Welcome! Whether you are already studying Gnosis or you have come across this blog by 'chance', I sincerely hope that what you find here will be of some use to you. (All that is posted here comes from the continued study of Gnosis, as taught by the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor. To know more go to www.gnosistr.com.)
Monday, 31 August 2020
Mental Associations - (3752)
Devil's Advocate and Objective Reason - (3809)
Master Samael says that the degrees of objective reason are shown as tridents on the horns of Lucifer.
Each of these degrees has a particular name. Master Samael in the Pistis Sophia gives the esoteric name for each degree. The highest degree is the sixth trident and it has the sacred name: Anklad.
Why Lucifer?
Because at that stage of having finished the great work the Typhon is now Lucifer because the ego has been dissolved and His function as trainer is now redundant and His new role is to bring light, which is essentially higher degrees of objective reason.
Before being Lucifer, He is the Typhon that helps us to develop the objective reason. Basically through temptation.
Devil's Advocate
Temptation is like the work of the devil's advocate. The Devil's advocate is a term used to describe the role of a cardinal or bishop who while a new pope is being selected has the job of bringing up all the points to oppose each candidate from being pope.
Temptation brings up all the good points of the ego and all the apparent bad points of the work and presents them together with beguiling and convincing force.
Temptation is there to entice the one under temptation into action. Before the action, temptation is encountered as a tremendous intellectual and emotion battle. This is where objective reason is born! In the fight, in the struggle.
The power of the struggle forces one to dive deep into their own essence to find reasons from the essence itself to not fall into that temptation. Which are reasons beyond time, money, energy, convenience, inconvenience etc.
When the struggle or fight is intense, superficial, intellectual reasons from our mind even though they are very wise and totally correct just don't cut it. Reasons that are effective and sufficiently powerful must be drawn down deep from our own essence. Because only such reasons have the power to defeat the intense temptations.
These reasons that we extract from our own essence are objective reasons.
For there to be temptation there must always be a reason to not fall into it. Temptation makes you find our very own essence-Being reasons, which are objective reasons.
Each temptation is a storm and it ends when the reason to flunk into the temptation is made void, or passes or is irrelevant or is surpassed etc.
Vaya vaya la tentación.
End (3809).
Hold Hold Hold is Key for Triumph - (3821)
When under temptation and mental storms and inner tumult the key and most important factor is to hold.
Hold the work, the values of the essence, the nobility of the essence, don't release it. Holding on, holding in there, holding true, holding steadfast, is always the way to triumph. It is in fact the door way.
The next step is to lift what we have been holding. Lift it above the fires of temptation and the stormy clouds.
End (3821).
Socrates on the Two Types of Pleasure - (3819)
There are two types of pleasures, believe it or not. Socrates our good old friend spoke about this. He never wrote anything down curiously.
We have all experienced this before but have not perhaps heard it formally expressed as such. I actually think it is of benefit to receive this teaching as an official thing. Because then one knows that one can lift one's sight from one pleasure type to the other, and know confidently which type is more real.
There is higher pleasure, and there is lower pleasure. Socrates said that there are pleasures that have a higher value than others. Good point - quite true. Obviously the higher pleasure has a greater value than the lower. Easy - makes sense.
He also said that the distinguishing element is 'quality and 'quantity'.
The lower pleasures are about quantity and the higher are about quality.
The lower pleasure type is about the egos of: greed, gluttony, lust, laziness, alcohol etc. that are all about quantity, they don't stop at a little they always go for more and more. Very true again.
Socrates said something remarkable here, he said that lower pleasure is not really pleasure but only the absence of pain. He says that lower pleasure feels pleasurable in contrast to pain. Makes sense, say we are hungry and we feel hunger pains, when we eat, the hunger pains go away, we then think that the going away of the hunger pain is pleasure. So he says lower pleasure is always that which satisfies some kind of pain. True hey?
With regards to the lower pleasure he said that we should only really pursue it as far as our survival is concerned. I guess like eating or sleeping to maintain our health, I'll have to think a bit more on that one.
The higher pleasure type is about understanding, meditating, self-discovery, reading, philosophy, music, prayer, good conversation, spiritual activities etc.
The general human striving is for happiness and the realer, longer lasting happiness is the one where quality is embraced over quantity. We have to reflect a bit on that one. I have reflected on it and I think he was right, what do you think?
A minute or two of good transmutation can fill you with happiness for hours. Whereas the opposite does not do that, it drives you to crave, to repeat (quantity), to lose yourself - all which is suffering - certainly not happiness.
He also remarked that 'quantity' is mostly of the body and is intense, like eating junk food, sex, alcohol, all sorts of other activities that thrill and violently excite/impact the nervous system.
Quality is very different to that. To end this post he remarked that it is "better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied". Of course from the Gnostic point of view he is also spot on.
So both pleasures exist, with one being realer, more authentic in that it is more independent and stands by itself, i.e. does not depend on pain. Now we can go for that pleasure which is the higher one and is not egoic. Well this is what we are doing anyway.
End (3819).
Sunday, 30 August 2020
If Dying, Now is Priority - (3822)
When someone is old you are naturally not going to bother them with details, with the past, with manners, with norms, with politics, with buying things, with the world, with the future are we?
We will naturally be concerned with right now, in making the most out of right now and giving them our best right now.
So the same with us, we are working on ourselves, so we too are dying and so the same thing applies with the way we treat ourselves.
Right now is the most important and the most important thing is to give our best right now towards where death is taking us.
