Monday, 18 December 2017

Mantra for Today – PROWEOA - (2115)

A Mantra to Bring What is Needed to See or Know to Our Imagination

As an introduction, below is the text from Master Samael introducing the mantram PROWEOA.

Basically we would use it if we want to know something. That is something about something outside or about something inside of ourselves.

The general method is to enter into mediation, pray to be shown what you want to see and chant the mantra PROWREA.

Excerpt: Esoteric Course of Kabbalah”, chapter 4.

“The mantram POWEOA so often used by the schools of the “Great Golden Chain” allows us to bring to the conscious imagination whatever image from the superior internal worlds. Then we see clairvoyantly. The Alchemist should use this mantra during the magic sexual trance to see the Quetzal.”

Excerpt: Logos, Mantram Theurgy

“This exercise facilitates perceiving that which exists in the internal worlds, in whichever plane: physical, astral, mental etc.

When the student needs to urgently perceive something clairvoyantly, one should submerse oneself into profound meditation, and then vocalize this mantram PROWEOA.

If one vocalises it elongating the sound of each vowel. It is necessary that esoteric students learn how to concentrate profoundly. Profound concentration. Perfect meditation, supreme adoration. These are the three rungs of initiation. Concentration, meditation, adoration and mantram make us into true Theurgists.”

End (2115).

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