Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Make the Divine Mother a Portentous Friend - (3520)

With the self-isolation thing happening we can set a little table with a candle and an image of the Divine Mother. During the day we can stop by the table and go inside ourselves and say a prayer asking for what it is we need her help with.

It is a really good opportunity to get closer to her and develop in yourself, from your side, that treasuring, appreciating, valuing, respecting and adoring of the Divine Mother.

It is our side that needs developing, her side is already done and is complete. She is the mother of our essence. It is also our side of that development that perhaps helps us more. For out of the love for our Divine Mother we make sacrifices that we would not otherwise make. If we did not love her but She loved us so much, we still most likely would not make those sacrifices.

Things like this can keep you feeling ok with the isolation conditions, and not feeling like trapped.

End (3520).

Self-Isolation Ideas - (3515)

Here are just some ideas that may be useful when we working from home or not at work because of the self-isolation rules.

Start with a Few Little Goals

Having a very doable goal or short list of goals makes a big difference.

Start with small goals, things that you can definitely take action towards in your day.

So Many Little Goals to Chose From

There are in our personal work so many different little goals that we totally forget about and these goals are ones that we can definitely work towards and get results or get the job done.

Results are important to start with because they spur us on. Later on we can work for the love of the work and not have a thought about the result.

An intelligent thing to do is to chose some of these small goals. If we chose the wrong goals we can falter and that makes things worse for us.

Having a purpose and a focus makes a very big difference to our day. It calls our will and our positive energy. Which is all the opposite to be being idle and falling into a slump.

Maybe some ideas of such small goals could be helpful. Note they may not be useful to you but they will give you an idea of what you can create for yourself.

  • Get hold of some smaller I's and work on them more on the side of dissolution.
  • Extend our power of concentration.
  • Increase our capacity of mental silence.
  • Strengthen our imagination.
  • Study a particular big 'I'.
  • Do a day's retrospection, then a week, then a month, then a year then big sections of our life, then our whole life.
  • Look through our life for our P.P.P. May be we know our P.P.P but we can deepen our knowledge of how it moves in our life. 
  • Pray some beautiful prayers to the Divine Mother. Memorise a prayer to the Divine Mother.
  • Read some spiritual books that you have sitting unread on your shelf. I'm sure a lot of us have some of these. 
  • Study the mind. List all the mechanisms that it uses. 
  • Write down all the thoughts that appear and question each one.
  • KRIM an ego that is active or that is quiet with real determination. You know we can forget sometimes to work on an ego that is bothering us or bothering other people.

Start the Day Tip

Doing practices which generate energy are very good to start the day with. Because that energy gives us the fuel to pursue these goals. Such practices are Runes, chakra mantras, Transmutation practices, the mantra for the Kundalini: KAN BAN DIL R gives lots of energy.

End (3515).

How to Deal with a Mind Going Bananas - (3514)


If the mind goes bananas for a while, well, ok - that's not as important as what one did while it was ‘mind gone bananas’ time. What we did made us to learn something. It turns out that if we don't do anything we tend not to learn much. That is the important thing to take out of it. 

Because what we learn will help us next time, and it may even help us to prevent a 'next time', and if someone else is in 'mind gone bananas' mode we have something up our sleeve to help them. 

This post is passing on or sharing some things that may help to treat an agitated mind.

Mind Goes Bananas

What is typical when the mind gets into such a problematic state is that 'feeling of being overwhelmed'. 

The feeling worsens when the thoughts begin to adversely affect our physiology.

The thoughts arrive one after the other, triggering emotions and our focus gets very distracted and superficial. We then begin to lack the space and depth needed to see through the thoughts. 

Noticing this we try to create space and we try to focus deeply. Unfortunately the mind and the already disturbed emotions do not cooperate as they have gained much momentum. That approach then fails. All the while our mind-emotion centre begins to become more sensitive to the incoming thoughts.

What really works here is to breathe deeply and let go of the thoughts, gently and peacefully with each breath let go of the thought, no matter if it has been in our mind for a minute or two seconds - gently let it go. Ever so gently letting it go with out a word said in our mind. One out breath means a thought let go.

Persist with this and a calm will arrive, do it patiently for as long as necessary. We may be able to experience an amazing thing. Which is that while the mind was in 'mind gone bananas' mode the negative state that was produced made life, people, circumstances look so impossible. But when that state lifts or even partially lifts that outlook changes completely.

A Thousand Ways of Thinking and Points of View 

One thing that is difficult when the mind is very active is that like a hundred or more different points of view appear, and just as many ways of thinking also appear. The question is which one is the right one? Which one do I go with? Even some contradict each other, which really hurts our mind.

From a Mental Silence Base

The answer to this question is to chose the quiet mind as your base or your point of reference. We have to procure the quiet mind. No one cares how you get to it, whether it be chopping wood, running, digging up the garden, mopping, dusting, washing all the dishes in the cupboard, meditating, vocalising a mantra, praying... as long as you quieten the mind by forgetting all those points of view and ways of thinking. Don't give any reasons importance or urgency, only give letting go of all thought the utmost importance and priority.

When Better Begin to Analyse - Is that True?

When we are a bit better and not feeling so overwhelmed we can begin to question the thoughts. As soon as we truly see that they are falsely grounded, their effect on us diminishes. This helps so much, as long as we do it with serenity, serious calmness. Allow each thought to present its argument and position, then calmly question it. The ultimate key is the calmness. 

Really when we do this we begin to see each thought as like a friend who brings us a gift of seeing the truth. We receive that gift only when we question it or focus our attention on it.

To the Problem Mind Give Solutions

When we are feeling better to each thought that comes to our mind, you will notice that it in essence is a kind of problem. So then, to each problem thought produce a solution. Give the mind a hundred solutions and you will see how much this helps. The mind goes down 'veggie mode', becasue it is tired and it begins to realize it can actually relax.

5 Minute Mental Silence

If we practice 5 minutes of mental silence daily we can relax and heal the mind. Of course the longer the better up to a certain limit. Where that limit is set by our nature and level of spiritual development.

The mantra S M HOM from Master Samael is very good also! Combining the two mental silence and S M HON - maravilla!

End (3514).

Friday, 27 March 2020

Tell Me What You Want Me To Write About - (3513)

There you go tell me what you want me to write about and I'll write it. 💭

If I know something about your request I'll respond in a timely manner. If I have no clue, it may take a while, but I'll write something.

