Sunday 26 December 2021

Transcend Objections Importance Of - (4309)

Master Samael said in the "Law of the Pendulum" lecture that human being object to so many things. 

He also said that the concepts expressed by the personality are fully subject to the law of the pendulum. Which is very true because at time the personality is ok with something and a year later it is ok with the very opposite.

The key to staying in the magic circle is to not object.  When we object we push the pendulum. When we object we are not accepting reality. To accept reality is to be in balance and to be in balance is to be in the centre of the magic circle.

When we object we oppose reality. We object to others and ourselves. 

Our outward objections make us a nuisance to others and our inner objections break our continuity of purposes and inner peace...

End (4309).

Saturday 25 December 2021

Overcomming the Law of the Pendulum - (4310)

Our work can become pendular. It is good to check this because a pendular work is one that does not move forward very far. 

There are at least three scenarios where the law of the pendulum functions and each scenario has a different remedy.

The changing opposites of life is what really make us to suffer. That is the pendulum. This is why we work to free ourselves from the pendulum because it is duality and duality is suffering. 

External Passive

This is where we receive the opposites in the different circumstances. A person is happy and upset with us, we succeed and we fail, things work out well, things don't work out, pleasant event, unpleasant event and so on.

The remedy is to not be in any of these two opposites. That is to not get identified.


This happens when we over give or under give. We may exaggerate something and because we gave surpassing our capacity we can not hold this up and so we get tired and swing the pendulum to the other side and do very little or nothing.

The remedy is to give smaller consistent amounts that is well within our capacity.

Internal Active

This is where we can be pendular in our practices. We practice one day and not the next. This is because of our emotions we feel like practicing one day and the next day we don't feel like practicing. Why because we identify with those inner emotions.

The remedy is then to not identify with what the different people inside of us say and feel.

General Remedy

The way I see things is that the pendulum is a major source of our sufferings. In other words duality. To surpass duality we need to be based or sitting firmly in something beyond duality. Which is in a value of the consciousness that breathes life independent of duality. 

If we suffer in relationships it is because we don't love with our consciousness. We love with something else. We love with some element that is identified with one side of duality. Identified to a degree that we believe that love only exists in one side of duality - the happy and good side. But really in truth the love of the consciousness loves beyond duality. When we are anchored in that love which is beyond duality we are at peace in our relationships.

End (4210).

Thursday 23 December 2021

Karma Unbelievable Characteristic - (4307)

Often when we see others or ourselves under karma we are left in a state of disbelief. 

Karma always has that aspect of having to accept. That is often the great challenge of any karma.

When we accept we begin to start paying. 

To accept is to begin to take responsibility. 

When take responsibility we take action to pay or to suffer consciously with the purpose of paying. 

When we pay suffer consciously in order to pay we also pay responsibly, which among many things means not to drag others into suffering.

The 'unbelievable' feeling is ultimately due to us not knowing ourselves well enough. The 'how could it be' feeling is also due to knowing ourselves well enough as well.

We can only resolve the 'unbelievable' feeling with knowing or either accepting

End (4307).

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Remember What We Ask For - (4306)

We pray early in the morning for the day ahead. 

We pray to be shown what we need to be more conscious in our lives, what we need to learn (by undoing, unlearning) to be more conscious so that we can better co-operate with the realization of our Inner Being...

An event, an incident, something happens in the middle of our day and we forget what we asked for...

End (4306).

Thursday 16 December 2021

Meditation and Our Heart is About Listening - (4301)

Aren't we always listening in meditation. By listening to our thoughts, we can know that there are gaps in our thoughts. Because we can't hear our mind chattering away. 

We know there is silence or stillness in us all by listening. 

We feel peace when we go to the country and all we hear is silence...

We can listen to the heart as the heart speaks in its special way of feeling...

If we listen to our heart we can get guidance about our day and about our life from our inner Being or consciousness or essence or something deeper within us beyond our mind, egos and personality.

Our heart has something to say about how our life is going! We can listen to our heart to know truly how we are going from the prospective of our inner Being. If we hear something to not betray what we hear we must make changes if necessary.

End (4301).

Learning How to Listen Notes: The Selective - (4303)

A lot is really implied in that statement of learning how to listen...

So much more than I know. I only know a little bit and even applying that is difficult.

One thing I have found that we teach ourselves when we are learning how to listen is to be selective.

We are always listening. If someone or something is talking there is always someone listening. Whether it be our mind or consciousness or subconscious.

Everyone talks about selective listening which is usually when we are spoken to regarding our person and we only listen to the good things about ourselves and not the bad things. But there is another kind of selective listening which is where we chose what we listen from our inner dialogue and what others say.

For example we should not listen to the negativity of our inner dialogue that always takes us nowhere good. That negativity of our own inner dialogue harms us more than the negativity of others.

You know our own consciousness listens. But the fact is our consciousness listens in silence. We have to make our mind quiet and then we can listen to the silence. Which is really our own heart speaking through the space of awareness. That is, using awareness itself to speak and listen.

If there is the word there is listening. Listening is immutable like the word. If there is the word there is someone to listen to it. Everything in creation sounds so there is listening everywhere, listening is creation, as creation is what received the word of the creators. Creation was created because it listened to the word of the universe. 

When we really listen, our consciousness is changed, just as was primordial creation, the consciousness of the universe made creation after being changed by having listened to the word of the creator Elohim, who are plural.

Listening is a way into our interior world. Through listening we can enter into the now. Listening to the breath to the sounds of our environment is always now and our consciousness glows even brighter when we enter the now.

We should not listen to the lower values and the "I's" talking within us as they are the bad councilors.

End (4303).

Listening is Hard - (4302)

It's not easy to listen! You know that when you try. 

The trick is to not listen to our mind but to listen with our consciousness.

We start listening with our consciousness when we pay full attention.

With full attention we cause our consciousness to be present.

Then after a minute or so of paying full attention our consciousness begins to discern or see or feel or understand...

The consciousness first perceives what is hidden behind the words people say.

The consciousness is the one that can listen between the lines...

The wise listen more than speak...

With listening we can learn...

We can listen to everything so to be able to know about everything. This is because everything sounds in the universe.

What is important to us is to be able to listen to our heart, listen to our consciousness, listen to our God within, listen to people, listen to the teachings and so on...

End (4302).

Monday 13 December 2021

Intimate Christ is an Emancipator - (4300)

When under any kind of oppression: karma, internal or external forces - we can pray intensely to our Intimate Christ. As that is His mission to free us from the chains of karma and the slavery of the different "I's" that we have.

He really helps no matter where we are on the path or even not on the path. It doesn't matter we just have to pray with sincerity and intensity.

