Thursday, 31 October 2024

Formula to Take Ourselves Out of the Abyss - (4370)

This really works to take ourselves out of identification with subconscious and back into the light of our own consciousness.

When visiting the abyss of nature, memory and identity are erased, orientation is clouded, sense of time disappears, and there is the impending doom of  total tunnel vision, which is the way of thinking, feeling and acting of an absurd logic, that obeys the abyss...

This is very similar to the state of identification. That is, when we get identified with any ego. The deeper the identification the more intense these symptoms are.

When are there remember the four pillars of Being: love, hope, faith and trust.

💖Send love to yourself and your Inner Being together as one.

📿 Hold hope high in yourself and your Inner Being together as one.

💪 Have strong faith in yourself and your Inner Being together as one.

🤗 Trust in yourself and your Inner Being together as one.

Doing this keeps us out of our own abyss and free from being connected to the abyss of nature.

End (4370).

World Anger Maps - (5379)

Some interesting maps of anger being expressed in the world.

End (5379).

The World of Anger - (4308)

Descent into the Abyss and its Connections

When a person works seriously on a defect, for certain periods of time they end up being deeply submerged into that defects states of consciousness. This is so to really know and comprehend it. 

A part of that submersion is a descent into one's own abyss. While in one's own abyss connections are made to the abyss of nature where that defect is dominant.

That connection to the abyss of nature allows a person to see that defect in operation all over the world in nature and humanity. Hence the world of that defect opens up.

It turns out that the defect in our own abyss is the same as it is in humanity. What we have inside is reflected outside. 

The order is to descend into our own abyss to know and understand and then automatically comes recognition and comprehension of the same defect in the world.

There is really so much anger in this world. So much of it is commonplace, so normal and accepted, even revered, and some of it is widespread valued entertainment.

Dante and Virgil crossing the river Styx into the Fifth Circle - Anger.

World of Anger

Politics, political rallies, elections, combat sports, contact sports, sport in general, watching sport, competitions, gambling, public protests and demonstrations, customer service, complaints departments, letters, emails, court rooms, airports, traffic, night spots, schools, young children, car parks, police on patrol, relationships, internet forums, art, music, the written and spoken word seem so full of anger...

Much of our poor mental health these days is due to anger. Depression is anger turned inwards against oneself. 

Action movies, fighting injustice, avenging, revenge, war movies, battle movies etc. etc. are all about expressing anger. 

Horror movies are the expressions of the infra-imagination of anger. Anger working with the imagination creates many gory scenarios. The main genres of horror movies all have to do with the results of anger and violence and angry beings real or supernatural.

The horror movies take advantage of a well known side effect of anger which is fear.

Much of the magical studies these days have been influenced by anger making them black in esoteric nature. Anger is the motivation for a lot of black magic. 

End (4308).

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Alchemy Notes in Chart Form - (4043)

Here are some notes regarding the practice of the Alchemy as taught in Gnosis.

Here are some other complimentary notes:

• Arousal, movement, channelling, transmutation and sublimation of the sexual energy are the key stages to work with and through.

• Prayer sublimates a to fix the transmuted sexual energy into the higher dimensions and parts of ourselves. 

• Prayer converts mechanical imagination into conscious imagination.

• Prayer and the remembering of the Inner Being whiten the waters. Transforming the black waters to white, and the white waters to yellow.

• Lust is misdirected erotic fire. Also known as the arsenified sulphur. We all have an erotic fire. The erotic fire that is free, that is outside of memory and psychological conditioning (ego, mind and personality) is what must be used for the practice. 

End (4043).

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Prepare for the Critical Moment - (4259)

The critical moment is where we decide to throw away common sense, the work, the essence and what is good and right, to the painful, ridiculous and destructive...

This is the most important moment that we must prepare for in our daily work.

Prepare ourselves to triumph in that critical moment. Rehearse within ourselves before if necessary. 

Work intensely with our Divine Mother to not give dust in that critical moment.

If the critical moment passes without us having thrown away the precious pearl then all else that comes will be easy.

Hold onto the precious pearl firmly.

End (4259).

Monday, 28 October 2024

Issue of Mystical Pride - (4180)

Mystical pride is a little scary how it can close the path off for a person. To the point where the person themselves will close the door to the path they so yearn for.

To feel that we know it all already, and that we shouldn't have to wait to receive the advanced teachings that we yearn for. To feel that we are ready now and we should be in the advanced classes already because of what we know from other studies, that are not Gnosis, is mystical pride. 

It would be so simple... Apply what has been taught and exercise patience which is everything in every place of life and requires deep self-knowledge, would be all that is required to overcome the first layer of mystical pride and get what one yearns for...

Many newcomers to Gnosis face this obstacle in some way or another. It seems the more knowledge or data rather, the newcomer has the more difficult it is.

