Thursday, 31 October 2024

Formula to Take Ourselves Out of the Abyss - (4370)

This really works to take ourselves out of identification with subconscious and back into the light of our own consciousness.

When visiting the abyss of nature, memory and identity are erased, orientation is clouded, sense of time disappears, and there is the impending doom of  total tunnel vision, which is the way of thinking, feeling and acting of an absurd logic, that obeys the abyss...

This is very similar to the state of identification. That is, when we get identified with any ego. The deeper the identification the more intense these symptoms are.

When are there remember the four pillars of Being: love, hope, faith and trust.

💖Send love to yourself and your Inner Being together as one.

📿 Hold hope high in yourself and your Inner Being together as one.

💪 Have strong faith in yourself and your Inner Being together as one.

🤗 Trust in yourself and your Inner Being together as one.

Doing this keeps us out of our own abyss and free from being connected to the abyss of nature.

End (4370).

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