This means that because we are dying we can voluntarily let go of so much kerfuffle that is still swirling around in our head.
End (3822).
Grab Higher Ideals, Worked Served - (3817)
Sometimes we go into dream boat mode and we don;t know what to work on or where to work even if we have work to do, we are like a bit lack lustre maybe needing something new, like a new challenge. We can easily give that to ourselves...
The ideal is to make our interior a wonderful place, rich in beautiful thoughts, a warm, sunny, green pasture buzzing with happy life.
To get the beautiful thoughts and feelings we need some spiritual ideals being brought to life within us.
Any value, virtue, disinterested love for humanity, altruism, good will, magnanimity, love for the inner Being, nobility of action in the face of adversity etc.
Chose one and try to bring it to life. Then we will find its opposite creeping out of the shadows to make us forget the journey.
Voila! Served on a silver plate is new work to do!
End (3817).
Die in the Small Details - (3816)
Death is certainly in the small details of the egos.
This morning my mum picked these glorious orchids from her courtyard. Nice long stems with several pink beautiful firm and vibrant flowers - see below.
They looked so glorious on the long stem, like a spinal column with its virtues/lotuses (flowers) reaching upwards...
Then she got out her scissors and chopped them all up. Time to die!
Not a word and not even object mentally or think that she is doing something wrong blah blah...
That's to die in the small details. Life free in its movement, the orchids are happily cut down, by a happy lady and there plonked in the vase with the red roses. Distasteful, weird, "that's not how you do it!", "what planet are you from, that looks..." all have to go, peaceful smiles all round, life flows on.
Flowers wither and next they'll be in the bin, but better if they were in the compost heap, ah well time to die again!
End (3816).
Zone Between You and Your Being is Militarised - (5346)
I mean that special intimate zone between you and your Being, that space where you the essence looks at your Being, should be militarised. If it isn't, well, the unfortunate happens. I'm serious here!
I really think it should be militarised within us. Sometimes it isn't. If it isn't militarised, we easily let weird thoughts and impressions into that area which then block, degrade and taint the way we look at and relate with our Being, then when there is a degrade int hat area - all sorts of calamities happen to us!!
Don't let any words or thoughts into that zone that make you relate ill or look negatively towards your Being. Don't let any reprimand or failure, to affect that relationship with your inner Being!!!
End (5346).
Went Backwards Lost Ground Blast Get it Back - (3814)
If we were negligent today and careless and got identified and were thinking as m.m.m says, a lot of nonsense, then fight back, get back that lost ground.
Say we were thinking real nonsense for half an hour, go and do half an hour non-thinking mental silence. Then feel much better. One really does not feel good loosing ground.
End (3814).
Helium Balloon Above the Abyss - (3813)
Our essence is like a helium balloon. Naturally, all by itself it lifts, rises and soars up high into the sky. Hey that rhymes. Anyway, in the absence of any conditioning, thinking and identification with any ego the essence is just like a helium balloon that floats above our abyss - which is a dark deep scary black pit.
Our egos drag our helium balloon essence into our abyss. Then we stop seeing clearly, think and feel dark etc. Our job is to cut the ties freeing our helium ballooon essence whenever we need to.
Cutting the ties that drag the helium balloon down are symbollic for the effort we make to snap out of it, to let it go, to grasp a higher ideal, to look higher and wider, to remember the Being, to be present and aware etc.
End (3813).
Friday, 28 August 2020
Intentions of Noble Origin, Cancellation doesn't Hurt - (3812)
When we have noble intentions to kick start a project to help people and for some reason we can't or it doesn't work out there is not much disappointment, or loss, or things like that.
If there be some kind of desire or intentions or vested/hidden interests that are less than noble then refusal does bring out some emotions like frustration, non-acceptance, fight and protest, disappointment etc.
Noble intentions are always good to have and operate by.
End (3812).
Expression of Interest: Online Classes for Remote Students - (3815)
We have an idea to offer online Gnosis classes. Mainly to people who do not have a Gnostic centre in their vicinity and are not part of any Gnostic centre.
Through this blog I have been in touch with people from Bangladesh, India, Norway, Greece and one or two other countries where there are no Gnostic centres or at least none in the towns or cities in which they live. People in these conditions are the ones we are looking for to express any interest that they may have regarding online classes.
You may have never attended a Gnostic centre or you may have but are now not part of one and live far away from one.
Feel free to comment down below or to write to: mareneptunus@gmail.com
End (3815).
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Fantasy Post: Keys to Drop them in Situ - (3811)
There are a few points that help to drop fantasy on the spot.
In general it is easy to drop a fantasy when we:
👀 Don't see it useful.
👀 Don't see that it will make us feel better.
👀 See the experience of it as something unpleasant.
👀 See it as just too much straining to maintain it in our mind.
👀 See it totally unrealistic and implausible.
👀 See it as wrong or absurd.
👀 See that if it were to be true it would be very stressful and something that one does not really want.
👀 See the nature of it as blatantly egoical.
👀 See it as the consciousness failing, failing to exert its power of truth over the absurd falsity.
💪 If we apply the above points to any fantasy that we find unfurling on the screen of our mind we can really do something to drop that fantasy or get close and closer to doing that.
End (3811).
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Work is not Working, Back to Basics - (3810)
The work works. If it is not, something is missing or not being done right, or something in us is sabotaging what we are doing.
If your work on an "I" for example or any esoteric practice that you are doing is just not working. Then going back to the basics is a good start.
