Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Painful “I” of Self-Sentimentalism – (2687)

This “I” is worth working on. All because it brings one much pain.

Even when pleased, this “I” feels a kind of teary, happy pain, which is something very different to the plenitude and happiness of our own essence, that is not tainted by pain.

This “I” is embroiled in the manifestations of the “I’s” of pride, self-love, self-importance, self-compassion etc. When rejected, when abandoned, when neglected, when abused, when treated harshly the pain that we feel mainly comes from this ego of self-sentimentalism.

We may be very hard on ourselves but considerate of others. As we can control our own psychological pain but we can not control the pain of others.

It is to see ourselves as precious, poor, little, handicapped, disadvantaged, incapable, needing help, a dear person, a good and kind person, etc. etc.

When we see ourselves this way we can not understand how others can reject us, treat us harshly, hurt us, etc.

Obviously, others do not see us this way do they. Nor do we see others this way either.

Sentimentally is very prevalent in certain cultures as well as being part of our personality. The Latino culture is very sentimental as is the Spanish culture.

We expect others to look upon us sentimentally. That is to consider our soft and dear feelings, and our lovely and sweet heart.

We superimpose these feelings of sentimentality towards ourselves onto others that we care for. Then we cry.

To conclude, we can begin by dissolving this “I” of self-sentimentalism by changing the way we see ourselves. We when we look closely at ourselves, we have very little of dearness, softness, being poor, being little, being incapable, needing help etc. etc.

The Venerable Masters do not look upon us sentimentally they see our facts. As do the Venerable Masters of the Law. If they saw us sentimentally human beings would get away with the worst crimes being unpunished, thus unbalancing the cosmos.

End (2687).

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

What is a Stopinder? - (2686)

The word stopinder is an esoteric word that relates to the Law of Seven. It seems that it was Gurdjieff that first brought this word to public light.

The Law of Seven known in esoteric terms as the Holy Heptaparaparshinokh emanates from the Sacred Absolute Sun (AIN SOPH AUR) and it governs the way lines of force or energy descend through creation, as well the way they these energies condense into and within the different levels of creation.

It is said that lines of force descend from the Sacred Absolute Sun and take on a series of deflections before these lines of force re-encounter their beginning or origin.

Our Monad is actually one of these lines of force or energy.

Actually, according to the law of Seven, these lines of force take on eight deflections with their being seven intervals between each deflection. The interval or duration between deflections is what is called a Stopinder.

Obviously each stopinder has a different quality. The different stopinders give rise to the different bodies and the different chakras, as well as the centres and the levels and sub-levels of our mind.

End (2686).

Monday, 29 October 2018

Mantra WU – (2685)

This mantra is very effective mantra for quietening the mind.

It is most effective using will and imagination.

Vocalising just as Master Samael describes: imagining oneself to be sitting on the edge of a high cliff with strong winds blowing. Vocalising the mantra like a howling wind and feel that the mantric wind blows the thoughts away leaving the mind clearer and clearer, emptier and emptier.

This can be done at anytime.

End (2685).

Ave Fenix – Phoenix Bird – (2684)


This post is a follow up of the previous post titled: “Fabulous Creatures Living Within Us – (2679)”. What better way then use a passage of text from Master Samael (El Quinto Evangelio, page 1276).

Excerpt - English

“The "Son of Man" used to live in us. Remember, brothers, that the Phoenix Bird has witnessed the course of the ages. She saw the golden souls of the Golden Age, transformed into souls of silver, copper and iron, and yet she remains the same.

The Phoenix Bird, always crowned with a golden crown, with its eyes that look like stars, looking at unalterable infinite space, with its vestment all of divine purple, and its blue chest, and its long green tail, where the stars of unalterable infinity are reflected, and its golden legs, and its red nails, dies and lives.

When she wants to renew herself, she makes a kind of nest, and in it she puts the aloe, and the myrrh, and the incense, branches of every sacred species, and in it she is incinerated. Nature fills full of an unspeakable terror, but at last one day it rises from its own ashes, stronger, more powerful than before, to salute the infinite.

Yes, brothers: that Phoenix Bird is paired with a small phoenix, and if the Phoenix Bird dies to resurface from his own ashes, its little Phoenix does the same...

I want you to understand the allegory: that Phoenix Bird is the THIRD LOGOS, our particular Logoi, individual; Sacred Holy Spirit, in whose name, always, we make the Gnostic Baptisms.

