Sunday 13 October 2024

The Wrong Strength - (3491)


There are so many people that are strong and have made themselves strong which is good, especially if that strength is the conscious or awakened strength.

There is also an unconscious strength which is the strength of the ego, based in ill-will. The power of will is always strong. Good will and ill-will are both strong... 

The unconscious or egoical strength, creates a lot of imbalance within a person with serious consequences inside and outside.

The unconscious use of strength unaware of the better or conscious use of strength and so creates problems for others, with the end result being that nobody really likes the person. There may be just a few people that can tolerate the person, but in small doses only.

In life, the strong go places, yet only a few in society like them. Life beats down hard on the weak, yet society tends to favour and like the weak... 

The best is to be neither of these two: strong or weak, but something different, that is someone who is inwardly strong...

The inwardly strong person is the one who sets up a beautiful outer balance with good relationships, and inside of him or her, there is the dominant presence of what should really be governing inside of each human being - the awakened essence and its principles.

Until the awakened essence appears within - the work on oneself must govern.

Planet Mars in True Colour - The Planet of Inner Strength

Egoical Strength

People wanting to be strong and come out on top in life, in the end, result to using ill-will and violence. If a person uses ill-will and violence they become ill-willed and violent in nature which leads nowhere good.

Remember there is violence in our mind, our words and in our actions. Violence is not only in our actions...

We can create in time and through many human experiences, a strong ill-will, because we have seen that it is useful. We have learnt that ill-will is always strong and it makes us strong and even stronger than most opponents. It is a sure fire way to come out on top - bring out our strong ill-will and we will win. 

We resort to ill-will because our value system is geared up to physically win, that is to be on top as far as physical matters and issues are concerned. We do not value the inner winning which is to hold up on high within ourselves the inner qualities of the Inner Being. To do this is really inner strength.

Inner Strength

As soon as we start to value the strength of the Inner Being, which is the strength to uphold the virtues, to trust in the power of the virtues and to know that coming out on top within us, is the most important, then we will stop resorting to ill-will and violence. 

To let go of ill-will and violence can only be done by valuing this inner strength. Which means to value the strength of the Inner Being and to will with all our heart for the the Inner Being to triumph through us. 

When we let go of ill-will and violence we result to the strength of the Inner Being which is not violent but is kind, wise, true and just.

End (3491).

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