Sunday, 31 December 2017

What's Going On Why Don't People Get the Alchemy? - (2135)

A Student Begins to Talk...

A few weeks ago a student came to class early and I began talking to him and then he started to talk about a new girl friend that he has, how he met her at his place of work, he also told me how good a person she is, that she is different, that she is a keeper etc. etc. and then he said that he is trying to practice Alchemy and he said that he didn't know how, and that he doesn't even know how to transmute. 

In My Mind...

In my mind I was going "what the hell....! This guy has been studying Gnosis for a decent number of years now and he doesn't know, not even intellectually at least!".

I have heard about this before that some people struggle, often in silence when it comes to Alchemy. 

The case I have mentioned above, I think tops them all, he was like totally in the clouds. 

I asked myself, why do people have such difficulties, when Alchemy is such a simple practice with a simple procedure. 

Simple Procedure

From all the classes I have had about it, it is so simple: connect the sexual organs carefully and slowly in complete control, remember one's Being and begin to transmute the sexual energy using imagination and the various mantras, of which there are several one can chose from (IAO, DIONISIO, INRI ...). Then dedicate some time while still connected sexually to the awakening of the Kundalini using the mantra KAN DIL BAN DIL R and then lastly dedicate time to dissolving the ego, where the man concentrates his force on the ego the lady wishes to dissolve, and they then chant KRIM together, then the lady concentrates her force on the ego that the man wishes to dissolve and then they chant KRIM together. Then that's it. the practice can even be short in duration. It does not have to be done everyday either.

So Difficult Because...

There has to be a reason, even if it may seem so complicated, confusing, cloudy, vague and difficult.

The reason why it is so difficult for some people is because of the very big egos of lust and fornication, deprive one of clarity and simplicity, and in turn fill one with a thousand different desires, complications and problems. 

In the case of the student mentioned above he was so vague and cloudy he couldn't even remember how the sexual energy is made to rise up the spine and into the brain. I was really disappointed and it made me think: what is this guy doing with his sexual energy and even what has he been doing with it? Anyway what is better than getting disappointed and thinking all sorts of stuff (you never know whether it is true or not) is to address the issue and help him (hopefully he wants to be helped).

Reasons are Clear...

These egos of lust and fornication see the practice of Alchemy as missing something (mainly the pleasure that they have habituated themselves to experience with their sexual organs), as not satisfying (because they have habituated themselves to experience orgasm or the loss of the sexual fluids), as too simple (because they have habituated themselves to bring to sex so many extra things), as boring (because they have habituated themselves to always be focusing on sensation and not on their Being or essence), and too difficult to carry out (because their mind is habituated to think about expelling the sexual energy and the body follows the mind in rapid consequence), are among a few of the main reasons.

Why I wrote the above paragraph, which is rather explicit, is to show that the reasons are not obscure or obtuse or clouded in mystery. They are instead there, real, apparent and clear. They are the main reasons. If one accepts this and searches for these points within oneself, one will improve, guaranteed, of course guaranteed, how could you not!

A Better Way...

Certainly lust and fornication make the practice of Alchemy very difficult and the way is to practice Alchemy as it has been taught to us by Master Samuel for a short time (the practice duration that is), for as long as one can keep to the guidelines laid down by Master Samael and gradually increase the duration in subsequent nights of practice. Of course during those short periods of good practice one has enough space or enough will to keep those egos at bay and one can then reap with one's essence the immense benefits of the Alchemy and this way one builds something within the essence that grows stronger and stronger in power, so powerful that it displaces these big heavy egos and also weakens them.

This way is better than the way of rolling in the mud and then realising that oh no the way of lust is no good, it only brings sickness, pain, difficulties, failure, massive wastes of energy etc. etc.

So Let's Talk Mate!

Ok mate, there are a few things here to address. 

First thing: STOP!!! 
Second thing: GET CLEAR!!!
Fourth thing: GET CLEAR AGAIN!!!
Fifth thing: GET MARRIED!!!
Sixth thing: GET CLEAR AGAIN, so CLEAR it will LAST a LIFETIME!!!
Seventh thing: PRACTICE CLEARLY and WELL!!!