End (4300).

We Serve Our Being - (4299)

Someone wishes to interrupt the appointment that you make with your Being in your practice time at night before sleeping or in the morning. Tell them to get approval from your Boss - your Being. 

There is the spirit that can be very helpful - the spirit of a faithful worker serving his or her Lord. 

It is true because it is Him in us that wishes to work and it is Him that directs the work.

By practicing we serve our Being allowing Him time and space to work in us.

End (4299).

Once Again Our Life and Day is Good Enough - (4298)

Work our day! What we have to do and what happens in our day is what we need. It is the raw material that we need to work on to create the new in us.

I'm telling myself that after seeing this point, what is needed is to invest our consciousness deeply into our day. Looking inside of ourselves deeply. Not letting the day pass by on the surface of our mind.

Our very own day is really good enough to learn many things that we truly need.

End (4298).

Sunday 12 December 2021

Darkness in Human Beings Does Note Recognise the Light in Human Beings - (5344)

A normal person would hate an angel, even if before spending time with an angel they swear by the Almighty that they would love an angel. But after meeting an angel and spending some time with an angel they would hate the poor angel.

The darkness in us - our egos, can not see or appreciate the virtues of an angel. The ego does not like the light and so no human being would be happy with an angel.

The light in an angel is real light and the light is not darkness. What each human being thinks the light is or should be, is not light.

We only see sparks of light in others. Because we only have sparks of light in ourselves. If we have only darkness in ourselves we will only see darkness in others even if they have a lot of light.

The conclusion is that we have to know the light to see it and appreciate it. The less "I's" we have the more we can see the light, that is the real light not what we think the light should be. 

Sometimes because we only see darkness in others it is because something in us is blocking us from seeing our own light. We may have a lot of light but because of this bias we don't see our light and so we don't see any light in what others do or say.

End (5344).

Friday 10 December 2021

Capacity to Deal with the Anger of Others - (4297)

The anger of others provokes the anger that we have.

The anger of others connects to our anger in our subconscious and draws it out.

The anger of others helps us to dissolve ours. For a person who wants to free him or herself that is the very bottom line of motivation. We have to see the anger of others as motivation and help to dissolve ours. If we are serious about dissolving our own anger we can't see it as something for us to get more angry about. 

When we are weak or are caught in a moment of weakness we are prone to react with anger to the anger of others. 

The strength of a deep silence does not get angry.

The strength of a deep respect for oneself and others does not allow one to get angry.

The strength of love holds anger back.

The strength of intelligence knows not to get angry and sees a solution to diffuse the situation.

The strength of one's own dignity causes others to create respect for oneself. It is not a bad thing to get others to respect another human being. It is the start of peace after all.

It is said that Mandela worked slowly in the prison camp in which was in and despite being told to hurry up by the guards he continued to work slowly and held steadfast to that. Causing them to respect him, no matter how angry they got at him. 

End (4297).

Thursday 9 December 2021

Relating to the Sexual Energy Points - (4296)

This post is point form and psychological in nature.

Sexuality is how we relate to our sexual energy.

How we relate to our own sexual energy has profound consequences in our life. Especially in our spiritual life.

Often this relationship with our sexual energy is ignored or not actively worked upon to experience the immense benefits of bringing such a relationship into the light.

In most human beings the relationship to the sexual energy is one that has been left in the dark or has sunken into the dark or simply has not been brought into the light.

To be finished later on...

End (4296).

About Stopping Lies - (4295)

I don't think we need to read about what they are. We just need to know about how to stop them.

What helps is to trust in the truth. We over time develop the belief that to lie saves our skin and keeps us out of trouble. 

Over time we come to trust in lies that they can get us out of trouble and prevent us from getting into trouble. But what we ignore is that lies bring more trouble when found out and anything built on a lie will crumble. 

A kind of inversion takes place where we trust in the power of the lie and distrust in the power of truth. Where reality tells us that it should be the reverse. That is trust in the power of the truth and distrust in lies.

We find lies useful, and so naturally we use lies and as we use them we create a habit.

We lie to others and to ourselves.

The lies to others are often done knowingly. However they may not be done knowingly after a person has become habituated to lying over many years where lying becomes a way of getting through life.

Lies to ourselves are often done unknowingly.

Each ego lies to ourselves. Our mind very often lies to us. It is up to us to notice and then not accept these lies.

We lie mainly due to some egoic vested interest. Most of these egoic interests are related to fear. We fear to lose some kind of well-being or peace or dignity or reputation or status, money, social standing, position in a company or group etc. etc.

Usually people have something to hide or cover up and so they lie. Or people just want to avoid conflict so they lie or don't say anything so that conflict does not arise. But often it does lead to conflict and it is worse in the end then not having said anything.  

So trusting that it is ok that people know about what we are doing or wanting to do. Often people appreciate openness and in being open we make ourselves more conscious of what we are doing, as we can't explain anything that does not have solid reason ethical reason behind it. Or either we should not do anything that needs to be covered up. 

End (4295).

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Interest in People Solution - (4294)

Sometimes I would hear things like "I have no interest whatsoever in this or that person" and treat this or that person in this or that way...

This never quite helped or worked for me. Because I have interest in everyone. I think we all have some kind of general interest that all people are healthy, safe and happy... This is the kind of interest I have in everyone. 

Driving to work this morning I finally solved my conundrum...

The key is to have interest and not have interest. Which is a paradox, it seems that paradoxes are the way our own consciousness at times works. 

Things quite often are solved with the consciousness by creating a paradox within us through the flexible understanding of the consciousness.

The paradox: "less is more" is a common example.

So the paradox which solves the puzzle is that we are to have interest in everyone but not be interested in our egoic psychology about people. 

I mean by that not be interested in our egoic processes towards people. Not be interested in our lustful processes towards a person, not be interested in our feelings of revenge towards a person, not be interested in the processes of control or distrust towards a person. Don't be interested in our own processes of resentment or ill-feeling towards a person. 

The right interest is this I feel...Interested but not interested...

End (4294).

Transmutation the Intelligent Balance - (4293)

When it comes to sex, there are the two opposites: abuse and celibacy. 

With abuse, one over uses sex and eventually becomes a slave to the sexual impulses and desires. With non-use one does not draw any benefit and ends up being against the creative force of God. 

The middle way or balanced way or the way of intelligence is to use sex for a spiritual or at least higher purpose.

This wise use of sex only really comes into effect when one transmutes the sexual energy. For as long we don't transmute the full wise use of sex will not eventuate. 

End (4293).

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Entropy: All About Two Different Levels - (4292)

The law of entropy is all about what happens when two different values or energy level come into close contact. 

