Monday 7 October 2024

Training Makes Energy Available - (3567)

Training in any area slowly causes channels of energy to be opened so that energy can flow to the parts of our system that fulfill the function we are training for.

For example, to be able to swim a mile in the ocean is not possible at the beginning, but with training it becomes possible. The energy we have in the beginning is that same as the energy we have after training, the major difference is that energy has been made available. 

The process of training slowly directs energy to the task and slowly makes a channel for energy to flow. 
As training continues the mind also sees that the task is possible and other forces of our system which were not initially available become available.

Some of these forces are conscious faith and trust. 

We always have more or less the same amount of energy available it is just that our system does not have the channels open to direct the energy required.

Of course there is also that of building up the the strength and fitness in the muscles to be able to perform the task.

In emergency situations we see that our system opens the channels for a large amount of energy to flow and we do amazing things far beyond our apparent normal capacities. The reason is this, that certain channels that are normally closed were opened up by the consciousness or instinctive centre beyond the  control of the mind.

The training that interests us the most, is the training of the mind and consciousness. The more we train the mind and our attention, the more energy becomes available to us to be able to sustain attention and further study the mind.

End (3567).

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