It is often that we are weak in the foundations. Like concentration, focus, sincerity, observation, separation, comprehension etc.
Going to back to strengthen and rework the foundations just may do the trick.
End (3810).
Eclectic and Nuanced - (3808)
Such sophisticated words.
So is Gnosis eclectic and nuanced? No!
Definitely not nuanced, it is as clear as day. For the person who does not see the reality of the teachings Gnosis may seem to contain several nuances relating to 'this and that' which, in the end tend to be only subjective conclusions, such as the nuance of a conspiracy ordained by the Demiurge Architect etc.
Eclectic, maybe one could see Gnosis that way, as having borrowed from several sources in its presentation. However, it itself, the knowledge, derives from one source, the same source as all the ways back to the stars have derived from: the consciousness - and that which is beyond the consciousness, the Great Reality.
This blog may be a bit eclectic and nuanced though. Hope to remove bit by bit some of the subjective nuances.
End (3808).
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Sexual Force to be Under Control and Organised at All Times - (3807)
The sexual force out of common sense, is best put under control and organised. Common sense sometimes is the least common of the senses.
The sexual force is a powerful dragon. And anyone in their right mind would first, want a dragon under control, and second, have the ideas for the life of that dragon to be clear and organised.
If there is no control, no good or right results eventuate. Just like when cooking we have to have control over what we are cooking. You know, control the temperature not too hot otherwise it will burn, and control the adding of salt and spices etc. Otherwise we will end up with a burnt and over spiced inedible mess.
If the sexual force is not organised, disorder inside of ourselves and in our life results. This is too true, because it is very magnetic and causitive in nature and generates circumstances, convenient ones or inconvenient ones, all depending on how it is used.
End (3807).
Fantasy Posts: Finally Get Rid of Old Ones then We Create New Ones - (3806)
Holy smoke we can get rid of some fantasies, we really can. But then being stupido we create new ones. We need to guard that. That guarding is a big part of the work to dissolve fantasy.
Basically we want to feel good about ourselves and so we use fantasy for that. That's why we find it hard to get rid of fantasy because we have a 'good' use for it.
We can use fantasy to know what makes us feel good. Usually getting things done, achieving something and being something is what makes us feel good. Really just 'being' is what makes us feel good in reality. We forget that. If we remember this we can put fantasy aside more and more. The more we do it the more we understand that we don't need fantasy.
Most of our fantasies are about doing something towards a result that we are usually too lazy or too weak to do or too impatient to work for.
So when we start to do it, we feel good and fantasy drops off to the way side.
This post has some clues in it that helps to displace the fantasy generated by any ego but more in particular those generated by pride. where the fantasy is about achieving, doing something and being something special etc.
End (3806).
Pride Horrified to not Perform - (3805)
Forget it, to perform we need self-control. That's it, if we have self-control we can perform, in whichever field that may be, from concentrating, meditating, giving a talk, professionally at work, playing an instrument, playing sport etc. etc.
The horrible thing is when we can not perform, because for some reason we can not control ourselves. Whether that reason be psychological or health related.
To not be able to perform or follow through with the promise or expectation is terrifying for pride.
It is the aftermath or consequences of not delivering that hurts. The thought of the possible hurt, humiliation produces fear.
It is the consequences of disappointing others, but it is more something internal of not being able to make it, like there is an inner flaw or a lack of our capacity to control our ourselves is what bothers us, astounds us, and frankly hits us for six (for a home run) into the shadows of dismay. Plus it is also the disappointment of seeing our image in front of others go to the floor.
So what is such a situation all about? It is about many things of course, everything always has many layers and dimensions to it, but a significant point is that of self-control. In dealing with this situation we are forced to be humble, we have lost the capacity to control ourselves, it is taken from us by our own selves (subconscious) and we can't take it back from ourselves. So we are left to trust in a higher power, something higher than ourselves. For the Gnostic we know that our essence and our Being are higher than our own selves. So it is drop the self-sufficiency and learn to trust, and as the arrogance drops we will get back what was ours but to use it this time properly, justly, rightly, for the dignity of the Being, and others, not to strengthen or create more that arrogant self-sufficiency.
There is this horrible division in us. We need that unity back. A part has control which is the subconscious which is the disaster and there is us the conscious power not having control. The unity heals that division. And our self-sufficiency broke away from our Being.
A higher octave of the repentance here is the repentance for having forgotten the Being in us, having disobeyed and having disregarded it or disdained it!
End (3805).
Can you be Happy with the Floating Spectrum? - (3804)
What's really truly out there? A spectrum. Relativity and comparison are mental functions. Relativity does not have a real or absolute existence, it always depends on something else.
The spectrum is heaps of things above and heaps of things below and we don't know where we are. In all areas of life there are those above and those below.
We have to have a spectrum because that maps all of everything.
What we are is a Being and a Being is what It Is, outside totally of relativity and duality. Because it is above the mind. Relativity and duality is the mind functioning, operating. The Being is there being, doing its thing, before the mind even starts anything.
So can you live that way? Being a being not better or worse, floating in a spectrum, can you live with love from somebody that is greater than others but less than others?
Can you live with being less important but then more important?
Well we just have to because that is the way it is.
The ego goes bananas with this, because it is all about relativity. It can not process anything outside of relativity. It suffers a lot, but eventhough it suffers it does not change anything, this is how it is everywhere and with everyone. It gives value only to the 'more' or 'better'. But we have to find value in the essence, in the essence being as it is, not more or better.
