Friday 4 October 2024

A Little Bit About the Types of Consciousness - (3463)

The consciousness that we are aspiring to, is the cosmic and ontological consciousness. We already have human consciousness functioning. Human consciousness is influenced and conditioned by the factors shown in the diagram: human life (society and its values), nature, matter, personality, mind and ego. 

When we work on ourselves and when we work on awakening our consciousness we are waking up cosmic consciousness and a little of the ontological consciousness.

The more we wake up cosmic consciousness the more we wake up ontological consciousness.

Cosmic consciousness is the awareness of the consciousness, other dimensions, other beings, cosmic laws, cosmic moments, and greater purposes and visions of being and existence etc. While ontological consciousness is the awareness of the Being and all that is within the Bieng as a unity and as a sacred individuality connected to the cosmos.

End (3463).

Thursday 3 October 2024

A Beautiful Process to Deal with Difficult People in Difficult Situations - (3443)


Remember A.L.L.A: appease, listen, lead and act when in difficult situations with upset people. This is a teaching that comes from m.m.m. It is very helpful.

This is especially useful when we are working on the "I" of anger, and we need to educate our free essence to deal with conflictive situations in a different way, rather than with the way of anger that causes situations to explode.


It is important to do something first of all to calm the situation down. Ask all concerned to be calm and  invite everyone to give calm talking and listening a chance to peacefully come to a solution. This could require being quieter, being calm, speakly softer and using kinder words. 

There are many ways to appease situations, and for each person and situation there are particular ways. Here we have to draw on our knowledge of the person or people involved. A method that calms down one person may not work to calm down another. If we have knowledge then we must use it.


Here we have to listen to what the issue really is. This is an art which requires listening beyond the complaints, accusations, fear and anger. 

Listening is best done with our consciousness and when we listen we can know what can be done to make the situation better so that all involved can come to a better or greater understanding of the situation.


Once we know the issue and see some solutions, we must then lead the way presenting this solution and invite all involved to come to a higher state of consciousness to look for the solution instead of fighting and going back and forth in a circle. 

For there to be a different outcome or for the situation to change in quality for the better someone has to lead. Usually someone leads in the negative causing the situation to blow up or just go unsolved and worsen in time.

If we see a solution, it is our duty to lead or direct others to see or consider it. If there is no solution then we must lead others to a better attitude towards the situation. That is a positive more understanding attitude, that looks to the consciousness for a solution, which will come in time.


We must then follow through with what is understood and initiated, and act appropriately in alignment with that.

End (3443).

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Notes on Good Methods to Work on the Hypnotic Grip of the "I" - (5374)

Each ego for sure has a hypnotic grip. The most difficult part of working on any "I" is overcoming its hypnotic grip.

The hypnotic grip is the power an "I" has to make the free essence (us) to identify with it.

The hypnotic grip is what converts our pre-ego will that says: " I don't want that ego or I will not do that" into us wanting to do that and doing it. It makes us think, feel and do the things we don't want to.

The hypnotic grip has certain patterns or characteristics that can be identified, and when we identify them we can better work to overcome the hypnotic grip. 

Here are some of those characteristics:

Duality is the major characteristic. It is the power of thought. Specifically in the power of the not thought.

The ego always wants to be the "I am", and what moves it towards the "I am" is the not thought. The feeling of not hypnotises the free essence, and then the ego takes over to be the "I am".

We can for some reason not feel important, and the "I" of self-importance wants to feel important so then the same "I" of self-importance kicks in to initiate action to be important.

Here for example are some not thoughts: 

"If I don't do that, then I am not...".  

"If I don't do that, then I can not...".

"I can't allow...".

"I have to because I can not...".

"I have to because I am not...".

"I am not this then I am...".

"What if this will not be good".

The first way of working on overcoming the hypnotic grip is by using analysis and questioning. 

Always question the truth about what the "I" thinks and feels. Ask constantly is that true. Question each statement, each conclusion, each judgement, each projection and each interpretation and perception.

It is also good to turn around what the "I" thinks. That is, turn it around to the opposite and we will see quite often that the issue is really about ourselves. In the sense that the opposite is truer. 

For example, an "I" may say that a certain person is so ill-willed and difficult. Turning that around to the opposite we will find that there is actually ill-will within us on some level or direction which we have completely overlooked, and it is the hypnotic grip that has made that truth about ourselves into a 'not' statement or an opposite statement accusing the other of being what we are and being the problem.

Use analysis to determine what the "I" really wants. Ask the "I": "is that what you want that this and that suffers?". We will see that it often does not really want that, and so what it really wants lies in another direction, often a feeling within ourselves is what it wants.

Use analysis to break down the impression it reacts to. Break the impression down into its parts and examine each part separately. Be fully aware of what we are reacting to. We will see that we are reacting to our own selves many times. Our own concepts and interpretations  

End (5374).

A Process to Make the Silence of the Mind to Appear - (3442)

A really beautiful process that works. Give it a try. This comes from m.m.m.


Transfer your attention to your mind and become aware of it. Sustain serene attention to become more and more aware of it what it is doing. Once we know, we know what we can do. In this case, 'to do' is to move on to organise.


Organise the thoughts. Create priorities, discard the unnecessary and irrelevant. Create an action plan for the mind to work to after the practice.


Let go of the thoughts. Relax the mind, practice no thinking. Be very patient, allow the thoughts to come and continue to let them go, serenely and patiently.


Gaps in thoughts will appear. Keep letting go, allowing the gaps to widen. Relax and relax the mind, no thinking, breathing and relaxing deeper and deeper into the ensuing silence of the mind.

End (3442).

Process of Acquiring a Value - (3222)


Here below is the process by which we generally acquire a value.


Steps Explained

1. Something happens in life, there is an event and there are impressions, together they contribute to a fraction of our essence becoming conditioned. This conditioning strengthens in time creating a psychological "I". 

2. When a psychological "I" is created there is always a value of our essence that has become corrupted, and the result is that a value of our essence is polarised, to function by duality externally instead of internally. 

3. This external polarisation of a value makes us to suffer and a make many mistakes making ourselves and others suffer and so we accrue more karma.

4. To ease our suffering we demand or seek that value externally which causes suffering and that brings emptiness and bitterness to us.

5. We, out of pain begin to read and study and look for answers. We find the psychological work and we begin to observe and study as well as do anything we can to not fall into that suffering. The results of all this work brings us a great discovery...

6. The breakthrough of breakthroughs is when we discover the precise and concrete psychological value that is what we lack and which is also the opposite of that value and therefore the remedy to our suffering.

7. We work to exercise that value. We do this by first stopping the "I" from manifesting in the motor centre and then do the opposite in our centres by applying the value or remedy to that "I".

8. We slowly begin to acquire within ourselves the free version of that value. Now that we have some of it, we can give it. We can only give something that we have. We can't give what we don't have.

9. By having that value we can now use ti to pay the many karmic debts that we created with the opposite or lack of that value.

10. As we continue to work and pay our karmic debts the psychological "I" conditioning that value is finally dissolved.

11. Now with that value totally free we can radiate it - it shines from within us, and others can perceive it and feel it and are benefitted, lead and taught by it.

12. That value can now be sublimated, that is brought to take us closer and into the Being.

13. After sublimating that value to the level of the Being it becomes a path way to enter deeper into our Being, whom is the origin and source of that value.

End (3222).