To think that the age old tradition of neophyte, chela, apprentice, initiate, master, guru and so on, no longer applies for the path is mistaken.

All one has to do, is to look deeper into the knowledge they are receiving and apply it. Applying it sets it all right!  

Mystical pride mixed with the doctrines of many modern day 'spiritual', 'healing' and psychic beliefs creates a mixture (Kalkian personality) which is mistaken and impedes us from seeing our own reality.

Coast off Madeira

End (4180).

Escape from Now - Harder to Face Later - (4257)

The more we escape from dying in our defects we are faced with, the harder it will be to face and escape from them later on.

The same task is easier earlier on, but gets much harder later on.

If we leave something for too long, the accumulated backlog can be too much to work through and so another avenue opens up which can be in many ways very disappointing.

Steirischer Bodensee, Austria

End (4257).

Friday, 25 October 2024

Compensating for Psychological Imbalance - (4179)

Psychological balance rules so much of our lives.

We are always engaged in some sort of psychological balance seeking activity.

When something no matter how small or big happens to us, our psychological balance is affected. 

When we are unable to immediately return to balance within ourselves, we strongly tend to quickly go outside of ourselves to seek that psychological balance.

For example, we may receive criticism which surpasses our concept of what is constructive, and so we feel unfairly treated and inwardly we are out of balance. Unable to balance that inner imbalance, we return fire, until we see the criticising party is somewhat diminished and sorry for their words. As soon as this is happens we feel inwardly balanced again.

That is how we roll, all day and every day.

How to find balance within without having to go outside, is a really good question, and is one that in order to die in certain egos such as pride and anger we need to answer.

Suppressing our outside movements to find balance won't help. It will create more imbalance within, which will implode or explode one day soon.

To find that inner balance within ourselves we need to appeal to higher values within us. These are the actions of comprehending the other person, the action of looking sincerely within to find the truth being presented, the action of staying calm and trusting that the flow of life will bring compensation a little alter on when appropriate, the action of faith in our work to transform it and grow stronger because of it etc. etc.

In conclusion, the crux of this question about inner balance is that to balance ourselves psychologically we need to regain balance via superior psychological values not inferior ones. This way we achieve a stronger balance with a touch more consciousness.

End (4179).

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Practical Invocation Review Notes - (4032)

Reviewing Invocations

There are many concepts to review within us regarding the many invocations that we as Gnostics make.


Here they are in point form:

★The Beings we invoke don't always come. They send another instead or they may wait. Our invocation may not reach them.

★The Beings we invoke can't always help as we are not ready, lack merit, have made an unjust petition or are not willing...

★Sometimes the Beings we invoke can't help us directly but engage others (people) and other Beings to help us instead.

★The Beings we invoke help us. Sometimes it is quick and sometimes it takes time.

★Some Beings respond better to the words we use to invoke and ask.

★Some Beings only come when invoked in the name of the Christ.

★The Beings we invoke may test us before helping us. That is testing to see how much we want what we are asking for and to see what our values are and where they lie.

★Sometimes the Beings we invoke have certain prerequisites to be fulfilled before helping us. 

★Sometimes the Beings we invoke want a sacrifice made before the invocation is done. A sacrifice being having made an effort of spiritual kind. 

★Sometimes the Beings we invoke listen and wait for petitions to follow to consider helping us.

★Sometimes some Beings we invoke are bound by the Law to help and not help.

★Sometimes Beings require a payment of a particular kind.

★ Sometimes the Beings just deposit in the atmosphere atoms of love, light, wisdom and values that we or the group may need the most.

★The Beings we invoke sometimes listen instead of attending.

★In a group setting, the Beings we invoke may only help a few, the few that can be helped.

★In a group setting, the Beings we invoke may only help those that they have a special link with. That is belong to the same ray or have known before.

★The greater the number present actively participating in the invocation the greater the power. If all participants are truly concentrating with all their three brains the better.

★In a group setting, invocations are a work of love for our fellow man. As the Beings invoked may not come to help us but a friend in the group. Invocations in a group setting are often for others.

★Invocations done well will change our interior state.

★One day an invocation will unexpectedly leave us speechless!

★Invocation is a whole magical science...This science begins in being able to put ourselves into the right state and being able to concentrate our three brains into the invocation.

End (4032).

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Separate Person from Ego - (4178)

There comes a moment when we see that it is not really the other person. It is the ego within us that causes our problems. 

The problem we think comes from the other person provoking our ego causing the problem, is not really the case. It is really our deficiency in being able to face and intelligently relate to very real aspects of ourselves. 

Such as: the past, fairness, expression of will, uncertainty, freedom, affection, rejection, difficulty, correction, forgiveness, concepts, ideas, feelings, intellect, mental patterns, sense of right and wrong, the word etc.