End (3804).
Monday, 24 August 2020
The Victory Day by Day Stage - (3802)
There is a stage in the work on an ego where our work is day by day. That is seeking victory over that ego day by day. Each day is a honest hard fight. Doing our best to push it back day by day. Keeping track of how well we can push it back day by day.
One day the victory will be easy day by day and then the time span will increase. To keep it at bay will mean a fight when it next appears which could be three months then month then two months then six etc.
For a time we have to work to a day to day victory, don't worry though as we stick that out and start to be victorious over the ego in the day, that stage will pass.
If we understand the work well, it is all about your victory.
End (3802).
When Clearly Called to Work the Ego - (3803)
When our body hurts with just one thought from an ego, we are called to die in the ego.
That is an unmistakable sign.
The work then is so clear for us. Dissolve those thoughts then that organ in the body will heal and strengthen.
Just a thought can give us a head ache, make the heart hurt, vibrate negatively the solar plexus and even harm the sexual centre with undue tension and pressures.
End (3803).
Crystal Ball 4000 - (3801)
What date will the 4000 posts mark be hit? Have a guess, leave a comment if you wish.
Who has a crystal ball? One can calculate as such: on average 3 posts a day one or two on the weekends, that's about say 17 say a week. 196 posts left to go, 196 divided by 17 is 11 and a half weeks from today. So maybe Friday the 13th of November? A bit of an auspicious date.
But mental calculations most of the time with human beings don't follow through. One could get very inspired to 25 posts a week or one could get depressed to 2 posts a week. So the specific dates are an unknown variable for our minds. But dates do get determined and written done somewhere. Just like many of the dates in our life that have been written down already.
If we work on ourselves, the dates of our life, if they are related to our mechanical destiny can be changed and really they do get changed or even erased. This is because we set in motion a new line of life with a new destiny.
A good lesson in Gnosis with Gnostic people especially, is that everything can change at the drop of a hat. Throw all fixed plans up into the air. The best policy is total 'going with the flow' - total adaptability!
Especially when we relate to the masters in Gnosis, there is no way really that we can hold them or force them to a plan, they are free, they are a revolution, changing, improving, renovating... It is us that has to flow the rhythms and directions they set forth into motion, which they later change and then change back to again, but on a higher octave and so on and so on.
End (3801).
The 'More' - the Reason for Being Oh No - (3800)
A problem with the 'more' egos is that the drive for 'more' becomes the reason for being.
"The reason for being of the Being is the same Being". The reason for being of the Being is not 'the more'. It will never be 'the more'.
This is when we have really forgotten our own Being. Forgetting the Being is a bad omen and rolls in the clouds of suffering.
When we forget our own Being this way, we stop 'to be' and we drive, strive, fight and suffer trying to be more, and then we identify/define our being or existence as the ever striving for 'more'. Which appeals to many people, but the experience of it is suffering, the spikes of relativity always pinch us in this suffering.
Sunset over the Indian was not far off. |
In this state we always live in the future and never in the 'now' and 'now' is only where we find our consciousness.
If we are not more or we can't be more, we (the ego) suffer because we believe we are not anything. Because we have previously erroneously defined ourselves as being 'more'.
In reality the 'more' does not exist. It is not an absolute, it does not have an absolute existence. We are always more than others and other others are more than us. So who is more in the big picture? There may be more people that are more than us than who we are more than? How can we know?
The real absolute more is being more within ourselves, that is being more than ourselves. Because the normal ‘more’ always needs someone else and is relative always. The more makes us totally dependent on others.
Many of the egos have their particular way of being more. Pride, jealousy, self-love, self-importance, greed, laziness, lust, ambition, envy etc. etc.
End (3800).
Sunday, 23 August 2020
We Wish to be Human - (3799)
Sometimes our list of inhuman elements come into clear and sharp view.
We have always had them, they have always been there but it seems that that particular light had not been shone on them before. We have never seen them that way before. Suspected yes and determined by deduction of the intellect to be animal yes, but by direct perception - that's something new.
This light, not from the mind, but maybe from that which is human in us shone the light. Producing that particular contrast, thus allowing us to see them as distinctly inhuman.
How can anyone not then want to try to eliminate them? The yearning to die mystically in that which is inhuman hurts and the only way to really quench that is to die in those inhuman things.
End (3799).
Just a Person Sitting on a Rock - (3798)
Connecting to reality is pretty tough at times.
This is what it’s like. Say we are sitting on a rock looking out over the Indian Ocean. That's it, that's reality. That's God. Because God is the reality.
Actually was there texting about the flavour karma for a while. |
But our mind is worrying about others, about arguments, coming troubles and difficulties, about the health of another person, about the pending or possible death of an Uncle, yet that's it we are sitting on a rock.
Just like you are waiting up for someone to come home, say your daughter and its 2 am already. Then that's you sitting on a chair waiting. That's it, but the mind is projecting, she's dead, she's with some sleazy man, she's in trouble, she's drunk passed out somewhere, she's in a police car etc.
Very challenging to embrace reality at times., but that is how it is. we have the choice to embrace the easier what is true reality or embrace the mind with its untrue, true don't know projections and thoughts.
End (3798).
Ignoring the Mundane for the Lofty but Slipping Back off the Lofty - (3797)
We just go for the lofty and reject ourselves in the mundane. Seems right, however it does not work, it like fizzes out after a while.