He is the Lord, he is the King of Alchemy, the Hiram Abiff of occult Masonry, who is now dead, but must be born in each one of us, must be resurrected in each one of us. As for the little Phoenix, he is the SON OF MAN, Tiphereth of Hebrew Kábala, which needs to come to the world to work in the Great Work of the Father.”

Excerpt - Spanish

“El “Hijo del Hombre”, antes vivía en nosotros. Recordad, hermanos, que el AVE FÉNIX ha sido testigo del curso de las edades. Ella vio a las almas doradas de la Edad de Oro, transformarse en almas de plata, de cobre y de hierro, y sin embargo permanece la misma.

El Ave Fénix, coronada siempre con una corona de oro, con sus ojos que parecen estrellas, mirando el espacio infinito inalterable, con su vestidura toda de púrpura divina, y su pecho azul, y su larga cola verde, donde se reflejan las estrellas del inalterable infinito, y sus patas de oro, y sus uñas de color rojo, muere y vive.

Cuando ella quiere renovarse a sí misma, hace una especie de túmulo, y en él pone el áloe, y la mirra, y el incienso, ramas de toda especie sagrada, y se incinera. La Naturaleza se llena toda de un indecible terror, mas al fin un día resucita de entre sus propias cenizas, más fuerte, más ponderosa que antes, para alegrar el infinito.

Sí, hermanos: ese Ave Fénix pare un pequeño “FENIXITO”, y si el Ave Fénix muere para resurgir de sus propias cenizas, su pequeño “Fenixito” hace lo mismo...

Quiero que entendáis la alegoría: ese AVE FÉNIX es el TERCER LOGOS, nuestro Logoi particular, individual; sacratísimo Espíritu Santo, en cuyo nombre, siempre, hacemos los Bautismos Gnósticos.

Es el Señor, es el Rey de la Alquimia, el Hiram Abiff de la Masonería oculta, que ahora está muerto, pero debe nacer en cada uno de nosotros, debe resucitar en cada uno de nosotros. En cuanto al pequeño FENIXITO, es el HIJO DEL HOMBRE, el Tiphereth de la Kábala hebraica, que necesita venir al mundo para trabajar en la Gran Obra del Padre.”

End (2684).

Working on Jealousy Guarantee – (2683)


If one works on jealousy one can be certain (guaranteed) of the following:


Significant diminishing and vanishing of the empty feelings of loss, and the panic or anxiety or perhaps even dread or sadness that result from that empty feeling.


Significant diminishing and vanishing of the intense anger and pride of having our unspoken rules or expectations broken.


Significant diminishing and vanishing of the anger about the lack of control over the person.


Significant diminishing and vanishing of the feeling of being insulted/offended by the other person having taken the gaul to pass over our rules and expectations and ‘sacred love’.


Significant diminishing and vanishing of ill-will towards the other person and the ‘other other person’.


Feelings that the other person does not really love us and loves the other person more or more naturally or spontaneously.


Feelings that we are not good enough disappear. Feelings that we are too old, slow, boring, unspontaneous, not fun, etc. etc. start to go.


Appearance of a new aspect and quality of trust in relation to one’s inner Divinity and the relationships that one has in this life.


Appearance of a renewed love for the other person. Which is characterised by more trust in the other and more respect.


Increased feelings of dignity and confidence, as one can now behave with a more upright conduct and not feel ‘bad’ about oneself.


Closer to your essence. More interior light. More interior freedom. More control. More happiness. More at peace.

Contrast - Decision

After reading each of these points, do you want to work on jealousy? Working on jealousy as any other ego, is really a conscious decision, that is best made through contrast. Who after contrasting would not want to work on jealousy? I think no one, especially if the person has or suffers acutely from jealousy.

End (2683).

Please Cultivate Trust – (2682)

Trust is a quality that is so fundamental, that it miraculously turns out to be major remedy for many egos.

It is a major remedy for fear, skepticism, self-sufficiency and many aspects of pride. It is a good remedy for jealousy and envy and it can certainly be of some help when working on the egos of ambition, greed and gluttony.

I say please cultivate it because it will help you so much.

I don’t want to give any methods (maybe one day I will) but if you are sincere about doing it and you start to do it, you will certainly do it! Start from the very basics and build up. You will not regret the effort that you have made to cultivate trust. It will be paid back to you enormously.