First Thing: STOP

Of course stop, if you don't know intellectually how to transmute, you are not going to transmute and you are going to gravitate to lots of lust, losing control and then losing and wasting your energy.

Second Thing: GET CLEAR

One must be intellectually clear about eh practice of Alchemy. One must know how to transmute one's sexual energy, one must know the mantrams, one must know the procedure, one must know why one transmutes and why one practices the Alchemy.


Of course, if the man or lady is not in Gnosis people even though they think they are not going to fail, they end up failing, leaving, crying, and in all sorts of difficulties. Even if they don't end up leaving people who have a spouse who is not interested in Gnosis end up being limited and always signing a deep sigh wishing that they could go fully into the work and have the support of their spouse.

If you are both in Gnosis you can both understand the Alchemy, and practice it fully, with all of one's mind, heart, will and essence.

I ask, how is somebody who is not in Gnosis going to allow you to chant a mantra to transmute your sexual energy? It won't work will it. They will think you are weird and will reject it and then you will end up crying because you don't want to be dragged into that essence and consciousness darkening activity.

Fourth thing: GET CLEAR AGAIN!

We need then, to have faced all of our misunderstandings and resistance inside of ourselves and be clear within ourselves as to why we are going to transmute and practice the Alchemy. We must understand why sexuality is so important to one's spiritual practices and yearnings. One must be very clear that the ways of lust and fornication are not the ways of the Being within oneself.

Fifth thing: GET MARRIED

Not everyone agrees with this point but as the Alchemy is the sexuality of the Being, one should give the practice of Alchemy the right proper and honourable conditions. Being legally married is one of those honourable and 'right' conditions. Because it declares and implies commitment and that is also what the practice of Alchemy requires, remember that the axiom of Alchemy is one Hermetic Vase and marriage ensures this condition.


Being clear is also definition. Of course we need to be defined within ourselves that we really want with our heart to work for and towards our inner Being.

This means to be on the side of the Being and the Alchemy even if we have these egos of lust and fornication. This kind of definition means that we want to work on those egos and dissolve them and we know why we are going to that and we want to do that more than the part at wants to identify with them.

Seventh thing: PRACTICE CLEARLY and WELL!

Doesn't it make sense that if one practices clearly and well that one helps oneself the most. Imagine if you practice half-half you are going to get more confused and off-track right? Practicing clearly and well you educate yourself the best right!

With the practice we make everything real and consolidate all that we have cleared out within ourselves.


The reasons as to why the practice of Alchemy is difficult are not very mysterious but are there where we may be tired of looking. They are there though we just have to put our focus into them and to work those points. Being very clear about sexuality, knowing all the teachings to do with it also helps and this serves to guide us.

End (2135).

Saturday, 30 December 2017

Give those Lunar Forces in Us the Boot! - (2134)

A Prayer, A Rune, A Mantra, A Petition ...

After receiving some impressions of say a person crying becasue they are upset and scared for reasons to do with their health, it is hard not to be affected. At least for a while...

When we chant a mantra, do a rune, prayer intensely with concentration or petition the White Lodge or the Divine Law we feel like life enters us once again.

This meant that we had a lot of lunar atoms and forces in our system and the prayer, mantra or rune brought solar forces into us that have an all together different feeling.


The lesson here is that we can be filled with lunar atoms at any moment due to the various impressions that we receive and the way to get those lunar influences out is by bringing in solar forces and that is done by such practices as prayer, runes, petitions and mantras. It seems meditation works but not as immediately as the other mentioned practices.

End (2134).

Friday, 29 December 2017

Seeing Symbols Everywhere Can Be Imitation - (2133)


There are so many Gnsotic people that see far too much into the physical unfolding of events. They say the appearance of a police car means this, dropping a knife means this, seeing an old homeless man means he is an illuminated master in disguise, seeing a bird flying means this, seeing a cat run into you means this, misplacing your wallet means this, etc. etc. 

This all comes from imitation. People have heard the antidotes of Master Samael, Master Rabalu and many other illuminated beings and they think that what is front of them is the same, and so they imitate the statements that Master Samael said. All the while not knowing anything. 