The interesting way is to see the lofty in the mundane and go to the lofty through the mundane.
We don't like to accept the work to do in the mundane, we ignore the way we are in the mundane. But by not ignoring it and transforming it we can make our steps towards the lofty. Why because the lofty is in the mundane and when we transform the way we are in the mundane we are preparing the lofty.
Often we ignore that in the mundane there is our will, our energy, our thought, our wisdom and our aesthetic (our spiritual, our love). So the lofty is there in the mundane and when we know that we appreciate the mundane and we honour the lofty there and we enhance our lofty.
Does that make sense?
I realised it when the matriarch of the house said: "I'm going to throw that computer in the bin, go and weed the garden....". Then the mental reaction "Ah something the weeds" showed me there's work to do yet.
End (3797).
The Minimum of Pain Get to Work - (5297)
If we feel a minimum of pain, discomfort, weirdness, uneasiness, a jar or jolt, tension, then its time to work.
Say we do that, most of the time we will find that we are believing something false. Not believing it brings a person to feel fine again. Reality is always a relief, when we really go there.
Also say if we do this we will find ourselves working a lot a lot and we will find that we clean ourselves up a lot too. The trouble and work urgency is where the pain or discomfort is.
Say a person is working on the conditioning factor of personal suffering paying close attention to the pain helps this work along very much.
End (5297).
Friday, 21 August 2020
Why is my Life this Way? - (5359)
Right away I can say that is all about seeing, understanding and accepting. You know the answer to that question is all about a gymnasium that we need, and the gymnasium depends on our defects and karma.
Sometimes our life is not the way we would have expected it to be. Mainly because we don't know ourselves 100% inside out yet, and we are in the process of discovery. We don't fully know our karma yet either, if we did we could know our future very easily.
In each gymnasium which is really a big feature of our life, there is much for us to work on, but we tend not to want to accept that and we prefer to ficus on more loftier things. We may have parents who are fine now but are getting old and the essence of that gymnasium is really to fix in our interior love , patience and tolerance and to get those qualities in truth physically working. For that we need to die in those "I's" of impatience, annoyance, intolerance (not accepting reality or not being at peace with it).
When we don't accept a gymnasium we don't work on those elements we need to work on and then we get stuck in our life and then we get frustrated, enslaved and upset and start wondering why is my life like this?
End (5359).
Its Friday Party Time - (3794)
You've put in a good week of work on yourself, and have worked hard in other things as well and you feel you can't get any more out of yourself then what to do? Party!
Break the routine, go somewhere inspiring (if you can) and go all out, get the mantra GATE GATE PARA-GATE PARA-SAM-GATE BODHI SWAHA and do it until you or the mind collapses.
If that's no good go to nature (if not in lock-down), dance with the trees, talk to the river, yell at Old Neptune in the Ocean, get up early salute the sun, serenade the moon, then do the mantra. Or have a fiery esoteric conversation (get m.m.m revved up) grab a juicy topic and dive deeply into and learn a lot.
Ah sometimes you have to do something to step out of the routine to give your system a break and allow some new impressions and some renewal to enter, otherwise the routine can get mechanical and the mechanicity can start to overcloud the novelty, awe and joy that the essence feels for...
End (3794).
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Stay in Your Business - (3793)
We need this lesson!
There are three businesses: God's, Other's and Ours.
The weather, the world, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the nations, people, governments etc. are all God's business - things which are totally out of our control. Leave those things to God and just don't get into them. Because we can't do anything about them at all, the best is to accept and go with the flow of it.
We have our business of course, which is what is going on in our psychology but we are most of the time not even there.
We are always in the business of others and there we are not doing anything good for ourselves really and for them. We are suffering, stressing, worrying, supposing, protesting, not understanding, getting confused and just plain dreaming! We don't truly know why they are doing that or saying that or reacting or acting the way that they do. Only they really know.
Being in our business we learn that we have to deal with the effects another's reactions and actions have on us and stay in our business. When we go over there into another person's business we only suffer and it is so lonely isn't it being all the way over there. In here with ourselves we are not lonely we are with ourselves which is different to being over there in someone else's business that we can't really be in.
End (3793).
Stop the Ego is Ugly - (3796)
I was going to do something then I hit the brake and realised that it is the ego going to do that. Then separation, the ego by itself outside of our intellect and emotion is an ugly and nasty piece of work.
Just burn it, no mercy! |
We actually give way to that ugly duck. But it is always disguised, where we think we are giving way to ourselves, to our centres, to our ideas and our feelings, but no it is that ugly nasty duck. It is really a piece of our own essence which has been nastily conditioned.
Anyway just burn it and when it comes back again next time it will be weaker and it will be easier for us to stop it and burn it again. You really want to die in it, you will, have no mercy and the quicker it will die.
End (3796).
Vanity Embarrasses Us - (3795)
The base of vanity is an inferiority complex.
Really there are only inferiority complexes, not superiority complexes. Why? Because the one who wants to be superior wants that because he or she feels inferior.
The desire to be superior is to compensate for feeling inferior.
Just like the queen and snow white, the vanity of the queen was always asking the mirror if she was the fairer of them all. Because vanity does just that, always feels inferior to something someone somewhere, even a something, someone somewhere totally unknown to us, it just in general feels inferior in a very disguised way.
Have you had that experience? A thought from the "I" of vanity appears and then we feel like what people call self-conscious. It's not the real self-consciousness third state of consciousness that we know about in Gnosis, but a state of feeling uncomfortable, slightly embarrassed, awkward and uneasy.
