Tuesday 15 October 2024

Identification Means to Transact Poorly Against our Inner Being's Values - (4036)

Whenever we get identified with an ego (an "I") what we end up doing is making a transaction. A pretty bad transaction...

We spend some of our inner values and dharma to get 'something'. Most often that 'something' is worth a lot less...

We identify with anger spending the serenity, patience and trust of our Inner Being for a few assuring  or apologetic words from another human being - and who knows if they really mean it... 

We trade the life blood of our Inner Being for something that often has no or little life and is a bit or fully illusory. 

So often it is like what Jack Sparrow did in the Pirates of the Caribbean when we sold the magic compass given to him by Tia Dalma - a Goddess of the Sea, for a mere mediocre bottle of rum. 

That compass was so magic that he just had to feel in his heart what we wanted and the compass would guide him to where he would find it.

The values of our Inner Bing are the magic compass...

End (4036).

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