Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Alchemy is Like Meditation Where You Go Beyond the Body - (2084)

Same as Meditation – Take it as Such

The practice of Alchemy is like a very special type of meditation. If one does not take it as such one will run into difficulty.

First Phase

The first phase of any meditation is to relax the body and to withdraw one’s attention from the body, so that the body does not remain a hindrance and one’s attention is free to be transferred to the observation of the mind and beyond the mind into one’s consciousness and inner Being using self-remembering.

The practice of Alchemy is the exactly the same, one must relax the body, withdraw ones’ attention from it and focus one’s attention on the fundamental element of Alchemy which is the inward and upward flow energy.

However, before that one must, also as in meditation relax ones’ mind so that it is no longer a hindrance and one’s attention is free to be focused on the one’s Being using prayer.


The practice of Alchemy if approached as if one were to sincerely do practice of meditation on one’s inner Being while using an activated sexual centre, one can successfully do the practice and derive much benefit from it.

End (2084).

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