Just leave your request in the Comment 💬 section below and I'll see to it. 👍

End (3513).

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Priority Control Fulcrum (PCF) - (3512)

Fulcrums General

I just made that up: Priority Control Fulcrum. It is not an official term as far as I know from a business management course.

Ok so anyway, what it is about is that there in our psychology actually exist quite a few different fulcrums.

The thing is, if we know those fulcrums🔑 and use them we can help ourselves out quite a lot. Basically we can use them to bring control into our psychology.

I dare to say that in our psychology to do with each ego there is a particular control fulcrum. Use that fulcrum and you can control that ego, keeping it in the background behind you, and your normal self in the foreground.


To not get identified with life, we can make use of the fulcrum which I am deciding to call: PCF.

So I am going to write from now on for those who want to do the work, not for those who are not really wanting to do it, because, the latter type of people will only see my words as annoying and stupid.

If one understands really well that an active essence is the most beneficial thing, naturally an active essence will become the most important thing for them.

With that understanding in place one can really work on oneself, as long as one gives the work the position of being most important. 

So the fulcrum is to keep the understanding that your essence being active is the most important and that with an active essence you can do all that you need to do in life.

Toilet Paper

Ok, so for example as soon as we say getting toilet paper or hand towels or something is the most important thing, everything that we want to do in our work begins to disappear from there. 

Why because we broke the fulcrum. The fulcrum gives us control over our psyche and also control over life and our work.

We can observe that after such a decision we see then that a lot of things go wrong. We get nervous, we panic, we fight, we scream, we get sad and we argue.

Why because we forgot ourselves, we forgot the work and we forgot our Being and our essence. 

So the priority fulcrum helps us to keep our essence active in the face of so many good, bad, busy, and difficult circumstances.

End (3512).

No Letting In those Lunar Atoms! - (3511)

🌇Sitting on the porch last night, quiet street, no breeze, hot and humid, talking to m.m.m commenting: "this is like dictatorship war times, like I imagine how it was in the times of Franco, you can't meet with people, no real classes, all online, too restricted, we've got nothing to do at night, its like we lost our third factor job."   

It is like the whole routine has been put all on hold so there is a certain kind of freedom. 

Not being able to meet means a certain void inevitably gets created. Where before when we were meeting there was effort being made and energy, will and consciousness were being put into activity. Now that does not happen because the meetings are cancelled and so something has to come into that empty space within us.

Usually what enters are lunar atoms 🌜. The lunar atoms enter and they make us passive, lazy, distracted and idle. Then the egos begin to feed more and strengthen and that 'shoots ourselves in the foot'. 💥

No no no! I don't want my self-love or my pride or my anger any stronger. I want those guys to be sick and dying in me. They make me to suffer too much.💀

What is good I find is to do other activities of the work like all the practices and study that you really like but normally don't have time to do.

We have to keep working on ourselves and keep the solar atoms 🌞 that we have in our essence active as well as generate new ones and also attract new ones from the higher dimensions.💪

End (3511).

Kundalini Posts: 1.8) Kundalini's Nadis - (3478)

Tangent Circumstantial

Back to the Kundalini posts...

Something beautiful and esoteric, taking away from the depressing karma, fear and worry posts.


Nadi of course is a Sanskrit word meaning channel or flow. Essentially what we can take away from the word nadi is that it refers to energy in motion. If there is a nadi in our body there can be energy moving through it.

So our vital or energetic body is composed of a whole network of nadis. Very similar to the amazing network of arteries and veins that we have.

I remember that eccentric Austrian anatomist who wears a black hat and is as "pale as a ghost" displaying a body that he 'plasticised', which was only the network of blood vessels, arteries and veins. The Nadi in our body form an energetic network very similar to the network of blood vessels, veins and arteries but made out of finer matter.

Any nadi in the body is of course not physical. No anatomical dissection will ever find it.

Kundalini Nadi

The Kundalini i our energy anatomy is the centre piece the premium, the prize the most precious loving power station.

It being a power station must have its nadis through to supply it energy. Of course there are major one and minor ones.

The main one is the Sushumna nadi. Though that is not all. The Sushumna nadi contains three components or nadis. It is actually the inner most nadi that conducts the Kundalini energy.  

Oops sorry short on time will post the remaining points tomorrow.

End (3478).

To the Consciousness Consciousness Consciousness - Worrying Does not Help or Solve Anything - (3510)

Just how anger 💢 does not solve anything - worrying doesn't either!

I remember a few times being worried and someone said that to me, and I wanted to bop them.

At that time I just couldn't see their point. I couldn't see that stopping the worries would be an effective solution.

I believed that somehow through the worry and the excessive thinking a solution would come.

You know what a solution never came. The time approached, reality happened and I went through it. And this happened again and again. Sometimes it was unpleasant but I got through it, sometimes no way near as bad as I was thinking it would be and sometimes it just never happened at all. 

Understanding this deeply after a while helps a person to let go of worries.

You feel ok to let go of worrying because you know reality is going to happen as it will, reality is reality and it does not obey our worries, it has its own flow to follow. You know that each moment is unique, special and to live the moment is to be in that flow of the river of reality and that river of reality is really something to itself and it has nothing to do with our worries. So being with it we are also drawn outside of our worries.

You also know that worrying is to waste energy which makes us unfit or makes it difficult to deal with life.

Say if you grit your teeth together with determination, release them and then go to understand this truth very deeply you feel different. It frees you from the grip of your fearsome and worrisome thoughts and shifts to the moment.😀

End (3510).

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

If there's Karma there's Fear - (4995)

If there is some karma around there will also be some fear around and if there's fear there is some karmic debt around.👮

There is that good old saying: "If you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to fear.".

For sure I lived through that so many times. When I've just stuffed up it is not long before I feel some kind of fear.

So a key to living a relaxed life with inner peace is to not make mistakes. An honest life allows a person to concentrate and to be at peace inside of themselves in so many social circumstances of life.

When anxiety due to fear becomes so stubborn and even unmovable at times from the human machine it is because of karma. 

The power of karma can be felt through fear. Fear really makes us suffer and it is a kind of involuntary way of paying karma. 

End (4995).

A Taste of the Formidable - (3509)

Working from home mandate has come in and the government is getting pretty tough. 

The governments are forced to take such measures, as if they were forced by some invisible powerful iron hand above them. 