End (2682).

Thursday, 25 October 2018

A Gift Returned – (2681)


A didactic examination by the consciousness of this event that befalls one from time to time in the events and circumstances of life.


  • Narrator
  • Ego
  • Person
  • Consciousness


Narrator:              Before we begin, it is useful to set the background of this event. This event of life can typically bring out the egos of pride, self-love and self-compassion. Perhaps just one or a combination of all three or just two. For this demonstration we will focus on the combination of pride and self-love.

                                The person in this demonstration is a person who is working on him or herself and really wishes to dissolve the ego, as do we.

        So, the person played by (use name of person) wants to repair some previous harm done and presents a gift to a person. The person takes the gift and a second later returns it ordering the person to take it back stating that he/she does not want it.

Person:                You don’t want it?

Narrator:             The person suffers a very brief initial shock and remains briefly silent as in                                     disbelief of what has just happened.

Ego:                       To the emotional centre: impudent, arrogant, selfish, hard, impenetrable, no acceptance, no recognition. Brick wall. Pain!

Person:                I feel a painful emotion. Uncomfortable and intense.

Narrator:             Now the first conscious shock appears in the person. The recognition or rediscovery of the ego of self-love.

Person:                An ego is now suffering quite intensely. It is not me - the essence that suffers. It is that ego which suffers. It is one block of my psychology (essence) that does not remember the Being in me that is suffering. Because the consciousness would and can transform this, the essence would not suffer like this. I need Separation! Separate! Separate!

Narrator:             The person has now a clear vision of the situation unfolding within him or herself. Of course, the ego is strong and it has not finished. Its power of will is yet is to enter more intensely into manifestation. The ego’s tools to now continue to try and win the battle is its hypnotic grip, which is the combination of beguiling reasoning and desire. Let's see...

Ego:                       To the intellectual centre. I feel I need to do something about it. It is terribly unfair. I made a sincere effort, I took time and invested thought and emotion, the money was honestly earnt to buy that gift. It was given in good will. Something must be said or done to right the situation. Send force and impulses to speak and act to right this situation. The will to force the other to see that they are wrong.

Person:                I still feel that pain. It does not stop. It feels now very uncomfortable. I feel right now I have a choice: go with the pain and make the other know what they have made me feel or seek the light and transform the pain which is darkness into light.

Narrator:             Now the battle is getting difficult.

Person:                I must look to the consciousness to transform these psychological processes and to bring light. Focus the attention in the consciousness. Strengthen the free will: “I am not going to get identified, I am not that one who suffers the essence takes this differently not with suffering”. The essence, the essence, the essence.

Narrator:             Now some inquiry to transform the darkness of pain into light is very useful here.

Person:                Let me examine the thought "it is unfair". Is it truly unfair? Well I did do something hurtful before. Well, truly it is in some way fair, it is not really unfair.

Narrator:             Inquiry and transformation continues. The hypnotic belief of untruths must be broken.

to be continued...

End (2681).

A Different Way to Demonstrate the Didactic of Dissolving the “I” – (2680)

A few times over the years m.m.m has mentioned to us that Master Samael described one of the ways that the ancient Greeks instructed people about the comprehension of the ego.

Those words have always stuck with me…

Just recently it has dawned on me, after trying to think of another way to demonstrate or explain how the ego can be counteracted and comprehended, that a variation of this method can be used to teach how the ego can be worked to dissolution.

The method is essentially to write a play, where each character has a scripted role to perform (read out). To begin with there is not much room for improvisation, however in the roles of the ego and the consciousness room for improvisation based on revelation and inspiration can be made.

The roles to be played are: the role of the ego, the role of a person and the role of the consciousness. Also I think that the role of narrator would prove to be very useful also.

The next post contains an example: “A Gift Returned”.

End (2680).

Fabulous Creatures Living Within Us – (2679)


All the myths, fables and legends of the past are in many more ways than we think - real. The trick being, that they are real not much outside of ourselves but within ourselves.

Nearly all the fables, myths and legends teach us something about what we have living within us and the various prodigies that they perform within us, as well as the labours that we must tend to on the path.

This post is somewhat of an answer to the book written by J.K Rowling titled: “Fantastic Beasts and where to Find Them”.

