Welcome! Whether you are already studying Gnosis or you have come across this blog by 'chance', I sincerely hope that what you find here will be of some use to you. (All that is posted here comes from the continued study of Gnosis, as taught by the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor. To know more go to www.gnosistr.com.)
Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Ties Between Souls - (5268)
How we do Anything is how We do Everything - (4705)
This is more true than not.
This truth is a call to attention. That the smallest task is how we will do the greater more important tasks.
Working to master and perfect the smallest task and the values implicit in the tasks is how we start to correct the bigger and more important tasks that we often get wrong.
We can't think that doing poorly in the small and doing well in the big is the way forward. The small and big are connected and doing well in the small connects to doing well in the big.
Every task that we do is important - we can't dismiss the importance of anything that we do.
End (4705).
Thursday, 23 March 2023
Gratitude Notes - (4157)
I respectfully think that gratitude is a quality of our consciousness. I think from experience that when we are truly grateful it is our consciousness expressing it. In general if our consciousness manifests something then it comes from our Inner Being. Gratitude ultimately has its roots in our Inner Being...
When our essence is active it has in its feelings the joy to be alive! In that joy is gratitude. Master Samael said that the feeling of the essence is not far off from the feeling of our Being.
Perhaps in the roots of gratitude is the expression from our Inner Being to the Absolute - the Cosmic Father-Mother for Being present in It and from the Absolute for all the things that the Monads do for It and do in It's name. Then essence is grateful to It's Being for having unfolded It. Gratitude is a great chain of love that links us back to the Absolute!
The below graphic shows us how focusing on the value of gratitude changes our lives. It is very simple yet so effective. Gratitude really as all the values of our Being do, have the power to change us from the inside out!
It seems that we can always benefit from going to gratitude at any point of our life and have our internal state changed right then and there on the spot.
End (4157).
Ray of Being & Karma - (4685)
We all know that the Real Being of each one of us has a ray. Many past posts have discussed the relevance of this ray to our nature and the way we work on ourselves.
The polarities are so interesting that we can end up being the opposite of our ray. Previous posts discussed how we can due to our sleeping consciousness end up displaying characteristics that are far skewed from that of our ray.
The are many ways in which we relate incorrectly to the ray of own Being. Often the poor ways of relating are very visible.
Usually if we are very skewed in relation to our ray, it is an inner urgency for us to correct that in our three brains. For example we could relate poorly to our ray in just one brain but well in the other centres.
For example, a ray of wisdom person could be really unintelligent for some reason which they would have to find out. Sometimes it could just be the incapacity to bring that wisdom into manifestation in actions. It could be the same with other rays, for example a person whose Being is from the ray of force could be weak because of the same reason - incapacity to bring that force into expression through the motor centre.
It could be too that we have some big blocks in the form of egos that take the expression of our ray and distort it. Like force for example, the force of the ray of force could be taken with anger or intolerance and produce noticeable distortions and unbalanced responses.
So it is not far off to think that if we relate poorly to the ray our own Inner Being that we incur some debts in relation to It.
End (4685).
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
Answer to Questions from Comment to Posts: 3954 and 826 - (3969)
Question for Post: Lunar Influence Notes - (3954)
Could you please explain what is this creation of a 'psychological infinite'?
What are the various infinites? Master Samael states that each infinite has its own 13 Aeons. He says that after the creation of a psychological infinite, one can either enter into the Absolute or create the necessary internal conditions to pass into the next infinite. He also says that those Beings who follow the path of Cosmocreators on the Direct Path pass from infinite to infinite, i.e. from firmament to firmament.
Is this the Path of John? Or is it related to the Path of John where one moves up the cosmic hierarchy (from angels to archangels to potencies to dominions to virtues to thrones to cherubim to seraphim)?
It is basically where one cystallises in their psychology the laws and principles of the infinite so that states of consciousness that are aware of the infinite can expand to the infinite, which is beyond the scale of the galaxy.
My understanding is that an infinite is a creation and that there are various creations residing in infinite space, and that such a Being with an psychological infinite can move between them or prepare itself to visit or live there.
I am not sure about it being the path of John. I know from the teachings that it is not moving up from angel to archangel that is done in the process of the second mountain. Creating the psychological infinite is much beyond the third mountain.
Question for Post: What is Sexuality? - (826)
Sometimes the sexual energy disappears for months at a time, and with it the opportunity to work and move closer to the being. Is this due to debts against the Holy Spirit?
I can't say anything for certain here, in my opinion I would say yes that it is due to debts against the Holy Spirit. To know what the cause of it is, is a really big help because then you can go about fixing it. It may be something psychological in the way that during the times when that energy disappears you are expending a lot of mental and emotional energy, or it could be something physiological.
