Tuesday 16 February 2016

Love for the Being or Yourself Comes from Loving Others- (785)

Unity in Love

When we do something nice, kind, loving and considerate for another we have a very good reason to generate love for ourselves and the Being. Because we all feel good about ourselves when we help others, and love for ourselves is feeling at ease or comfortable with ourselves. When we need to love ourselves to compensate inside of ourselves when others offend us we must become aware of all the moments that we have loved others and then positivity and ease towards ourselves will naturally flow up and in towards ourselves.

So we have to love others, to consciously develop that value of love for the Being and ourselves. This makes sense because we are ultimately one and this shows us how we are linked together. Loving others becomes love for ourselves and our Being. To love others is an investment that pays handsomely in love for ourselves and our Being.

Values Conditioned in Duality

All the values of the Being are conditioned or inverted in duality. The egoic self-love feels love for ourselves when others love us but as soon as this love stops coming to us, that egoic self-love turns to self-pain. So in short we have to do the opposite of the processes of the ego. To do this though we really need to know deeply within ourselves how the ego works, and this means knowing the ego on a much deeper level than its actions within our motor centre.


When we have love for ourselves we can give love to others. We can never give what we don't have!
When we develop love inside for our Monad by virtue of our Monad, we strengthen the Monad within us and there is no greater magnet then our own Monad. As a magnet our Monad attracts outside what it has inside, meaning that if we have love inside of ourselves we will attract love from outside. That is we will start to be surrounded by people who love.

End (785).

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