Other people are there to make the way we relate to the values at the heart of the issues we face with them, more conscious, and aligned with reality, which includes the reality of the Inner Being as well as the physical and psychological realities.

End (4178).

The Four Memories - (4045)


We have to know how best to relate to memory, which means to know when we have to liberate ourselves from it and when we have to use it to our advantage.

To liberate ourselves from 'something', we have to know that 'something' really well. 

Just like the prisoner who wants to escape his or her prison, the more intricately they know about the prison and the way its managed, the more possible it will be to escape. 

The work with memory is to not erase memory, it is to work on the effects of memory within ourselves. 

Memory is such a tremendous part of the way we work. Try to imagine how we would function without memory...

All of our thinking is based on memory. As are our concepts and perceptions.

The Cosmos, the Gods and nature have memory. As master Samael says when the great Cosmic Night comes, creation withdraws in the AIN SOPH AUR, and what remains of creation, is only memory, that which the Divine Beings remember. 

Memory in the best way allows continuity, it gives us the knowledge of the trajectory of events through time. 

Four Memories

We have four memories teaches m.m.m. He is right, I agree with him we really do have four memories. 

Work Memory

There is the work memory which we all create as well. This work memory is not a memory we are born with. It is not an endowment, it is something that is consciously worked upon. 

The work memory is the result of our consciousness working upon the impressions we have received and the egos related to those impressions.

Perhaps we could loosely say work memory is a fifth memory.

This post gives an explanation of each of the four types of memory.


This is the memory of the sensations received through our senses. Each of the five senses has a section in our sense memory. We have visual memory, auditory memory, olfactory memory, tactile memory and taste memory.

Quite often the memory of some of our senses links in with the memory of the centres, especially that of the instinctive and emotional centres.  

For example, olfactory memory (smell) connects powerfully to the emotional centre.


This memory holds the rememberings of what occurred in our centres. That is, what we thought, what we felt, what we did, what we said, what impulses and sensations we felt (instinctive centre) and the sensations of our sexual centre.


This memory holds all the rememberings of the results in our psyche of the impressions we received at a given time. In many ways, it is a psychological type of memory. It is a memory of the impressions left in our psychology which often overlaps with the the memory of the centres. It is a memory of the psychological flavours left within us after a conversation, an event, an action, a gesture, a word, an impression of some kind, etc. 

Impression memory is essentially what we live with and through. It is the memory that our egos access and combine with their logic to produce their thinking. Which is often negative.

So often, it is really this memory that being subjective gets us into trouble. It is not a factual memory.

We through experience come to learn that we can not rely on impression memory as it is not accurate. Our impression of what was said is so often not what was said.

Often the strongest memory within us is the impression memory, where we remember only the impression or psychological flavour that carries a certain meaning that we remember about an event or conversation for example. 

The impression memory is not at all the same as the factual memory, to remember what was actually said in facts and compared to the end impression of the conversation, yields a lot of discrepancy. 

The impression memory mixes easily with other memories from the senses, impressions, centres and through the different functionalisms and actions of the mind creates a certain conglomerate that becomes a story.

These functionalisms are: duality, associations and relativity. These actions are: concepts, conjectures, speculations, and plans.

Impression memory is all about parcels of impressions that combine with thinking to produce in us a fractioned memory. This fractioned memory serves the vested interests of the ego within us. This leads us to develop a selective memory and lose sight of the whole picture. The big picture always holds much more of the truth.

The work on memory is really about clarifying and dissolving the errors in the impression memory.


This is a very important section of our memory. There is actually a lot of knowledge held in this part of our memory. This is the memory of having done stages of the esoteric path before, memory of having practiced Alchemy before, memory of life and the path in previous races, memory of esoteric methods and knowledge, memory of officiating in the temples, memory of the dawn of creation, memory of the absolute, memory of past lives, memory of being between lives, memory of rituals and ceremonies and memory of the Being, Divine Mother, 

Conclusion - Practical Work

All work begins with discovery. We can observe and see how much of our thinking is based on memory. Furthermore see how much any ego's processes all use memory (senses, centres and impressions).

Once we see that in any given thought there is memory, then the work begins. The work is about clarifying the truth of that memory based story. To only way to clarify things before our consciousness is to ask questions. Ask serious questions designed to establish the whole truth. 

To do this we must be on the side of truth and the work and step away from our pain, our suffering, our story and vested interests.

Basically it mens to release the death-grip that ego has on fulfilling its vested interests.

End (4045).

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

American, Australian, New Zealand, South African and the British Personality Nailed - (4175)

This infographic explains so well the while Anglo-Saxon personality of the countries listed in the post title.