So I would say that the first thing to do would be to have a look into the past to see if some actions or a series of action were the type to create a definite debt against that energy. The second thing to do would be to observe how your energy is being used before those periods appear and during them.
If for example during the periods where the energy disappears we are going through a stressful period psychologically with much worry, anxiety etc. We need to do our best to not think, not worry, not fret and look at ways to save energy.
If you do find out that it is a debt against the Holy Spirit then a really good thing to do is to wait patiently, knowing that what has a beginning has an end and that once that payment period is over the sexual energy will appear again.
Such periods where the sexual energy disappears is a time for us to reflect and understand that the sexual energy belongs to our Being, and it is a gift to us and that we need to really look after it. We come to understand that the sexual energy is governed by higher powers within us, and that it is not really ours to do with as we please. We can do with it what we wish, as we may have in the past, but that has its price, its own consequences, which we experience in such periods where it disappears.
End (3969).
Tuesday, 21 March 2023
The 'Topic' of Abandoning the Work: Part 1 - (4398)
A series of posts about this subject. With each post treating one point at a time.
One may think that such a post let alone a series of posts on this subject should not be written. However as we all know this topic is a reality.
People after showing much promise do abandon their spiritual studies. Perhaps if they had some advice available to them at the time they could have kept their ‘promise’ going.
The first point to make here is that all of us at some point or another have at least thought of abandoning the spiritual work and walking fully back into life. It is something in reality that does happen and it is something that we will face at some point.
It does not matter at which point, the beginning, the middle or end but what really matters is that we look sincerely at it and find the truth about it.
If we find the truth, I mean the real truth of it we will know what to do next.
I'm not going to suggest anybody to stay or leave what I would really advise people is to sincerely search and find out what is going on inside of ourselves. Take your time, relax and search within... Pressure or rush clouds our vision and decision making ability - so take your time.
I know and trust in the truth that once it is found it will lead and advise you by itself in a few seconds about what to do.
Ultimately, these states of contemplating abandoning our spiritual work become recurrences that we learn to recognise. They all have the same flavour and at the bottom are about the same or a very similar issue as previously encountered.
Certainly in all good faith to find out really what is going on and why we wish to abandon our spiritual studies is nothing harmful, there is nothing wrong about it. We do not have to tell anyone, do we?
If we find out why we wish to abandon our studies then our Being knows... Who is more important to say something about this to than our Being, the one to whom we are working humanly and spiritually for?
More posts will be written about this topic covering various other points.
End (4398).
Monday, 20 March 2023
Influences A, B and C - (4704)
This topic of influences is usually included in the human machine lecture.
Here are the influences:
In Gnosis we have access to influences B and C. Rare is it to be under influence C. Influence C are all the spiritual masters helping us to awaken.
End (4704).
Sunday, 19 March 2023
Malleable Gold and Rigid Iron (4691)
It is said that gold is malleable. Meaning it can be shaped and it can flex and bend when pressure is applied. Which for some applications is ideal. However iron is not very malleable and is rigid and does not easily bend or flex under pressure and so some application this is exactly what is needed.
We are like that too. For some occasions in life and the work we need to be like gold and like iron. What we can't be is gold all the time and iron all the time.
We need to know when we need to be gold and when to be iron.
What's interesting is there is a Golden age of worship, peace and harmony, and the iron age - of machinery, industry and military. Obviously the presence of these metals makes these qualities and activities in humanity possible.
The above gives us a clue. When it comes to matters of the spirit and the esoteric work where others are involved and a higher cause is at work all around us then to be gold is best. When lower values are on the offense then being like iron to defend our gold is best. When adoring the sprit - to be gold when working for the spirit to be like iron.
Iron and gold don't alloy. Iron should work for gold.
Often a iron mind is irritated by a golden one, yet a golden one is not irritated so much by an iron mind. Iron minds cause many difficulties amongst people.
Just to be malleable in our ideas, plans and outlook means death to some egos and to some egoical points of view.
Often to be like iron is to be egoic and have ill-will. It is often against co-operation. Gold is co-operation and good-will.
The US has the most gold. Surprised really I thought the other countries had more. Maybe they do but they have sold it elsewhere. The amount of gold in a country is like that country's natural amount of dharma.
End (4691).
A Little About Sleep - (4684)
It is worth knowing our particular sleep cycle durations. This is so that we can wake ourselves up while we are in the REM state.
This is so that we can experience lucid dreams and the waking up in the astral.
When we are in the REM state we are dreaming as vividly as we can be. Then to wake up in this state, we increase our chances of being able to go consciously back to the dream we woke up out of, or into a new lucid dream that we can influence depending on what we focus on.
Typically one whole cycle through all four states takes 90 minutes. So what you do is note down when you go to sleep and work out a wake up time right in the middle of the last state which is the REM state.