A List

Here are just three of the many. These are perhaps the most famous three.
  • Phoenix Bird
  • Fiery Serpent
  • Dragon of Wisdom

I hope in some posts in the near future to write some more about them. There is a post already on the dragon of wisdom which you can read by clicking here.

Make Contact

What matters most in dealing with this theme is to make contact. At the end of the day all of these fabulous creatures living within us are energy and consciousness. They dwell within us in the realm of our consciousness. So, for us to contact them we must peer into that realm.

The more we practice being conscious and being awake the more we begin to peer into that world of consciousness within us.

The more practiced we are at activating and focusing our consciousness the more we facilitate our ability to peer into this world within ourselves. This peering within ourselves can be done in meditation where there are not distractions to our focus of attention on pour consciousness.

End (2679).

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Sexuality has Something to do with Time – (2678)

Lengthens or Shortens Time

Sexuality has a relation to time. It either lengthens or shortens time, as well as marking out time.

As sexuality creates it introduces time. The more it densely it creates the greater the intervals between which time is measured increase.

Sexual creative energy on its descending spiral creates ever more densely and in the denser creations time increases. Sexual energy in its upward ascent towards its source shortens time.

The denser creation becomes the slower things vibrate. Meaning their frequency of vibration is lower. As frequency and time are inversely proportional, the lower the frequency the greater the time (f = 1/T).

Remember the universal measure of time is always the time it takes for a natural phenomena to repeat itself. The ‘T’ in the formula f=1/T is the time between the same point in successive cycles.

In the Body

As the sexual energy is expelled from the body the cells of the body are slowed down as the energy which was helping to make them vibrate more intensely was lessened. As the cells slow down cellular mechanics slows down and the effects of aging appear. Thus time for the body accelerates.

The more we indulge in lust the less time we create for our spirit.

When we are bottled in lust we are bottled in time and do not make use of time very well. We in fact we lose time.

Esoteric Time

The wrong use of sexuality takes time from us. It precipitates us from the eternal into time limited temporary. The wrong use also precipitates us from the immortal to the mortal, i.e. in other words from eternal to time finite.

The right use of sexuality takes from mortal to immortal from the wheel of Samsara to the eternal.

Esoteric Age

Each one of us according to our initiatic level has an esoteric age. The more we transmute the more mature our esoteric age, which is to increase our wisdom.

The more we misuse our sexual energy the more immature we become, i.e. we lose esoteric time.


Sexuality and time are linked. The best way to gain leverage against this relationship is to transmute.

End (2678).

Sexuality is Something that is Governed from Above – (2677)

Back in Time…

Master Samael tells us that back in the times of Lemuria, sexuality was governed by the Divine Hierarchies. Under the direction of these Divine Hierarchies and in harmony with cosmic laws and cycles, the Lemurian couples were led to the temples in a kind of migration lit by a full Moon to procreate. The real origin of the honey moon.

There those Lemurian couples in the temples used the method of the Kriya Shakti where there was no loss of the seminal entity. Only one sperm cell by means of concentration, will and imagination was released to conceive a child.

Back then before the fall sexuality was governed from above.

Even now sexuality is still governed from above. It must be as sexuality has much to do with the well being of the planet in many different levels other than with the issues of population.

The Fall

The fall was essentially the result of breaking away from this Divine governance.

After the fall sexuality separated from the Divine governance and fell in someway into the hands of the individual.

When the fall occurred human beings moved to be under different laws. This transition is the one from the Fulasnitaniano to Itoclanos principles. Each of these two principles has a different sexuality which is governed by that law.

Fulasnitaniano to Itoclanos

Within the Fulasnitaniano principle sexuality is directly reigned by the Divine Heirarchies, where the sexuality of the Being i.e. supra-sexuality is in place. Under the Itoclanos principles, normal and infra-sexuality are in place. This is necessary as the energy that the Earth was receiving from those smaller number of human beings who were integrated with tehri Being and has not yet fallen was of a great quality and quantity. To replace that quantity of energy obviously a much larger number of fallen human beings were needed, hence normal and infra-sexuality.

It suffices to say that because the human population is increasing, this tells us that the Earth is getting weaker and weaker. Because more energy is needed through more human beings.

If all of the human beings were to suddenly transmute and self-realise the Earth would perhaps burn up with such a great intake of energy.


When one begins to transmute one begins to surrender their sexuality once again under the Divine governance of their inner Being. Then one comes to bring one’s sexuality slowly in harmony with h principles, laws and rhythms of the inner Being.