Why such feelings, because we are feeling deep down inferior. Like not quite good enough, or out of place, or "I shouldn't beeeee hereeee", or "what am I doinnnngggg" etc.
This is all because of the thought of vanity. Vanity has its base in an inferiority complex. Deep down in the deeper layers of our mind (subconscious) we feel inferior.
Vanity imitates a lot and to imitate is to be trapped in duality. We simply imitate because we are not that which we liked or saw and liked etc.
How to remedy it?
We have to first of all truly see that inferiority complex. Drill down, search for it and find it. Once for real, no nonsense we have found it in ourselves, most of the work is done. We then just have to transform, disprove it, see that it is false, out of place, weird...
The the next step is if it does not go away is then to work on the inferiority feeling which disguises itself as the desire to be superior.
The inferiority in vanity searches for superiority outside of ourselves though others.When it sees itself superior it disproves the inferior complex saying to it "there you see I am not inferior". We need to do the same thing but within ourselves not using any person or external circumstance.
End (3795).
Two Pains Exception - (3792)
There is pain due to the things that happen in life, you know being deeply insulted, betrayed, let down, disappointed/disillusioned, relationship fall outs, injuries, people getting ill and dying, projects failing, bankruptcy etc. And then there is an esoteric pain...
We don't often encounter our esoteric pain in normal life. It is mostly not touched.
In the work and path we often do encounter our esoteric pain. Sometimes quite frequently, depending on what is going on or what we are trying to do, or what the Being in us is wanting. Sometimes it goes away for a while.
The interesting thing though there is an exception, a certain anomaly that exists where the human life pain brings out the esoteric pain.
When it is brought out in the way mentioned above it is too unknown, its flavour so strange, so out of the ordinary, we feel a strange unknown side to ourselves appearing, a different sadness, a strange loneliness, a strange grasping at something that we think is God, a strange push to seek out God, we pray intensely, we visit temples, churches, meditation halls, read, talk to others...some even find Gnosis due to that.
Anyway it eventually leaves and people forget and forget well, very well. The interesting thing though is that it opens up esoteric doorways within the person. Always for a while...
End (3792).
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Eat Tumeric Turn Yellow - (3791)
So I heard a story, where a lady ate so much tumeric that she started to go yellow. I guess it was her complexion that became more yellow in colour, not that she became a coward. I still don't why they associate yellow with cowardice, when the sun is yellow and its rays face everyone, everything always. Maybe because it is the colour of the intellect and intellectual people think a lot and do little. Don't know really.
Just a comparison type of an example of how we can become what we eat in the way of impressions. We don't have to do anything, just absorb the impressions and they work inside of ourselves making our processes and nature to change to be similar to the impressions we absorb.
This works in the inconvenient way, but if we are smart we can make it work for us.
Talk more to Gnostic people who are fighting the good hard honest fight to change, to wake up, to get closer to the Being, who know about transmutation, who are transmuting, who are seeking victory over themselves instead of people who blame everything, are victims, don't fight, loose the sexual energy, don;t think deeply etc.
If there's no one to talk to, read, listen, watch material that feeds the soul. I like stories of victory over adversity because there is a lot of wisdom there about the values of the soul.
Adversity is the birthplace of virtue as well as being the crucible where the decisions, the understandings, and the realisations all bubble up to the surface.
When those bubbles surface wisdom is born. Each essence has created a lot of wisdom through their lives and it is so wonderful to learn it. For the wisdom seeker each person's essence is a treasure trove, but with out the fight you never see it come out. Only the person working on him or herself is in the fight and then the wisdom bubbles up and out. If a person is blaming others and is a victim sweet nothing bubbles up! Only pain and complaint!
End (3791).
Need Inner Calm to See, to Understand, to be Aware - (3790)
I am finding this really fundamental. It is a key thing. Well maybe just for me I don't know. Anyway I'll word it out.
It goes like this: no creating a moment of inner calm equals the drift wood tossed on the ocean waves feeling, always chasing behind the work on the ego - never up to speed, lack of depth in perception of thoughts, time slipping by so quickly, procrastination leading to not doing what you wanted to do in the day, lack of being able to really order the inner processes etc. I think the latter can be summarised as not: seeing ourselves, not feeling ourselves and not being ourselves, where ourselves equals essence and not being essence stinks, its where we are not really happy.
Calming the waters of our psychology clears the waters so that one can see through the waters, to see the bottom and what is in the water, and it also allows one to feel/understand the actual waters instead of only feeling the energy of the agitation.
I am sick to death of that, whatever it takes it is worth taking out time whenever, however to get that inner calm and then get to the work of the essence. Then when it goes get it back again. It can be gotten in just 5 or 10 minutes.
That's how I know it only takes 5 minutes. Little statue helps remind me of the need to free more essence with Her help! |
It is gotten by not thinking for five minutes and relaxing. Remembering the Divine Being we have within us.
Nike style: "Just do it!".
End (3790).
Fantasy Posts: Food and we Don't Impress Anyone - (3789)
Fantasy is a kind of food that we feed ourselves. Yet it does not make us full.
It would only make us full if we were to digest it with our consciousness but we don't typically do that. We just eat it and get a head ache and go all dreamy like: "Hah hah what what? Your pants are on fire mate! What where oh yeah ow Ow OOOOWWW!".