The Law of Entropy sates that an equalisation of values will result. 

The equalisation will favour the value or energy that is greatest. For example a glass of hot water will soon become room temperature and a room temperature glass of water will soon freeze in Antarctica.

So the same with spirituality and human beings. If two human beings spend time together and both have different energetic levels and values in spirituality there is the possibility of equalisation over time.

The stronger force will prevail. The best, what makes sense, what is right for the soul and the inner Being is that both equalise in the superior, NOT in the INFERIROR!

For that to happen the one with the higher energy or values has to not to be stupid and be STRONG in their values so that the other over time equalises to that level.

Amongst human beings this is a very real phenomena as it is with a glass of hot water in a cold room.

End (4292).

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Have to Believe we Can Dissolve It - (4291)

With some egos, small or great, a significant part of dissolving them is to simply believe that you can dissolve it. That we can operate or handle the situation without that ego.

This is because these egos are built on a disbelief. So believing remedies them!

So then we have to believe and believe and believe that we can function without it and that we can dissolve it.

End (4291).

Constant Manifestation - (4290)

When a painful or intense feeling constantly and very frequently manifests it is because the essence trapped inside it wants to be free. Because our Real Interior Being needs that it to be free.

Our role: co-operate and work work work...

End (4290). 

Monday 22 November 2021

Inferiority Makes for Jealousy - (4289)

A feeling or belief about being inadequate or inferior is fertile psychological grounds for jealousy to grow.

We may feel less and that is manageable but as soon as someone else who is better in some way or another appears then jealousy rears its ugly head as it is said.

These are the two 'as old as it comes' conditions for jealousy to appear in us. 

They also give us the remedy.

Which are: don't compare and don't feel inferior. To stop feeling inferior we need to close the gaps. Feel well and complete with yourself and feel well and complete with the other person.

That inferior feeling can be about anything. We may due to our coldness and lack of ability to care or love other people, feel inferior to others who are very warm and kind. We may feel inferior in certain capacities such as knowledge, intelligence, patience, kindness, flexibility of character, strength of character, physical aspects such as looks, body etc. etc. the list can go on and on. The main thing is that there is a feeling of inferiority in some field, and that feeling of inferiority is the issue, because it is believed that that field is important and it well be important to the other person or people we relate to. 

End (4289).

Friday 12 November 2021

Forgiveness comes from Understanding - (4287)

I heard these marvellous words come from someone very interesting from a far away land.

Forgiveness comes from understanding. He also said that meditation and the work memory play a very very important role in foregiveness.

With the work memory we actually change the event inside of ourselves. 

Then with the event changed, within us, that is seen differently within us we see the people involved differently and we act differently and we can forgive. 

Without understanding and seeing the event differently we simply can't forgive.

End (4287).

Thursday 11 November 2021

Intimate Christ Notes - (4284)

Seems like the only way to relate to our Being is with love and through love.

The Intimate Christ like all the parts of our Being has a role in the work. Actually a very important role. Perhaps even a central role.

He is a part of our Being that we learn from Master Samael's teachings is one that works very hard for us and suffers very much for us.

To be continued...

End (4284).

Typhon Baphomet Notes - (4285)

The Typhon Baphomet as Master Samael says is the shadow of the Being in us. He is every contrast to our heavenly Father.

He is a true and legitimate part of our Inner Being with a legitimate and true role to perform within us.

He takes up his true function when we begin the work. Before that His role is to teach the essence in life via the left hand. That is to teach the essence about the timeless values of the Being via pain.

He is always at the command of the Father. The dragon respects the Serpent.

Our role is to free Him. Otherwise He suffers terribly within us.

He master Samael says is our friend. Our best friend. 

This friendship is won with triumph over His designs and impulses of temptation. Otherwise our relationship is marked with bitterness.

Each interaction with him is a transaction of values. If we lose to him we lose certain values of our soul. If we triumph over Him we win values from Him.

The sword is tempered and strengthened through Him.

He is the ladder to ascend or descend.

He has been called the psychological trainer. He helps us in the comprehension and dissolution of the ego.

Until He is freed he is polarised with the ego. Therefore he has a dark appearance and is found within the abyss.

The Typhon Baphomet and the Intimate Christ are related. As is the Divine Mother. They form a powerful team for psychological transformation. 

All three are a part of our Inner Being. They form three of the main parts of our Being that do a great deal of work inside of us and help us a great deal with our inner work.

He trains, He works and She dissolves. 

He contrasts, He choses and She liberates. 

He brings pain, He brings remedy and She heals.

He is sent to tempt and train, He is sent to rescue and redeem and She integrates and ascends.

Prometheus stole the fire from the Gods to give it to men. Beethoven wrote the music for the ballet "The Creatures of Prometheus". Prometheus is the Greek version of the Typhon Baphomet.

Chrestos Lucifer: the Intimate Christ and Lucifer are linked. Temptation is Christic. Because the force behind temptation is to Christify by strengthening and helping to overcome.

The Typhon Baphomet helps the soul via the left hand of God. Basically through pain so as to learn. 

Steal the fire from the Typhon in the Alchemy. Steal the light from the Typhon in daily life.

There is a difference between Lucifer and the Typhon Baphomet. Lucifer is the Typhon freed of His function as trainer and ascends to become an archangel seated at the right hand of God because He has suffered so much and has worked so hard.

Typhon Baphomet trains for the following reasons: refine and polish, develop new qualities, strengthen, restructuring, structuring, increase awareness of details, define, test, know, evaluate...

Typhon works thrusting one into the ego and that has a special flavour. Proud of it, compelled to do it and the feeling that is accomplishing something hurling oneself into it and needing to do it quickly.

We are extraordinarily powerful. More powerful than God. Our power resides in saying no! Our no can stop even God!

Refer to post: Gymnasium Notes

To be continued...

End (4285).

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Yearnings as Points of Consciousness - (4286)

I would like to say that yearnings are at their root - knowledge. Conscious knowledge that has remained in our consciousness all this time from the most remote times of our own past.

In our heart we know what we yearn for is real and that it is possible, because we once knew it or were it. 

Yearnings are memories of what was. They are consciousness, that is conscious knowledge of what is possible.

Yearnings are of the heart. The consciousness sends the known reality to the heart and the heart yearns to make that knowledge reality once again.

Because they are of the heart and the consciousness they are powerful and move us...

Yearnings are something really causal, or have causal power. Meaning they have the power to cause something. They are the cause behind many things in our life, many decisions, many practices, many conversations, many searches, many travels, much reading and study...

Yearnings are so important for our future. Just maybe by virtue of our profound spiritual yearnings we can be saved...

