Sunday, 31 December 2017

What's Going On Why Don't People Get the Alchemy? - (2135)

A Student Begins to Talk...

A few weeks ago a student came to class early and I began talking to him and then he started to talk about a new girl friend that he has, how he met her at his place of work, he also told me how good a person she is, that she is different, that she is a keeper etc. etc. and then he said that he is trying to practice Alchemy and he said that he didn't know how, and that he doesn't even know how to transmute. 

In My Mind...

In my mind I was going "what the hell....! This guy has been studying Gnosis for a decent number of years now and he doesn't know, not even intellectually at least!".

I have heard about this before that some people struggle, often in silence when it comes to Alchemy. 

The case I have mentioned above, I think tops them all, he was like totally in the clouds. 

I asked myself, why do people have such difficulties, when Alchemy is such a simple practice with a simple procedure. 

Simple Procedure

From all the classes I have had about it, it is so simple: connect the sexual organs carefully and slowly in complete control, remember one's Being and begin to transmute the sexual energy using imagination and the various mantras, of which there are several one can chose from (IAO, DIONISIO, INRI ...). Then dedicate some time while still connected sexually to the awakening of the Kundalini using the mantra KAN DIL BAN DIL R and then lastly dedicate time to dissolving the ego, where the man concentrates his force on the ego the lady wishes to dissolve, and they then chant KRIM together, then the lady concentrates her force on the ego that the man wishes to dissolve and then they chant KRIM together. Then that's it. the practice can even be short in duration. It does not have to be done everyday either.

So Difficult Because...

There has to be a reason, even if it may seem so complicated, confusing, cloudy, vague and difficult.

The reason why it is so difficult for some people is because of the very big egos of lust and fornication, deprive one of clarity and simplicity, and in turn fill one with a thousand different desires, complications and problems. 

In the case of the student mentioned above he was so vague and cloudy he couldn't even remember how the sexual energy is made to rise up the spine and into the brain. I was really disappointed and it made me think: what is this guy doing with his sexual energy and even what has he been doing with it? Anyway what is better than getting disappointed and thinking all sorts of stuff (you never know whether it is true or not) is to address the issue and help him (hopefully he wants to be helped).

Reasons are Clear...

These egos of lust and fornication see the practice of Alchemy as missing something (mainly the pleasure that they have habituated themselves to experience with their sexual organs), as not satisfying (because they have habituated themselves to experience orgasm or the loss of the sexual fluids), as too simple (because they have habituated themselves to bring to sex so many extra things), as boring (because they have habituated themselves to always be focusing on sensation and not on their Being or essence), and too difficult to carry out (because their mind is habituated to think about expelling the sexual energy and the body follows the mind in rapid consequence), are among a few of the main reasons.

Why I wrote the above paragraph, which is rather explicit, is to show that the reasons are not obscure or obtuse or clouded in mystery. They are instead there, real, apparent and clear. They are the main reasons. If one accepts this and searches for these points within oneself, one will improve, guaranteed, of course guaranteed, how could you not!

A Better Way...

Certainly lust and fornication make the practice of Alchemy very difficult and the way is to practice Alchemy as it has been taught to us by Master Samuel for a short time (the practice duration that is), for as long as one can keep to the guidelines laid down by Master Samael and gradually increase the duration in subsequent nights of practice. Of course during those short periods of good practice one has enough space or enough will to keep those egos at bay and one can then reap with one's essence the immense benefits of the Alchemy and this way one builds something within the essence that grows stronger and stronger in power, so powerful that it displaces these big heavy egos and also weakens them.

This way is better than the way of rolling in the mud and then realising that oh no the way of lust is no good, it only brings sickness, pain, difficulties, failure, massive wastes of energy etc. etc.

So Let's Talk Mate!

Ok mate, there are a few things here to address. 

First thing: STOP!!! 
Second thing: GET CLEAR!!!
Fourth thing: GET CLEAR AGAIN!!!
Fifth thing: GET MARRIED!!!
Sixth thing: GET CLEAR AGAIN, so CLEAR it will LAST a LIFETIME!!!
Seventh thing: PRACTICE CLEARLY and WELL!!!

First Thing: STOP

Of course stop, if you don't know intellectually how to transmute, you are not going to transmute and you are going to gravitate to lots of lust, losing control and then losing and wasting your energy.

Second Thing: GET CLEAR

One must be intellectually clear about eh practice of Alchemy. One must know how to transmute one's sexual energy, one must know the mantrams, one must know the procedure, one must know why one transmutes and why one practices the Alchemy.


Of course, if the man or lady is not in Gnosis people even though they think they are not going to fail, they end up failing, leaving, crying, and in all sorts of difficulties. Even if they don't end up leaving people who have a spouse who is not interested in Gnosis end up being limited and always signing a deep sigh wishing that they could go fully into the work and have the support of their spouse.

If you are both in Gnosis you can both understand the Alchemy, and practice it fully, with all of one's mind, heart, will and essence.

I ask, how is somebody who is not in Gnosis going to allow you to chant a mantra to transmute your sexual energy? It won't work will it. They will think you are weird and will reject it and then you will end up crying because you don't want to be dragged into that essence and consciousness darkening activity.

Fourth thing: GET CLEAR AGAIN!

We need then, to have faced all of our misunderstandings and resistance inside of ourselves and be clear within ourselves as to why we are going to transmute and practice the Alchemy. We must understand why sexuality is so important to one's spiritual practices and yearnings. One must be very clear that the ways of lust and fornication are not the ways of the Being within oneself.

Fifth thing: GET MARRIED

Not everyone agrees with this point but as the Alchemy is the sexuality of the Being, one should give the practice of Alchemy the right proper and honourable conditions. Being legally married is one of those honourable and 'right' conditions. Because it declares and implies commitment and that is also what the practice of Alchemy requires, remember that the axiom of Alchemy is one Hermetic Vase and marriage ensures this condition.


Being clear is also definition. Of course we need to be defined within ourselves that we really want with our heart to work for and towards our inner Being.

This means to be on the side of the Being and the Alchemy even if we have these egos of lust and fornication. This kind of definition means that we want to work on those egos and dissolve them and we know why we are going to that and we want to do that more than the part at wants to identify with them.

Seventh thing: PRACTICE CLEARLY and WELL!

Doesn't it make sense that if one practices clearly and well that one helps oneself the most. Imagine if you practice half-half you are going to get more confused and off-track right? Practicing clearly and well you educate yourself the best right!

With the practice we make everything real and consolidate all that we have cleared out within ourselves.


The reasons as to why the practice of Alchemy is difficult are not very mysterious but are there where we may be tired of looking. They are there though we just have to put our focus into them and to work those points. Being very clear about sexuality, knowing all the teachings to do with it also helps and this serves to guide us.

End (2135).

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