Tried too hard to break that piece of wood and now that axe is right stuck. To pull it out will break the already cracked handle. Moral of the story, too much force ruins all. |
If we transformed it we would get some light and truth about ourselves out of it, which would nourish our essence.
Dreaming thinking we impress others is useless as we never know we are impressing others, in reality we are only ever impressing ourselves, we are satisfying our own ideas of what impressing means. We never impress anyone only our own ideals or ideas or concepts etc. That's the start of this type of fantasy - not seeing that psychological reality.
Fantasy is feeding ourselves the same stuff over and over again.
To break the chain we have to look at our own ideas of what is impressive, why that impresses us, why we value that. We have to get to know the answers to those questions to even start to digest those types of fantasies.
End (3789).
Monday, 17 August 2020
Where are we Really At in the Work? - (3788)
This is really important stuff. Where are we at? Important to establish that.
It is just as important as knowing where we are going. If we don't know where we are, we don;t know if we are going to where we want to go.
It is not so easy to know where exactly we are at. Because there is too much fantasy about ourselves, because we are impatient and because we lack a global vision of ourselves.
If we know where we are at, we can take realistic steps in our work.
Those realistic next steps will be very well taken. Taken on true bases and not dreams of where we should be in the work.
When we don't see where we are, we go either for the easy (complacency) or the very challenging (ambitious). In both cases we don't do too much. With the too easy option we slow down and atrophy a little. With the challenging we get disappointed and give up.
Knowing where we are helps us to create the real in our work. That is how we really progress with as full a knowledge as possible or allowable to us given the capacity of our consciousness. Instead of always wondering, being confused by contradictions, supposing, having dreams, people having dreams, thinking big, thinking little, fantasy etc. etc.
End (3788).
Importance Supreme for the Day's Work: A Inner Calm - (3787)
We need some inner calm to do something in the work on ourselves.
When we start from a spot of inner calm we can do something decent.
Hurrying, working and walking quickly just does not allow us to penetrate into the work on ourselves.
We can be at work, catching the bus, on the bus, typing, talking and doing something in our work. All though if we start our day with inner calm and we go back to that inner calm a few more times during the day.
"Remember dragon warrior, anything is possible if you have inner peace." |
The inner calm allows us to settle the mind and allow the essence in us to see, perceive and feel deeper into our psychology. From being deeper in touch with our psychology we can work. We can see more closely the origin of thoughts, instead of being a victim of them and their effects.
So this is so important and fundamental that we seek out that inner calm before anything else. The work all depends on that being established and being re-established. How it is done it does not matter as long as we can do it.
You will be surprised what just five good minutes can do for you and your whole day. The crazy thing is that we don't even take 5 good quality no-thinking minutes out of our day to get the inner calm, that makes everything better. Crazy we are!
End (3787).
A Right Smack to the Forehead of the Angry Beast - (3786)
If your psychological work is good enough to withstand some abuse and you are strong enough and you can take it all in your stride, without being affected go ahead cop some abuse, but mind you be aware that such a approach can lead the guy to dial his approach up a notch.
If you just don't want that abuse (it is your right to not receive especially when you have not done the same), or if you have had enough and you want to try something different and esoteric, then how about smash the guy right on the forehead with some of the banishments.
Fearless girl facing an angry bull statue in New Yawk |
Silently mentally yet strongly with determined concentration recite the known formula to banish negative forces and entities, directing the flow of force and light right the third eye of the guy.
Done with the intention of sending the angry ego in the guy back. Allowing the guy to come to his senses and stop the tirade of abuse, yelling, finger pointing, shoving or worse.
You would only do this if after a good talk trying to solve the problem has not worked and the guy just does not seem to be able to control his anger or jealousy or resentment or whatever the bloody hell it is.
End (3786).
If there be Domestic Violence - (3785)
"Touch me one more time and I'll kill you."
We tend to think the answer is: "take the hit and love them more and love will conquer the day". Wellll you have to be really strong, get ready to take many more hits which will only get harder and harder and the pain more intense, as well as the moral pain and the confusion and disappointment in the idea that love will solve the day. This idea of love doesn't really come through and work for us in the end!
Well in some cases it can but it bloody well hurts a lot, wastes so much time, all when it doesn't have to.
Once m.m.m told us a story of a woman who said those exact words ("Touch me one more time and I'll kill you") to her husband after he pushed or hit her and he never did it again. A strong Latina mate! They also lived happily married ever after.
I like that style. It would be so good to see a woman say that to one of those violent men. If he doesn't respect those words then it was always all going downhill to be lost anyway so nothing to lose in saying it.
It can be really hard to say those words because of fear. But it doesn't mean that the lady would actually do that (kill the husband) but it sets things straight. Cross that line again mate and consequences mate, consequences! Which is good that the violent man knows this because the angry beast never looks ahead to measure the consequences.
If it is hard to say that verbally send him a text message, an email or get someone else to send it! Or do something esoteric with the Divine Mother and the Law asking for protection and prevention. That's the safest can't go wrong idea. But I would do something else a bit stronger, everyone to themselves and in the end everyone has to shoulder the consequences of their actions.
I also think it is a good thing because it helps the violent man too. It will stop him from doing a lot of harm that will take him into the mud and from there maybe even into the courts and jail.
Also it will make him respect the lady. That is why he hit the lady in the first place because he lost his self-respect and then his respect for his wife.
A man who hits a lady is disrespecting himself, even if what she says cuts really deep and really pains, he lowers himself into the mud when he acts that way, and that is not the way to respect oneself - rolling in the mud.