Master Samael was awakened and so what he saw was real in that moment. But us with our silly mind think that an apparently similar occurrence on a very different moment has the same meaning or interpretation as what Master Samael saw or perceived in those moments of the past.

If such statements or interpretations that Gnostic people sometimes make (which are sometimes quite silly) were seen in that moment with the consciousness then they are right and the test of having seen something with the consciousness is that it will come true.

Usually what the consciousness sees comes true becasue it can see the real. The mind can not see the real and that is why so many of these interpretations of apparent symbols that Gnostic people come out with, simply don't come true.

End (2133).

Losing Something Every Day Instead of Gaining Something - (2132)

What a Difference

What a difference it is to live our day letting something drop off our shoulders, rather than desiring something and adding it onto our 'to do' list, or our inner quietly kept 'to do' list.

One of the paradoxes of our consciousness is that by letting go we are actually gaining, but gaining in essence, in light, in freedom, in something to do with our inner Being etc.

To Die in Something Everyday

It is the best thing to die in something every day, even if it is something minute. This can be done in a few minutes.

Just relax, observe your mind and catch a thought, question the thought and know the ego behind it and ask the Divine Mother for the elimination of it. Perhaps you do die in it, perhaps not fully, it may return. If it does return you would have died in at least an atom or two. it won't come back as strongly

Of course this way of working is not so profound, but I just want to stress that it is so much better to spend a day on Earth having done something for our Being and therefore for humanity and therefore also for the planet upon which we all live and have our Being as Master Samael says, than not doing anything.

End (2132).

When Close to the End of the Work One Comes to Know the Origin of the ‘I’ - (2131)

The End Touches and Reveals the Start

I can’t at all say anything about this but just bringing you a little of what I have heard lately, is that when one is close to eliminating the ego completely, it is then when one is naturally at the very bottom of the “I” and there is precisely where one encounters the very factors that gave rise to the origin of the “I”.

It seems that this rebelliousness against the Being is one of those factors and the deep trust in the Being is the antidote.

Read this little excerpt from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.

“It is said in the Book of Zohar that the face of the first human was identical to that of the Creator. Later on, when the spirit of rebellion had awakened in them (a process symbolized by the serpent wrapped around the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), they left Paradise where they had lived in the light. They descended into the denser regions of matter where they experienced cold, darkness, sickness and death, and their faces changed.

Now that they are no longer the faithful image of God, human beings have lost their power. The spirits of nature no longer obey them and instead take pleasure in tormenting them. But they must strive to find this primordial face again and, when they do, all the spirits of the universe will submit to them once more. Until then they will continue to resemble the prodigal son of the Gospel parable who, having left his father’s house to travel the world, ends wretchedly as a swineherd. But this prodigal son finally concludes that he should return to his father’s house. And one day humans will also finally understand that they must return to the Source – to the light, love and life of the heavenly Father – in order to rediscover their true face.


What beginners do in the work is to start working on the outer most layers of the ego and gradually descend layer by layer to one day reach the very bottom layer which will reveal to them the origin.

End (2131).

A Leap in Psychological Responsibility - No One Harms Us! - (2130)

That’s Right No One Humiliates, Offends etc. or Psychologically Harms Us

This may at times seem difficult to accept but, it is true.

The truth of the matter is what does the harm within us, is not the other person’s words, actions, look, implications, gestures, intentions, ideas, concepts, etc. but how our psychology receives, perceives, reacts, interprets etc. those impressions.

Always, if our mind remains still in the face of someone insulting us, we would not feel an inkling of hurt.

We feel hurt as soon as our mind moves or the subconscious mind moves.

So, when we feel hurt by the words, apparent intent, gestures, facial expressions, looks etc. of others we must firmly remind ourselves that they are not hurting us, it is something in us that is hurting ourselves.

Good point isn't it? When we are offended we always feel to be right in feeling
that way or on the right side of teh issue.

What About if they Physically Hit Us?

What happens if they hit us, yes that can not be denied they threw a punch and it connected and it hurt. In a minute the pain subsides and it is over. But what is not over is our mind replaying it and replaying and hurting ourselves with a countless number of intense painful thoughts.