I suppose a little subjectively, one feels for a few instances like there is formidable force coming from somewhere extending all over the globe.

Running this impression by m.m.m, the following remark was his response: "a global karma, that people don't see. They don't see the cause and so they won't address the cause ." 

Right now the younger generations if they stay still and remain quiet for a short while, they may be able to perceive karma's formidable power. 

Karma can do anything and there is not much that an unjust society or people can do to stop it.

Taking this into our consciousnesses we get a boost to work harder in the death of our psychological aggregates. The karma is such that we can't work very much in the third factor now even, the first and the second. 

End (3509).

What's that Gnawing Away at Us from Somewhere Deep Inside - (3508)

Sometimes when you are going about your day there's that something in the background that's a little distracting, making our concentration a slight bit off, clouding a little our alertness, and making that a little more effort is required to reign in our thoughts. 

You ask yourself: "what's that?". A secret pressure to do something, to complete something, to get something done before a certain time, an expectation of something going wrong - an unknown karma, well something a bit obtuse.

The truth is that we can't remove it from ourselves, until we know what it is. So by attention to its flavour we can decipher it, by sifting through the feeling of it and asking ourselves a few questions about it.

Zig zag aeroplane down the Carillon underground mall, Sushi outlet in the background.  
Once we get it or get close to it we can bring it out into the light and contrast it against reality. 

Then we are in business. We are transforming darkness into light. We have to get good at doing this.

The trick I feel is to be relentless in the investigation, we have to know. As long as it takes we must come to know.🔍

End (3508).

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Times of Vacca Flaka ('of the little') - (3507)

There are these times of 'the less', 'of shortage', 'of scarcity' etc. sometimes they are outside of us and sometimes within us.

Sometimes they are in life and sometimes they are to do with matters more spiritual in kind.

All of them no matter what have their reason for being and persisting. 

There is something to learn... 

It could be that we are to become more conscious of what that thing is that we are short of. It could be to know more about how it affects us. It could be to appreciate and value it more. It could be to pay some karma for having previously abused it. It could be to learn how to create it. It could be to learn how to use it correctly. It could be so to start again...

It could be to realise that it is really a gift of the Divinity not to be taken for granted, and that to get it back again we need to really ask, beg, pray and work for it. And if this time we are given the grace of it returning it is for us to use it wisely, intelligently, consciously, respectfully, properly.

End (3507).

Psychological Stickeez 2 Collection - (3506)


In general, collecting things for the psychological worker warrants a careful eye. There can often be some ego behind it. Most often that ego is greed. 

Greed Collecting

It is easy to know if greed is behind the collecting. 

The way to tell, is that if we accumulate things we don't need and the purpose to collect those things is to have those things in our possession because of a kind of abstract reason or fad, then greed is around. 

For example, greed collects money to reach a nice round number, but of course that nice round sum with a single digit between 1 and 9 followed by nice round zeros is pure mind, pure abstraction because in terms of need what is the difference between a number looking good with zeros than a mixed up number with a decimal point and everything.

Sometimes greed collects so to not see the collected items in the possession of others. Which is a selfish egoical thing really.

A museum is interesting as it is essentially a huge collection centre, but with a difference it is there for all to enjoy. But you know there could still be greed lurking amongst the museum's administrators. 

If the collecting is driven to have more then we need, we can be sure it is something belonging to greed. 

Greed becomes rather abstract and veers quite a long way from reality and practicality. Greed begins where the need limit is exceeded. Greed exists when there are mental or emotional reasons rather than practical ones.  

This is so easy to see that in these current times - with all the food collecting. Fear and greed combine to produce super charged greedy people and empty supermarket shelves day after day. People can be rather greedy.

Psychological Work Collecting

There is another kind of collecting that is not greed based. It is the collecting of virtues or the practical wisdom of the understanding of the truths that fabricate virtues.

Looking at my second Stickeez 2 collection. I sold the first one for on ebay for $27. Will try to sell this one too. Anyhow, imagine that each stickeez represents a truth, and that this truth takes you to a virtue. To my mind such a collection is a psychological treasure.

To me such a collection is one that is most worth collecting.

How is your psychological collection of virtue truths? Increasing, the same, or what "what are you talking about?".

This blog is often about me sharing the truths that lead to virtues within a person. One day who knows when I am going to share all that I have in a series of posts. When the motivation kicks me you'll have it without holding back anything.

End (3491).

Up Side of the Current Circumstances - (3505)

Everything is dual.

Here are some good points in my small world that I have noticed about the latest Corona virus related unfolding circumstances.

Just writing this to make you laugh a bit. Or maybe you will just want to hit me because you are stuck in lock-down. Oh well ready here goes...

Aussie buildings are the cleanest they have ever been.

Aussies are now more hygienic. Aussies can be grubs.

Forced to take time off or work from home. When does that ever happen when you are are fit to work? Hardly ever right?

Best time to go shopping. Sales everywhere.

Time to meditate all that you like. Study all that you like.

All the gyms are closed - feet up time.

Some awkward engagements and commitments have been cancelled - quietly thank goodness.

All the buses are running on time. Early even. There's no one to stop for.

Back seat Commander cruising down St George's Tce. Normally it would be full!
The office is so quiet, you can actually get things done, plus you can be the commander of the coffee machine.

You can run down the busiest CBD streets doing zig zag aeroplanes. You know arms outstretched like a bird.

You can fall asleep in the food court on the couches, no one's there to care.

No one is really working hard - people are all distracted.

You can talk to anyone at a 2 metre distance because there's a lot in common to talk about - 'the virus, the government'.

It is a good time to learn a lot of lessons about ourselves, our psychology and about the nature of human beings.

It makes you work harder esoterically and psychologically on many different fronts.

It is undeniable we have global karma in action, we can see how it works and that it is a formidable power.

End (3505).

Separate from the Subconscious that's Medicine - (5270)

Essence to the Rescue

In these times what is of major help is to separate from our subconscious.

Obviously worry, anxiety which come from fear in our subconscious is the thing that mostly bothers people right now.

Subconscious elements often pull on other elements so when our subconscious gets agitated it is common that other egos appear as well, such as anger, irritation and past resentments can get amplified etc.

Step 1

As a first port of call, it is very helpful to chant the mantra KRIM praying to the Divine Mother to bring down the subconscious.

The Rune UR is so helpful when taking the above step. Of course you can't do that if you are on a bus or driving a car.