This is a really good description of the typical mask we are given to wear to live in those countries. The work gives us the option to not have to wear that mask.

End (4175).

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Communication Skills - (4174)

Just something interesting to browse over and pick up a detail or two to make our use of the word more conscious. 

End (4174).

Friday, 18 October 2024

The Essence Identity Does... - (4177)


We all do our identity. Whatever our identity is, we do. 

If we are a doctor we see and help patients who are unwell.

If someone takes on their identity to be the essence (essence-identity) what would they do?

Essence Does As Identity Is

Some of the things the essence-identity does:

🌞Holds the cosmic perspective of itself as a citizen of the cosmos. Knows its future as a cosmic citizen which is far beyond the future of the human, which is no future but the grave.

🌞Remembers the Divine Father-Mother, never forgets its Divine origin.

🌞Works for the priorities of the Father-Mother. Which are inner development of itself through mystical death and awakening.

🌞The will of the Father-Mother.

🌞Works for other essences.

🌞Lives out the values and principles of the Father-Mother inside if itself.

🌞Transforms the many impressions of the events of daily life to extract wisdom and learning for itself and the Inner Divine Father-Mother together. 

🌞Transmutes the raw energies it receives in life and transmits the transformed and refined results to the Father-Mother and itself together.

🌞Calls to the forces who are above for protection, guidance and illumination.


The more we adopt our identity to be an essence the more we will naturally and instinctively work on ourselves.

End (4177).

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Taking Responsibility Diminishes Negative Interior States - (4155)

Whenever we take responsibility we diminish negative emotional states.

If we feel: deceived, angry, cheated, hurt, scared, anxious, stupid, incapable etc.

Taking responsibility for our part in us feeling this way helps. 

Sometimes it completely transforms our interior state into one of  action: 'getting done what we need to do", and sometimes it only partly transforms our interior state. In any case it helps! 

End (4155).

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Best Weapon Before Problems and Difficulties is Good-Will - (4134)

The very best weapon before problems and difficulties is good-will. 

"Let's do it!", "Let's get this fixed!", "Let's see how we can help!", "We'll solve it!", "Every problem has a solution."', "There's no problem too great for the consciousness!", "Let's learn something new here, let's see what we can do!".

To face the issue with enthusiasm, positivity and some kindness is the best thing for ourselves.

It is also opens all of our inner resources to help solve the problem. While negative states shut them down.

It is also beneficial for others. But so much more for ourselves. Because it generates the best inner state for us to face and go through the situation.

Developing this attitude helps us to push away self-compassion, laziness, pessimism and the general fear of problems and difficulties, whether they be small or large.

End (4134).

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Practical Mysticism - the Completing Power of Gnosis - (3464)

Practical mysticism consists in making our Inner Being our centre of gravity. This is our entry into the ontological world.

All the works of mysticism we can say, are the works of making our Inner Being the centre of gravity.  This takes much grit, yet it was (in Lemuria millions of years ago) and should be the most natural thing.

To make our Inner Being our centre of gravity, we will gradually end up making our Inner Being our central reference point by which we run our inner and outer lives.

The better the relationship with the Inner Being becomes, the more it will be a centre of gravity. So much so that it will become the one reference point for our life. The key is to make our relationship with the Inner Being great!

The works of practical mysticism are also about investing the values of faith, love, hope and trust in the Inner Being. As these are the four columns upon which all deep and rich relationships are founded.

Practical mysticism is essentially about cultivating a rich and intimate relationship with the Inner Being.

In exactly the same way that we cultivate a good relationship with another human being, we can work to cultivate a good relationship with the Inner Being.

For a relationship to be good, we have to have some faith in it. That is we believe in it's goodness, its future, it's quality and mutual benefit. 

As we believe in a human relationship, we must believe in the Inner Being. We always come to love what we believe in. We will never love something we don't believe in. 

Faith in something is strength. Having faith in the Inner Being makes the relationship with the Inner Being strong. 

For a good relationship we trust in the quality of the relationship and in the other person. We must trust the Inner Being and be able to surrender certain worries, fears and matters of the future to the Inner Being.

For a good relationship there is hope. We have hopes and yearnings for any relationship we value. We have hopes for what the relationship can do. The same applies to the relationship with our Inner Being. We must come to hold hope and yearnings for our Inner Being and ourselves all together for a bright future together.

For a good relationship there is always love. There are many ways of love and all I can say that we have to find our way of loving the Inner Being (ourselves) which is always done by giving love. Don't wait to give love to the Inner Being and yourself together. Give it now!

This work of practical mysticism completes us - makes us whole. As it encompasses the four worlds which are: the physical world, the psychological world, the esoteric world and the ontological world.

This is one the great gifts that Gnosis gives us!