Such understanding allows us separation from pride, self-love, resentment and therefore gives us space to work on these egos that take such impressions deeply personally and hurtfully.

Psychological Responsibility

This is also responsibility for what happens within our psyche. Without understanding this we will always blame others for the hurt we feel and we will never be able to take control or command over our own psyche.

End (2130).

Thursday, 28 December 2017

Mantra for the Day – YEW (JEHU) - (2129)


This mantra is to activate clairvoyance. It seems that it known as JEW and JEHU.

Jehu is also a part of our own Being Master Samael says.

Excerpt from Master Samael (“Pistis Sophia” – Chapter 25)

“YEW, a profoundly sacred name, related with light and clairvoyance.

It is written that Jesus the Great Kabir intoned a sweet canticle in praise of the great name.

It is written that he pronounced the profoundly sacred name Yew, and he blew on their eyes saying: “you are now clairvoyant”.

Unquestionably Yew is a mantric word or magical key related with clairvoyance.”

"Jehu was the tenth king of the northern Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) since Jeroboam I, noted for exterminating
the house of Ahab at the instruction of Jehovah." from Wikipedia.
End (2129).

Accumulating - (2128)

In Human and Esoteric Life Important it is

In normal physical human life, accumulating is very important, it is in fact a key aspect of human life.
Human beings accumulate possessions, money and titles. They also accumulate skills, experience, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, dharma, karma etc.

In the esoteric work on ourselves accumulating is also very important!

Accumulating Energy, Consciousness, Values, Wisdom etc.

The work on ourselves is really about accumulating. It is about accumulating more energy, more will, more essence, more consciousness, more light, more dharma or capital, more values of the Being, more force and strength etc.

If there was not this aspect of accumulation, then the Alchemy would fail because Alchemy is about accumulating the right or critical degree of energy so to be able to awaken the sacred fire and crystallise the bodies and to also be able to dissolve the ego. The larger the ego is the more energy we need to dissolve it, and this larger amount of energy to deal with the larger egos is attained through the accumulation of transmuted energy.

We need to accumulate dharma so to pay our karma.

The Ways of Accumulating Vary

The way of accumulating on the path is by decreasing. That is by simplifying, purifying in other words dying within oneself. Dying in the ”I’s” that we have. Bruce Lee apparently says it quite well.

End (2128).

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Boundaries of a Missionary - (2127)

Until There a Missionary Goes

In general, a missionary’s extent of responsibility with his or her students is to impart the doctrine of Master Samael as it is in the best clearest way so that all the students can understand it to the maximum degree that their own level of Being and consciousness allows.

There are times though that a missionary steps beyond that general limit to help his or her group or one particular student for a stretch of time (as short or as long as required) so to help the group or student to progress in their Gnostic studies or overcome some kind of difficulty.

There may even be times when a student is very ill and the missionary goes way beyond the general limit to do all that one can to help that student to recover or even not become more ill.

Even a missionary may get quite involved in a person’s life so to help for a short while. But to be permanently there is something odd.

Givers have to set limits as takers rarely do.

Not a Problem Solver or a Personal Healer

The missionary though is not a personal problem solver, or a personal healer. We basically have to become that for ourselves, and the work makes us into that.

A missionary can help us to become that for ourselves or to find the Being and consciousness in us that is that, but that is very different to the missionary being a personal healer or problem solver.

End (2127).

The Thought: "I am not Doing Anything" - (2126)



  • You heard that someone is doing very well.
  • You were reprimanded.
  • You were criticized.
  • You were rejected.
  • Someone expressed a negative opinion about you.
  • You have not practiced seriously for two days or more.
  • Someone else was chosen.
  • You were disappointed in something or someone.

If Any of the Above Apply:

Then say to your own mind: DROP IT!

Then next chant: KRIM!

Then just wait a little and you will feel at least a little better.

You are now working and you are certainly not doing nothing.

Here’s Why

All of the above points are relativity and they do not change you. They may make you appear ‘less’ temporarily. But the reality is that you are the same as you have been before or after receiving the reprimand or the news about someone else's triumphs etc.

Do not find yourself or evaluate yourself based on any external or outside factor.