Fine tune with experience and jot down your results and experiences.
The below diagram is very interesting too. With Koalas sleeping the most and human beings, elephants and horses the least. With cats balanced half and half and they forgot the kangaroos.
End (4684).
High Cholesterol - (4275)
This post is more for individual reference than for a wider audience. Though it addresses an interesting point in the practice of the Gnostic Studies.
If we have some health problems such as high cholesterol, which is common in life, it means something is not quite right in the way we are living.
Just studying Gnosis does not make us exempt from cause and effect. Cause and effect works for everyone who uses it wisely or unwisely.
We may not like to devote time to the health of our body because we need the time to work on ourselves. However, there are many windows during the day in which we do nothing in favour of the work on ourselves. So why not use those windows with no harm done to our work.
Having a healthy body is in favour of the work on ourselves. Our body is the physical temple of the soul and our whole Being with all its parts.
In many occasions it is our egos that contribute to having an unhealthy body. To have a healthy body (i.e. lower cholesterol and everything else) certainly means psychological work and change for the better.
In general, it is the detachment from the food we like using the higher goal of health. Having this firm goal helps us to transcend the pleasure of our taste buds and stomachs. Agreed it is not really easy if we have been indulging for several years but it is worth doing to feel better in ourselves.
End (4275).
Saturday, 18 March 2023
Ill-Will General Notes - (4680)
Ill-will is something of which there is a lot of in the world, even in many communities. It is really a world wide characteristic. We know from the Gnostic teachings that every human being carries it inside.
It is a common experience that a while after joining and getting more involved with a community we inevitably find ill-will. We are disappointed at first but then we think - why should I be disappointed? Ill-will after all is everywhere and myself and this community are also humanity, and so to find ill-will is to be expected. No big deal we have all experience ill-will and to a degree we are use to it.
Even those who are involved in studies of the spirit are humanity just like you and me, and ill-will will also appear at some point. Perhaps to a lesser degree and in more refined or subtler guises. Knowing that humanity has ill-will this discovery will not surprise us. This does surprise some people, mainly because we think that ill-will shouldn't exist in groups of people dedicated to spiritual studies because there is the knowledge and awareness to dissolve it.
The reality is ill-will in people dedicated to the studies of the spirit exists. The lesson that heals the disappointment of this discovery is that the responsibility of there being ill-will falls on our own hands to not express ill-will and to know how to transform the ill-will from others into good-will.
Essentially the ill-will that exists 'out there' in the greater world, for example in the many bitter conflicts within and amongst different nations, is the same ill-will that we face in our lives, just scaled down to be amongst individuals instead of groups, tribes and nations.
Transform Ill-Will
One of our maximum tests, learnings and powers is to be able to transform ill-will into good-will.
To some degree we need the ill-will of others to teach us how to transform ill-will into good-will.
We need to develop this power for our path. I think anyone who walks on the path knows something about this from real lived experience.
I repeat it is one of the maximum powers that a human being can acquire. If we are to look for an instant at the life of Jesus we will see that his crown - which was marked by the way he sacrificed his life on the cross was a tremendous super-human feat of transforming ill-will into good-will. With that action Jesus taught the whole of volumes of wisdom.
We are taught that the motto and greatest power of our Intimate Christ is to be able to take the unpleasant manifestations of our fellow man with pleasure. Which is essentially to transform ill-will into good-will.
For the spiritual path I have heard several teachers express the importance of being able to transform ill-will into good-will. Because it is a law that ill-will will always come to those walking the initiatic path or to those seriously working on themselves.
Ill-will is best met and handled with good-will. Being neutral or being at peace inside of ourselves does not produce enough energy or power to diffuse and transform ill-will.
What is meant by transforming ill-will is to answer ill-will with good-will and transform the impressions of ill-will into good-will inside of ourselves.
Transforming the impressions of ill-will into good-will inside of ourselves is to transcend what is fair. As it only seems fair to answer ill-will with similar ill-will. Transforming ill-will into good-will. Thank goodness the Divine Law does this with that transcendental principle that: "a superior law washes away an inferior one".
Importance of Transforming Ill-Will
Just if humanity knew how to transform ill-will so many conflicts would not have arisen. In fact so many potential conflicts have been avoided due to those involved being able to transform ill-will and not retaliate with ill-will.
The effect of not transforming ill-will is devastating. We end up being filled with ill-will that vomits out onto others, obviously hurting them, or we either feel ill-will towards ourselves which turns into angry self-deprecation and depression.
It is supremely important above all to keep ourselves calm when facing ill-will. Do not react! Do not answer ill-will with ill-will. We need serenity in the face of ill-will.
Serenity helps us to remember that ill-will is not the best way to answer the ill-will we receive. It also allows us time and space to call our good-will and bring that forward into the conversation or event.