With this work we will never feel alone anymore. We are a universe, and a universe is full of beings. We are not all alone in the world. We are certainly not a lonely leaf being blown here and there by the winds of life. We are a universe that has a purpose and a destiny. 

Intimate prayer is the way to enter the works of practical mysticism, and it is up to our inner sense of responsibility and integrity before our Inner Being to follow through with what we offer in prayer before the many events of daily life.

End (3464).

Identification Means to Transact Poorly Against our Inner Being's Values - (4036)

Whenever we get identified with an ego (an "I") what we end up doing is making a transaction. A pretty bad transaction...

We spend some of our inner values and dharma to get 'something'. Most often that 'something' is worth a lot less...

We identify with anger spending the serenity, patience and trust of our Inner Being for a few assuring  or apologetic words from another human being - and who knows if they really mean it... 

We trade the life blood of our Inner Being for something that often has no or little life and is a bit or fully illusory. 

So often it is like what Jack Sparrow did in the Pirates of the Caribbean when we sold the magic compass given to him by Tia Dalma - a Goddess of the Sea, for a mere mediocre bottle of rum. 

That compass was so magic that he just had to feel in his heart what we wanted and the compass would guide him to where he would find it.

The values of our Inner Bing are the magic compass...

End (4036).

Sunday, 13 October 2024

The Wrong Strength - (3491)


There are so many people that are strong and have made themselves strong which is good, especially if that strength is the conscious or awakened strength.

There is also an unconscious strength which is the strength of the ego, based in ill-will. The power of will is always strong. Good will and ill-will are both strong... 

The unconscious or egoical strength, creates a lot of imbalance within a person with serious consequences inside and outside.

The unconscious use of strength unaware of the better or conscious use of strength and so creates problems for others, with the end result being that nobody really likes the person. There may be just a few people that can tolerate the person, but in small doses only.

In life, the strong go places, yet only a few in society like them. Life beats down hard on the weak, yet society tends to favour and like the weak... 

The best is to be neither of these two: strong or weak, but something different, that is someone who is inwardly strong...

The inwardly strong person is the one who sets up a beautiful outer balance with good relationships, and inside of him or her, there is the dominant presence of what should really be governing inside of each human being - the awakened essence and its principles.

Until the awakened essence appears within - the work on oneself must govern.

Planet Mars in True Colour - The Planet of Inner Strength

Egoical Strength

People wanting to be strong and come out on top in life, in the end, result to using ill-will and violence. If a person uses ill-will and violence they become ill-willed and violent in nature which leads nowhere good.

Remember there is violence in our mind, our words and in our actions. Violence is not only in our actions...

We can create in time and through many human experiences, a strong ill-will, because we have seen that it is useful. We have learnt that ill-will is always strong and it makes us strong and even stronger than most opponents. It is a sure fire way to come out on top - bring out our strong ill-will and we will win. 

We resort to ill-will because our value system is geared up to physically win, that is to be on top as far as physical matters and issues are concerned. We do not value the inner winning which is to hold up on high within ourselves the inner qualities of the Inner Being. To do this is really inner strength.

Inner Strength

As soon as we start to value the strength of the Inner Being, which is the strength to uphold the virtues, to trust in the power of the virtues and to know that coming out on top within us, is the most important, then we will stop resorting to ill-will and violence. 

To let go of ill-will and violence can only be done by valuing this inner strength. Which means to value the strength of the Inner Being and to will with all our heart for the the Inner Being to triumph through us. 

When we let go of ill-will and violence we result to the strength of the Inner Being which is not violent but is kind, wise, true and just.

End (3491).

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Transformation of the Karmic Instrument - (3769)

When we have a karmic debt there is always a karmic instrument, which is what the karma uses to teach us, correct us and extract payment from us to bring us back to balance.

Karmic instruments are usually other people. But not always...

Karmic instruments usually don't know or accept that they are acting as a karmic instrument. They usually think they are doing the right thing or a good. A karmic instrument is usually asleep to what they are doing... 

Anyone who reprimands you, corrects you harshly, pulls you up on things, makes your life difficult in some way, sends you long criticizing messages, talks negatively to others about you, treats you will ill-will, is a karmic instrument. They do not have to be in our immediate family they can be outside of our family in our circle of friends or work colleagues.

Of course if someone is a karmic instrument for us, we are also one for them. According to who has the greater debt, there will always be a tendency to one person being more of a karmic instrument.

The karmic instrument has a role, and if we learn the lesson behind the karma and pay with the value that was initially lost, we can often turn the karmic instrument into a dharmic instrument.

The role of the karmic instrument in the beginning is to make us suffer. As we suffer we look for a remedy. In the process of looking for a remedy, the karmic instrument begins to change, becoming a mirror to show us the defects that caused the karmic debt, and which are also at centre of the present karmic circumstances.

