Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Line of Fantasy within a Person - (2100)

Lines of Fantasy and Reality

Within a person there is a line of fantasy and there is a line of reality.

The line of reality in a person is steady and constant, because it is always there, whether the person sees it or not.

The line of fantasy in a person is not steady and constant, it varies widely.

We can represent this situation with a graph. With the vertical axis being fantasy and the horizontal axis being reality.

The blue line - the fantasy line where it travels close to reality - the horizontal axis but later drifts far off.
At times our fantasy or ideas are close to reality and meet with reality and at times they veer off far from reality and then with some kind of a disappointment come back to reality and again then they gradually move away from reality once again and so on and so on in our life.

Our aim is to be always close to the reality!

End (2100).

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