Tuesday, 19 December 2017

To be Kind to Others is to be Kind to Yourself - (2118)

What? How? Read on …. For the Answer

When we are kind to another we are giving kindness to ourselves. You maybe thinking: “What? We get nothing and they get it all!”.

When Kind to Others

When you are kind to yourself don’t you feel the warmth coming up from your interior, don’t you feel a beautiful emotion?.

Aren’t you then filling your system up with positive atoms and vibrations?

Aren’t you giving yourself the gift of feeling something beautiful, Being-like, essence-like, Christ-like within you?

To give to others is to give to yourself.

Thanks to Others

Thanks to the other person you are able to give yourself that gift of feeling that beautiful warmth.

You also then by the law of cause and effect have created a cause where by you will be reciprocated with kindness later on down the track.

Also To be Kind to Yourself is to be Kind to Others

To give to another is to give to yourself and so to give to yourself is to give to others too!

Give yourself happiness and joy who have no other option but to pass that onto others. If you give yourself more essence of your essence, you are going to give more of your essence to others.

You can only give to others what you already have and what you have, you have because you have given it to yourself!

End (2118).

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