Step 2

Apply some teachings to calm the subconscious. 

Some teachings that really help:
  • If there's a problem there's a solution.
  • Worrying does not solve or improve anything. Life will unfold how it is meant to unfold whether we worry or not.
  • Things are never as bad in reality as we think them to be.
  • Accept the unacceptable.
  • You can only do what you can do.
  • What has a beginning has an end.
  • Everything passes.
  • It is the fear in our mind that makes us jittery, frequent the toilet, restless, bite our nails, scatter brained, funny in the tummy etc. If our fearful mind provokes all of those things that we can change the effects. If we change the thoughts (cause) we change the effects (anxious to calm).
  • TRUST is the antidote to fear! Apply trust, get inventive on how you can apply it to your particular situation. One good way is to take your mind to the worst case scenario and trust that when you are there you can deal with it.
What happens here is that these teachings engage the free essence and also the essence inside the ego.  The free essence then charged with the power of understanding the teaching is able to push further away the ego.

Step 3

Let go of any worrisome thoughts. Do your best not to feed the subconscious. Doing a no-thinking practice is very powerful. These practices maintain the separation.

Once you have the comprehension that it is the ego that is making you unwell, then send lots of KRIM bombs down deep into the subconscious.

End (5270).

Monday, 23 March 2020

Money on the Floor - (3504)

We were always trained by m.m.m that if we came across money with no owner in sight we were to leave it be, because it is not ours. It does not after all belong to us. 

I think that everyone of us has come across this situation before. 

I have always done this just let it be. I find it sound advice. I recognise though that it did take some time to fully accept and understand. As soon as a person accepts and understands things then will power is not needed.

Basically what is honestly worked for belongs to us and comes to us through clear and evident to all means. Picking up money off the floor is not really so clear or evident. Someone could come along and say it was there's that fell out of their pocket a few minutes ago. How can we say that is not true and that we have a right to take it? 

End (3504).

All you Need is the Law Behind You - (3503)

Basically that's it really to achieve anything. Have the Law (cosmic and human) behind you, being like a wind in your sails.

If the Law is not behind us, the Law will stop us, cosmic, divine, human or other wise.

Even an ant with the Law behind it can give an Elephant a hard time.

If it so happens that we don't have the Law behind us, or only partially behind us, we have to somehow get the Law behind us.

Negotiate, pay, work...time, justice, tests, some suffering the process of getting the Law behind you is the good old number 8 of the tarot.

End (3503).

Sunday, 22 March 2020

The White Lodge Watches Over its People - (3502)

The White Lodge and its masters are most definitely watching over the people that work on themselves. Those new or old to the work.

The masters are most certainly doing marvellous things to protect and help those who work and even those related to them. Because if one of those relations is affected that person will also be affected adversely. 

The masters of the White Lodge who have a physical body are 'hechando muchas rodillas" doing all that they can to help (m.m.m is one who is constantly asking for help). 

End (3502).

Thursday, 19 March 2020

An Elegant Business Woman just Topples Over - (3501)

One day after work, 17:10 hundred hours, out of the office and on my way to catch the 910, walking down St Georges Terrace approaching the traffic lights at the corner of St. George's and Miligan there was a very elegant lady, executive type, dressed to kill as they say, hand bag, high heels and laptop. 

Then she just falls over, laptop and hand bag contents go everywhere. People scramble to help and collect the rolling contents of her hand bag. Someone asks: "are you ok?" and she says a few times: "yes, just so embarrassed". She took it pretty well actually. Just so strange how she fell, Just standing there and then next thing she's on the pavement.

All of that happened right there in front of me like 8 metres away. That was something I least expected from a lady like that.

Something like that has to make one reflect. We can walk around sometimes so far removed from those so very human possibilities of 'stacking it' (Aussie expression for crashing). Head held high, straight back, walking majestically, super duper...

There's the fear of pride getting so hurt seeing ourselves 'stack it' like that, or getting into an argument and showing our distorted angry face, or being defeated or toppled over in a scuffle or skirmish, etc.

Somehow at the base of it is a rejection based on ignorance of, or a lack of acceptance of our real nature as human beings. Pride still thinks that we are invincible super dupers or something.

Pride tries so hard not to show our upset emotion at being defeated or being by bothered by others or having an accident, 'stacking it' or otherwise... 

When seeing someone having stacked it, somehow though, our essence underneath it all recognises the more human natural reaction, because it knows it to be real and sees the courage in that person of having accepted the accident, rather than the proud person inebriated with 'super duper' images of him or herself showing nothing or being angry and not wanting any help. We know those latter attitudes come from the false self-image projections of pride that are not aligned with reality.

We tend to find such a person more likable than the no emotion or very angry person, because they show more humility and understanding than the arrogance of the 'no emotion' person, which later one day if we get to know that 'no emotion' person they will hit us one good, where as the humble person is not likely to do that.

What is quite funny we are even too embarrassed to release a natural 'gas ball' when we are in the work toilets, for fear of being heard. No one can really complain it is the right place to do it.

End (3501).

Jeepers what Strange Characters are Popping Up! - (3500)

Jumped on the bus this morning and there was like an astronaut looking at me from one of the front seats. I wanted to take a photo but the bus took off and I had to scramble to a seat before I tripped over, plus it would have been an offence to the guy.

Anyway, perhaps the people who left the study and practice of Gnosis may be thinking: "yeah those Gnostics were right about how people would go crazy when all these world wide calamities begin". 

All that panic buying is showing how us instinctive and selfish we are really in our society and how far we are from the essence and how rooted we are in the economy of matter.

The refuge is not necessarily in hoarding or stockpiling food or preparing the bunker for doomsday, but in how deeply we can take refuge in our own essence.

End (3500).

Help to Stay Awake Focus on the Main Centre - (3499)

If we observe carefully, we will find that every activity and environment requires the engagement of the consciousness plus one sense and one centre much more than others.

For example, while driving we need consciousness plus sight plus motor centre. While in a lecture we need consciousness plus hearing. When exercising we need touch plus motor centre plus consciousness. When praying we need emotion plus consciousness, when at work we need consciousness plus intellect (learning, calculating etc.) plus sight and so on.

It is so helpful to recognise the main sense or centre and then collect our consciousness and focus on that. That helps us to be more conscious, focused, in the moment and relating correctly with the activity and environment.

End (3499).

