Sunday, 10 December 2017

Stuck In Darkness, Need the Light But Unsure About the Light - (2096)

The Light Our Hope

We may be stuck in an ego, in other words stuck in darkness and our only hope is the light. That is, the comprehension from our essence.

Yet we are unsure about it, we are sceptical of the light. We may think that it will not give us the solution, the rest that we seek.

Yet this scepticism does not help us, it keeps us in the darkness.

Trust the Light to Move Towards it, So to Receive it

The irony is that we know, we always know what it is that we must do to get out of darkness.

It is always TO STOP! Stop getting angry, stop being lazy, stop eating, stop being lustful etc.

When we lack comprehension staying in the darkness will never get us the light, we must move towards it.

When we move towards the light we can see it and have it shine on us and we can receive it.

Move Towards the Light

We can move towards the light by reading about the light, coming closer to those who have light in the area that you lack, asking questions about it and of course stopping the darkness from acting within you.

Yes at first one must proceed using a very basic and simple level of comprehension. Which is the precise understanding that one needs to move towards the light so to receive it. One must stop and here is our trust works within us.

If we trust the light, which is the same as to trust our essence and our Being we move towards it and then having that trust we open ourselves to gradually receive the light, that which we are trusting in.

Conclusion – The Darkness Must be Stopped to See the Light and Have the Light Work Within Us

Nothing comes to us for free, we must give something so to receive something. This is Law! To be benefitted by the light we must move towards it, that is stop the ego using the understanding that by staying stuck in the darkness of the ego we are not going to get any light ever. We must first give a little to the light to have its balm wash over us.

End (2096).

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