Please, it is so important to grab onto this point of remaining calm and alert! We get the best that could come to us by remaining calm in such moments!
If we do answer ill-will with ill-will we will get stuck very soon in a vicious painful cycle.
I say alert because ill-will from others is very contagious and ill-will inside of ourselves is very volatile and reacts very quickly. The general rule is that if we are not alert we return fire with ill-will.
It is a good learning to receive ill-will because we yearn to be radiators of good-will. We yearn to truly possess good-will. When we truly want good-will we work on the details of where we express ill-will.
We yearn to express good-will because deep down we know that we are receiving this ill-will because we have expressed ill-will towards others before and to some degree we are certainly getting it back and we wish to not be caught in a chain of giving and receiving more ill-will.
Good-Will Remedy
Good-will is so rare to find. We come to this conclusion that in all of our present and past conflicts a simple ray of good-will is very hard to find.
Conflicts definitely dissolve when good-will appears on both sides. Often good-will just on one side is enough to make a conflict dissolve.
Flexibility is good-will and rigidity is often where ill-will hides.
An issue that we encounter to do with receiving ill-will is that we find ourselves expecting, wishing and not understanding why there is no good-will towards ourselves. After a while we discover that this is a field we have no effectiveness in and getting into it does not help or serve us. Simply our field is ourselves and it is us that has to be giving good-will.
The silliest form of ill-will is when we develop it from what others say about another person without knowing the person. Knowing means to talk to them and to get to know what and how they feel about the different issues in question.
We reject good-will because we don't stop and think about what is really the best thing to do and because we believe that good-will does not solve things, it only means that we will get walked all over. Which is not true!
A part of dissolving ill-will is to develop great trust and faith in good-will. To be as strong as good armour in our faith in good-will is what we need to effectively combat ill-will. Then we can begin to brush aside our mind that is the instrument of ill-will making us believe that ill-will is the best way to solve our problems, conflicts and confrontations.
To give good-will we have to look past the insults and ill-will and the details of others. We have to be looking past the ill-will being manifested and to the future consequences of allowing ill-will to keep being present.
Ill-will accumulates and quickly becomes a very destructive storm. Things that took years to build with good-will and many values with ill-will are destroyed in minutes.
Types of Ill-Will
Every "I" has a certain amount of ill-will in it, several "I's" specialise in using ill-will. Such "I's" are: anger, laziness, pride, envy and jealousy. It is worth observing to know how ill-will works within this "I's". Each of these "I'" expresses a particular kind of ill-will. There exist several kinds of ill-will.
Here are some kinds of ill-will: 1.) open, visible and expressed directly; 2.) hidden, covered up and expressed indirectly; 3.) internal and not expressed in attitude, ; 4.) towards our fellow man; 5.) towards God or our Inner Being; 6.) towards ourselves;
One thing about ill-will is what it is not. It is not forever silent and hidden. It always seeks an expression. It must manifest. Meaning it will betray us sooner or later if we do not have good-will within us.
Ill-will can be very resourceful and invents numerous ways to express itself.
There is a stage with ill-will in our human machine where anything that is seen or heard, even if it be very positive is taken in a twisted way with typical conclusions being made stating that the good deed was fake or done because of a hidden agenda or it is simply down-played to 'nothing special'.
The worst combination is when all three demons work together. When desire, mind and ill-will work together they are terrible that is when we really lose control of ourselves and we can commit the absurd, the awful and the horrible. Because we actually want to do it, we strangely think its the best thing and we justify it and we plan it.
Interesting, commonly the insult is designed to hurt and does hurt, but there exists as seen below a kind of insult that instead of being designed to hurt, it is designed to shed light on a fault and if one thinks about it one can recognise and realise something about our attitudes and behaviours in a novel way.
End (4680).
Eyes and Ill-Will - (4332)
We were taught that the karma for hatred is blindness.
I always wondered why. One day when I was observing myself, I discovered that when the thoughts and feelings of ill-will are present we really use our eyes intensely.
It seems very difficult to have ill-will without seeing. Just imagine being blind, it would be so hard to have ill-will. We would not to be able to see what the other person looks like, what facial expressions they are displaying, what they are doing, how they are doing things, how they are walking, what mistakes they are making etc.
Even being blind we can't really seriously hurt someone. If we tried we would probably hurt ourselves in the process.
When we have ill-will or some degree of hatred we can not see the truth of the person, nor can we see the bigger picture. With ill-will present we can not see one good point about the person. The truth is everyone has their good points even if the number is small there are still good points.
With ill-will we can not see that everyone of us are connected and united to each other. Ill-will does not see that by having ill-will towards another we actually are bringing ill-will to ourselves.