So often if we are not learning the lesson, the karmic instrument can be ruthless in bringing us back to our learning. Even though this can be harsh, it is helpful, and it shows us that we really are in a learning programme, and that we really must learn.

One curious observation worth a mention is that there is often a very sensitive psychic connection between us and the karmic instrument. This psychic connection makes us uneasy, anxious, scared, uncomfortable and often very emotionally sensitive. 

Another interesting observation is that the karmic instrument does their role in waves of varying intensity, which is always the way karma acts upon us. That is, via waves of activity and repose, relief and oppression.

It is often the case that the karmic instrument is just like us. In that they manifest exactly the same defects in the same or similar directions.

The more we see ourselves as a cause of the karmic circumstances with debts to pay, the more we work on ourselves and the more we begin to give the key value that pays the debts. 

As we pay, the role of the karmic instrument ceases, and it is very possible that the nature of the relationship with the karmic instrument, changes all together - for the better. 

In some cases, it can change so much, to be converted into a relationship that creates merit or dharma for both and all around.

End (3769).

Friday, 11 October 2024

Journey to Balance - (3932)

This is the typical journey that we take to find conscious balance in relation to something in life.

The key points are the after experiencing both sides we can learn the synthesis which comes from the experience of both sides and we come to see what balance is. 

Balance is always the wise or conscious combination of the two opposites. Which can also be summarised as the conscious application of a certain perennial value of our Inner Being, and also of the cosmos. 

The conclusion of finding balance, is that balance creates merit or dharma.

End (3932).

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Inner Kaom Makes Us Do Things to Pay Our Karmic Debts - (3745)

There are parts of our Being related to the Great Law.

That is there are parts of our Being related to processing and paying our karmic debts and there are parts of our Being related to accruing and using our dharma.

The part of the Being called Kaom or 'our inner police man" is the one who reports our actions for processing and judgement with the Divine Law.

Our inner Anubis is related to how our karma is administered and it is also related to our determination of and feeling of justice in our life.

The point of this post is to say that sometimes it is one of these parts of our Being that makes us do things that will unfold a series of events for us to pay some of our karmic debts.

For reasons that escape us, we do things that we usually wouldn't do and because we didn't do those small things, we end up having to deal with some kind of inconvenience. 

For example, the one night we didn't lock the car, someone rifles through the car taking our favourite 'cool' sunglasses and small change collection.

Everything has a reason and very little is due to accidents, even the very apparent 'accidents' are nto accidents.

End (3745).

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Do this Everyday for You and Your Being - (3626)

In the morning before starting your day:

1. Love

Love you Inner Being. 

(To bring warm, life and light and to ignite the connection of exchange and collaboration with the Inner Being)

2. Trust

Trust in your Inner Being. (To bring you relaxation and that beautiful comfortable feeling.)

3. Hope

Hope for you and your Inner Being. (To bring you direction towards a bright future.)

4. Faith

Have faith in your Inner Being. (To bring you inner strength.)

Send the emmanations of these four powers to yourself and Inner BEing together as one.

If we are feeling 'normal' you will feel joy. If you were feeling unwell you will feel better.

End (3626).

Hurt Others, to Test Love, is Not Love - (3616)

To hurt others in our mind or with our words and actions (direct or indirect) to somehow test love is not love.

Somehow in our strangely polarised psychology there is something that harms so to evoke what it is of love we have. It is a natural mechanism that love appears when there is harm.

One of the functions of love is to repair and heal and so harming makes this function to appear if there is any love...

We get like this because we have gone so far away from love, we have forgotten what it really is and further we have forgotten the full positive and edifying way of love. The clear and universally understood way that is not twisted.

After a while of doing this, harming in many different ways becomes the main tendency in the way we behave towards love. 

We have to eliminate this twisted way of accessing love.

End (3616).

Key to Transmuting without Lust - (3573)

Dissolving lustful mental forms is the key. 

While we are dissolving mental forms controlling these mental forms is the key. Do not allow these mental forms to enter the mind much less allow them to appear.  

One will see that when mental forms appear in the mind while transmuting, mental, emotional and sexual energy flows into those mental forms. One then begins to lose control over the inner flow of the sexual energy.

Then the practice may have to be stopped. 

Transmuting without these forms allows one naturality and natural control over the inner and upward flow of the sexual energy. Therefore allowing one to transmute the sexual energy.

By lustful mental forms it is meant sexual images that attract emotion. If an image appears do your best to let it go. If an image persists do not allow emotion to flow into it. That is when a significant amount of energy will then be deviated from our transmutation. 

One of the roles of energy within us is to give life. When there is a mental form energy flows to give that form life, and that outward deviation of the flow of energy, very much affects the inward and upward flow. Making us to lose control over the upward and inward flow.