As this sexuality has its own laws and principles what is right in normal sexuality is certainly not right in supra-sexuality.

Supra-sexuality is the union of the individual’s sexuality with the superior principles of the Being. Supra-sexuality cosmic with cosmic harmony.


Supra-sexuality is compliance with cosmic laws and so the other classes of sexuality are about transgression of these cosmic principles and laws. Of course these transgressions cause karma. Karma then brings suffering in its payment or reaping of the consequences.

The development of contraception allowed millions of human beings to further separate sexuality by finding a way to get around the law of procreation which reminds so many human beings that sex is to reproduce, instead with the development of contraception sex has become more, and is used for more fragmented things than procreation.

Lust is about breaking these laws. Adultery is about breaking the vowels or institution of marriage and the great axiom of Alchemy which is that of one Hermetic vase. All of infra-sexuality is about breaking apart what is decent. Even the promiscuous person breaks the law of destiny, where the Divine Law assigns everyone a spouse.

Role of Lust

Obviously, lust is an agent of the fall and of the Itoclanos principle. Such a psychological aggregate is needed to give to nature what it needs. Therefore, to rebel against nature the psychological defect of lust with its many aggregates must be dissolved and one’s sexuality must change to supra-sexuality which is that of the Being’s.

The role of lust is to separate sexuality from the inner Being. The greater lust becomes the more separated sexuality comes from the inner Being and from all the harmonious, logical and original principles of life and nature.

Hence that is why now days there are so many strange twists, deviations and fragmentations of sexuality.

The more lust and its aggregates deviate from the realms of the logical, the harmonious, the beautiful, the loving, the normal, the more it separates human sexuality from the inner Being.


The measuring stick for human degeneration has always been the degree of separation of sexuality from the inner Being.

End (2677).

The Instinctive Centre and Its Modification by the Ego – (2676)


After prolonged manifestation in our human machine, certain egos can begin to modify our instinctive centre.

The instinctive centre can be modified. Though often in Gnosis it is taught that one should not try to extensively modify it. This is because it is taught, that if one makes changes then by the sheer complexity of the interconnectedness of the instinctive centre and its functions, changing one thing would mean changing many more things if not everything.

In light of the above we may say that the instinctive centre is not very adaptable. In truth it is not very adaptable in the short term, however over the long term it is very adaptable. The instinctive centre even has the function of adapting within it. It must have this function as human beings move through different environments the instinctive must work to adapt our body function to the conditions of these new environments.

When the ego manifests with great intensity it creates havoc in our human machine and chaotically engages various functions of the instinctive centre. The human machine then takes time to return the human machine back to normal.

The stronger the ego becomes the weaker the instinctive centre becomes in its ability to help us. When we are very gluttonous we are terribly weak. We feel we need food to ease the boredom, pleasantly pass the time and to comfort and reward ourselves. When we stop eating as a glutton then we feel all sorts of pains and discomfort. Normally our instinctive centre would function so that we don't feel all those pains etc. So  gluttony and the ego in general stops the instinctive centre from functioning in favour of ourselves upholding a healthy life.

Long Term

However, over a long time manifestations of the ego can result in making changes in the instinctive centre.

Such egos are gluttony, laziness, lust and pride. Gluttony for example changes the way we eat resulting in an altered appetite and altered feeling of gastronomical satisfaction. Laziness, lust and pride also do something similar.

The grave problem with gluttony is that we do not feel satisfied until we have gorged ourselves. This is of course an altered instinct, that the ego of gluttony due to underlying emotional reasons forced to be that way.

The real normal instinct is to feel reasonably comfortable with the right amount of food.

The marvellous thing about the instinctive centre is that it has memory and as we begin to dissolve the ego we actually cause the instinctive centre to return back to normal. It does not lose its way of normal functioning.

End (2676).

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Personality has a Subconscious Aspect to it – (2675)

Many people complain about attending a spiritual retreat. They say that they can not attend full time, that it is simply too difficult to remain at the retreat over night. Yet previously during the year they fly overseas for a few weeks.

The expectation is then that no one reminds them about having flown overseas. Furthermore, it is considered even taboo to mention this to someone. All because of the subconscious aspect of the personality which says that personal time should not be touched and interfered with.

