Wednesday 3 February 2016

Conditioning of Duality - (754)


Duality greatly conditions our life. One of the more powerful conditionings that we have upon us is duality.

If we really want some freedom, we really ought to investigate this conditioning of duality.

The conditioning of duality is present in our psychology and from there it affects our life.

Furthermore, the conditioning of duality seems to be a general one, that is the same for every aspect of our psychology that is conditioned.

A greater part of the conditioning that the various egos impose on the essence that it conditions, is the conditioning of duality. The essence conditioned by the ego ends up falling or gravitating to one side of duality. There is a way out of these conditioning and it starts with understanding the conditioning of duality and this is what this post is dedicated to.


In fact, and this is something that we can readily observe is that our mind thinks or takes one side of duality, i.e. for or against. The mind rarely sees both sides. It likes to see only one side, usually the side that benefits the strongest interest or desire at or in the given moment.

When we see both sides of the coin or both sides of duality, things in our mind and therefore in our internal state change. When we stop focussing on the negative side of a person or an event and look for the positive side and we actually find some positive points and focus on them, we usually experience a kind of neutralising effect in our perception, attitude and internal state.

Certainly everything by duality has its two sides, every event, every person, every object has its good points and bad points or its advantages and disadvantages. Just as every action has its duality. If someone wins that implies that someone had to lose.

Duality gives rise to relativity, that is to the conditioning of relativity. If there are not two or more things present there can not be relativity and the problems that arise due to relativity can not emerge. This is why as soon as we add another party to our environment or to some parts of our life that extra person introduces duality and then from the duality comes relativity and then pride, self-love, envy and especially jealousy appears, and this inevitably brings all sorts of complications and problems.

Search for the Conditioning of Duality

However, back to the picture of duality as a conditioning of our psychology, we have to look for this conditioning in every ego that we can find it in and work hard to undo it, and if we do, we will acquire the upper hand in the dissolution of that ego.

Duality in Fear

So now looking at particular examples, in fear we see the main point is trust. With fear, we trust something will go wrong, we with fear trust, but we trust in the negative side of the possible outcome of an event.

If we trust in the other side of duality, that is in the positive side we will not feel fear and the terrible symptoms of fear.

Duality in Self-Love, Self-importance, Lust etc.

I self-love we are actually loving ourselves through others. The other side of this would be to love ourselves through ourselves. When we do this things change drastically for us for the better.

With self-importance we wish to find meaning and importance through others, the other side of duality is to find importance and meaning through ourselves. For example with lust we wish to find intimacy, acceptance, closeness and love from or through others. Actually it is that we wish to feel more through others, because through others we feel something towards ourselves, we feel accepted to ourselves etc.

The other side in duality would be to find these things inside of ourselves or through ourselves. The same applies for the other egos of the ‘self’, such as self-consideration, self-compassion, self-devaluation, self-merit etc.

The big problem is that we don’t know how to love ourselves, find importance through ourselves, and consider ourselves through ourselves for ourselves. We have to find it in exactly the same way that we find the things that we love or like about a person. We must do the opposite of the ego in its conditioning, and this really helps to pay the karma that we have accumulated though these egos.

End (754).

1 comment:

  1. You are a very wise soul

