Tuesday, 12 December 2017

The Profounder and Truer Side and Mystery of Sex is Found Within You - (2103)

Where is Sex to be Found?

In You!

We always think it is in another. Some ways that is needed but that it not at all the end.

The occult the mystery is within and unfolds an develops within.

The full potential of sexuality is found within us.

The Problem

The error and problem is that people wish to develop and unfold sexuality but look outside to do it. Within the sexual force is that impulse and drive.

When the impulse to develop and unfold sexuality extends outwards all sorts of degenerated things occur and this is what humanity is developing and doing right now.

Unfortunately, this outward expansion is infinite in combination. Showing us by opposite that the inwards mystery of sex is also infinite within the deep reaches of our own profound inner real Being.
The true and profound side which is the mystery of sex is found within us within our Being. Only using the Being’s sexuality can we embark upon the journey towards it and find it.


Then the real sexuality unfolds in the subtle awareness of one’s inner development, where we see how it links us, draws us closer to ourselves (Real Inner Being), divides that from ourselves which is useless (ego) and creates and modifies within us.

End (2103).

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