Certainly though no one is going to interfere with it, but asking about it is different to interfering in it.
The subconscious works by keeping things hidden or off limits. It is about there being contradictions and there being the strongly held expectation that it should not be touched or brought to logical light.

End (2675).

Monday, 22 October 2018

Ego Drags Free Essence into Abyss – (2674)

If we get identified with an ego, two pieces of essence are dragged into our subconscious or internal abyss.

These two pieces of essence are our free essence and the essence trapped in the ego.

When both pieces of essence are in the abyss or subconscious, because it is dark in there we are confused, lack vision, inspiration and access to many of our normal strengths.

It then is of high priority to leave the abyss as quickly as possible.

A characteristic or a symptom of the free essence having been dragged into the abyss is that we see the world and everything as hopeless and just too difficult and against us. As soon as our essence floats up, that dark perception of life, the world and ourselves changes! All is possible and life is beautiful again!

End (2674).

All Our Values Must Become Individual – Otherwise they are of Little Use – (2673)

All the qualities our essence has must be made individual. That is they manifest freely based on inner criteria. Not the criteria of others outside of us.

If we have love we love from inside, not because another says that we should love. We don’t stop loving because another dislikes that we love. We trust based on our essence not because another trusts or another distrusts or dislikes etc.

To make things individual means to make our essence and its qualities stand by themselves independent of another person or other external factors; certainly not dependent on others or external factors.

If our values are dependent then we don’t not possess these qualities and if we do not possess them our inner Being can not help us and others through them.

End (2673).

Friday, 19 October 2018

Envy and Its Area of Life - (2672)

Every ego is an answer to an area of life.

Envy like all the other egos has its particular area of life.

Envy's area is all to do with progress and success.

Envy is a conditioning in duality of a certain quality of all Beings. Which is the joy for the success, happiness and progress of others.

Envy conditioned in duality feels sad, upset, depressed or aggravated at the success of others and it takes joy in the failures of others.

It is a thinking, feeling and willing in a direction opposed to the natural state of this natural and Being/Essence quality of feeling joy for the happiness, success and progress of others.

Envy like all the other egos is conditioned in duality.

Each ego is conditioned by duality which is the opposite of the natural flow of the essence within us.

Each ego has a good and bad side. The good side of envy is that it can propel us to also make progress as others have made. It drives competition and that can bring innovation and improvement.

End (2672).

Keys to Transform Envy – (2669)

Ancestral Aspect

If we don’t transform envy we end up with a rival.

There are cases where the rival becomes one for life, and that rivalry continues from one life to the next.

One aspect of the work on envy implies totally annulling this rivalry that we bring with us from the past.

That ancestral type of rivalry is best annulled by the transformation of rival to friend.


The opposite of envy is the happiness for the success of others.

Here are some keys which when applied can reduce a manifestation of envy down to a small bump.

One – Transform into Good News

Be glad, tell yourself “Thank God that person succeeded!”. It is good for them, their family, society, others, the planet, the heavens etc. and it is very good for us.

See that their success does not disadvantage us. It is always true that anybody’s success on the path does not adversely affect us.

See that their success opens a way for us and for others.

Two – Counter the Undeserving Element

Reverse our judgement that they are undeserving. The Law makes possible what is just. To success there are the merits for it.

See a Monad behind the person. Shift the focus from seeing a person with their personality aspects such as culture, age, qualities good and bad etc. to seeing a Monad.

And a Monad is one which we can never know all about it nor can we as human beings condition. This is because the Monad of every person is infinite.

Three – Trust and Transcend Time and Achievement

Trust, if steps one and two above have not worked then evoking and applying trust will certainly work.

Trust that your sincere efforts will also pay off and trust that you too can achieve what the other has achieved.

Even trust if that success is not to come to us, trust that what comes to us is the right thing for us and it is what our inner Being has ordained for us.

Trust in the Being and the Law that what we wish for will come at the time that is rightly merited for us. Trust the Divine Law. We tend not to trust the Divine Law when we are envious, because we think that we deserve success instead of the other and that we should have it now.

Four – Create a Friend

See in the one who found success, a friend who can help. As the person has achieved what you also wish to achieve that person is a friend, we both share a common love.

The ill-will in rivalry does not make sense, it is simply absurd. As both rivals are the same, with both sharing a common love.


Honestly envy in any field of life does not really make sense, much less of all in esotericism.