This chart is not so related to the subject of this post. However, it just goes to show that mental forms to do with the sexual organs do produce very physical affects as do the other mental forms affecting other parts of the body as the chart above shows.

End (3573).

Monday, 7 October 2024

Training Makes Energy Available - (3567)

Training in any area slowly causes channels of energy to be opened so that energy can flow to the parts of our system that fulfill the function we are training for.

For example, to be able to swim a mile in the ocean is not possible at the beginning, but with training it becomes possible. The energy we have in the beginning is that same as the energy we have after training, the major difference is that energy has been made available. 

The process of training slowly directs energy to the task and slowly makes a channel for energy to flow. 
As training continues the mind also sees that the task is possible and other forces of our system which were not initially available become available.

Some of these forces are conscious faith and trust. 

We always have more or less the same amount of energy available it is just that our system does not have the channels open to direct the energy required.

Of course there is also that of building up the the strength and fitness in the muscles to be able to perform the task.

In emergency situations we see that our system opens the channels for a large amount of energy to flow and we do amazing things far beyond our apparent normal capacities. The reason is this, that certain channels that are normally closed were opened up by the consciousness or instinctive centre beyond the  control of the mind.

The training that interests us the most, is the training of the mind and consciousness. The more we train the mind and our attention, the more energy becomes available to us to be able to sustain attention and further study the mind.

End (3567).

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Everytime the Ego Leaves the Human Machine there is Micro-Repentance - (3466)

In degrees without fail: 

We feel a relief when the ego definitely leaves our human machine.

We then often feel a small amount of repentance.


Because, a micro contrast occurs within us. We remember the negative state of when the ego was in our human machine and we contrast against what we are now feeling and we feel that the negative state was in error.

It is also good to remember these moments of micro-repentance as they are good lessons to our consciousness for when we may next get identified with the same ego.


Do what is necessary to make the ego leave the human machine. Then we can get the better or best of ourselves. Not before then. We help ourselves a lot by displacing the ego from our human machine a priority.

End (3466).

Friday, 4 October 2024

A Little Bit About the Types of Consciousness - (3463)

The consciousness that we are aspiring to, is the cosmic and ontological consciousness. We already have human consciousness functioning. Human consciousness is influenced and conditioned by the factors shown in the diagram: human life (society and its values), nature, matter, personality, mind and ego. 

When we work on ourselves and when we work on awakening our consciousness we are waking up cosmic consciousness and a little of the ontological consciousness.

The more we wake up cosmic consciousness the more we wake up ontological consciousness.

Cosmic consciousness is the awareness of the consciousness, other dimensions, other beings, cosmic laws, cosmic moments, and greater purposes and visions of being and existence etc. While ontological consciousness is the awareness of the Being and all that is within the Bieng as a unity and as a sacred individuality connected to the cosmos.

End (3463).

Thursday, 3 October 2024

A Beautiful Process to Deal with Difficult People in Difficult Situations - (3443)


Remember A.L.L.A: appease, listen, lead and act when in difficult situations with upset people. This is a teaching that comes from m.m.m. It is very helpful.

This is especially useful when we are working on the "I" of anger, and we need to educate our free essence to deal with conflictive situations in a different way, rather than with the way of anger that causes situations to explode.


It is important to do something first of all to calm the situation down. Ask all concerned to be calm and  invite everyone to give calm talking and listening a chance to peacefully come to a solution. This could require being quieter, being calm, speakly softer and using kinder words. 

There are many ways to appease situations, and for each person and situation there are particular ways. Here we have to draw on our knowledge of the person or people involved. A method that calms down one person may not work to calm down another. If we have knowledge then we must use it.


Here we have to listen to what the issue really is. This is an art which requires listening beyond the complaints, accusations, fear and anger. 

Listening is best done with our consciousness and when we listen we can know what can be done to make the situation better so that all involved can come to a better or greater understanding of the situation.


Once we know the issue and see some solutions, we must then lead the way presenting this solution and invite all involved to come to a higher state of consciousness to look for the solution instead of fighting and going back and forth in a circle. 

For there to be a different outcome or for the situation to change in quality for the better someone has to lead. Usually someone leads in the negative causing the situation to blow up or just go unsolved and worsen in time.

If we see a solution, it is our duty to lead or direct others to see or consider it. If there is no solution then we must lead others to a better attitude towards the situation. That is a positive more understanding attitude, that looks to the consciousness for a solution, which will come in time.


We must then follow through with what is understood and initiated, and act appropriately in alignment with that.

End (3443).

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Notes on Good Methods to Work on the Hypnotic Grip of the "I" - (5374)

Each ego for sure has a hypnotic grip. The most difficult part of working on any "I" is overcoming its hypnotic grip.