Past Catches up Out of Nowhere - (3498)

Sometimes our past accumulates there in the background, a touch outside of the periphery of our awareness. Then one day it starts to creep back into life but with a bit of force, (of course karmic force) that stirs things up in our life and within our inner life also.

Its nothing surprising because it is about dealing with what was left undealt with outside of ourselves  and also inside of ourselves.

Just what irks one is how it appears 'out of the blue', why right now?

End (3498).

Humility is Peace in the Real Self - (3497)

Good morning! Humility is so many things. One thing that we may find that it is, is an inner kind of peace that arises when we travel back to our essence. Which is our real self.

Pride when we study it in ourselves, has a lot to do with the many false concepts that we have about ourselves.

Whenever we are displaced, or have to stand down, we have no where else to go but to our essence.

When we remember again that our essence is our true place, our true self we feel like at peace and grateful to be back there again.

End (3497).

Hypnotic Grip Thunder and Lightning Strike - (3496)


Here are some short notes about this part of the ego and the work related to it.


Here goes...


I think the hypnotic grip of any ego, is critical to study and work on. Why? Because of it we can not separate from an "I". Because of it we fall into identification with an "I".

Freeing yourself from the hypnotic grip of the ego is the start of the decline of any ego we are working on.

To break the hypnotic grip of an "I" is to break the back bone of that "I".

What is the hypnotic grip of an "I"? Simple, it is the power of an "I" to take over our human machine. 

Seen from another angle it is our incapacity to let go of an "I" when it wishes to take over our human machine from its abode in our subconscious.

Seen from yet another angle, it is the sheer beguiling subconscious force that causes us to join sides with an "I", yet we know intellectually that that "I' is no good for us, it will hurt, others will be affected and only regret will follow. Plus that beguiling subconscious force seems so obtuse, so difficult and mysterious at times too resist...

This is what constitutes the fight with the hypnotic grip, we know the ego is inconvenient yet we can not or do not stop it.

The function of the hypnotic grip is to pull the free essence to the ego ready for the free essence to identify with that ego so that it can enter the human machine.

Yes, the free essence is the guardian of our human machine! Yes the free essence stuffs up and identifies, becomes one with the intruding ego.

I tell you what, when you are finishing with the hypnotic grip of an ego you voluntarily look for the gymnasium so to finish it off. Master Samael did that many times.


It is worth the effort of studying it so to know it. Knowing it we can work on it much more efficiently.

When the hypnotic grip is used we become two people. The person before and now the person moments away from identification with an ego. If only we could contrast the two people in ourselves we would give ourselves a shock. 

The hypnotic grip does not allow us to see the formation of two people inside of ourselves and it does not allow us to remember our original person who was reasonable and normal.

It actually buffers (kundabuffer) the truth. It blinds us from seeing the truth.

The hypnotic grip is emotional not intellectual.

The hypnotic grip has logic or reasoning as one of its main weapons. Via the logic we believe deeply in ourselves needing the ego.

To believe is something really emotional. To believe is to use will. It is to inject will into something. 
For the hypnotic grip to be strong, just as it is in many "I's", there has been a large investment of our will into them. 

We don't know how much the belief in these "I's" contains until we go to fight them.

Pain, inferior emotions, pangs of pain, mysterious feelings, passions etc. are all the beguiling qualities of the hypnotic grip. Feeling like we are missing out, losing something etc. are other types of irresistible feelings.


The hypnotic grip is really in depth desire. Take away desire and the hypnotic grip is no more (jelly). 

that desire comes from the opposite polarity of Kundalini. from the power of that negative atom that was excited by the Archangel Sakaki soooo long ago in the Hyperborean times. Yes that's right, Master Samael says that it actually happened before Lemuria.

Hypnosis is a means to an end. Not an end. There is always a hypnotizer and that is the 'I' that hypnotises us for it's reasons which are its desires.

At the root of desire is a lack of balance, a compensation being needed. That compensation is the loss of a value of the essence. It is basically lost when it gets polarised the wrong way, and then we need to compensate, and the only alternative is to compensate externally.


Hope it was useful?

End (3496).

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Work Must Forge On! - (3495)

The events and times in which we are in can distract us quite a lot. Reading the updates, communicating it to others, tracking down the difficult things to buy etc. However, the paradox is, that the same events and times show us that we can't afford to be distracted in our psychological and esoteric work.

The P.P.P is still alive, our weaknesses are still alive and if want to be at least psychologically with our 'head above water' we have to remember our essence and our Being and face those weaknesses within us, working constantly on them.  

Something that we can't let happen is that the preoccupations we could have about the virus and its consequences or impact, to take hold of our subconscious. Then we are in trouble. I mean majorly distracted. 

If we dream about eh virus and the impact it is having on our daily lives then it has reached our subconscious. That means if we want to keep our 'head and above water' and not get lost in a current of major distraction and worry etc. We have to get back to focusing on our essence and back to psychological work and working with our Divine Mother!

End (3495).

Kundalini Posts: 1.7) Sun, Moon and Fire - (3477)

The Three Gunas are three qualities within the Cosmic Divine Mother. They are: Tamas, Rayas and Sattva.

Tamas is inertia and pacifying, Rayas is agitating and activating, and Sattva is harmony and balance.

There is, for example a lot of Sattva in the heart.

These equate to moon, sun and fire. That is lunar, solar and Kundalini. Kundalini is the third balanced force, the result of the unifying shock of the two opposites.

So everything in creation is a combination of these qualities. Even you yourself is a combo of these three qualities. There are even some indication by which you can tell where the balance of your particular combination lies. But not in the scope of this post. Master Samael actually mentions it. It has a little to do with the type of food we like.

The three coils of the Divine Mother Kundalini represent these three Gunas.

Those three Gunas feature not only in the number of coils but in other aspects as well. Such as in the Sushumna canal. 

End (3477).

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Weekend Yeeee Haaar! Is More a Launch Pad than a Bridge - (3494)

The Weekend

The weekend is a bridge between the week days. Everyone knows that of course. However, when working on something where we want to follow a continuous line, the weekend is more than a bridge, it is a launch pad into the new week.

For me the most important part of the day is the morning. It is good to get up earlier and give yourself time to be calm and go inside, then for the rest of the day, if we are careful with identification, we can ride on that calm introspective wave making for ourselves a very different day.

A good weekend of work sets the new week off on a slightly newer octave, to do with a plethora of things. Which could be slightly more energy, insight, understanding, force, decision, determination, concentration etc. etc. many things, whatever happens.  