Saved because yearnings are real forces in us that will seek to make real what is yearned for. We can trust in yearnings. If a person has profound spiritual yearnings, those yearnings will help move a person towards the realities that are yearned for. The yearning for freedom and for realization are the greatest...

Yearnings are hope, and hope is powerful.

End (4286).

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Divine Mother Notes - (4283)

Bottom line we have to love Her.

She is God as Mother. Emphasis on the word God.

If we forget Her, don't invoke Her, don't pray to Her don't ask Her for help, I ask myself do we love Her?

It seems like the answer is more towards no...

We relate to every part of our Being. The degree of quality of relationships to the parts of our Being is what concerns anyone of us. It maybe a poor relationship or a rich, deep and prosperous relationship.

The degree of consciousness we have in relation to that part of the Being determines the quality of the relationships with the parts of our Being.

That is why we need to study about and then experience that part of the Being. This is the general formula to increase awareness of anything.

The Divine Mother as a part of our Being is rather profound a deep mystery. Whereas other parts of the  Being are not so profoundly multi-faceted and intertwined within our universe and the cosmos as is the Divine Mother.

Our Divine Mother is the the Cosmic Mother of our inner Cosmos/Universe. So then our Divine Mother gave birth to our inner universe - the microcosmos.

In terms of parts of the Being - the relationship with the Divine Mother is one of our most fundamental relationships. Just as it is human life.

It is our most important relationship in fact, as it is with any child. We are only adults when we finish the work on the path. In the beginning even though humanly we are adult, we are infants.

The question: "How in our intimate depths do we relate to Her?" is worth asking

What do we associate Her with?

These are all questions we can meditate on and discover the most interesting of things. With this knowledge we can improve our relationship to Her.

She has the power of life and death. 

We can find here in every cell. It is most useful to find here in every chakra and from there evaluate how we relate to Her.

To be continued...

End (4283).

Sacrifice Notes - (4281)

It is a fuel. It is our currency.

It is the fuel that we use to drive the engine of our car forward towards our inner Being on the path.

It is the currency through which we pay for our advances and developments. Even for the experience of certain inner states.

It is the conscious choice of one good superior to another. It is an action of the consciousness.

There is sacrifice directed inside or outside of ourselves. However, all sacrifice starts within us.

We cringe at the word sacrifice. One of the aims of this post is to change the perception we have of sacrifice, from that of something of a deep seated cringe to something that is important and holds value  and is something that we know that works for us and is something that we need.

There are bitter and joyful sacrifices. Love, real love when it is present sacrifices joyfully.

There are degrees and degrees of sacrifice.

Each sacrifice has a value. 

Some sacrifices pay so handsomely.

There are sacrifices that are one off and others that continue for years.

There are sacrifices of higher value and sacrifices of lower value. There are useful and useless sacrifices.

There is the sacrifice of our pain, our desires, our identity, our egoic attitudes and stand points, our mental reasoning, our pride, our wishes, our time, our health, our life, our possessions, our plans, etc. etc.

Useless sacrifices occur all the time and occur when the view of reality is not present, in other words when the consciousness is not present.

We have to keep our sacrifices going. We can't stop. The Sun never goes on holiday and the Christ doesn't stop sacrificing itself for the whole of life.

It is all that moves us in our development.

Sacrifice after a while becomes something enjoyable because we do it with our heart.

Basically when we understand sacrifice we love it because it feels so loving and unifying because we gave from the heart and when we do that we are close to our Being.

Our Being sacrifices for us.

Our Intimate Christ does, our Divine Mother does. It is actually a part of the Divine conscious nature.

Nature sacrifices us for its purposes. Nature sacrifices for life, where as the spirit sacrifices in life. See in nature the animals below are eaten or sacrificed for others to eat. 

In every sacrifice something is lost for something else to appear or be gained.

Blood and sacrifice are intimately and magically related.

Sacrifice works magically and esoterically. It moves values and sets up new causes. Whereas fighting unethically does not do that and does not pay. 

What we get through sacrifice is authentically awarded and stays with us. What we get unethically without sacrifice leaves us one day.

There are very visible sacrifices and very invisible sacrifices.

The consciousness knows about sacrifice, knows how to sacrifice and has the force to sacrifice.

To sacrifice brings your consciousness forward.

Each ego does not want to sacrifice. 

The Christ is the Holy denying which means sacrifice. To deny the ego is to sacrifice.

We have to know how to sacrifice. We have to teach ourselves and learn from others on the path how they do it.

Sacrifice after a while becomes mechanical and so we need to bring it up an octave so that it is conscious - then it is sacrifice again.

Sacrifice is very intimately linked with the Christic force, that is with the Intimate Christ.

Sacrifice is related to balance and the Law of Reciprocity. Why? Because in every sacrifice there is give and take - reciprocity. With sacrifice balance is transcended to establish balance at a higher octave...

Sacrifice itself is a law. It is accumulative and infinite.

A superior law washing away an inferior law is sacrifice. The inferior law is sacrificed to the superior law. The Divine Law sacrifices...

Mastery of anything is built upon sacrifice. It is the one indispensable law to move up in the level of the Being.

Degeneration is the inverse of sacrifice.

End (4281).

Prepare for Consciousness - (4282)

This post gives some points that we can reflect on and understand deeply to help us to be more conscious.

The consciousness is the only one that sees reality. Seeing reality will give us the correct perspective and avoid us pain. 

The consciousness has the force. We need force sometimes for certain decisions. That force comes from the consciousness.

It is always best to have the consciousness present in any situation even in the good moments.

With the consciousness we save energy and don't feel sick.

The issue is not more important than the consciousness. It is not worth wiping out the consciousness because it is what can save us and really help us in difficulty. To wipe out the consciousness is to throw away our lifeline.

We feel like forgetting the consciousness all because we don't know our own way of bringing forward our consciousness. That's all. If we knew how and we feel confident in being able to bring it forward we would do it all the time we could.

When we activate our consciousness comes order to our psyche and then to our life.

When we activate our consciousness we feel the best we can. We typically think with the ego we will feel the best that we can. 

End (4282).

Monday 8 November 2021

Talks and Practices - (4280)


1.) Classical and Practical Teachings on the Typhon Baphomet

2.) Classical and Practical Teachings on the Intimate Christ

3.) Classical and Practical Teachings on the Divine Mother

4.) Activating the Consciousness - Practical Techniques and Teachings

5.) Classical and Practical Teachings on Sacrifice

6.) Self-Love and Self-Importance Practical Teachings


1.) Mystical Death

2.) Meditation on the Divine Mother Meditation with Mystical Death

3.) Meditation on the Intimate Christ Meditation with Mystical Death

4.) Activating Consciousness with mantras 

5.) Practice activating Sacrifice - Runes and Mystical Death

6.) Meditation on the Heart Temple

End (4280).