Being honest once again, by applying these four keys above (GDTB – Good News Deserving Trust Befriend) any manifestation of envy can be reduced down to an small itch within a minute.

End (2669).

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Essence Evolves By Planetary Ray - Perhaps Key to Lines on Our Forehead - (5312)

Master Samael says that when an essence emerges from out of the abyss, and begins its process of evolution through the mineral, vegetable, animal and human kingdoms it does so through its planetary ray along with other factors.

Master Samael says there are minerals and plants that belong to planetary rays. 

There are plants that belong to Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter etc. These plants channel better to
the Earth the energies that come from these seven planets.

The rose - said to belong to the planetary ray of Mars
We can then infer that this planetary ray stays with the essence all the way into the human kingdom.
Thus the lines on our forehead. Inferring once again that we with the determined number of lines on our forehead, we channel the energies of a certain planet to ourselves and then to the Earth. 

So each human being is a planetary talisman according to their planetary Ray. Why we belong to a particular Ray is a mystery to be solved yet. 

End (5312).

For the Ego to Possess It Must Condition - (5329)

The eternal qualities of everyone's Being to remain as they are, in their pristine state must remain in the inner Being and used by or at least for the inner Being.

As soon as these qualities of the inner Being are used outside the harmony of the inner Being, a will
separate to the inner Being is manifest.

This will in action can only further condition the quality in question.

The conditioning of that quality from its source revolves around that separating agent of will. 

That separating will is the first layer of the "I''. That will is the reason behind the first statement of the ego.

The ''I'' begins as a separating cause or reason from the inner Being.

The qualities of the inner Being are best left to the inner Being or the consciousness or at the essence to exercise. Hence the many parts of the Being with their particular functions.

When a human being tries to take a quality into its own hands for whatever reason it further conditions it, especially if the aim to possess is not for the inner Being.

That is why people when they try to love or create justice they irritate and create further imbalance.

The will forces or puts pressure on the mind to organize or plan out the will or desire. The mind 
often errs.

The more the "I'' conditions a quality, the more it believes it is the source of that quality, and it is
the law of that quality.

The real source is the Being and the Law of those qualities is the Being.

End (5329).

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Don't Go Negative Against Yourself - (2668)

There are many egos in ourselves that like to go against ourselves, and they even express themselves directly: verbally and in action.

Some of those egos are: self-compassion, self-love and self-importance.

There are also other egos which go against ourselves but in a way that we do not immediately recognise. Such as anger and lust. Lust drains our energy and dignity, and anger as well as draining our energy, sets in motion a cause and effect process whereby whom we affect, we will later on be affected in the same way. To hit another is just to hit ourselves. Amazing - we are the 'other'.  

My advice is not to accept anything from those egos. Not their fear nor their disappointment nor their sadness. Certainly not their pain!

We can not control the pain of the body, but with will, consciousnesses and persistence we can certainly control the pain of the ego. Our psyche is ours!

With the remembering of the Being within us and a bit of love for that Being we can stop those egos from going further.

If we have made a mistake. Ok fine, let's rectify it and carry onwards. Work hard and makes things better than before.

We fail, ok we fail, it didn't work, a disaster, whatever the outcome no more accepting the pain. It goes against our inner Being, ourselves and does not make anything better.

End (2668).

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Manifestations of the Law of Seven – (2667)


Here are some examples of the law of seven in manifestation. These examples feature in the physical, psychological and esoteric realms.

Note, the Law of Seven is also known as the Holy Heptaparaparshinokh.

Physical Realm Examples

7 Tones in an Octave

The seven fundamental tones of the octave express the law of seven. The addition: Do, of the next octave, that is to say, the crowning of the process, gives rise to the eighth step.

7 Colors

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Violet, (and White which unites them into one whole).

7 Days of Week

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

7 Wonders of the World

Pyramids of Egypt, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Mausoleum of King Mausolus at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes and the Pharoh’s lighthouse at Alexandria.

7 Seven Seas

Arctic, Antarctic, North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean

7 Seven Sisters

An old name of Pleides star system.

7 Parts to the Embryo

Amnion, Chorionic Villi, Spinal Cord, Heart, Brain, Umbilical Cord and the Yolk Sac.

7 Parts of the body

Head, Thorax, Abdomen, Two Arms and the Two Legs.

7 Parts of the Human Head

Two nostrils, two ears, two eyes and the mouth.

