to resort to the 8 to pay or deal with the five (check Master Samael's book: Tarot & Kabbalah).

We can fight it humanly but we can fight it esoterically, I prefer to fight it esoterically. 

Fight esoterically by working hard to really in truth acquire values and merit and the Law of Cause and Effect or Justice will by itself open the doors.

If things are unfair there is a cause for it. We have to change that cause or set up a new cause for the doors to open. 

To set up a new cause we can't be passive. The stupidest way to be passive is to argue, complain and protest and get all upset and sad. The best way to be active is to grab the bull by the horns, see what we lack and get to work straight away getting what we need. What we may need most of the time is PATIENCE and HUMILITY!!!

End (4247).

Unbottle your Consciousness During the Day from Small Things - (4246)

A good thing to do to help ourselves is to extract our consciousness from small bottles during the day.

With small things we will get practice to do well with the big things. 

It is better to let go of small things that take up our time and attention for very little gain. The opportunity to get through to our consciousness is more important and valuable to us.

For example instead of spending a lot of time and attention squeezing the last bit of tooth paste out of a tube, just throw it out and open a new one. If we are in the business of saving lots of money and becomming rich we would do something like this but our business is the consciousness. So we have to chose based on our reference points of the work, the consciousness, the path and the Being.

End (4246).

Always Try to get to your Consciousness - (4245)

A big help is to tell someone and of course first of all ourselves to use our or their consciounsess to find an answer. We usually don't find an immediate answer but the effort to find an answer is such a great help.

In every moment that we can, we can try to get through to our own consciousness. This is the training tha we need.

The bridge is our attention. If we put our full attention on something we can get to our consciousness. If we don't we have no other choice but to persist.

The key I find is to pay attention intensely! Looking intensely to get through to our consciousness. Half efforts are not worth it they don't help us to get through.

End (4245).

Who are we Listening to? - (4244)

Who are we listening to?

We are either listening to someone or ourselves. We stop listening to someone when we start listening to our inner dialogue. 

We listen to our egos or to our consciousness.

To listen to our consciousness we need to make our mind passive and focus our attention inwardly into the silence within. Or either ask oursleves deep honest questions.

It seems who we listen to is criticial. Listening is a critical thing inside of ourselves. Seeing is another thing. We either see the images projected from our consciousness or our egos.

End (4244).

Attention in Essence and Bridge to Consciousness - (4243)

We are the essence, and inside our essence is the consciousness. 

Our attention is not the consciousness. The consciousness is something a little beyond that. Our attention is a big part of our essence.

Where our attention is, our consciousness is. So when we pay attention we are calling our consciousness. 

Where we put our attention our consciousness will shed light. 

So, our attention is the bridge to our consciounsess. Our consciousness is the one with the light and the powers or abilities.

So if we don't take control of our attention we won't be able to access our consciousness.

End (4243).

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Takes Two to Make One - (4242)

To get one, two is needed. Meaning two individuals are needed before the two individuals can merge into one.

This says that a clear distinction is first needed amongst the two individuals to create harmony between the two people. 

How interesting... It goes contrary to the common way of thinking...  

Two people who are a mixture of each other according to this wise statement can not make one. That is they will never arrive at a kind of harmony that leads to a long and deep kind of happiness. In other words a unity of wills will be hard to come bye.

"Tie two birds together and even though they have four wings they can not fly."

The two columns of the temple should be a distance apart for the light to enter.

Another very interesting anecdote I was told recently is that relationships are about multiplication not addition because in relationships things only really multiply. So a half times a half equals a quarter but one times one equals one. So if we are half of each other or only half ourselves the relationship of two half people will bring an overall less - a quarter. Meaning less happiness and less fulfillment.

End (4242).

Monday, 11 October 2021

Not to be Great but to Shave or Empty of Ego - (4241)

The idea of the work is not to be great or superior but to shave our ego down and down until we are small enough to fit inside of our heart or in other words empty and empty ourselves so that our Divine Being can find some space inside of us.

End (4241).

Friday, 8 October 2021

Don't Betray Consciousness - (4240)

When we have consciousness present and we know from our consciousness what to do and we don't do it. We betray our consciousness.

Each betrayal always costs. Some dearly. Some not so bad but they all cost and we all feel that cost when it is extracted from us.

I'm learning the hard way that it is best to act on whatever of consciousness we have.

End (4240). 

Gaps are to be Filled - (4239)

Gaps in our psychic and physical life are treated by being filled - filled with consciousness.

Gaps always indicate some kind of incompleteness or mismatching.

Through a gap can enter qualities or substances that are undesirable to us. Often that is the case with the gaps that are to do with our psychological values, qualities or virtues.

Because of a gap in our trust for someone, some strange feelings, that is some we have experienced before and others we havn't, can appear in us. 

Then again because we have gaps in our egoic structure, that is because it is not a solid block that covers our whole psyche, the light of our consciousness can enter our psyche.

If we have a gap in our understanding about something for example, we need to work on our understanding to deepen or expand it and fill in any gaps. 

Gaps are about a lack of awareness and are solved by bringing more awareness.

Because we have a gap in our love for another person we fall prey to jealousy. If there is no gap of love or trust in us jealousy has to cause to appear.

If there is a gap in our faith and trust in ourselves, life, the Being, the work, we feel fear.

When there is a gap between what we say and what happened we are lying.

The only gaps we can manage really are time gaps. All the other kind of gaps are there just to be closed as soon as we can.

Between us achieving a goal and where we are now right there is a time gap. As we work towards our goal the gaps narrow. 

Reality gaps are best closed too. Whern we have reality gaps in us we are in fantasy. Or we are doing something to 75 degrees but everyone knows that we are only doing 45 degrees. There is an information gap that later on proves problematic. All updates serve to close information gaps. 


End (4239).

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Close Gaps - (4238)

The objective is to close gaps.

There are many gaps in us. Gaps are differences between two parts in a whole. They are a block to unity.

There are feeling gaps, time gaps, communication gaps, understanding gaps, truth gaps, reality gaps, gaps in payment, thought gaps etc. Even the famous London undergorund voice: "Mind the Gap" is considered something to be wary of with. Gaps are not ideal. 

Gaps are where we trip up, where things run awry or where accidents, miscommunications and misunderstandings are prone. 

What to do? A gap review. Act to close gaps.

I'll give more examples of gaps in the next few posts.

End (4238).

Friday, 1 October 2021

Full Attention Training - (4237)

Training oneself to not divide their attention is difficult.

Everything is difficult but possible...

Our attention is normally so divided and we can;t keep our attention full and complete focused on something for long either.

The training our attention leads to awakening or to using our conscious, as where our attention is our consciousness will be.

The training of our attention is in our everyday life. When talking to someone, when executing a mundane task at home etc. 

Attention is trained the best with full focus on the small details. Here we develop the patience and strength of focus. 

I say this because we usually like to focus on lofty and interesting things, which is excellent but training with the mundane builds more love for our reality, more acceptance of our reality, more insight into our reality and into the reality of life, and that which is supremely important is that it builds an emotional strength or will power directly related to the use of our attention. Focusing on lofty things we have emotion for the lofty and we are not so focussed on the use or love of attention.

Attention is the flow of life, it is the flow of consciousness and it is love, care, solutions to problems and it is innovation and renovation and so many vital things.

End (4237).