The person that you are comparing yourself to could be doing very well and if you are not told about it you would feel just fine, normal etc.

Then in the next instant you could be compared against someone doing badly and then you are doing very well, so what is real? The answer is your own evaluation and that the result of that evaluation does not depend on anyone else. It depends upon what you have in your heart and consciousness.

End (2126).

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Psychological Tools to Survive Waiting in a Queue - (2125)

Sense of Importance

Balance, Majesty and Dignity

Within pride we find trapped, these three values of our Being says my marvelous missionary (which it seems for the purposes of this blog only, is also our marvelous missionary, as he is teaching us): balance, majesty and dignity.

Sense of ...

Coming from the balance aspect within pride are various 'senses of things', such as the sense of justice, the sense of fairness, the sense of balance, the sense of priority, the sense of correctness etc. 

Sense of Self-Importance

One of the senses as mentioned above that comes from this aspect of balance is the 'sense of importance'. As balance always needs a reference point (balance exists in relativity): "we are balanced in relations to something", "we are balanced in reference to somebody, something" we often make ourselves (which is different to our Being) the reference point then we have the 'sense of self-importance'.

When we begin to believe that we are important (assuming this 'sense of importance for ourselves as a person) we begin to create an "I", that has as its foundation this sense of importance relative to ourselves, and we call it the "I" of self-importance which is a branch of pride.

In a Queue

We have to wait in queues all the time, and we will have to wait in many queues in our future.

Often because precisely due to this "I" of self-importance waiting in a queue is very frustrating, difficult, anger provoking and silently very subconsciously humiliating. 


It is so typical of us when we are in a queue to begin to think: "I am in a hurry", "I need to get this done, it is important", "Someone please notice my urgency and serve me", "why aren't there more people serving", "why aren't they working quicker, can't they see how long the queue is?", "they just don't care!', "why is that guy taking so long, talking, he should be more considerate and be quick", "oh no that silly guy in front of me wants to do that and he is going to take ages, does he have to do it now?" etc.

These thoughts produce a kind of irritation, agitation in the human machine, along with a very impatient attitude that gives rise to an angry internal state.

All from the "I" of Self-Importance

All of the above observed thoughts are from the "I" of self-importance. The proof of this comes when we apply the understanding that our errand or task is not more important than that of anyone else, that the task of someone in the queue may be even more urgent than our task and that we are not more important than anyone else in the queue, and suddenly the thoughts stop and the agitation and impatience drops.

Why is my errand more important? Why should people somehow clairvoyantly notice how important my task is (when it is no more important in reality or in the grand scheme of things)? 

Maybe an answer is because I am running late! Is that the responsibility of anyone else in the queue? Why should they have to pay for something that we could have avoided with a touch more effort?

In Relationships

This "I" of self-importance is rife in relationships and is so painful and harmful! It is founded in the belief that in love we are more important and so we should comes first or be more important in the heart of others.

This "I" with this unquestioned and ignorant belief suffers immensely because the reality and truth is that we are not more important in the heart of others all of the time. Their Being is and sometimes for a short period of time others are and then sometimes we are. It changes, oscillates  and so we can not ever say that we are more important. It is best to think that we are important to them and that does not necessarily mean anything specific and physical, such as that they have to give all their time to us, or money or make great efforts for us.


The conclusion here is that this sense of importance applied to ourselves is the culprit to many of our sufferings in our relationships and in waiting in queues.

If when we are waiting in a queue we understand that we are no more important than anyone else and that our problem, issue, task etc. is no more than anyone else's we can calm ourselves down immensely.

This also works with our pains and suffering. When we don;t consider it more important than others this also reduces the psychological angst that we have related to it.

End (2125).

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Don't Identify with the "Person in a Hurry" Identity - (2124)

The "In a Hurry" Identity

Especially at this time of the year and especially over the next few days, to find oneself being in a hurry is something that will most likely happen, whether it is driving, whether it is at work or at home. 

When we are in such situations there is a "hurry person" or a "person in a hurry" identity that appears within us, and with that identity we can easily become identified. 

Once we identify with this "person in a hurry" identity or "in a hurry" ego we end up reaping some of the consequences of the "person in a hurry", which are minor accidents, scatter brain, forgetting things, impatience, anger, frustration, etc.


