Monday 17 July 2017

Of Course Transmutation is Communication with Your Inner Being - (1828)

Any Channel of Communication is an Energy Flow

Take a mobile phone for instance. It emits and receives electro-magnetic waves. Which carry a certain energy. It is the energy put into the waves that allows the waves to travel. If there was no injection of energy there would be no waves and then no communication happening.

Transmutation Makes your Energy Flow

When you transmute your sexual energy and concentrate on your inner Being you are making energy to flow up your spine into your brain and into your heart, where your Being has its heart temple. You are sending energy to your Being. He gave it to you and you are returning his investment of energy in you. You are returning his Trust.

Conclusion – Think of Transmutation as Communication with Your Inner Being

This is another way to understand transmutation. Think of it as a way to communicate to your Being. It is a prayer really, a sacred rite, an act of liturgy. Think of transmutation as a way to pray to your Being. Maybe one of the best ways of prayer because it vivifies your inner Being, it sends Him energy and invigorates him.

End (1828).

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