Sunday 7 November 2021

Sexual Hydrogen Si-12 Notes - (4277)

The sexual centre produces the sexual hydrogen Si-12. The hydrogen Si-12 is the energy-substance that is used within us to create the bodies Master Samael teaches us.

The sexual hydrogen Si-12 comes from the raw sexual energy. It is the result of sexual transformations, not psychological or other kinds of transformation. That is, it is the result of the raw sexual energy transmuted directly.

Sexual energy is better seen and understood as creative energy. Which is the energy that creates in many different ways, levels and dimensions. 

Sexual energy is multi-dimensional and multi-faceted. Within the creative energy are also many qualities. It has many elevated forms of expression much of which we don't really know about. 

Whenever something is created there is creative energy involved. 

The raw sexual energy as we can appreciate is the best product that the human body produces. Rightfully so as it is the seed, the blueprint for reproduction. Nature always reserves the best so that the best can surge forth and continue. Only the strong survive it is said.

It is said that much of our body's reserves and energies go into producing the raw sexual energy.

It makes sense that the creative energy be somehow harnessed as it contains a great quantity of energy. If only that energy can be taken and made useful to us is the question we often contemplate. Well, a good Gnostic student knows how.

Energy is certainly not made useful expending it into space. Just as the sun's energy is most useful when it reaches a planet.

The sexual energy is the creative energy in physicality, which later can become creativity and genius in the mind and love and inspiration in the emotions and heart. 

When the body produces the sexual energy it does not have in mind any of the connotations that are typically related to sex or sexual energy. Which can often have a guilt related  or misbehaving kind of quality to them.

The body produces the sexual energy independent of the mind and so it is pristine but our mind colours it as does the way we use it.

If God used it to create human beings and the body makes it without mind then there can not be anything wrong with it or evil about it. Once again such questions are all to do with the way we relate to it and use it.

The body produces the sexual energy naturally as a totally natural cosmic substance-energy. Our minds superimpose many perceptions, concepts, ideas, desires, uses, feelings onto it, which are not in the spirit of seeing the sexual energy as natural and cosmic as it really is.

The sexual energy in nature is clean and powerful. It is as clean and powerful as the force of life is. If we just look at life on this planet we will see how powerful it is.

Sexual hydrogen Si-12 is the result of sexual transformation not psychological transformation. The physical-vital sexual energy basically creates bodies and so the sexual Si-12 creates internal bodies by the means of inner sexual transmutation.

The sexual energy has a spiritual dimension to it as well as a causal dimension to it.

End (4277).

Start with your Attention - (4279)

What is helping me very much is working with my attention. 

Most of all holding it and not allowing it to become fragmented. That is trying to keep it as whole as possible.

The precious thing about our attention is that it is our power. With our attention we can do marvels. Solve difficult problems. Observe and comprehend what is going on inside of ourselves, meditate and witness insight and revelation, 

We can trust our attention to help us.

Our attention is the door way to our consciousness. Holding our attention with no thought causes our consciousness to appear.

We need to know how to bring our consciousness so that we can use it when we really need it. For decisions, for comprehension, to act correctly, to pray, to mediate, to transmute etc. etc.

End (4279).

No Time Shows the Essentials - (4278)

When you have no time, you can't read, study and practice the runes, read up about a saint or do the practices that a certain saint did, or study and practice with the elementals, etc. you just have to address your immediate most pressing inner needs.

Those needs always turn out to be either to die in something or awaken in something.

End (4278).

Thursday 4 November 2021

Best to Work with the Collective Spirit not Only for Ourselves - (4276)

I firmly say that the work on ourselves is not to work on ourselves only. It is also to work for the collectivity. To care somewhat for the collective.

Because we are tangibly all part of the collective and if the collective suffers we may be ok for a while but soon the suffering of the collective will come to us. Our bubble will be affected. We will suffer also.

If the collective is prospering then all individual bubbles will also prosper. In that case as a Gnostic student or teacher - our immediate collective is our Gnostic group and there are greater collectives of the Society and association as well.

End (4276).

Activating Consciousness - (4274)

To remember the consciousness is the first step.

Hold attention and focus on something. All attention and not thinking.

Knowing that we are holding our attention so to awaken is what makes us to activate our consciousness.

Then not thinking, not identifying with thoughts and emotion keeps our moment of awakening going. 

End (4274).

Wednesday 3 November 2021

We Don't Know Personality Until Friction - (4273)

We don't really know much about our personality until we interact with others who have a very different personality.

This includes those of the opposite sex, those of a different nationality and those of very different backgrounds such as those brought up in the country.

Until then we don't know the good and bad about the personality that we have assumed from society and our environment. 

We will discover some good aspects and some aspects which we think are right and good but can really be done better.

End (4273).

Monday 1 November 2021

Lost in Archetypes - (4272)

We can get easily lost in archetypes. 

They are good though to teach us about the different qualities that exist.

Obviously some of the qualities we have or admire, do correspond more to one particular archetype than others.

What gets in the way are the different "I's" that we have.

The "I's" that we have interfere with our relationship to the archetype qualities. We may relate well with them or not so well. 

We can focus on the qualities and assess our relationship to them and that way see the different "I's" we have that do not relate well with those qualities.

In the end we have to get practical about those qualities, which means knowing the "I's" that interfere or make the relationship poor and then work and work to weaken and dissolve those "I's".

End (4272).

Conscious Connection to Everything - (4271)

There are so many ways to live one's day more with the consciousness. 

One interesting way that occurs to our consciousness is to connect our consciousness to everything that we do in our day.

Connect even to our day first thing in the morning. To be grateful for the day we have today, to be grateful to be alive and to have a physical body. To be able to say good morning or hello to someone.

To connect to the cat we feed in the morning. To contemplate it for a moment. To wonder how it is going in its life. To look at it, to see how it is, to see it is as one of God's creations, that it is part of the planet, serving life and it has an essence with a Monad.

Connect to our clothes, that someone somewhere made them, shipped them and unpacked them. That someone designed them, conceived of them and made the material for it to be made. See how many oceans and countries it has traversed to be here on your back... 

End (4271).

Sunday 31 October 2021

Why Don't the Clairvoyant Healers See the Initiatic Path? - (4270)

I don' really know because I am not one...

But I have often wondered that, why these people with great seeing faculties don't see the initiatic path.

Just because the blind man can't see the Sun, doesn't mean that the Sun does not exist...

