Tuesday 12 September 2017

If Something has been Taken from you, Check that you haven’t Taken from Others - (1945)

First Thing to Do!

When something has been unfairly taken from us, the first thing to do before launching ourselves into bitter protest mode, is to look within, and find out whether in the past we have unfairly taken from others. Where others could be an individual, a company, a group, a friend, perhaps our interior Divinity etc.

If we find that in the past we did take unfairly from others, then things change dramatically within us. Here we are receiving that effects of having generated the cause some time ago, by having unfairly taken something from someone else.

If we haven't taken something from someone else, trust that it will be returned to you at some later date.

Karma is Also Internal

To do something like this is to think esoterically. Karma is external as well as internal. Karma has internal effects where we are made to feel just as we have made others think and feel when we took unfairly from them.

End (1945).

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