Non-identification is always the key. If we can not identify with the "person in a hurry" identity we help ourselves out a lot where we have the space within us to remain calm, all together and whole, and sweet. 

It also serves us well to ask our Divine Mother within us to dissolve this "person in a hurry" identity or ego.

End (2024).

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

No One Steals Your Essence Only You Do! - (2123)

Only You!

No one can steal your essence, only you can, when you allow your free essence to become identified with an ego that you already have or with some new impressions that go untransformed.

No one else can take your essence or energy. They can just provide circumstances and impressions that if we are not strong enough we can identify with and that then drains our energy.

But if we are strong we can isolate our essence from the effects of those impressions and circumstances on us and not be drained of our energy.

If someone were able to steal our essence, how would they do it? What procedure would they use? Personally I do not have a clue how someone would do this.

End (2123).

Someone is Taking me to the Abyss at Night – Ah Come ON! - (2122)

Then Fight if you Believe it is so! We belong to the Virile Fraternity Here!

I don’t care even if you are a lady, get out there and fight!

Whatever seems to be taking you there in the astral when your physical body sleeps, just mount a huge fight against it!

Whether it be your own egos or some part of yourself or something external – you have no option but to fight!

By hook or by crook, anyone who works on themselves and yearns to free him or herself, must become a terrific fighter against the darkness within him or herself, and the darkness outside of him or herself whenever that it is, it presses against his or her well-being or the well-being of others, not just for fun or for the sake of it.

Fight – No Matter What

No matter who you are, elegant, refined and distinguished what we all have dwelling in our interior we must face at one point consciously and voluntarily or mechanically and involuntarily within our own abyss and within the abyss of nature so what are you scared of? What is out there is no worse than what we have dwelling within.

A beautiful face, a beautiful body, a smooth and quiet voice, good manners, nice clothes etc. mean little when it comes to what we carry within. See yourself as an essence that fights for its unity and integration, the essence is no delicate nor weak flower.

I Doubt Others Take Your There

I am not so convinced that others take you there, but it is possible. We are not that important that someone makes that effort to take us down there.

Virtually all of humanity gravitates down towards the abyss at night so it is possible that we are unwillingly pulled in by that powerful current and are moved downwards. But someone consciously dragging you there is another matter.

It is possible yes, but if you don’t want to be going there – FIGHT and FIGHT against it and don’t go there.

Develop your skills as a fighter. There is no other way. We are left really in the end to do things for ourselves. Fight by ourselves or call for help by ourselves. No one is going to save you, but yourself or the one from whom you ask for help from. In this case there is no one better than Master Samael.

End (2122).

We are All a Projection for Others - (2121)

Commonly We Don’t Meet Others

Commonly no one ever meets another person. What we know of others is our projection of them.

What we reject in another person is our own projection of them, that now has become negative.

People only ever deal with us relative to their concept and or projection of us.

Projections Change

Our projection of people changes. At one time it can be that we see them in a positive light and later it can be that we see them in a negative light. What we fall in love with in relation to people is only ever our projection of them. So we fall in love with our own projections.

We can not ever fully control the concept and projection others have of us. It is totally available to change. It is by its very nature given to change. The reason why people constantly like us and don't like us is because of this constant changeability of the concepts people have about us, and vice versa.

Only when we get to know a person beyond our projections can we be constant with them. Or unless we take to people with our essence and not our concepts.


People's projection of us change because their egos change these projections.

End (2121).

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Mantra for the Day – RAM SUA - (2120)


This mantra is to develop the chakra of the solar plexus. Which when open endows the faculty of telepathy.

Besides that, activating the chakra of the solar plexus strengthens the health and vitality of the plexuses and organs surrounding the solar plexus, such as the digestive organs.

Chanting the mantra ‘U’ helps when we have an upset stomach.

Also having a working solar plexus chakra allows our body to be better nourished by the energies from the sun.

