Friday, 13 July 2018

Role of the Will of the Ego – (2482)

Free Will is a Dream While there is Ego

Indeed within each ego that we have is trapped a certain quanta of our will.

Because of that fact we lack free will.

We may not want o feel hurt when insulted but the amount of will trapped in the ego of self-love makes it so that we feel hurt. Why you ask because this ego of self-love wills that we feel hurt. Faced with this situation we can understand that we in truth lack free will. What we have is a clash of wills.

The Role

The role of the will of any ego that we have, is in general to control the free essence and keep the free separate from the Real Being.

Will creates and is intimately linked to the creative sexual force within the human being.

The will in the ego also creates. It is used by the ego to create a world separate and outside of the Being, so to give us the sensation that we do not need the Being within us and that we can be all ok living far away from and outside the Being.

End (2482).

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