In short ill-will is the most blind characteristic we have as it ignores the truth about people and ourselves. It in fact can not see the truth and after a while does not want to either.
So being blind is the medicine for us to no longer express ill-will. Turn a blind-eye is really helpful when we are so out of balance because of ill-will.
In conclusion if we want to reduce ill-will we can easily do that by not looking. Just divert our eyes. The less we look the less information ill-will has to play and strengthen itself with.
End (4332).
Thursday, 16 March 2023
Four Noble Truths - (4381)
From the teachings of Buddha they are:
1.) The existence of suffering.
2.) The origin of suffering.
3.) The cessation of suffering.
4.) The path for the cessation of suffering.
The above four points are really helpful to read or re-read when we are suffering. They give much hope as they confirm that suffering can be made to end and that there is a path or a way to end it.
Master Samael teaches that the four noble truths are:
1.) The First Truth is to acquire absolute consciousness of pain and bitterness.
2.) The Second tremendous Truth is that this pain is a child of fornication, and that whosoever spills the semen (reaches orgasm) is a fornicator.
3.) The Third Truth is that we have an "I" that must be decapitated and dissolved in order to incarnate the Verb, the Christ.
4.) The Fourth Truth is that only with the Arcanum A.Z.F. can we decapitate and dissolve the Prince of this World.
These truths expressed by Master Samael are the practical complement to the Buddha's four noble truths.
End (4381).
Wednesday, 15 March 2023
Work with Emotion: A Big Key There - (4703)
Emotions are the control lever within us. They have the power to switch us from one internal state which is appropriate to a state that is not.
The emotions often determine that what we do goes up or down within and outside of us.
Every practice and activity we do has the right emotion.
The emotional centre has a greater reserve of energy and therefore will power than the intellectual centre.
We can work better if we use the emotional centre.
The center of gravity of the essence is the emotion centre.
See how powerful our emotions are:
Lust for example is the wrong excitation of the emotional centre about the sexual energy sexual energy.
The Alchemy has the appropriate emotional state that if a practitioner finds it, he or she will practice successfully or much better in the true sense in which Alchemy is to be practiced.
Find the right emotional state and we can do wonders in our everyday life.
End (4703).
Others Realizing the Impact of their Actions - (5307)
We want others especially those who have harmed us in someone way to realise the impact of their actions.
Often this is very slow in coming or just does not happen. They think that they have done nothing wrong or that it wasn't that bad and 'get over it already' is what we need to do.
The reality is they will realise the impact of their actions, when they do at some point in the future. We don't have much say in the whole piece. Obviously we really try (99% of the time egocially) to make them realise the harmful impact of their actions. Often this is where things get worse. Meanwhile the reality is they will realise the impact of their actions when they do.
Another reality is that we think like that too when we have harmed others in some way...
Another reality is that we believe that the other person realising the impact of what they have done is the solution to the whole situation. But of course it is not. So the whole pain of the situation is in us wanting them to realise the impact, and the longet it takes hem to the more pain we feel...
The jails are full of people who have not realised the impact of what they have done...
The impact belongs to us, we formed it within us and we have to deal with it. that we can do something about and control. We unfortunately can not control the other person realising the impact and then doing something about it.
End (5307).
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
Life is Different to Nature - (4520)
Nature is there as it is flowing according to the Laws it has been created with and is sustained by.
Though life is something else altogether.
Life we are taught in Gnosis is something we must conquer, be on top of and not be submitted by.
What is meant by life is not nature but rather the system and way of life that human beings have created.
Understand it this way. Imagine nature without human beings. Then see human beings appearing and fast forward the clock to 50 years and then see what has happened. We will see travel ways, transport, houses, activities, food, the emergence of culture, language, beliefs, ideology etc. etc. That is precisely what in Gnosis we call LIFE.
That is where identity, personality and it's values comes from. Not from nature but from the systems other human beings create and in Gnosis we call 'life'.
End (4520).
Monday, 13 March 2023
Values Always Automatically Appear - (4702)
In every situation the values that we need for that situation always always automatically come to us.
Every situation calls the values within us.
We don't have to worry about where the values are in us - they come to us.
For whatever situation we are in the values to correctly deal with it comes to us. We always usually know at some place within us the right values to use.
We unfortunately have the mind and personality that interfere. They stop the values coming or deflect them.
The values that come to us are in the essence. They come either free or conditioned. Where they are conditioned they are polarised to the opposite.
For example, where we need patience, love, trust, awareness and activity, the egos of greed or gluttony, or ambition won't appear but usually a mixture of patience, love, trust, awareness and activity and their opposites such as annoyance, selfishness, resentment, fear, negligence and laziness.
So being aware in the moment we can notice the "I'" in us that come and we can reverse their polarity and we will have present within us all the right values to relate entirely correctly to the event of life before us.