Excerpt from Master Samael (“Lesson VII – Mysteries of the Fire”)

1. Manipura is the third chakra of our spinal medulla.

2. This chakra of our spinal medulla resides in the Laabhi-Sthana (umbilical region).

3. When this chakra awakens, it makes the hepatic and spleen chakras to enter into activity.

4. Ten nadi yogas emanate from this chakra.

5. The colour of this chakra is of resplendent fire.

6. The tattwa Tejas is intimately related with this marvellous chakra.

7. The deity that rules this chakra is Vishnu, and the God Lakshmi is intimately related with this chakra.

8. The mantram RAM awakens this marvellous chakra. If one elongates the sounds of each letter as such: RRRRRRRR AAAAAAAAA MMMMMMM

9. Our disciples can invoke the God Agni to help awaken this marvellous fire.

10. The God Agni takes the form of a recently born child and when he presents himself dressed formally he wears a crystal tunic marvellously adorned.

11. Then we see the face of this amazing Being, it is like an ineffable ray of lighting.

12. Agni’s aura produces light and music.

13. Agni is the God of fire, that restores the igneous powers of each of the seven bodies.

14. The mantram SWA is pronounced like such: SUUUUUUAAAAAAA. Sua!

15. The yogi that learns how to meditate on this chakra reaches the Patala Siddhi, acquiring great occult powers and liberates oneself from all sicknesses.

16. This chakra is the telepathic centre or the brain of the emotions.

17. The mental waves of people that think about us arrive at the solar plexus and later move to our brain.

18. As such, it is our receiving antenna.

19. Our pineal gland is our transmitting centre.

20. This chakra recognises solar forces and with these it nourishes all the plexuses.

21. The yogi that awakens this chakra acquires the faculty of telepathy.

22. The yogi that awakens this chakra, does not fear fire and can remain alive amongst the flames.

End (2120).

Especially Screen Your Dreams and Visions If they Involve Others - (2119)

Ego Can’t Exist without People – It Feeds off their Impressions

The ego can’t exist and would not be able to feed itself without people so as soon as you see something or dream something relating to others be little on the suspicious side.

Screen, inquire and interrogate with sincerity, the vision or the dream for validity.

People who have more essence than ego, I know one pretty well, and most of the dreams and visions that such a person has are teachings and very rarely involve other people.

When you see and dream about teachings or are taught something then that is one way of knowing that things are on the right track.

End (2119).

To be Kind to Others is to be Kind to Yourself - (2118)

What? How? Read on …. For the Answer

When we are kind to another we are giving kindness to ourselves. You maybe thinking: “What? We get nothing and they get it all!”.

When Kind to Others

When you are kind to yourself don’t you feel the warmth coming up from your interior, don’t you feel a beautiful emotion?.

Aren’t you then filling your system up with positive atoms and vibrations?

Aren’t you giving yourself the gift of feeling something beautiful, Being-like, essence-like, Christ-like within you?

To give to others is to give to yourself.

Thanks to Others

Thanks to the other person you are able to give yourself that gift of feeling that beautiful warmth.

You also then by the law of cause and effect have created a cause where by you will be reciprocated with kindness later on down the track.

Also To be Kind to Yourself is to be Kind to Others

To give to another is to give to yourself and so to give to yourself is to give to others too!

Give yourself happiness and joy who have no other option but to pass that onto others. If you give yourself more essence of your essence, you are going to give more of your essence to others.

You can only give to others what you already have and what you have, you have because you have given it to yourself!

End (2118).

Screen the Images you Receive and the Dreams you Dream - (2117)

For God’s Sake: Just Ask Yourself One Question – Is it True?

We have many egos that all project, that is what the ego does. The greater and utter higher majority of us have more ego than essence. In our case, we have to do our best to separate the ego from our essence.

The images that we receive in our imagination and the dreams that we have for God’s sake must be screened!

A Lot of Projectors Inside of Us – Screen Screen Screen Them

Because we have the majority of our psychological apparatus being made up of projecting “I’s”, we must be careful and screen what we see and dream.

To just act or speak out about what we see and dream without screening its validity is simply to be asleep! No matter how vivid the image and dream was!

Those that don't screen their visions and dreams fall asleep fascinated with what they saw or dreamt and sleeping
people create problems.

