Wednesday, 6 December 2017

You Decide What You Feel – Begin to Be Your Own Epigenesist - (2085)

To Believe

To first of all sincerely believe in the death of the ego that so bothers you. This is the very first step of Epigenesis. Which is the ability to create your own internal circumstances. This is why faith and trust are linked to epigenesis.

With our will and our faith that we can dissolve the ego we can decide to feel how it is that we want to feel in front of such difficult circumstances.

As soon as we are deciding to take the liberty of wanting to feel differently that the normal suffering and pangs of egoic pain before those circumstance our path of epigenesist begins.

Forget being dictated to by our own egos of how they want us to feel given certain impressions and circumstances but decide your own feelings and actions.

End (2085).

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