End (4702).
Flow of Life and Will of the Being - (5361)
We are taught the flow of life descends into creation. It comes from very high up - actually from a region beyond creation: AIN SOPH AUR.
The flow of life from this very high region is actually manifest in our lives...
It is present in the reality that surrounds us. When we look around us and inside of us living this day we can see it. It is in the things that have happened today and in the things that will happen later because of today.
The flow of life contains also the will of our Being and the will of the Divine Law.
We always would like to know the will of our Being. We can get a very good indication of it by acknowledging the flow of life today - right now in the circumstances we are living in.
Our Being is our realty and it is in the flow of the day.
The inner urgencies that we all feel to do with the psychological and esoteric work is also the flow of life for us.
To recognise and acknowledge the flow of life is to follow the order of our Inner Being.
The ideas flow into us to be expressed and they often don't match the plans in our mind. The flow of life is more important and more fulfilling to act upon.
The ideas of the flow of life if not given expression and manifestation back up and accumulate and stay but at times wither and fall into that part of ourselves that I call 'forgotten territory'.
I's best to not let that happen and allow the flow of life to manifest because that is our Being flowing. Our mind tends to build a dam to stop the flow of life.
End (5361).
Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Important Attention Notes - (4657)
Missing the basic knowledge of attention we do, we know and are little. For the love of our life and the lives of others we can no longer live a life of 'little'...
Each of the below points used consciously with intensity, will produce inner revelation and will enhance any practice and any activity we do and participate in.
Points to Enhance Practice
It is very good to know what our attention is. The better we know what it is the more and better we can use it.
Attention is the flow of life. It carries the vital currents of life, that nourishes, solves problems and heals.
Attention nourishes and used wisely can solve any problem.
Attention is will.
Attention is our power.
Attention is ours. When our attention is ours we are.
Where our attention is our consciousness is.
Consciousness follows attention and attention calls consciousness, and consciousness causes insight and revelation.
The power in sustained attention accumulates to produce a breakthrough in perception within us.
To be continued...
End (4657).
Tuesday, 7 March 2023
Transcendental Sexuality Part Three Notes - (4679)
• Introduction that this talk is about the Practice of the Alchemy
• Axioms and Principles. Never spill the hermetic glass. Only one Hermetic Vase.
• Practical Proceedings. 1.) Transmutation. 2.) Death of the "I". 3.)Awakening of Kundalini.
• Practical Notes such as: how the day is lived determines the success of the practice. Practice once every 24 hours. Practiced at night.
• The formation of the Cherubhim.
• Ethical conduct in the three brains through the work of the dissolution of the "I".
• The magnetic Pause
• Three Tantras: Black, Grey and White.
"Transmutation is a biological insurrection and a psychological revolution."
From the practice of the Alchemy, all the granular parts of ourselves seen below receive the transmuted creative energy to renew and rejuvenate themselves.
The following links are the posts on this blog that are related to this topic: "Transcendental Sexology Part Three" which has to do with the practice of the Alchemy.
Introduction Notes
Transmutation is an Energy Prayer - (1839)
Axioms and Principles
Retreat Post 37 – A Little About Alchemy Practice - (629)
Of Course Transmutation is Communication with Your Inner Being - (1828)
Sexual Energy Sublimation - (389)
Practical Proceedings
The Practice of Alchemy – (486)
How to Transmute in the Practice of Alchemy (212)
Alchemy for the Beginner - (2262)
Practical Notes
Three Tantras
Common Modern Tantra is Grey - (3937)
End (4679).
Hypnotic Grip Mainly Fear Based - (4682)
We know that each ego has an hypnotic grip which it uses to hook our attention away from our essence and common sense.
It is the power to fascinate our consciousness and keep us identified with it. Which is usually its desires, projections, promises and logic.
It is usually one or two powerful thoughts or beliefs.
When we look at all these powerful thoughts and beliefs we find that they have fear in common.
The common fear is that without this ego I couldn't manage, life would be incomplete or boring, or not livable, I can't live without it, I will be harmed, I will lose control, I will live in a cage, I will lose my freedom, I will lose my happiness etc. etc.
When we work on any ego all of these fears are proven false!
Conclusion: we can help ourselves by not believing in the fear element that the hypnotic power of any ego presents to us.
End (4682).
Monday, 6 March 2023
Transcendental Sexuality Part Two Notes - (4678)
• Explain what Supra-sexuality is. Sexuality with love at the service of the spirit.
• Types of Sexual Energy. Raw mercury, mercury and mercury plus sulfur. We need mercury.
• Colours of the Waters. How the waters are purified. Black, to white to yellow to red.
• Sublimation. Spiritualising the sexual act.
• Alchemy. The art of alchemy. Acronym definition and a brief description of the symbols and stages.
