Monday 4 June 2018

Esoteric Ethnic Values – (2399)

In the Atmosphere

Master Samael spoke about ethic values. Meaning that within the atmosphere of a country are certain values or atoms of a spiritual kind.

These esoteric ethic values are of special importance to us when we have worked spiritually in a certain country in the past.

Working Esoterically

When we work esoterically in a country, the efforts that we make to acquire something spiritual plus what we do with what we achieve spiritually create these values that remain in the atmosphere of the country. These values are of a spiritual and conscious quality, because they are the results of exercising the values and consciousness of our essence.

There then comes a time so to aid our spiritual work, that we need to physically return to that country so to collect those ethic values residing there in the atmosphere.

These atoms after all belong to us and contain a certain energy and wisdom that aids our consciousness. It is almost like, we assimilate the wisdom present in those values. However, in order to more consciously assimilate the wisdom in those values, we need to be at a similar or higher level of work than that of what we were previously at. Or it may simply be that our inner Being wishes that we collect those atoms for a special purpose, only known to It.

End (2399).

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