Damage Control

One thing we don't want is that the weekend causes us to go backwards. How we take to our weekends is important really. 

Imagine you are on a diet and the weekdays go strictly by the diet, but the weekends are 'pig out' time, we are going to make the new week to come all about damage control. Meaning standing still or going backwards.

A helpful hack is to work the weekends to continue forward more effectively.

Weekend Man and Week Day Man Joint Merger

The weekend man and the weekday man can be different. Loose on the weekend and tight, regimented and in control during the week.  

We have to blend the weekend man into the weekday man and make just one man. Best is to do that, rather than dissolve one of them. But you can dissolve one of them.

What is really damaging to us is the disparity between the various facets of ourselves. It cuts us apart really and cuts into our self-image such that we don't know who we are and consequently we lose ourselves.

Depends though who the week end man is. If the weekend man has some pretty rough egos best to hit hard those egos. Then easily weekend man will merge into weekday man.

End (3494).

Kundalini Posts: 1.6) Functions of Kundalini - (3476)

Gleaming Intro

As an aspirant to the path or to the awakening of Kundalini, whether the person be single or married it is I believe highly beneficial to know the function of the Kundalini.

Basically, if we understand in basic terms what the Kundalini is we can gleam some of its functions.

The functions of the Kundalini are really also the reasons to awaken it.


The Kundalini lights up our occult anatomy. All of our chakras shine brilliantly and bloom. Whereas before Kundalini they are limp and darker in function it is written.

The Kundalini purifies the various centres of perception.

Allows the rhythms of the Cosmic fire in space to resound in us, so that we can join into harmony with the Universe in a gradual and relative way.

Connects us to Divinity, tangibly and energetically.

Provides the spiritual energy for our spiritual work. It is the power source that motors us through the Work.

It is what reveals the mysteries. It provides us with wisdom of life, nature and the path. As all of these  things are of the Divine Mother.

As fire, the Divine Mother Kundalini also creates, maintains and destroys. the Kundalini is what accelerates the dissolution of the ego and creates the bodies.

It is what initiates the beginning of our inner cosmic day.

It activates the central point of our connection to our inner Being and our inner worlds.

End (3476).

Monday, 16 March 2020

Kundalini Posts: 1.5) Kundalini Coiled and Resting - (3475)

Potential/Static or Dynamic

As mentioned in earlier posts the energy of Kundalini can be either in potential or dynamic. In human beings it is potential, i.e. static, dormant.

Kundalini is a power station that supplies spiritual energy and that power station can be either disabled or enabled. Closed-down for now or open for open for business. 

And you know it has to be dormant... Yet for the spiritual path it must become the opposite: dynamic and active.

Active is Strict

If it were active in the human being who is not interested in using it inline with its nature, that is using the spiritual energy of Kundalini for the work of spiritual realisation, it would be disastrous!

Can you imagine that, the cosmic divine creative fire of the Cosmic Mother active and developed in the human being with the ego well and alive and the human being not interested in the Spirit.

All the chakras would be active and human beings would develop machines and technology to such a great extent that they would control and mange nature to an extent that they would challenge the Gods and the Law. Similar, actually worse than what Master Samael described happened in Atlantis.

Therefore it only makes sense that the awakening of Kundalini be strictly governed by conditions.

Secret of Lust

The secret of the existence of lust is that it makes the human being to lose the fire, and come under complete control. The Adamic veil is this, the veil that shrouds the mysteries of the Divine Mother which are only really unlocked through eh fire of the Kundalini and the resurrection of the Intimate Christ.

Coiled Three and a Half Times

The teachings state that the Divine Mother as Kundalini is coiled three and a half times around a special lingam in the Muladhara chakra. 

The three and half coils present Master Samaael says the Three Gunas and the Kliphos. Here the whole of creation is covered. 

The lingam is the Swayambhu lingam which is the lingam of Shiva.

The teachings also say that the Divine Motehr Kundalin serpent rests her head on top of the lingam looking downwards. Meaning, it is asleep or inactive, and indicating also that it can also descend and and furthermore it is easier for it to descend.

End (3475).

Anti-Virus Swing - (3493)

Here at work in the city, the bus into the city is like one third full when usually it is full,  the streets are like half empty along with the shops and the office floor of about 20 something is down to 4 with the rest working from home. All meetings are via Webex or Teams i.e. online and 'elbow' knocks substituting hand shakes.

For sure there is something going on. 

Following the Law of the Pendulum, after the virus situation 'blows over' there will be a swing the other way. Then after that there will be things learnt and then balance or 'normal' again. 

Let's wait and see how the Law of the Pendulum will process things.

End (3493).

A Problem A Solution - (3492)

This is a truth that is very useful to combat fear, anxiety, stress, worry and anger.

If there is a problem there is a solution m.m.m. says.

Fear turns to panic when we just see PROBLEM! When we continue seeing only PROBLEM a constant anxiety takes grip.

When we remember the truth: "if there's a problem there's a solution" anxiety drops down a gear and another and another.

Then 'I ho I ho its off to I work go" looking for the solution. Meditating and praying is very helpful to find a solution or get close to it.

The solution is most often in the problem and the solution is not always a physical one but an internal one. 

End (3492).

Kundalini Posts: 1.4) Kundalini as Serpent - (3474)

Serpentine Fire

The serpent is a special symbol very present in esotericism.

You see the serpent present in so many texts and books on spirituality, and the Kundalini is almost always related to the serpent, in the sense of a serpentine fire (fire in the shape of a serpent).

Master Samael says that because the fire of Kundalini rises all the way up the spinal column through the Sushumna channel it takes an elongated shape exactly like a serpent.

Kundalini links the sexual power to the spinal column and the spinal column to the brain. If we look at any snake we see exactly that: a brain and long spinal column. A serpent is the perfect symbol for Kundalini.

The serpent also represents the nervous system and is s symbol for sex, for the Divine Mother, the Third Logos and the Typhon Baphomet.

Wise as Serpents, and Harmless as Doves

The serpent gives wisdom, because it reveals good and evil through its two polarities. Wisdom is the result of the contrast of the opposites: good and evil. The serpent also unlocks the mysteries of each chamber of the spinal column making our consciousness wise.