I also wondered that if they did see the initiatic path why wouldn't they follow it. Why don't they talk to you about the trials, the tests, the initiations, the purifications, the negotiations with the Law etc.

One thing that is true is that they have the right to chose to follow it or not follow it if they see it...

Is their vision limited or conditioned to not see it? It is because it is not their path and so they don't see it? It is of no interest to them so they don't see it? If they were to pursue the path would they have to renounce their faculties and so that would mean their mission in life would change and that is not what is meant to happen for them and so they don't see it? I don't know really - but it is a curious thing that always made me think...

They often don't talk about the path - does that mean that they have not seen it yet as Master Samael and others who self-realised saw it and walked it?

End (4270).

Thursday 28 October 2021

Why Tolerate Egoic Pain? - (4269)

What about if in a moment we wake up and ask ourselves why are we tolerating feeling like this, why do we tolerate these most unpleasant and painful feelings inside of ourselves? We would change. We would no longer want to feel these painful feelings anymore and we would make immediate efforts to stop suffering and stop hurting ourselves and therefore stop hurting others.

Why do we tolerate egoic pain? Because something has not sparked or energized our consciousness enough to wake up to that and supply the force to decide to radically end the pain or end the circumstances.

End (4269).

About Hurting Others - (4267)

We may have nice feelings towards people. Tender feelings even. We get angry and we go to hurt them. Of course they can get hurt and do get hurt, but what is going on inside of ourselves? This is well worth investigating... 

We are hurting the tender feelings we have towards people and we enjoy harming those tender feelings, which are our own feelings. Those feelings are in us not in the other person or people. Other people  happen not to see these feelings.

We are hurting something I would say that is noble within ourselves. We are hurting and destroying our own noble feelings and a part of ourselves enjoys that - it is like a kind of emotional masochism. Which comes from us enjoying emotional pain or finding that emotional pain is kind of fascinating.

We like pain due to punishing ourselves. We like to punish ourselves after having failed at something and failure hurts.

We like to hurt others but we don't want that things fail or get seriously hurt. Maybe we hurt our feelings by hurting others so that they do fail and we learn a lesson that gives us the force to stop hurting ourselves and others.   

Basically we hurt others because we like to hurt our own tender and noble feelings. 

Those who are sadistic are really those who like first hurting themselves. 

We hurt others sadistically especially when we perceive there to be a weakness, that is where the other person's happiness seems dependent on the relationship going well.

End (4267).

Michael on the Bus - (4266)

After many months of observing while catching the bus I can say the following:

True that he has physical disabilities.

True that he talks to people on the bus and tries to get them to buy him a coffee or lunch.

True he talks to women more than men.

True he walks around the city most of the day.

True people try to avoid and ignore him.

Not true that he is a problem.

Not true that he is a pain.

Not true that he is unlikeable.

Not true that he is unworthy of love.

No person is a problem. The problem is that we can't deal with the thoughts or emotions that the impressions from him to us provoke inside of ourselves.

Truly working on ourselves we resolve much of the difficulties we have with people. The answer and solution to many issues with people resides in working on ourselves.

End (4266).

Inner Hidden Treatment of Others is what Counts Most - (4268)

Master Samael said that what counts most is how we treat others internally. 


Because that is the exact measure of how we really are.

We can treat others well physically but internally treat them very harshly. A contradiction. But still what we really are is what is going on inside of ourselves. Because from our thoughts we feel adn then we act. Thoughts and feelings are all outside of us.

We can treat another harshly but still treat them well inside of ourselves. That is what the masters do when they need for our consciousness to learn something. It is a conscious operation done for the benefit of the essence that has to learn through that side of things, for some reason...

Of course we can also treat someone badly inside of ourselves and treat them badly in words and actions.

In conclusion, the truth holds: treating others badly is to treat ourselves badly. We treat others how we treat ourselves.   

End (4268).

Link Sexual Energy to the Heart - (4265)

The conclusion is that it is best to link and fuse our sexual energy with the heart.

The heart contains noble values. When we link the sexual energy to the heart the sexual energy is then used nobly.

Linking the sexual energy to the heart also allows the heart to look over and influence the sexual energy. That is to order it and better direct it within ourselves with higher quality.

End (4265).

Being and You: No Need to Divide - (4264)

When we pray or remember our Being, see and feel that you are praying to yourself and our Being together. When we remember our Being see and feel we are remembering ourself and our Being together.

No more that we are here and the Being is there up there somewhere. No more of that duality or division but more of that unity.

Of course degrees and degrees of unity in our vision according to our capacity.

End (424).

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Greet Each Thought More Positively than Not - (4263)

To not strain the mind and not introduce tension or tightness into our brain, greet each thought positively. Almost as if to welcome it. 

I would say with a kind of smile...

Each thought contains a parcel of knowledge about ourselves waiting to be discovered.

Each thought is an expression of ourselves.

It takes a bit of practice to greet and see each thought without judgment. It is not too hard once we get the hang of it. It is worth making the effort. This is entirely within the traditional practice of meditation. 

We are interested in seeing into each thought not judging each thought.

Seeing leads to comprehension of a thought, and the thinker of the thought. Judgment on the other hand does not lead to comprehension or insight of a thought. It often leads to negative thought.

Comprehension leads to transformation and that is what we are interested in.

End (4263).

Link to Master Samael - (4262)

Today is a great day to link internally to Master Samael. To the spiritual force from his Being, that expresses through his teachings and wishes to liberate us. 

We need Master Samael for our liberation. I link with joy and hope and to align my centres, heart, mind, will and consciousness for what his mission on this Earth was for.

End (4262).

Saturday 23 October 2021

Where are you Investing your Attention? - (4261)

If we invest our attention on something we give it life. If we are trying to stop smoking and we think about smoking we'll end up smoking again. What we put our attention on we amplify or strengthen.

The past, problems, negative thoughts and ideas, negative words are things we often put our attention on and of course that drags us into our own abyss, using our own attention.

End (4261). 

Accept, Know and Higher Force - (4260)

Accept whatever it is that we are feeling. Accept as fully and as thoroughly as we can. Know it as deeply and as thoroughly as we can. Know it as a value outside of duality. Once knowing it in depth take it up to a higher, nobler force within our interior Divinity. Joining it to the heart. Then there is transformation.

Actually when we take a feeling or impulse up to our Being or interior Divinity we are sublimating.

End (4260).

Friday 22 October 2021

Bare Attention is the Only Thing that does not Do - (4259)

Meditation is not to do anything but rather to be. 

Attention free from the motivation that comes from fear, ambition, desire etc. is what meditates.

