Wednesday 2 October 2024

Process of Acquiring a Value - (3222)


Here below is the process by which we generally acquire a value.


Steps Explained

1. Something happens in life, there is an event and there are impressions, together they contribute to a fraction of our essence becoming conditioned. This conditioning strengthens in time creating a psychological "I". 

2. When a psychological "I" is created there is always a value of our essence that has become corrupted, and the result is that a value of our essence is polarised, to function by duality externally instead of internally. 

3. This external polarisation of a value makes us to suffer and a make many mistakes making ourselves and others suffer and so we accrue more karma.

4. To ease our suffering we demand or seek that value externally which causes suffering and that brings emptiness and bitterness to us.

5. We, out of pain begin to read and study and look for answers. We find the psychological work and we begin to observe and study as well as do anything we can to not fall into that suffering. The results of all this work brings us a great discovery...

6. The breakthrough of breakthroughs is when we discover the precise and concrete psychological value that is what we lack and which is also the opposite of that value and therefore the remedy to our suffering.

7. We work to exercise that value. We do this by first stopping the "I" from manifesting in the motor centre and then do the opposite in our centres by applying the value or remedy to that "I".

8. We slowly begin to acquire within ourselves the free version of that value. Now that we have some of it, we can give it. We can only give something that we have. We can't give what we don't have.

9. By having that value we can now use ti to pay the many karmic debts that we created with the opposite or lack of that value.

10. As we continue to work and pay our karmic debts the psychological "I" conditioning that value is finally dissolved.

11. Now with that value totally free we can radiate it - it shines from within us, and others can perceive it and feel it and are benefitted, lead and taught by it.

12. That value can now be sublimated, that is brought to take us closer and into the Being.

13. After sublimating that value to the level of the Being it becomes a path way to enter deeper into our Being, whom is the origin and source of that value.

End (3222).

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