The symbol of wisdom is the Ouroborus which is the symbol of a snake devouring its own tail. Indeed that is wisdom, when one reflects back oneself and finds within oneself what one has always been looking for. When the cycle completes with the beginning being the same as the end with the only difference being the wisdom learnt in the journey.

Master Samael wrote about the serpentine cultures of old. That many cultures of the past (Aztec, Mayan and Egyptian in their times of peak glory for example) were built upon the wisdom of the serpent. Which was the wisdom released from the initiatic path used to govern and guide the people through according to the natural and cosmic principles and laws. It was the serpent in the initiates that allowed and gave them this wisdom of life, nature and the cosmos.

Snakes are Interesting

They never close their eyes (perhaps always awake), they renew themselves by shedding their skin, their venom is used to create various medicines and they devour their food whole, and they are astute and powerful. Snakes also have a two fold aspect to their sexual organs indicating the binary aspect of the sexual force and the two serpents (kundalini and kundabuffer). All snakes are carnivores, and we know the main esoteric element of meat is fire. They also hatch from an egg reminding us of the cosmic egg. 

Certainly the serpent of Kundalini supports awakened consciousness, allows spiritual birth and creation, heals and restores our powers, and the Divine Mother as the serpent devours the bodies of gold whole.

Snakes are pure power! Efficient and sleek. Like the Divine Mother when she is charged with transmuted energy to discharge against an ego we have been understanding.

End (3474).

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Kundalini Posts: 1.3) Kundalini's Two Polarities - (3473)

Two Poles - Duality

Master Samael teaches that the Kundalini has two poles.

This in the beginning is strange. Two poles like as in duality, the plus and the minus. Why a minus?

What helps to understand this is that the Kundalini is spiritual energy. Which is energy none the less. Everything here in the cosmos including the physical world is of the Cosmic Mother. The energy present in creation, is the Cosmic Divine Mother's and it is Her also.

So energy here in the physical world manifests always in two poles and over a spectrum. The two poles actually create the spectrum. There is potential energy and kinetic energy. There infra-red light and ultra-violet light, acidic and alkaline, negative and positive charges and so on. So the Kundalini being primordial cosmic energy in its manifestation in the world, has to have its two poles just as all other types of energy have.

Static and Dynamic

We see firstly that Kundalini has a static and dynamic expression. In human beings it is mostly dormant or static there in our coccyx. But with the right spiritual practice it becomes dynamic. 

Ascending and Descending

However, that is not all, the Kundalini energy when made dynamic expresses itself in two ways: ascending or descending.

Master Samael says that the same energy is present in the ascending Kundalini as in the descending Kundabuffer.

It is the same energy but it sides with one of the two polarities depending all on us. Upon what we use to invoke Her or awaken Her. Either with our essence or with our egos. One polarity of ascending towards the light and the other descending towards the darkness.

We can see that humanity is actually more influenced by this descending kind of fire.

The Tree of The Science of Good and Evil

The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil is really about these two polarities of the Kundalini. The Kundalini is what gives you knowledge of good and evil. It is these two polarities that give you knowledge of the light or of the darkness.

Note, the tempting serpent is the Typhon. More about that in the next post: 1.4.

The Pivot

In the Kundalini is the pivot. It is the key to ascend or descend. When it awakens it makes us to rapidly rise or rapidly descend. 

The Divine Mother as Master Samael says in any case is the one which accompanies us upwards or downwards and in both cases works so to liberate us, either through the light or through the second death.

Everything is really done through the Divine Mother. All the plains of consciousness, the Intimate Christ is from Her, the bodies, the initiations are Her, the death of the ego is through Her.

End (3473).

Saturday, 14 March 2020

'Too Much' Stages of Life - (3490)

We go through these stages: buying too much, eating too much, exercising too much, reading too much, studying too much, going out too much, staying inside too much, crying too much, thinking too much, dreaming too much, criticising too much, worrying too much, talking too much, sleeping too much, getting up too early too much, etc.

No matter what side of things they are on, they are all the 'too much'. For example you have the opposites go out and stay home. Both extremes are too much, in the sense of: going out or staying home too much. 

Anyway they are good learnings because then we get to know the healthy and constructive conscious balance.

We usually come to balance when we discover some false needs being behind the 'too much'. When we understand that we don't really need those false needs and that we instead need something more internal then balance and independence appears.

Is there anything now that you are doing which is too much? If so it is just a matter of easing off on the throttle of the 'too much'. I'm counting let's see, one, two, three, four, five things at least that I can ease off the throttle.  

End (3490).

Family Googling Gnosis = Questions, of Course - (3489)

It's a bit awkward when some distant family members ask you to meet and it comes out that you are happily busy every night of the week and the whole of Saturday. They then say doing what? You then say Gnosis. Ok so they go look at you puzzled and they go away and what do they do? They look it up, on where? Google of course. Thank goodness some decent sites appear in the search results. 

Of course they click on some of these search results and of course they click the links related to sexuality and the death of the ego. Then come some questions of course. 

In my experience it is best to meet those questions with good and clear explanations. 

If we remain silent they talk and spread all sorts of wrong perceptions and concepts, which in time end up festering. We may not care about what they think and so no problems, but it can create a problem for your immediate family where these distant family members start bombing your parents for example with questions and rumours and all sorts of hearsay etc. And of course your parents gt really worried and not having studied Gnosis can not produce any really good answers to allay the fears, misunderstandings, bias, prejudices etc. and the festering and disturbances continue to one day be addressed. By who? You! So I reckon better to do it on the spot if it can be done in a gentlemanly fashion.

When giving these explanations it is 'secret to ourselves only evaluation time'. The better we understand something the better we explain it and the more relevantly we can tailor that explanation to the level of understanding of the listener.

If we actually understand things well we won't be dogmatic nor condemning in our explanation. But balanced. 

When they hear a logical and clear explanation which makes sense to them they respect what you are doing.

End (3489).

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Musings on Hospitals: From Butterflies to Ghosts - (3487)

Curious Buildings those Temples of Humanity

You guys seem a bit bored with the Kundalini posts so here is one that I've pulled out of the air for a bit of interest. 

Actually it is an area of life and in every area of life there can be virtues and defects, sleep and awakening, work to do or evaluate.

Well, hospitals are very curious places, there is a lot of importance going on there. They are in some way a kind of temple for humanity. I think that the points below may support that point of view.


'Just want to know that the hospital staff are aware of me - that's all'.

I've noticed in myself that there is a particular 'being in hospital' ego that can appear.