Bare attention we can get too when we don't want to do anything in meditation and have no goal, not even the goal to be open and quiet.

End (4259).

Your Power is My Fear - (4258)

I heard m.m.m saying this in classes a few times this week.

Reflecting on it, it is true. No one has any power over another unless it is given. Fear, attachment, pride etc. gives others power over us.

Whenever we feel overpowered or controlled, remember this truth. Know that you are contributing directly to that situation and then understanding that you will know what to do.

End (4258).

After a Psychological Storm or Earthquake Recharge the Solar Plexus - (4257)

After intense psychological upheavals or storms or earthquakes head to the ocean or a stream of naturally flowing water or a river and meditate opening the solar plexus so that it can collect energy - that is the electric prana that flows off the running water. Or either hug a tree asking the elemental of the tree for some energy.

The solar plexus is where our energy is stored. After such psychological storms our energy levels are really low. It is so so good to recharge ourselves.

End (4257).

Did what you did, said what you said, thought what you thought and felt what you felt - (4256)

Accept it! That's a part of self-acceptance.

Accept it to not fight anymore, to quieten the mental storms and to move on and rectify, rebuild, restore and advance. 

That's also peace! And progress when we learn anf advance.

End (4256).

Thursday 21 October 2021

Separate from Pain - (4254)

It is hard to do. But even doing it for a few seconds helps. Even if it is hard we can still do it for a short or long time. We just need to remember to do it. It is good to be reminded and to remind others who are willing to hear this. 

This teaching or key applies to both separation from physical and emotional pain. It works for both pains.

Why it is so hard is because we first of all believe the following things:

1.) We are the pain.

2.) It is too hard to separate from the pain.

3.) We need the pain. 

4.) We like the pain - in the case of emotional pain that is.

5.) We feel a bit special with the pain.

6.) The pain is getting us attention and concessions that we normally don't get.

7.) Separating the pain makes the pain worse.

I’ll leave it to anyone who reads this to find it out for themselves if any of these points are false or an avoidance of the truth. 

All I'm going to say is that separating from pain is defintely a conscious effort and does require energy, and that it hurts but when we do it we do feel a relief. The more we identify with pain the weaker we get physically, psychologically and esoterically but even though to separate from pain hurts and relieves at the same time, we overall save energy and are not so depleted at the end. 

This is really worth reflecting on because we at some point will feel pain again. And when we do, we will be better prepared to go through it more consciously and therefore transform it better and to a greater degree. Which is to get more from it. 

End (4254).

Because I'm Superior what I think and Feel is Appropiate? - (4255)

This is a strong belief that we may carry in our psyche.

A belief that we truly believe in and act upon. But when we see it written down like this outside of ourselves right in front of us we don't fully believe that it is right.

Of course to anyone with a normal, sane and semi-balanced mind that statement or belief really, is not quite right. 

We are not superior. We have to work that out for ourselves. But I’ll explain a bit. Globally we are not superior. There is always someone above us. Superior is only a judgement we make in our mind. That is all it is. At one moment in a particular occasion we may run 100m faster than another, you ran it in 12 seconds and they ran it in 12.5 seconds. That's the real reality: 12 and 12.5 seconds, two numbers side by side. Then the mind steps in and says 12 seconds is superior to 12.5 seconds. No mind, no thought, then no superior or inferior. Then no upset and sadness nor happiness for that matter. Just what is.

Please note, all judgements are always made relative to a reference point. Like fast is good. Maybe for someone slower is good.

To judge ourselves superior or inferior is not reality, it is our own mind working and our mind using a reference point. So when we judge ourselves superior, we have to ask what reference point are we using. An objective one? Or another inner belief of our mind such as because I am Australian or American or European or have read or suffered a lot. Such reference points are subjective. Anyway it is always mostly a subjective reference point that our mi d used to judge us superior or inferior, just another inner belief that has not been questioned.

So if we are superior based on a erroneous judgement how can what we feel or think always be appropiate? It just can't be. But because we believe in that so strongly we really get upset when it is pointed out that what we are thinking or feeling is not appropiate. 

In conclusion, if we drop this belief we can experience more inner peace and in so doing we become more conscious because we are more real.

End (4255).

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Personal Justice - (4253)

The person that made that comment about needing to transcend our personal justice to awaken is really right.

That is a tremendous bottle. That experience from my point of view is really right. We have to put our consciousness above fair and unfair, right and wrong. 

The way to deal with injustice is to leave it in the hands of the Law and the Being.

Be totally giving to any injustice falling upon ourselves being a debt owed or a test.

Always good to think esoterically about injustice. Of course if we can do something to clarify the issue which will remove the injustice we should do that. Especially if it is honest, within our rights and does not hurt anyone.

End (4253).

Internal State More Important that what we are Doing - (4252)

To be aware during our day applying this principle that our internal state is more importnat thatn what we are doing is helpful.

Because it helps us to be aware of our internal state and to make us work to put ourselves into the best possible internal state. 

We can trust absolutely that if our internal state is good what we do will be of quality.

End (4252).

Monday 18 October 2021

Spontaneous Natural Attention - (4251)

That's something to know how to do: keep our attention the natural way that it is - spontaneous and novel.

The first step is to gather our spontaneous natural attention and be able to focus it onto something - where we can pay close attention to it.

We can do it with training. First we have to gather our scattered attention and then focus it.

Then we have to make our mind an empty space. Ideally that is what we have to do but realistically we have not to allow that our attention go into our mind where all sorts of distracting processes begin and continue.

That for me the key is to not allow our attention to go into our mind. 

If our does go inot our mind, our attention is not natural anymore nor spananeous. The mind tries to control it with thoughts and it also tries then to plan things for it. The mind thinks about us using our attention and comments on us doing it. Then we end up so distracted with our attention divided on our many thoughts thinking and even thinking we are doing well if we fall asleep psycholohgically that is.

Attention is like energy if we focus it on our mind we energise our mind, if we focus on our consciounsess we bring our consciousness closer to us and activate it for it to send us its light.

As m.m.m says the consciousness has light and cognition.

End (4251).

Thursday 14 October 2021

A Worthy Meditation - Explore the Perspective of Seeing Others as a Monad - (4250)

Absolutely a very worthy meditation or exploration to do.

To see in all aspects of life what that means to see others as a Monad... That is the exploration to be done in meditation.

This is I feel so very important for relationships in general and especially in the esoteric studies and work,

I believe it to be so powerful that it can quash protests, complaints and problems in us and in others on the spot.

How do I see others, especially those very close to me? As a human personality or as a Monad. Remembering to ignore the spiritual reality of a perosn is to be ignorant of the full reality of the person, and therefore because we ignore reality, we are alseep.