Problems, Problems and Problems from Those That Don’t Screen

These people who do that, simply don’t stop to cause problems with students and missionaries all over and around the country and the world.

You know even those who have more essence than ego have visions and dreams that do not come true.

If we sincerely and honestly ask ourselves is it true? And look for the answer we are going to honestly find the answer that we just don’t know within ourselves. So then why the hell would one go and act on something that we for sure for certain do not know if it is true or not!

This shows us how asleep we can be if we do that!

End (2117).

Monday, 18 December 2017

It Takes Time to Recover Consciousness - (2116)

Avoid Getting Drained

When we are drained of some of our conscious energy or psychic energy due to fascination, identification and dreaming, it takes time to recover that lost energy.

When some of our consciousness cognition which is different to energy has been lost due to identification, fascination and dreaming, this also takes time to recover.

Critical in Recovery

When working to recover this lost energy and consciousness, we must exercise what we have of energy and consciousness and critically most importantly, more important than the previous action (of exercising our consciousness), is to not waste or lose anymore of what we have in terms of energy and cognition, to the ego. Don not waste, safeguard it as the most important thing!

Natural Limits

There are natural limits as to how fast we can-recover. There we must be patient.

End (2116).

Mantra for Today – PROWEOA - (2115)

A Mantra to Bring What is Needed to See or Know to Our Imagination

As an introduction, below is the text from Master Samael introducing the mantram PROWEOA.

Basically we would use it if we want to know something. That is something about something outside or about something inside of ourselves.

The general method is to enter into mediation, pray to be shown what you want to see and chant the mantra PROWREA.

Excerpt: Esoteric Course of Kabbalah”, chapter 4.

“The mantram POWEOA so often used by the schools of the “Great Golden Chain” allows us to bring to the conscious imagination whatever image from the superior internal worlds. Then we see clairvoyantly. The Alchemist should use this mantra during the magic sexual trance to see the Quetzal.”

Excerpt: Logos, Mantram Theurgy

“This exercise facilitates perceiving that which exists in the internal worlds, in whichever plane: physical, astral, mental etc.

When the student needs to urgently perceive something clairvoyantly, one should submerse oneself into profound meditation, and then vocalize this mantram PROWEOA.

If one vocalises it elongating the sound of each vowel. It is necessary that esoteric students learn how to concentrate profoundly. Profound concentration. Perfect meditation, supreme adoration. These are the three rungs of initiation. Concentration, meditation, adoration and mantram make us into true Theurgists.”

End (2115).

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Too Much Asking – What About Going Towards and Doing Together - (2114)

Work and Pray – Obeys Reciprocity

Sometimes when we pray to our inner Divinity we just ask and ask and after a while it seems that that is just a bit too much and besides that it feels as if we are not really moving any further towards what we are praying for.

How About..

What about praying for what we need or want and then move towards it within ourselves, open ourselves to it and go within ourselves to our interior Divinity and say let’s do it together. Then start doing and stop waiting.

End (2114).

Harder to Work On Ourselves Being BUSY - (2113)

Concerned or Worried

If you are worried or concerned about not being able to work satisfactorily enough according to your inner needs and urgency, then what happens with us, is that to be able to work more as we feel we need to, we just simply need to do a bit attention decluttering.

As soon as we clear away some of the identifications, fascinations, and attention absorbing issues that were taking up, not so much our time but more of our attention, we then will naturally gravitate to work: longer, more frequently and with more depth. Attention is the key.

If we subtract our attention from certain fascinations, pursuits desires, interests, activities then simply observe that you will have your attention free or freer, and those inner needs and urgencies to work which come from your inner Being will move through that free or freer attention and lead you to work on yourself as is needed.

However, it always falls onto to us to take the first step of freeing up some attention for the essence and Being in us to work and move through us.

BUSY = Being Under Satan’s Yoke

At an Egyptian Coptic funeral service, the priest in his sermon warned people about being too busy for God, and he remarked that BUSY means "Being Under Satan’s Yoke".

A nice thing to remember, even though it contains some religious overtones to do with the belief in hell and the Devil, it though, is quite right. In this case, being busy with our attention all consumed in trivial or egoic issues, is to be under the yoke of the ego.

End (2113).