The hypnotic grip is the power an "I" has to make the free essence (us) to identify with it.

The hypnotic grip is what converts our pre-ego will that says: " I don't want that ego or I will not do that" into us wanting to do that and doing it. It makes us think, feel and do the things we don't want to.

The hypnotic grip has certain patterns or characteristics that can be identified, and when we identify them we can better work to overcome the hypnotic grip. 

Here are some of those characteristics:

Duality is the major characteristic. It is the power of thought. Specifically in the power of the not thought.

The ego always wants to be the "I am", and what moves it towards the "I am" is the not thought. The feeling of not hypnotises the free essence, and then the ego takes over to be the "I am".

We can for some reason not feel important, and the "I" of self-importance wants to feel important so then the same "I" of self-importance kicks in to initiate action to be important.

Here for example are some not thoughts: 

"If I don't do that, then I am not...".  

"If I don't do that, then I can not...".

"I can't allow...".

"I have to because I can not...".

"I have to because I am not...".

"I am not this then I am...".

"What if this will not be good".

The first way of working on overcoming the hypnotic grip is by using analysis and questioning. 

Always question the truth about what the "I" thinks and feels. Ask constantly is that true. Question each statement, each conclusion, each judgement, each projection and each interpretation and perception.

It is also good to turn around what the "I" thinks. That is, turn it around to the opposite and we will see quite often that the issue is really about ourselves. In the sense that the opposite is truer. 

For example, an "I" may say that a certain person is so ill-willed and difficult. Turning that around to the opposite we will find that there is actually ill-will within us on some level or direction which we have completely overlooked, and it is the hypnotic grip that has made that truth about ourselves into a 'not' statement or an opposite statement accusing the other of being what we are and being the problem.

Use analysis to determine what the "I" really wants. Ask the "I": "is that what you want that this and that suffers?". We will see that it often does not really want that, and so what it really wants lies in another direction, often a feeling within ourselves is what it wants.

Use analysis to break down the impression it reacts to. Break the impression down into its parts and examine each part separately. Be fully aware of what we are reacting to. We will see that we are reacting to our own selves many times. Our own concepts and interpretations  

End (5374).

A Process to Make the Silence of the Mind to Appear - (3442)

A really beautiful process that works. Give it a try. This comes from m.m.m.


Transfer your attention to your mind and become aware of it. Sustain serene attention to become more and more aware of it what it is doing. Once we know, we know what we can do. In this case, 'to do' is to move on to organise.


Organise the thoughts. Create priorities, discard the unnecessary and irrelevant. Create an action plan for the mind to work to after the practice.


Let go of the thoughts. Relax the mind, practice no thinking. Be very patient, allow the thoughts to come and continue to let them go, serenely and patiently.


Gaps in thoughts will appear. Keep letting go, allowing the gaps to widen. Relax and relax the mind, no thinking, breathing and relaxing deeper and deeper into the ensuing silence of the mind.

End (3442).

Process of Acquiring a Value - (3222)


Here below is the process by which we generally acquire a value.


Steps Explained

1. Something happens in life, there is an event and there are impressions, together they contribute to a fraction of our essence becoming conditioned. This conditioning strengthens in time creating a psychological "I". 

2. When a psychological "I" is created there is always a value of our essence that has become corrupted, and the result is that a value of our essence is polarised, to function by duality externally instead of internally. 

3. This external polarisation of a value makes us to suffer and a make many mistakes making ourselves and others suffer and so we accrue more karma.

4. To ease our suffering we demand or seek that value externally which causes suffering and that brings emptiness and bitterness to us.

5. We, out of pain begin to read and study and look for answers. We find the psychological work and we begin to observe and study as well as do anything we can to not fall into that suffering. The results of all this work brings us a great discovery...

6. The breakthrough of breakthroughs is when we discover the precise and concrete psychological value that is what we lack and which is also the opposite of that value and therefore the remedy to our suffering.

7. We work to exercise that value. We do this by first stopping the "I" from manifesting in the motor centre and then do the opposite in our centres by applying the value or remedy to that "I".

8. We slowly begin to acquire within ourselves the free version of that value. Now that we have some of it, we can give it. We can only give something that we have. We can't give what we don't have.

9. By having that value we can now use ti to pay the many karmic debts that we created with the opposite or lack of that value.

10. As we continue to work and pay our karmic debts the psychological "I" conditioning that value is finally dissolved.

11. Now with that value totally free we can radiate it - it shines from within us, and others can perceive it and feel it and are benefitted, lead and taught by it.

12. That value can now be sublimated, that is brought to take us closer and into the Being.

13. After sublimating that value to the level of the Being it becomes a path way to enter deeper into our Being, whom is the origin and source of that value.

End (3222).