End (3785).
Sunday, 16 August 2020
What are we if we Stop Projecting? Expired Food Vanity - (3784)
We are always projecting, walking and projecting, working and projecting, in our projections are the ideas about ourselves, which are mostly erroneous. We just know it is erroneous because we are inventing it and wishing it. We only ever wish for what we don't have.
So we will be what we really are and the bonus is, we will be seeing what we really are, not believing in strange ideas of ourselves.
The main obstacle to stop projecting about ourselves is vanity. If we work on vanity a lot of the projections will go or be so easily discarded by us.
Why do we keep vanity alive? Because always we believe it has a valuable use and pays something out to us. It is something that we feed to ourselves. With vanity we continually feed wrong ideas about ourselves to ourselves. It happens we like what we feed ourselves about ourselves.
Maybe we can just tell ourselves I don't really need this food I am feeding myself, I can do without it, can't I? It is bad food anyway, makes me psychologically sick and deluded. That helps us to tell ourselves this.
As soon as though we realise we are feeding ourselves rotten, old, expired, useless food we change our ideas.
You know what it seems to pay out to us is something that we only imagine or feel in our head with the thought: "we impressed them". But who knows really what we did, maybe we made them slightly repulsed, may be we annoyed them: "ah the same old stupid see-through vanity" which mind you people often feel sorry for the person who has that (that's embarrassing).
Vanity is something for ourselves. It is something that we feed ourselves, we feed ourselves what impressed us in the past. So it is all about us, coming around full circle.
We only ever please ourselves in the end in reality. That is all we can do, we can't really please others, just impossible and too hard a task. So it starts to make sense that we can drop vanity and know that we are not pleasing anyone, we are always pleasing ourselves and so we can drop the fantasy that we are impressing others. Because we are not doing it to impress them really! (We are doing it for the thrill of the thought 'oh I impressed him/her made them look twice, trip over, forget what they were saying, get nervous all that common fish guts...which is for us not for them).
End (3784).
Some Fascinations End when Working an Ego - (3783)
Some fascinations that we have, remain in us until we work on, to at least a certain degree, the egos that are related to them.
That means that certain fascinations are indicators for us to work. Right! Not to get more fascinated, because that is what we normally do, keep reading or looking up or talking about, thinking that this will fix the fascination. But it doesn't really...
For example, a person maybe fascinated in a strange way accompanied by a strange flavour, with violence, thinking "How can people do that to others?", "How can that happen?", and one reads about the things that happen in war, the injuries, looks at pictures of injured people thinking "God how bad, how painful, how could or why should one die in that way" etc.
So how to fix that, well once again duality enters and oh dear, it's not nice, we find out that we have those things inside of ourselves, we have the violent doer and the violence receiver inside. We have to find them, face to face, and do our reckoning with them.
Weird Salvador Dali painting. Weird like the fascinations of our sleeping consciousness. |
Until then we are going to be alarmed and horrified by violence our whole future lives, and we will be fantasying with violent elements our whole lives too.
This general principle or psychological truth can be applied to anything that we find we are fascinated with. It could be something physical but the fascination is really very psychological. Like violence is physical but its causes and impacts are psychological.
When there is no egoic elements involved, as soon as we know about something the fascination goes. For example, I was always since being a kid was fascinated by deep water oil rigs. As soon as I studied them as an adult, the fascination disappeared and only a kind of admiration for the interesting engineering involved in them is left in me. With the egoic fascination we have to work the egos involved, there is no other way to get rid of the fascination.
End (3783).
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Practice and Invoke at Regular Times for Opportune Help - (3782)
As a practical tip, when we are doing an esoteric practice where a part of the practice involves invoking a certain deity it is very advantageous to do this practice at regular times of the day. The same time every day is most beneficial.
Because the Deity gets to know when you will be reliably practicing and can It be there at the precise moment when you are most open to be helped.
End (3782).
Understanding Accumulates and Why the Ego Comes Back and Back and Back - (3781)
The ego comes back and back and back, doesn't it? Even when we have worked a lot a lot on it, it comes back, eventhough it is weak and may only stay a few seconds it still comes back and always will until it is muerto (dead). Then there is the memory of it and the residues of it and they do the same thing, come back and come back.
But the truth of it all is that the ego has to come back and back again. Why? Because understanding is accumulative! Each time it comes back we add an aspect of understanding. That true understanding only builds up really truly when we face the ego in the reality of our human machine.
Understanding like faith is accumulative. The powers that people have are the result of accumulation also.
When we know the ego back to front we know its whole process. Like this: it will come with the right trigger, it will think that, feel that, want to say that, then we won't say anything and it will feel worse and then it will think this, and want to do this scary thing, and then the body will feel an upset tummy, the shin bones will begin to hurt, emotion next will well up and you feel like crying then, the emotion subsides but the thoughts remain, then we feel repentance and then 'sorry', 'sorry', "how stupid we were oh bloody ego", its over now only to come back again. When we can sit back and know every step we are understanding it well and this understanding only comes from repeated interventions into our human machine.
When the understanding of an ego has accumulated enough we start to be able to separate it in a no BS way - I mean definitively, concretely we can separate it.
It is there but we can separate it. So the moral of the story is that we have to be patient, accept that the ego has to come back and that is our main way to understand it. This is also where we pay for having created it and we pay the karma due to the pride or arrogance that was involved in or related to some of its previous manifestations.
End (3778).