Wednesday 9 October 2024

Key to Transmuting without Lust - (3573)

Dissolving lustful mental forms is the key. 

While we are dissolving mental forms controlling these mental forms is the key. Do not allow these mental forms to enter the mind much less allow them to appear.  

One will see that when mental forms appear in the mind while transmuting, mental, emotional and sexual energy flows into those mental forms. One then begins to lose control over the inner flow of the sexual energy.

Then the practice may have to be stopped. 

Transmuting without these forms allows one naturality and natural control over the inner and upward flow of the sexual energy. Therefore allowing one to transmute the sexual energy.

By lustful mental forms it is meant sexual images that attract emotion. If an image appears do your best to let it go. If an image persists do not allow emotion to flow into it. That is when a significant amount of energy will then be deviated from our transmutation. 

One of the roles of energy within us is to give life. When there is a mental form energy flows to give that form life, and that outward deviation of the flow of energy, very much affects the inward and upward flow. Making us to lose control over the upward and inward flow.

This chart is not so related to the subject of this post. However, it just goes to show that mental forms to do with the sexual organs do produce very physical affects as do the other mental forms affecting other parts of the body as the chart above shows.

End (3573).

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