We should as Gnostics at least be in the learning zone!
The following links are to posts in this blog which are related to the study of the talk topic: "Transcendental Sexology Part Two".
Types of Sexual Energy
4 of 7 - Transmutation and the Nervous System - (2851)
The Intelligence in Sexual Transmutation (122)
Transmutation is Multi-Dimensional - (3339)
Colours of the Waters
The Four Colours of Alchemy – (483)
Alchemical Waters in Depth - (825)
The Waters in General and the Black Waters – (1869)
Sublimation of the Sexual Energy
Black Waters Need to Become White Waters - (792)
Alchemy Definition and Symbols
Esoteric Attitude Towards Alchemy - (4331)
End (4678).
Work Photos - Conscious Shocks for Us! - (4689)
Every now and then as a real help sent to us, we get sent photos of people from any walk of life behaving really well or really badly.
These photos are to help us in our psychological work.
They are sent to give us a conscious chock!
If they are a photo of someone acting really well - they show us what to do in the situations where we are finding coping difficult.
If the photos are of bad behavior it is to shock us - letting us know that if we keep going we will go to that extent.
The solution to honour both forms of helps is to work in psychological death. Die in that defect!
I once expressed anger while driving, then a week later behind me while driving (using the rear-vision mirror) I saw a man in the same situation as I was in when I got angry. He was getting agitated but was visibly making efforts to remain calm and he did - he drive normally for the time that I could see. A week later I witnessed a man dressed in office attire yelling with angry sarcasm for way too long at a man driving a Tesla who was blocking his bus from reaching the stop. People on the street were trying to figure out what was going on and a definite spectacle was happening. I started to wonder if that man was really mentally ok? He certainly was dressed if he were ok - but who knows right?
The below chart is good to use as a psychological inventory. Take stock of all the defects and virtues we actually have and do not have.
End (4689).
We Can Only Understand Esotericism with Flexibility - (5001)
We can not think black and white to understand things in esotericism. Especially when it comes to people and their actions within esotericism.
After a few years we come to the conclusion that we need a flexible mind and a flexible way of thinking.
For a while things are a mixture and some things can look both right and wrong at the same time and yet be overall right. Then there are things that look right but are wrong and vice versa.
We have to reserve an area of our thinking to accept the exceptions. Black and white thinking doesn't help because certainly the exceptions do exist - because a superior law washes away an inferior one and we often do not know the past or the future.
It is also of great help to remain open to possibilities outside of the black and white box.
Also to leave things outside of the black and white box float them into the air of not knowing and even into the 'knowing one day' or the 'who knows zones' zones.
End (5001).
I am You are a Consciousness Identity - (4698)
We do what our identity does. We all obey this order of things. We get done during the day what our identity would get done during the day.
The right identity for a Gnostic person to assume is that of an essence. If we deeply assume this we will see others a s an essence and we will take life and act in life as an essence does.
We have to find the identity that is truer for us according to the work that we need to do.
If we really need to awaken more, then we have to adopt/assume the identity of our consciousness.
If we need to liberate ourselves more, then we need to assume the identity of a soul that wants to liberate itself from the conditionings and karma that enslaves it.
We have to drum it into ourselves often during the day. I am a consciousness, I am a consciousness, I am a consciousness and that means...I am watching my attention, I am not getting identified with anything else. Being my consciousness is my goal for the day! etc. etc.
Remembering this is self-remembering and the act of watching our attention is also self-remembering which is the effort to awaken.
Interesting graphic below. Basic message for us to take from it is that with knowing our identity as a consciousness or essence we become aware of ourselves inwardly and externally in the correct sense. We then balance both worlds: internal and external.
End (4698).
Friday, 3 March 2023
Lunar Influence Notes [New Version] - (4701)
• Presentation about Moons as being previous planets of the solar system. Lunar chain of Blavatsky.
• Presentation about how greatly the Moon has featured in myth, in culture, in literature etc.
• Prsentation of Moon's origin. The Moon as our grandmother. The Moon had life. Older than the Earth.
• Presentation that the Earth is the reincarnation of the Moon. The Vital body of the Moon has been transplanted to the Earth. The Earth has inherited the Moon's karma.
• Presentation that the Earth-Moon is larger than usual. Life here on Earth is so dependent on the Moon.
• Presentation about how the Moon's influence on the planet Earth is very strong.
• List of Lunar Influence examples.
• Explain how we actually have with the pluralised "I" a lunar natured psychology.
• List lunar psychological characteristics that human beings exhibit.
• Presentation of the remedy - creation of the psychological moon.
• Explain our true nature is solar - the essence is solar. We are too lunar and that must change and that is why there are so many problems in our planet.