We have been in hospitals or similar places in our past many times, that we inevitably end up creating something particular in our psychology specifically related to be in hospital.

It has its particular flavour that a keen self-observer will be able to detect.

Its main concern is the above: "Just want to know that the hospital staff are aware of me - that's all".

Such an ego fears being left alone in uncertainty, in painful discomfort to which there does not seem any relief. So naturally it gets up to all sorts of antics to not be left alone, and it really wants to see the pain go and it wishes to seek assurance of a nice future.

Generally as soon as the words "have to go to hospital" are heard the butterflies start 'a fluttering'.

I think most people feel a butterfly or two taking flight when the prospect of a hospital visit or stay is on the cards.

Yet we feel comforted to be living close to a hospital.


I think we all suspect this that our stays in a hospital are to do with a karmic payment.

Sometimes even a part of an initiatic process can be spent in a hospital.

Maybe some of us spent a lot of our childhood in hospital. It was the case for me with asthma. Those days of our childhood were used wisely by the Law to pay off some of our karma.

The Law helped us because being a child and staying in hospital being sick is not so bad. It is psychologically more difficult being an adult.

Hope, Uncertainty and Bravery

In a hospital, like in a battlefield there are virtues and qualities of every noble class sparking into action.

How much does hope swell in the heart before listening to the doctor give his/her prognosis?

The last thing to go is usually hope, we keep hope up for those we love, hoping that they will 'pull through' right to the very last moment.

How much hope do we have in the surgeons, doctors and nurses to make that healing magic happen.

We hope that their knowledge, abilities and technology of which we generally have no real knowledge of will find a cause and an effective remedy.

The uncertainty certainly invokes God and don't many hospitals have a chapel to quietly turn our sights and succour up to God.

It seems even that war and hospitals go together. A country can not go to war without bringing along a hospital.

When I was studying palmistry a long time ago I learnt that in the palm of the hand there is a part called 'el campo de Marte" (studied in Spanish) meaning the 'field of Mars'. Papus went on to say in the book I was studying from, that Mars the planet of force, war and strength is related to surgery among a few other things.

The hospital staff are like warriors fighting known and unknown enemies in the body. Where as soldiers fight against bodies.

Aren't the bravest decisions made in hospital? To operate or not operate, to risk it, when the high certainty of things going wrong is so very present. The bravery to face death and or to face life again with half as much health as we once had...

Intense Moments

It seems that the most intense moments are lived in hospitals. What could be more intense than life and death. The intense moments are like doors that open, revealing much about ourselves to ourselves and to others. What we really are or have comes out in those intense moments.

Gods, Demi-Gods and Angels

The Ferrari's in the specially doctor and surgeon assigned parking spots. White coats with a stethoscope slung around the neck - indicate a demi-God or a God is present.

Aren't they a little like Gods. Lofty, wise, authoritative, hard to get hold of, sort of life elusive only present for a minute or two and what a grace it is to be looked at and even talked to.

Imagine the surgeons that exist in the high spheres of society with their magical skills and abilities, that far eclipse the capacities of the normal 'Joe Blow'. That's why we hold so much hope in them, becasue we see them so much high regard.

The nurses are like angels that come to you at night tending to your healing as per the doctor's orders. Bringing colourful tiny lollies, taking your blood pressure, temperature etc.

Imagine how mnay angels of life, death, medicine and law pass thorugh any hospital. Quite a lot right, making it a real temple.

Those Hallways

Those characteristically long corridors, where people wait, anxious and huddled discussing their loved one's condition.

The long walk down a lonely corridor or a busy one with patients being wheeled from one ward to the next. They make one to reflect and prepare: "What am I going to see?", "What do I say?", "Can I handle it?".  

Embarrassing Gowns - that Sway Open 

Those gowns, always checking that they are well placed covering everything. Always have your hand free to quickly rearrange things to avoid embarrassing exposure.

Pride is pretty humbled when wearing one of those gowns. Even more so needing help to go to the toilet.

Why Do We Have to go to the Toilet?

All is fine until we have to go to the toilet, and imagine we can't go alone. Then the commode it is with curtains all around drawn.

You feel for the nurses who have get a whiff of that stuff and take it away. Once again pride suffers like crazy, yet it is what everyone everyday all over the world goes through.

Pride secretly asks why did God design us that we have to go to the toilet that way. But of course how else could he have designed us. any other way would be pretty weird.

The Car Park 

The car park is the beginning and the end, with a grumble mumble.

The anxious hurry ends in the car park. The dread and regret of having to go begins in the car park.

The deep sigh, the gathering up of courage, ready to face reality and releasing the resigned last grumble.

"Why do they charge so much?" is the all common grumble. Well I sort of agree for the new hospitals because the government forked out a 'good penny' to build them. But for the old established ones well... receive a grumble.

Strange Nights of Vigil

Just get through the long tricky night. So quiet at night, such a busy intense day in contrast to the quiet night. everything needs its repose.

When given permission to watch over a loved one in hospital, we have a sign that things are not going so good. 

It naturally lends to vigil. To watch over the sick loved one praying for them - asking for strength and vitality and healing. No other place so naturally leads one to a ritual.


Those who die in a hospital remain for a while. Until they realise they have died or they are ushered along. Maybe a sensitive person can see them still hurting, not realizing their pain is over now.


Hospitals are like an intermediary that connect many special forces, influences and functions together.

From hospital to morgue, from 'the beyond' to birth in a hospital then out to life, from law (karma) to hospital, from hospital released to life, from war to hospital, from love to hospital, from science to hospital and from hospital to science, what ray does not cross paths with a hospital, from hospital to strength...

A place of where great life decisions are made, a place where the heart sorrows, a place where the heart rejoices, a place to be born and die, a place of learning, a place where many lives have turned around, a place of healing and place of things gone wrong, a place to open up the heart and say all that is aflame before it can no longer be said, a place to remember God and pray, a place to rest, a place to retrospect, a place to show your love and support, a place to be educated and learn about the body, life, science, a place to make the body, psychology and spirit strong and stronger...

By far an interesting place and one that with imagination on can go to and find so much to work on. I think there is no place like it for that in the human world because it connects viscerally with our mortality and fragile nature.

Sorry if you read all of the above stuff. It was just pouring out so why not connect my typing fingers to the flow I thought. What do you reckon Amazon did I write a lot junk or not so bad?

End (3487).