Being asleep brings accidents, miscommunications, dramas, difficulties, problems, clashes, pendulum swings, tragedies even...

End (4250).

See the Monad - You are not Mine - (4249)

To see people as being a Monad, a divine being translates into so so many perspectives in all the areas of life.

All of these translations are found in each moment of life, when one truly sees others as a Monad first with a physical vehicle.

Just one of the thousands of implications is that no one person can ever be ours. The person or people we have in front of us belong to their Monad. They are certainly never ours to do with what we please or wish or think is best.

You who are reading this belong to your immortal and Divine Being!!!

When we understand that we can only feel grateful that they are in front of us becasue they are there by virtue of the will of their Monad and we can only ever respect that and them and we know too that they are always free (we can not chain the Spirit) and they can go at any time - so we better behave to the ethical standards of that Monad we have in front of us if we want them to be around for longer.

End (4249).

Physical: Money Low and Frequent Police Sightings - (4248)

So its said that the external is a reflection of the internal. I have always been very flexible in this point. I found that to take this too seriously is to get unbalanced and unbalanced quickly. 

People who see symbols everywhere become weird and people think that they are a bit silly. Also they themselves create so many bottles for their mind and consciousness. 

It is a truth yes, and for issues or points of gravity it does hold true. Of the several points of gravity where this does hold true in our life are from my expereince our bank account and the physical law.

I have noticed that when my bank account is low I am lacking merit and there is an urgency to do something, and fast, to earn more merit. Give more, practice more, sacrifice more...

When we see police cars, police patrols, police stations, police badges etc. much more frequently than normal it is usually a notification to our consciousness that we are not relating so well with the Cosmic law and we need to modify things to come back inline.

The Being, nature, the masters who in the superior worlds all try to send us messages, sometimes through such physical means.

End (4248).

When Things are Unfair - Dealing with Injustice - (4247)

Lets face it we have to know or find our own conscious way of dealing with unfariness and injustice.

If we are unfairly blocked, I say unfair because for example we know others had it so easy - all doors open but for us the doors are closed. The best thing to do is to think esoterically. I reaally mean this from a lot of experience the BEST is to THINK ESOTERICALLY!!!

When there is something unfair and we can't do much about it - we must think esoterically and look to the invisible.

If things are unfair for us we obviously have debts to pay or lessons to learn.

So just pay and learn! The quicker the better. DON'T FIGHT - PAY and LEARN by WORKING!!!

Just this one key has got me where I am. I would be a mess if I didn't apply over teh twenty or more years I have been studying Gnosis. This key that I was taught and applied has never failed to help and save me!

Pay with patience, with sacrifice. We have to resort to the 8 to pay or deal with the five (check Master Samael's book: Tarot & Kabbalah).

We can fight it humanly but we can fight it esoterically, I prefer to fight it esoterically. 

Fight esoterically by working hard to really in truth acquire values and merit and the Law of Cause and Effect or Justice will by itself open the doors.

If things are unfair there is a cause for it. We have to change that cause or set up a new cause for the doors to open. 

To set up a new cause we can't be passive. The stupidest way to be passive is to argue, complain and protest and get all upset and sad. The best way to be active is to grab the bull by the horns, see what we lack and get to work straight away getting what we need. What we may need most of the time is PATIENCE and HUMILITY!!!

End (4247).

Unbottle your Consciousness During the Day from Small Things - (4246)

A good thing to do to help ourselves is to extract our consciousness from small bottles during the day.

With small things we will get practice to do well with the big things. 

It is better to let go of small things that take up our time and attention for very little gain. The opportunity to get through to our consciousness is more important and valuable to us.

For example instead of spending a lot of time and attention squeezing the last bit of tooth paste out of a tube, just throw it out and open a new one. If we are in the business of saving lots of money and becomming rich we would do something like this but our business is the consciousness. So we have to chose based on our reference points of the work, the consciousness, the path and the Being.

End (4246).

Always Try to get to your Consciousness - (4245)

A big help is to tell someone and of course first of all ourselves to use our or their consciounsess to find an answer. We usually don't find an immediate answer but the effort to find an answer is such a great help.

In every moment that we can, we can try to get through to our own consciousness. This is the training tha we need.

The bridge is our attention. If we put our full attention on something we can get to our consciousness. If we don't we have no other choice but to persist.

The key I find is to pay attention intensely! Looking intensely to get through to our consciousness. Half efforts are not worth it they don't help us to get through.

End (4245).

Who are we Listening to? - (4244)

Who are we listening to?

We are either listening to someone or ourselves. We stop listening to someone when we start listening to our inner dialogue. 

We listen to our egos or to our consciousness.

To listen to our consciousness we need to make our mind passive and focus our attention inwardly into the silence within. Or either ask oursleves deep honest questions.

It seems who we listen to is criticial. Listening is a critical thing inside of ourselves. Seeing is another thing. We either see the images projected from our consciousness or our egos.

End (4244).

Attention in Essence and Bridge to Consciousness - (4243)

We are the essence, and inside our essence is the consciousness. 

Our attention is not the consciousness. The consciousness is something a little beyond that. Our attention is a big part of our essence.

Where our attention is, our consciousness is. So when we pay attention we are calling our consciousness. 

Where we put our attention our consciousness will shed light. 

So, our attention is the bridge to our consciounsess. Our consciousness is the one with the light and the powers or abilities.

So if we don't take control of our attention we won't be able to access our consciousness.

End (4243).

Tuesday 12 October 2021

Takes Two to Make One - (4242)

To get one, two is needed. Meaning two individuals are needed before the two individuals can merge into one.

This says that a clear distinction is first needed amongst the two individuals to create harmony between the two people. 

How interesting... It goes contrary to the common way of thinking...  

Two people who are a mixture of each other according to this wise statement can not make one. That is they will never arrive at a kind of harmony that leads to a long and deep kind of happiness. In other words a unity of wills will be hard to come bye.

"Tie two birds together and even though they have four wings they can not fly."

The two columns of the temple should be a distance apart for the light to enter.

Another very interesting anecdote I was told recently is that relationships are about multiplication not addition because in relationships things only really multiply. So a half times a half equals a quarter but one times one equals one. So if we are half of each other or only half ourselves the relationship of two half people will bring an overall less - a quarter. Meaning less happiness and less fulfillment.

End (4242).

Monday 11 October 2021

Not to be Great but to Shave or Empty of Ego - (4241)

The idea of the work is not to be great or superior but to shave our ego down and down until we are small enough to fit inside of our heart or in other words empty and empty ourselves so that our Divine Being can find some space inside of us.

End (4241).