Influence is Unusually Too Strong - Core Point
This is the core point of this talk - that the influence of the Moon is too strong and that it is imperative that it needs to be countered with the creation of the pschological moon.
The image below shows how strange the Earth and Moon binary system is compared to the other planets and their moons in our solar system.
The following blog site is useful to get points for this talk. It has a search bar which is very helpful.
General Introduction Notes
Lunar Influence Notes - (3954)
Lunar and Solar – an Introduction (104)
Moon as our Remote Origin - (694)
Influence Examples
Lunar Influence – How does it Affect Us? (21)
Lunar Influence – When does it Peak? (19)
Lunar Influence – Emergency Rooms & Psychiatric Wards (18)
Lunar Psychological Characteristics
Lunar Characteristics in Our Psychology – List 2 (110)
Three Demons - Foundation of our Lunar Psyche (111)
Psychological Moon
Five Stages of the Realisation According to V.M Samael Aun Weor - (779)
First Post: Psychological Moon or Permanent Centre of Gravity in the Consciousness - (874)
Second Post: Psychological Moon or Permanent Centre of Gravity in the Consciousness - (875)
Fourth Post: Principles of the Psychological Moon - (881)
End (4701).
Thursday, 2 March 2023
The Ego is Real Look What it is Doing to the Earth - (4335)
Of course it is our greed and pride that is harming the Earth. The waters are more polluted, more animals are being driven into extinction and temperatures are rising.
What can we do as seekers of the awakening and the path?
We have to continue with work to awaken and dissolve our psychological conditionings "I's". Because when we do that, we become living energetic assets to the Earth. In the sense that we become high potent transmitters of nourishing energy to the Earth. We also increase the consciousness and Fohat (spiritual fire) of the Earth - healing and enhancing it.
Physically we should also why not, participate sensibly in the many schemes that there are to reduce pollution and harm done to the environment.
We should certainly not leave our esoteric work and go to save the planet. Doing that would mean to deprive the Earth of a fully functioning awakened living cell that fully nourishes the Earth to its upmost capacity. Our transmutation and efforts to awaken (stopping negative emotion) does wonders for the Earth.
Maybe there will be a bodhisattva sent by the white lodge or the Divinity to help clean up all this pollution. Perhaps a fallen bodhisattva may do it, who knows...
In any case it will be a massive undertaking as huge amounts of resources will be required and the greed of powerful countries will have to be somewhat defeated which is a colossal task. One would not have time to work oneself, it would be too life and perhaps soul consuming...
End (4335).
Culture - Time and Space to Respect - (4061)
Here is a real good example of how one of the main columns of personality: culture, works in time and space.
It's neither right or wrong. It is purely relative. It is purely the result of time and space. Time being history and the current time and space being global location. Things are different in the West to Qatar. Just different not right or wrong or better or worse.
We may judge saying how backward, restrictive, impractical etc. and others may say how decadent and degenerated and void of values is the West... There are as many procs and cons for each culture that seems to balance each other out... Time and space in the end is the determining factor not the mind of any one of us...
At the end of the day, we have to put all judgments aside and understand that if we are in Qatar we have to respect their culture and values. To not respect those things is to fall into a negative aspect of pride which could be very costly...
What is also interesting the only way to know our culture is to experience other cultures and learn from the contrast and differences. We are like fish in water that don't see our own water culture.
End (4061).
Wednesday, 1 March 2023
Karma and Dharma Notes - (4666)
• Define the terms karma and dharma.
• Present karma as a cosmic law present everywhere, especially in our lives.
• Explain karma. Scientifically as a law. Give many examples.
• Explain dharma scientifically as merit. Give many examples.
• Present and explain the different types of karma.
• Present practical examples to better understand karma.
• Present how to utilise this law to understand our life and its circumstances.
• Present how to utilise the law of karma to improve our human and spiritual life.
Here are some links to posts in this blog that are relevant to the lecture topic of karma and dharma. The information in these posts describe in more detail each of the summary points given above.
Karma Cause and Effect Notes - (3906)
Types of Karma
Some of the Many Types of Karma - (684)
Working with Karma
Right Attitude Towards Karma - (4060)
This is Pure Gold: Karma is All About Values! The Secret of How and Why we Pay our Karma! - (752)
Working to Overcome Karma - (4311)
The Obstacle of Karma We Have To Know - (3658)
Tough at First Applying the Values Pays our Karma - (4498)
Which Karma Bares the Most Weight in Our Life? - (890)
How Karma Works Within Us Part 1 - (1618)
How Karma Works Within Us Part 2 - (1619)
About Merits –Ordered and Organised Notes – (2315)
Esoteric Finances – Our Dharma - (556)
Dharma, Merit from our Practices - (2149)
The below photo if you can zoom into it is very interesting. Very specific...
End (4666).