7 Main Organs

Brain, Heart, Genitals, Lungs, Liver, Kidney, Stomach.

7 Glands

Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Thymus, Pancreas, Sex, Adrenals.

7 Divisions to the Brain

Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Pons Varolii, Medulla Oblongatta, Corpus Callosum, Spinal Cord, Meninges.

7 Parts to the Inner Ear

Vestibule, Auditory Canal, Tympanic Membrane, Ossicles, Semi-circular Canal, Cochlea and the Membranous Labyrinth.

7 Parts to the Retina

Cornea, Aqueous Humor, Lens, Vitreous Humor, Retina, Sclera and Iris.

7 Cavities to the Heart

Right and Left Ventrical, Right and Left Atrium, Tricuspid Valve, Mitral Valve and the Septum.

7 layers of the Skin

Stratum Corneum, Stratum Lucidum, Stratum Granulosum, Prickle Cell Layer, Basal Cell Layer, Corium and Hair Follicles.

7 Bodily Functions

Respiration, Circulation, Assimilation, Excretion, Reproduction, Sensation and Reaction.

7 Levels in the Periodic Table of the Elements.

Shakespeare’s 7 Ages of Man

The infant, the school-boy, the lover, the soldier, the judge, the elderly man and finally the senile one.

7 Sciences

Namely, grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy; - the first three being included in the Trivium, the remaining four in the Quadrivium.

7 Root Races & 7 Sub-Races

There are seven rounds and seven root races which are further divided into seven producing the 7 sub-races.

Psychological Realm

7 Personality Types

Solar, Lunar, Martial, Mercurial, Jovial, Venusian and Saturnine.

7 Virtues in Christianity

Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Prudence, Temperance.

7 Vices in Christianity

Pride, Envy, Anger, Sloth/dejection, Avarice, Gluttony, Lust.

7 Sub-Levels of & 7 Levels of the Mind

The mind has 49 levels, which come from there being 7 main levels, with each main level containing seven sub-sections. Producing 49 levels.

7 Interpretations 

There can be seven interpretations of a symbol.

Esoteric Realm

7 Bodies

Physical, Vital, Astral, Mental, Causal, Buddhic and Atmic.

7 Chakras

Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara.

7 Stages of Alchemy

Calcination, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation and Coagulation.

7 Days of Creation

Mentioned in the Genesis, in the bible.

7 Seals in the Book of Revelations

Also mentioned in the bible.

7 Sacraments in Christianity

Baptism, Penance, Marriage, Communion, Confirmation, Holy Orders and Last Rites.

7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost

 Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and the Fear of the Lord.

7 Times Christ Spoke on the Cross -

1. "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
2. "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."
3. To his mother: "Woman, this is your son." Then to the disciple: "this is your mother."
4. "Eli, Eli, lema sabackthani?" which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
5. "I thirst."
6. "It is finished.", "It is accomplished."
7. "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."

7 Sorrows of Mary

1. “The sorrow of the prophecy of Simeon.”
2. “The sorrow of the flight into Egypt.”
3. “The sorrow of the loss of the Child Jesus in the temple.”
4. “The sorrow of meeting Jesus on the Way of the Cross.”
5. “The sorrow of the Crucifixion.”
6. “The sorrow of the taking down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross.”
7. “The sorrow of the burial of Jesus.”

7 Joys of Mary

1. “Mary joyfully conceived Jesus by the Holy Ghost.”
2. “Mary joyfully carried Jesus when she visited Elizabeth.”
3. “Mary joyfully brought Jesus into the world.”
4. “Mary joyfully exhibited Jesus to the adoration of the Magi.”
5. “Mary joyfully found Jesus in the Temple.”
6. “Mary joyfully beheld Jesus after his resurrection.”
7. “Mary joyfully received by Jesus into heaven, and crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth.”

7 Metals

Lead, Tin, Iron, Copper, Mercury, Silver and Gold.

7 Planets

Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.

Seven Systems of Symbolism (According to Ouspensky)

Symbolism of numbers, symbolism of geometrical figures, symbolism of letters, symbolism of words, symbolism of magic, symbolism of alchemy, symbolism of astrology, and the symbolism of the Tarot, which unites them into one whole.

Side Interesting Point

The number and word 7 is actually used 77 times in the Old Testament. Note, just a coincidence I think. The law of seven didn't really manifest there.

End (2667).